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54.66% That Time I reincarnated as The Overlord / Chapter 39: Chp-38 Declaration of.....

Kapitel 39: Chp-38 Declaration of.....

A/n.. Disclaimer!! There is an upcoming short battle and it might be shit! I have no knowledge of fight scenes so please bear with it if it's not good.

Continue on...


Bael's Pov.

"My Lord. Here is Demon Lord Guy Crimson and Lady Velzard."

Bowing her head to me, Aria announced the arrival of the duo.


'Hmn? Did you do something Gabriel?'

[I feel... offended..]

'why?..oh right. The Angelic series.'

If I remember correctly then, Velzard should have Patience King Gabriel form the Angelic Ultimate Series. This should be the reason my Gabriel is a bit grumpy.

'Don't Worry Gabriel. To me you are the best Gabriel to have ever Gabrieled.'

[I Know.]

'What's with that confident statement? I thought you were upset?'

[I just feel offended at how weak a mere copy of me could be. It's three main subskills is just a copy the many subskills I have.]

Aren't you the copy here though?

Maybe such thoughts shouldn't be voiced infront of her.

Well, it is true that the known skills of 'Gabriel' that is Fixation, Eternal World and Temporal Manipulation can be easily replicated by My Gabriel. I wonder would the time of aquisition make any difference.

Velzard had these skills for at least 2000 years and I have acquired them just a few hours ago.

[With me, you don't have to worry.]

As if reading my mind, Gabriel replied.

'I see.'


As Aria left to guard the floor of the throne room, I invited the duo to seat with me.

We were currently in the 4th floor, the domain of Gaia. As her name suggests, this place is a heaven for nature lovers.

Forests with tall trees on one side, long snowy mountain ranges in another, a far stretching plains with Lush grass in between with a crystal clear river flowing in between and a clear blue sky above.

We were seated in the plains. In the middle of all these landscapes. How did we reach here you may ask?

Well simple really, Teleportation. But it doesn't mean anyone can teleport where ever they want. I am the only one who can allow it.

Now that Deudenia and by extension this whole continent is connected to me via Gabriel, I can monitor who is where and what they are doing. In here, I am all seeing, I am omniscient, I am Go-

[I think that's enough...]

'*cough* I lost myself in the flow..'


"So what brings you guys here? I am sure it's not just to have a delicious tea with me?"

I asked as I casually sipped my steaming hot tea. Ahh, the luxury of being a Overlord.

"Nothing just wanted to chat with you."

Said Guy with a not so convincing smile on his face. Velzard was seated right beside him, hugging his arms as if they were just newly wed couple.

"Oh really?", playing along with Guy, I asked.

"Yes. Oh, by the way, I heard you evolved?"

"You noticed?" I asked with a smirk in my face, completely knowing what Guy was here for.

"It was hard not to, when the Voice of the world itself announced it you know?"

"Definitely. It's such a nuisance right? You are just minding your own business and then suddenly some evolves and the whole world is informed of it." I joked.

"Exactly." Laughing at my joke Guy said.

But suddenly the air seemed to chill a bit to negative 350 degree Celsius.

"You have evolved into a True Dragon. First off, ignoring the complete impossibility of such a thing happening. I want to know, why do I feel a sense of Familiarity with you?"

Velzard suddenly spoke as the ground around us froze. Crystal like ice forming on the grass.

"A familiarity? Could you elaborate?"

I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"You have the same feeling as my Big Brother. Although Guy might not have sensed it due to the feeling being too minuscule for him, as a fellow true dragon, It is like a light house in the dark to me."

'Gabriel, any leads?'

[It should be because of the skill, Divinity. Every cosmic God has this. And Obviously, the Dragon God Veldanava too should have this skill or at least the top tier version. It should be the reason for Velzard's feeling.]

'Ah! That makes sense.'

"It should be because I have a skill that is similar to your brother."

"Same..skill?" Velzard asked, now Intrigued to know what it might be. Guy too was focused on my next words.

"It's called Divinity. Veldanava, as a Dragon God should have it and I too have a washed down version of what he has, therefore your reaction."

"I see.."

"Then, this means you are approaching the same realm as my Friend?" Guy asked.

"I believe so."

"Amazing....well then Bael, let me come to our true purpose of coming here."

Hearing what Guy was gonna say next, I turned to him. Although I almost knew what he was gonna ask, I externally showed an expression of curiosity.

"I want to know what your true ambition is.

What you are planning with this world."

"Hm? I have no idea what you are saying Guy."

"Haha, don't take me for a Fool Bael, I know what you did with Volen and Gemmera. And I also know you don't plan to stop with just these two kingdoms right?"

Laughing a bit, Guy suddenly released a large amount of his aura while Velzard too simultaneously released her's.

Both the auras mixed together in a harmony as they both attacked me. If I were the pre evolution Bael, I might have been sweating or maybe even fallen before the auras of the strongest Primordial and current True Dragon, but now...

Smiling at the display before me, I silently sipped the still hot tea. It has been a few minutes but thanks to the simple heat regulation rune on the cup, the tea has yet to have cooled.

'Hew Gabriel, how's the Conversion going?'

[It is going smoothly Lord Bael]

That's right, with the help of Infinite Magicule Reactor, Gabriel was converting the magicule induced aura into pure Magicules which was increasing my Magicule capacity.

Frowning at the un-responsive nature of their actions on me, both decided to stop.

"It seems you have become stronger than we had thought." Guy said as he once again started to re-evaluate me in his mind.

"Well..if you guys want a fight. Why don't I give you just that?" I said, finally putting the tea cup down.

"But you should know that We can't destroy this planet." Guy said.

"Absolutely. And when do I say we were fighting here?" As I said that a Gate opened beside me. It was a bit different from the regular ones as I used Space Time Manipulation to open it. It had a hue of Purple as usual but with a tinge of Bluish Black in it.

Stepping inside, I beckoned to the duo to follow me. With a hint of hesitation they both decided to follow.

On the other side.

What was revealed before us was a vast expanse of gray soil filled wasteland. No trees, vegetation or even life. Just plains and small rolling hills covered the horizon.

What was more incredible was the sky. Unlike the blue sky of earth, this place had a night like blanket. Stars dimming and shining everywhere, occasional large round bodies of differing sizes dotted in the "sky".

Yes, we were now in completely different planet. Far away from Tensura's main solar system.



"Incredible..." Muttered Velzard as she observed the vast expanse.

Even though she and Guy was capable of exploring the outer space, after that incident, they rarely went outside the planet and just protected what her brother had left behind.

To once again feel the nostalgia of exploring the outer space made her exhilarated. Looking at Guy to her side, she could also guess the same feeling as her passing through him.

'This guy...Bael...he is reassembling more of you as time passes by...Big brother.'

Looking at Bael who was also enjoying the view, she finally decided to break this atmosphere first.

"So you want to fight us here?"

"Hm? Yes. We are far away from anything of importance and can cause as much damage as we want."

Turning towards them, Bael Answered to Velzard's question.

"Then Let's not waste any more time."

Guy spoke as he started to charge his Magicule infused punch while Velzard stood still, doing nothing and observed.


As Guy approached forward rapidly, his right fist was just about to connect to Bael's cheeks when suddenly Bael raised his left hand to block it.

This seconds taking action sent waves of intense Magicules in the area as debris flew all around them as if a large guest of wind was generated.

Though we know space has no atmosphere to speak of. So such a thing only described the amount of Magicules being released.

Not even a millisecond passed and a round of hand to hand combat ensued.

Unlike the last spar both had at the demon realm, the current one was a serious fight.

The intent to kill was clearly visible in the moves that Bael and Guy threw at each other.


Observing them fighting with her hands crossed, Velzard nodded her head silently as she acknowledged Bael's Physical strength to be at least Guy's level.

To be able to go toe to toe against Guy when he was serious was a feat in of itself and to do that while also smiling was an Understatement. Bael was smiling throughout the exchange as if he was have fun, not to mention Guy, who was also smirking in glee at having found an equal match in physical combat.

"Let's see what skills you have."

After some minutes of fighting, Guy distanced himself and muttered silently as his eyes glowed.

Using his Ultimate skill Prideful King Lucifer, he tried to copy one of Bael's skills at random. Keyword being 'tried' as he soon frowned deeply.

"The hell?" Muttering in disbelief, Guy charged another attack, this time a Lightning attributed.

"I see that you have noticed, that you can't copy any of my skills." Bael said as he also started to charge a lightning attack.

"And I am surprised it didn't work."

Guy said as he smirked a bit despite the wariness in his eyes.

"Wanna know?" Bael asked.

"Hm." Thinking Bael was really going to spill the secret Guy waited.

"But I don't wanna.." saying so Bael launched his attack. The huge lightning morphed into a three headed dragon roaring at Guy as it rushed in his direction.

"Heh" Chuckling at his slight naivety, Guy also launched his Dragon shaped Attack.

Both the attacks collided as a large explosion occured, completely covering the area in thrown dust.

Before the dust cloud could settle, a sudden Fire Ball was sent towards Bael's direction.

Easily dodging the spell, Bael looked back to see a large explosion the size of a nuclear Explosion.

'Even a simple FireBall is like a Nuclear Explosion.' as such thoughts passed Bael's mind he suddenly felt a danger in his senses.

Dodging , Bael saw Guy punching at him at slow-motion as he narrowly bent backward to his right.

'A feint huh? Using the fire ball as distraction I guess.'

Sending a punch at Guy, who jumped back several feet, Bael again threw an attack at Guy. This time a Plasma attack.

Seeing the densely heated beam of plasma aimed at him, Guy quickly summoned his sword, blocking the beam.

Sparks of the plasma flew everywhere, some even landed on his skin as he watched in amazement at the rapidly healing wounds.

He felt no pain due to His resistance but to be able to even damage him was a feat in of it self.

"I have to say, Bael. You have impressed me for sure. Now, let's see if you can defend against this."

<Death Streak>

Guy launched a super charged and highly Radiating nuclear magic at Bael.

Watching the attack coming at him, Bael started to recall what this magic does.

Basically, it was a radiation attack. A very very high one. It had the ability to genetically mutate a living being, killing them instantly. Only one in a million was able to survive this attack and even then have to live as a mutated monster. Physical or Magical defenses was useless against it.

There was only two ways to stop or by-pass it. And luckily....

'I have Both.'

Suddenly, a golden glow radiated from Bael as by the milliseconds, the black light approached him. Soon, Bael's body dematerialized into countless golden fragments, swiftly dispersing everywhere.

As the attack passed Bael's previous position, the golden particles again converged to form Bael.

"Spiritualisation?" Half asked half stated Guy as he just watched what happened before him.

"No, even true dragons would be unable to completely ignore this attack. It must be something else." Quickly denying his guess, Guy said.

"Right on point, what I just did was not just a Spiritual art. As I mentioned before, I have a Skill called Divinity and..."

Bael said as he trailed in the end letting Guy finish it for him.

"This was an evolved for of spiritual art, a divine art?" Guy said.

"Exactly, although your attack could potentially harm me even if I was in pure spiritual form, I used Divinity to remove that small factor. This eliminating the danger of your attack." Bael said.

"Now my turn."

Suddenly, a tear in space occurred as slowly a golden hilt of a sword emerged.

Holding onto that hilt, Bael slowly pulled it out, revealing the full sword in its beauty. The blade was of the colour of Purple and Black. It had small white dots in it, those dots were actually stars, real ones.

The name of this sword was <Star Sword: Eclipse>. It was a World Item that could change into any weapon possible. Even firearms.

As it's name implies, it had two main attacks, Solarburst and Lunarslash. Both dealt 85% to 95% of the opponent's complete HP while debuffing them for 30 mins with Magicule disruption. It also hampered any form of regeneration.

There was only a little difference of attack form, one was an AoE and another towards a single enemy.

With Bael's evolution, even his gears had an "update" as the sword's combat capabilities sky rocketed.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the sword before him, Guy frowned slightly. The sword in Bael's hands was clearly not ordinary. Even from a distance he could guess it was at least Mid-God tier weapon. Atleast....

Charging Magicules towards his sword, Bael launched the attack.


As Bael swiped his sword horizontally, a long streak of purple energy was released form the sword rapidly reaching Guy.

Seeing the attack, Guy, for the first time in a millennia felt true danger. He knew that if that attack hit him, it could get seriously hurt, to the degree that he might get incapacitated for some days.

As he saw the attack quickly approaching, he wanted to use any form of defence to protect against it, as dodging seemed impossible due to the small distance between him and the slash.

As the attack was going to reach him in the next second, It stopped. Not just the attack, the blinking of the stars in the sky stoped blinking, even Bael seemed to have stoped moving.

"Good thing I was here, Otherwise you would have injured yourself, You idiot."

A female voice echoed in the distance as he remembered his partner being present here.

In the heat of the moment having completely forgotten about her.

"Thanks..for the save.." breathing a sigh of relief, Guy said.

"You also have Time Manipulation, and like an idiot you forgot to use it."

While using her Skill Gabriel to freeze Bael's sword slash, Velzard spoke.

As she was freezing the Attack she frowned for a moment.

"Truly, his powers have gotten really stronger. If this attack hit even me, I couldn't guarantee if I would be unharmed."

"Really? I am honoured." As Velzard Muttered a praise of Bael's attack, she heard a familiar voice as she turned her head at breakneck speed towards it.

"How? No one can escape my Eternal World, even Guy was allowed to move because of me." Velzard said in disbelief as she saw Bael completely unaffected.

"Well, I am also a master at space time manipulation myself you know?" Bael said as he smiled at the duo's Pikachu face.

Releasing her Eternal World after disabling the attack of Bael, Velzard asked Bael another question.

"No, just Space time Manipulation won't work, you must have done something else."

"Yeah, I did. But I won't tell you."

"Then I wi-"


Bael Pov.

"That's enough Velzard. Let's end this now.

Bael, I recognise your strength now. Your power have come to my level now, so I will treat you as my equal. What do you say?"

Before Velzard could say any more, Guy interrupted her by shamelessly declaring the fight a draw.

'But I clearly would have won if Velzard didn't save your ass.'

[Remember, He has Prideful King Lucifer for a reason.]

'yeah I know.'

"Alright I agree. And what about my ambition?"

"....I don't care, as long as you keep the world in Balance then I will have fulfilled my promise to Veldanava."


"Don't worry, I don't have any goal of destroying the world. Besides, I now will need believers as I am a "God" now."

"Speaking of, hey Velzard, what do you say if I ressurect your brother?"

"Don't joke with me, Big Brother is already dead for a long time."

"What if, his soul went to the reincarnation cycle and in a few hundred years his soul will reincarnate here once again?"

"Is it possible?", Guy asked before Velzard could speak.

"Definitely, only thing would be that I have to kill the reincarnated being."

'Its not impossible to let both Beings live, I just want to know their choices.'

"No. Let it be. If this is what he wants then we don't need to intervene." Guy said as he smiled, looking in the distance.

'Does Guy have a....thing for Veldanava?'


After the 'talk', we decided to return back to my Castle. Back to the plains, sipping tea peacefully now.

"Alright. Bael. Let's end this meet for now. We shall meet again someday." Putting his cup down Guy was the first to stand up.


"And I will aslo visit you some other day to share my experience in dealing with my small brother", Velzard said as I thought about the trauma, poor Veldora might have had to experience.

"Before we leave, I want to declare You my new Best Friend. If you need anything, just ask me."

Giving a thumbs up, Guy said.

'..... Gabriel...does he have any...'

[No such intentions detected. But it is advised to be cautious.]

'H-haha, friends.'

"Alright, see ya then." I said as I immediately opened a Gate flinging it towards them, Strange Style, directly dropping them to their domain.

'Today was exhausting....'


'This should be a first time you actually agreed....'

[I am just exhausted at having seen you being have low will do bad in the bed.]

'Shut up! As a dragon, I have the highest stamina in the world. Speaking of, why do you sound more sassy ?'

[Must be your delusion.]

'Trying new phrases huh?'




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