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71.79% Ballad Of Blood (R-18) / Chapter 25: Ch 24 The Song Of Suffering

Kapitel 25: Ch 24 The Song Of Suffering


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[Hundreds Of Years Earlier] [Antediluvian Capitol Of Aen Visol, Human-Aelven Wars]

A huge glistening Aelven City sat beside a broad lake with crystal clear water.

In times of the past this City was known as the Pearl of Terrium, An Elysian-esque City known by all as the Flower of Terrium, A Veritable Utopia at the Heart of The Revered Antediluvian Empire....But those days were long gone.

Aen Visol was the only remnant of The Antediluvian Empire, the last bastion of Aelven power.....All other Castles, towns, and villages razed to the ground.

All their inhabitants slaughtered en masse, the men tortured for fun or burned alive, the women raped for days before being killed or clasped in slavers chains....

This was the fall of an Empire.

Now the Sword of Damocles hung over the entire City as the Human Armies, numbering in the Millions besieged the Flower of Terrium and its white walls.

 Millions of humans were entrenched around the perimeter of the city, all of them on a 'Holy Crusade' in the name of their God Barthos and under the direct command of their Powerful leader, Sigfried known by the humans as 'The Red Phoenix'....

Thousands of huge siege engines faced the once perfect glistening white walls of the magnificent city, now speckled with scorched craters and cracks along it's hundred meter heights.

Down in one of the many human artillery batteries the humans hard work could be heard.

"!!!!CRANK HARDER YOU CUNTS!!!!" The roar of a grizzled artillery commander was heard as he walked behind hundreds of catapults and their crews which numbered in the thousands.

Over the sounds of war and death, the distinct noise of the torsion mechanisms being cranked could be heard.



Once the Commander saw all the catapults were torsioned he bellowed out the next command.

"LOAD THEM UP!!!!" The Grizzled Commander roared out.

Instantly the sweaty and tired crews scurried to heave the two hundred pound lead balls onto the Siege Engines.

As soon as the projectiles were set down, hundreds of robed individuals emerged from the rear....Mages.

The human mages walked to the heavy projectiles and began the process of imbuing the heavy projectiles with a mana charge.

The non mage artillery crews shrunk back in fear as the projectiles thrummed loudly, each absolutely brimming with the somewhat unstable power.

Once the mages finished their procedure they all retreated back to a safe distance before the crews got into position while awaiting their orders.

"!!!!!!FIRE!!!!!!!" The booming voice of the commander was heard and all the lead crewmen pulled the firing levers on their huge machines.



Hundreds of hulking lead projectiles sailed through the sooty air toward the once beautiful walls of Aen Visol.






Scores of mana charged projectiles smashed into the massive walls while others flew clean over into the city.

most which overshot the wall were blasted by powerful spells by the Imperial Mages and turned to dust....but not all were stopped.

Terrible explosions shook the very earth, clouds of shrapnel and debris flew in all directions from both the walls and town just inside.

Once all human crews had recovered their bearings after the earthshaking blast, they looked at the massive walls and noticed many new scorched marks all along the walls.

A massive cheer emerged from the human army after seeing the devastating effects of their weapons.

But as soon as the cheers sounded, another noise was also heard.

A high pitched droning whistle could be heard by millions of humans and all felt fear in their bloodthirsty hearts.





One of the human commanders could be heard yelling out as the whistling sound grew closer and louder in only a split second.




Hundreds of four foot long mana charged Scorpion bolts whizzed through the air, all found their marks perfectly among the siege engines and dense packs of human warriors.




One after another the bolts impacted, Fearsome Green explosions of mana could be seen at every impact to a most gruesome extent.

The human warriors were nothing but meat in the face of the explosions, blood spattered by the hundreds of gallons all at once.

A second or two after the blood sprayed all the humans near the impacts were hit by falling chunks human meat....But none were fazed in the slightest.

"TORSION THE CATAPULTS!!!!" The Grizzled artillery commander yelled once again and his men moved without hesitation.



"LOAD PROJECTILES!!!!" The commander bellowed out.

As soon as all the catapults were loaded he was about to have the mages charge the shots but something more pressing caught his attention.

The dreadful whistling sound of Skorpion Bolts..

"GET DOWN!!!!!" The commander yelled out before throwing himself into a nearby trench along with a few of his men.




The huge Scorpion Bolts flew once again, with deadly accuracy.




The commander peeked out and saw one bolt flying directly toward one mage who stood without any fear, confident that his barrier spell would surely protect him....Foolish.

As soon as the bolt hit the magic barrier it ripped through the magic, the next instant a powerful blast red chunky mist sprayed.

Every human for twenty meters around was spattered and sprayed by bits of blood and gore...the next instant the other Skorpion bolts impacted and causing casualties and bloodbath wherever they hit.

catapults had been destroyed, along with many crewmen but still thousands remained and thousands more could still be delivered to the siege....A futile resistance.

The Commander crawled out of the trench and wiped the earth and chunks of meat from his armor before yelling out once more.

"MAGES CHARGE PROJECTILES!!!!" The commander bellowed out and before long another destructive volley was launched by thousands of catapults.

*BOOM!!! *BOOM!!! *BOOM!!! *BOOM!!! *BOOM!!!

*BOOM!!! *BOOM!!! *BOOM!!! *BOOM!!! *BOOM!!!

*BOOM!!! *BOOM!!! *BOOM!!! *BOOM!!! *BOOM!!!

The Projectiles impacted once more but did little to phase the stalwart defenders, On the battlements of Aen Visol were scores of Skorpions manned by Aelven soldiers in fine imperial armor.

All Aelves in Aen Visol knew their end would come eventually, as it did for all the others of their race.....But by the Goddess's name they'd not go down without a fight.

"Scorpions acquire targets!" The stoic voice of an Aelven commander was heard, his well trained men began calling out their readiness after finding a worthy target.

"Check!" "Check!" "Check"

"Check!" "Check!" "Check"

"Check!" "Check!" "Check"

"Check!" "Check!" "Check"

When the Aelven commander heard all of his men ready he gave the order.

"FIRE." The Stoic commanders voice sounded and the next instant the Skorpions triggers were pulled.





Another deadly shower of magically charged bolts rained down on the inconceivably massive numbers of humans and their siege engines, even from this great distance the shower of blood and gore could be seen clearly by the Skorpion crews.

"Load." The Aelven Skorpion Commander ordered, his men moved swiftly to load their frighteningly effective weapons.

Just as most finished loading, another volley of enemy Projectiles came raining down on Aen Visol's walls, the Aelven crews momentarily took cover along the battlements.

Far away, At the center of the sprawling Aelven City was a massive White Walled fortress,The Imperial Palace....

Standing upon one of the highest balconies stood two ethereal looking Aelves in imperial regalia, the Emperor and His Empress...Once the most powerful figures in all of Terrium now reduced to nearly nothing.

"Husband...we will die soon." Empress Pheobe's smooth voice sounded, her tone emotionless and calm.

Her husband who stood beside her nodded at her words and sighed momentarily before responding.

"Have you chosen the way you wish to go? Banewillow would be the most pleasant way." Emperor Arin spoke, his voice calm and steady but his heart dreary with grief of what had befallen his people.

The Empress took her husbands hand into her own before responding.

"I don't wish to take a poison, I'm going to jump from this balcony when the time comes." The Empress spoke softly.

"Very well I accept your choice..... I have chosen to pass while defending the Goddess's temple, The Alchemist Faevin has manufactured enough Blackebloode potion for all my men and myself." Emperor Arin spoke calmly as another wave of projectiles struck his walls and city below.

"Ah.....The serum that gives one incredible strength and speed at the cost of their lifeforce.....A good choice Husband." Empress Phoebe spoke with an approving tone before a wailing cry was heard behind them.

"Uwaa!!! Uwaa!!! Uwaa!!! Uwaa!!!" A blonde haired Aelven baby cried out from behind them.

The Empress sighed in annoyance before walking over and picking up the fussy baby and moving to where her husband was standing.

"The spymaster found such a loud one....nothing like our Linnea." The Emperor spoke while looking over in disapproval of the Aelven infant.

"Aye...quite loud, but a good replacement....they almost look identical." Empress Phoebe spoke while looking at the little baby girl in her arms.

"Indeed, I almost feel like hugging this one since she remind me so much of our princess...." The Emperor spoke, for the first time a hint of emotion in his voice while thinking about his beloved daughter.

"How many Gryphon Knights did you send with Linnea?" The Empress asked while thinking of her real daughter.

"I sent forty of our best, plenty of the most loyal in the household and many other Aelven babies....they should be flying over the Mons Terminus range as we speak." Emperor Arin spoke with a longing glint in his eyes before speaking once more.

"Have all Civilians been given Banewillow concoction for when the time comes?" Emperor Arin asked his wife.

"Yes, All of them have a dose."

The Empress spoke while secretly wiping a tear that began forming in her eye.

"Good....Good.... Oh by the way, The treasury has been taken to the Dwarves through thousands of storage gems.....When our race rises again they shall not be found wanting..." The King spoke while watching his Scorpion bolts explode down below and rip thousands of humans into chunk meat.

"Are you sure those creatures won't just keep it for themselves? I doubt they'll hold it in their 'Bank' after Antediluvia has fallen and none is there to keep them honest, their greed is simply too strong."

The Empress spoke with a tinge of concern in her voice, every Dwarf she ever met had been brash, drunk, and addicted to hoarding gold after all.

"Our descendants shall not be cheated...King Harald and I have signed into a Bloodline Oath.... To both Aellarith and Thrumnir."

The Emperor spoke and instantly his wife seemed to visibly relax.

"On what conditions?" She asked.

"King Harald asked for what all Dwarves always ask for..." Emperor Arin spoke with a sigh while remembering his dealings with the short burly King....

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[Somewhere over The Mons Terminus Range]

High above the seemingly never ending Worlds End Mountains, Gryphons flew...

*FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... 

*FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... 

*FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... 

*FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... 

*FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP...

Massive armored Gryphons flew swiftly over the Gargantuan Mons Terminus mountains.

The Gryphons were 10m/32.8ft in length, 5m/16.4ft tall with massive wings, spreading 20m/65ft from tip to tip.

Except for the lead Gryphon, all carried many Aelves on their backs, If one looked closely they'd notice many of the Aelves holding babies wrapped in thick warm blankets, one in each arm.

At the head of the pack was a Pure White Gryphon far larger than the rest, it bore intricate Gilded Armor which must've cost several fortunes.

Riding atop the majestic armored beast was the personal Guard to the exalted Empress Phoebe.

Filania 'The Bloody Whirlwind' was renown across all Terrium, an immensely tall female Knight with a scarred face who wore legendary golden armor and wielded Arkvart, a legendary mythril blade which hung at her hip.

In Filania's arms she held a sleeping baby, the Blonde Aelven infant was wrapped tediously in warm soft blankets and had a peaceful look on its sleeping face.

*FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... 

*FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... 

*FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP...

*FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP... *FLAP...

After another half hour of flight, The scarred female knight heard the baby Coo softly, she looked down at the little Princess who had just awoken.

The baby babbled a bit, seemed she was hungry so The Imperial Knight summoned a bottle of warm milk from her dimensional storage to feed the Linnea.

"Hey Linnea here's your milk~ Drink well my Princess~" the usually stern female knight spoke softly with a smile on her face.

The baby let out a small giggle before beginning to drink from the bottle nipple without any fuss.




The icy wind blew as they continued forward.

The Gryphon Knights remained stoic faced, but the many Household Aelves had tears falling from their vibrant eyes, All Of The Aelven Race Knew Heartache like none before them...

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[Hundreds of years later] [Mc Pov]

I awoke to the sound of a songbirds chirping and a soft voice incoherently murmuring.

My eyes opened slowly and instantly noticed a weight upon my chest.

I looked down and found Hirni, soundly sleeping while sprawled out like a starfish on my chest, Her drool pooled onto my shoulder as she snored softly and murmured once in a while.

I laid there for nearly ten minuites before the distinct sound of hooves and scent of blood caught my attention





Potato, The Red Hart made his way forward through the dense vegetation and instantly I noticed his antlers, smeared in dried blood and small bits of flesh.

I looked down and saw the beast's front hooves were also stained dark with more of the now dried crimson substance.

But my attention was drawn away from the majestic beast by Hirni mumbling once more in her sleep.

"Mmm...Idil runes...hmm....m..m...more Whisky.....Mmm." Hirni mumbled out while still in a deep sleep, a slight smile upon her smooth face.

I gave her chubby cheeks a small poke to finally wake her up, seeing how our ride was finally here.


She hummed a bit after the soft poke but remained dormant.



After two more pokes her little hazel eyes slowly opened while stretching out her body.

"Hmm....So warm...." She muttered out while rubbing her eyes softly.

Then she froze once realiziation of where she was laying donned on her.

I didn't make a big deal about it however, she'd crawled over in the night for warmth and I had no compunctions about it.

"Go on Hirni, lets get ready, we've got some more miles to cover still." I spoke while patting her head softly before moving her off my chest and onto the soft furs.

She remained laid down with blushing cheeks as I moved over to our trusty mount.

"Hey buddy, just what the hell did you fight?" I asked the majestic beast upon reaching his side, the stench of blood filling my nose.


Potato just sniffed loudly in my direction in response to my question.

"Stay still so i can clean your antlers off okay?" I asked the creature and he stamped his hoof softly while letting out a small vocalization before I pulled out a rag from my storage and a flagon of water.

Before long the beast was cleaned and saddled, just as Hirni finished getting all her belongings.

"I'm ready White Hair, here's some dried meat for breakfast." She spoke while walking up to me and holding out a canvas bag which smelled of hot spices and savoury meat, my mouth watered intensely from the delicious scent.

"Thank you, but you hold it for a bit while I pack my tent, we can eat on the move." I spoke and she nodded cutely.

[5 Min Later]

Before long my tent was packed and Hirni waited patiently while feeding last night's carrot peels to the massive Red Hart.

"Here you go Potato eat up good, we have lots of traveling so I can get some dragon parts okay?"

Hirni spoke while holding out some more peels for the beast.

the large deer chuffed in agreement before gently nibbling the offered food out of Hirni's extended hand.

After she finished feeding the beast I grabbed her under the arms and lifted her up onto the well stitched saddle.


As soon as she was seated I jumped atop the beast and settled into the seat once more.

"Yipp Yipp....Lets go boy." I spoke aloud, the Red Hart began at a quick pace northward through the forest with ease.





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[Castle at Tuskhill]

Harry and his three companions had stayed the night at Viscount Billians Castle.

The night before the Party of Four received a hero's feast hosted by the Viscount and his family.

In the west wing of the Castle was the Guests wing where the four adventurers had stayed the night.

Harry slept with a broad smile on his handsome face, once in a while he'd murmur...

"....F.....Floren....Florence.....Mmmm....marry me...Florence...Mmmm..."

The Blonde adventurer sleeptalked while dreaming of his one true love, Once he'd dreamed about his past life but after meeting the Paladin-ess of Barthos his dreams had only been filled with dreams of her.

Eventually the Light from outside awoke him from his blissful dreams, he sighed after realizing his dreams were not actually real...

Soon after, the handsome man rose and walked over to a nearby water basin of water, his bare back bore several vicious scars, proof of the many adventures he'd survived after beginning his new life on Terrium.

He washed his face slowly from the basin before walking next to his bed once more and grabbing the Gilded Flagon of spring water which sat on the opulent nightstand.




"Ahh...thats the good stuff." He spoke while wiping his lips.

In the Gilded flagon was the purest crystal clear springwater from the renown Spring near the Ruins of the old Aelven Captiol.

Before long the muscular adventurerer finished readying himself, he was armed and armored.

Harry's polished steel plate glistened and the vibrant blue accents popped in the morning light which seeped in through the glass windows as the skilled adventurer walked to the door and opened it wide.

Waiting outside were two servants seated on a stool, when they saw Harry both stood up and bowed respectfully.

"Respected Guest is there anything you need?" one servant asked.

"Can you point me to my companions rooms, We should be heading to the Gold Cavern soon." Harry spoke.

"Of course Sir, please follow me." The servant spoke before turning towards the other.

"Beth go inform the Lord that the Guests are soon to leave." The servant spoke, Beth scurried down the hall to the east while the other servant guided Harry down the hall a bit before stopping at another door.

"This is where the couple are staying." The servant spoke while reffering to Callan and Jane



Almost instantly the door flung open.

Jane, the Group Rogue stood there with a wicked hooked dagger in each hand.

When she saw that it was just Harry she moved them back into her small dimensional storage ring.

"Tell Callan to get ready." Harry spoke flatly, he could hear the loud snores of the Cleric deeper into the room.

"Fine." Was all Jane said before swinging the door shut.


The servant stood there with surprised eyes, she'd never had a dagger pointed so threateningly at her before.

"Where are the others?" Harry asked and snapped the Servant out of her thoughts.

"Ah...y...yes....follow me Sir Harrion, this way." The servant spoke and before long they were at another door.

From inside they could hear some giggles and cheers, both Harry and the Servant looked at eachother strangely before knocking.




"IT'S OPEN!!!" Harry and the servant heard Alosia's voice yell out from beyond the door.

The servant twisted the door handle and pushed it open.

The door opened to reveal a dozen female servants sitting on the ground with bright smiles on their faces while looking up at a big titted mage in modest blue robes which did little to hide her massive mommy milkers despite their best efforts.

Alosia cast a spell and stamped her Birchwood Staff on the Marble floor.



All the servants made awed noises as a small deer made of ice appeared by magic and began bounding around to each of the servants and pressing its nose to their extended hands.

All the servants giggled and clapped at the cute magic trick, to them Wizards were terrifying but Alosia seemed to be the exact opposite.

"Alosia we will be leaving soon, make sure to be ready." Harry spoke and Alosia nodded before focusing on her magic again, this time casting a small bird made of fire which flew close over the Servant's heads.

"Lets Go to the last room." Harry spoke and saw the reluctance in the Servants face, seemed she wished to stay and watch the magic show.

"You can stay here, just tell me where." Harry spoke, not wanting to take the rare fun away from this poor womans life.

"Y..Yes Sir, T..Thank You....Your last companion is two doors down to the Left." The servant spoke exitedly before rushing over to sit beside her fellow servants and watch the show.

Harry walked out and shut the door behind him before heading over to Florence's room.

Harry's hands trembled, he felt Butterflies in his stomach as he neared the door but he steeled himself and knocked after composing himself.




He waited nervously for a long moment but no response came, he knocked again.




"Florence....Florence are you awake...." Harry called aloud but no response came.




Still no response....

"Florence...I'm coming in..." Harry spoke aloud before twisting the doorhandle, it was locked but it was little issue, Although Harry was not a talented Mage he could still harness a bit of mana.

~"Cantamen Recludo."~ Harry spoke, his extended hand trembled for a moment as his magic strained to come out but before long he heard the lock on the door opening.


Harry turned the handle and pushed the door open slowly while calling out Florence's name but he didn't have to search long as he found Florence in full Paladin Armor, She kneeled in front of a small statue of Barthos while praying.

"Barthos God Above All, Bless your servant, keep darkness at bay, cleanse our souls.....Barthos God Above All...." Harry walked forward and knelt beside Florence and closed his eyes to pray as well.

As his mouth spoke the prayer he didn't really mean a word of it...

'How could Barthos be a real God when That Stupid Talking Cat reincarnated me here....still i'm a bit thankful since it put me in a world with Florence.....' Harry thought to himelf while praying aloud to Barthos....

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[Aelfheim, Aellariths High Hall]

Monwraithe and Aellarith looked into a huge green gemstone while seated on a comfortable leather couch.

"She is so faithful to Barthos....How that cunt will seethe if I get my hands on her precious little soul hehehe...." Aellarith Giggled with a malevolent smirk on her beautiful face.

"Hmm....Are you sure Kalinik won't keep her as a slave, she is quite beautiful...." Monwraithe spoke while looking at Florence through the viewing gem.

"I know hubby.....When he sees the giant melons on that mage he'll forget all about this one....But I don't know if any of them are Virgin....If they're not Hubby probably wont spare a single one." Aellarith spoke and Monwraithe giggled at the thought of how Kalinik might rip them to shreds, Her favorite pastime was watching when he lost himself in bloodlust.

"Kalinik should have been born a Laevian instead of Aelven since he fucks like a horse and is more bloodthirsty than a hundred Aelves." Monwraithe spoke while imagining Kalinik ramming Valia mercilessly.

Aellarith shook her head with a little smile on her face.

"Absolutely not....Which reminds me, Are there any of your people near Hubby right now?" Aellarith asked her Big Titted friend.

"Hmm...Let me see..." Monwraithe spoke before closing her eyes.

She thrummed with a dark energy for a moment before opeing her crimson eyes once more.

"There are a handful who visit Tuskhill to feed on Peasant Blood...But none of them would be suitable for Kalinik..." Monwraithe spoke, the only Laevians in Tuskhill were Male or Promiscuous Females who'd find themselves killed instead of fucked by the Aelven Herald.

The two Goddesses continued watching for a few minuites before Aellarith spoke.

"I'm going to visit the flames to have breakfast, do you want to come?" Aellarith asked her beautiful horned friend.

"Sure lets go." Monwraithe spoke with a smile.

Aellarith mumbled a word of power and a green burst of magic opened a portal on a nearby wall.

The two women soon walked through and instantly screams and whails of suffering entered their ears.

A small table was set on a platform which overlooked a horrific sight, Hundreds of humans were roasting slowly over low flames, Their skin would blister and pop, their fat rendered as they writhed and twitched away from the flames which licked their bare skin.

Flesh turned red then black, blood oozed down onto the flames and screams of mercy resounded all around.

"This place is lovely." Monwraithe spoke while sitting down at the small table.

"I know, I love coming here and watching them suffer....The best part is when they die I just bring them back haha...Come on, lets eat." Aellarith spoke with a lovely smile before snapping her fingers.

Two plates appeared before them, Aellariths bore slices of fresh fruit and a flagon of honeywine, while Monwraithes had slices of uncooked flesh and a flagon of human blood.

The two divine sisters began eating in small bites as the screams continued in the background.


"MERCY!!! MERCY!!!!"






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