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21.05% That Time I reincarnated as The Overlord / Chapter 14: Chp-14 Shock And Fear

Kapitel 14: Chp-14 Shock And Fear

A/n A little notice here, chapters updates will be considerably slow this month and half like 1 in a week,but don't worry the pace will pick up after that, Anyways Enjoy the chapter.


Bael Pov..

The Next Day

After What happened yesterday with my first meeting of the Humans of this world and The sudden revalation from my Guardians that I had Planed to conquer the world which even I, who was supposed to be the one to Know of all people didn't know...*sigh* I hadn't even started to form a plan that far you know?.

Anyways, now I was in my Personal Quarters, or my bedroom in laymen's Term.

My bedroom, as with all the Luxurious and Gaudy theme of the castle was the same.

A king-sized bed in the middle with a Full body mirror in the side, beside it was a Large wardrobe which had an assortment of different Dresses i haven't bothered to look into. I am more comfortable with what I am wearing right now.

Hey Gabriel,

{Yes Lord Bael}

I have noticed that until now, I have not felt any hunger or fatigue, is this because of my race?

{Yes, Although Normal dragons needs food and get fatigued, your intrinsic skill [Spirituality] and [Dragon body] can suppliment your needs from the Magicules in the surrounding.}

I see, this also mean i don't sweat or any of the other nasty business right?



As a human, It was always an Inconvenience to go through all this tedious things so knowing that I was free from this  mundane restrictions made me happy.

Now, onto the real and 'serious' plans.

From the Meeting, I have learnt that the humans are very weak.. pitifully so.

But I can't be sure, Gemmera is not a country I had heard being mentioned in the original series, could have been wiped out before canon events started or maybe This world is really an AU..

The conclusion that I can get to is that if I take Gemmera as an average Human Country and That Carlos as a Mage with relative Standing in the higher ranks of the kingdom, they are indeed weak.

If I had been ignorant of this world's plots i would have led my guard down significantly, knowing that they are weak did ease my cautious mind though I know people like Rudra, Hinata, did exist. People who had crossed the limits of human potential and evolved as Saints or pseudo saints.

If this is the past of Tensura then there could be more Saint or enlightened humans running around, but from the desperation in Carlos's groups leads me to believe they have none. Cause if an enlightened did existed in their kingdom then they wouldn't have the need to come here.

But for me it was the best outcome I could have for my Debut in this world. A being who would be known for his Generosity who would lend his hands to those who requested it.... though with ulterior motives.

All these thoughts ran in a millisecond inside my mind when I sensed a little magic fluctuations fron the ring Guy had given me, the Original ring for the Demonlords to communicate.

[Yoo Bael! I have called for a Walpurgis to introduce you to the other members. As you requested I have delayed it till now but the time limit has passed]

Bael: [I don't mind Guy, infact this is the perfect moment for you to call Walpurgis]

[Is that so? Well anyways Rain will come to get you soon, because of the teleportation restrictions in your castle, Rain will teleport outside the entrance]


And the communication ended.

As i stood up from my bed I went out of my room to see Medusa dutifully standing beside the door.

Bael: Medusa, I had assumed you had returned to your duties after escorting me here?

Medusa: My Lord, my duty is to serve you so naturally I would guard your Room while you are inside.

Bael: I see...but next time Assign one of the maids for this task. You should Administrate the Functioning of the Castle as the Overseer.

Medusa: Understood

Medusa bowed in acknowledgement.

Did I mess up her settings to always follow me? That's why she accompanied me till here and stayed? Well ingame she was confined till the area inside the Throne Room so I didn't give it much thought that time.

Bael: Medusa inform Rhombus to meet me at the entrance, also tell the remaining Gaurdians to tighten the security and surveillance of the castle I along with you and Rhombus are going somewhere.

Medusa: Understood. Then Excuse me my Lord as i Inform Rhombus.

With a bow she left to meet up with Rhombus and Rendezvous with me at the Entrance.

*5 Minutes Later*

As I arrived at the entrance Medusa and Rhombus had already reached it and were waiting for me. They had changed from there usual garments into a Battle Gear.

Medusa and Rhombus had Divine Grade Light armour and were equipped with items that buffed their magic casting abilities.

Rhombus: My Lord *Bows*  may I know where exactly we are heading to?

Bael: We are heading to The Walpurgis.

A tea party of sorts with the most powerful beings of this world who reffer to them selves as The Demon Lords. This is hosted by Guy and Although they are collectively called Demon Lords council, only some are True Demon Lords, the rest are just Powerful Majins.

Medusa: I don't believe they would pose any threat to you Lord Bael.

Bael: Don't be Naive Medusa...i appreciate the amount of faith you have in my prowess, but I must warn you .....some of them like guy are Powerful.

Medusa: I deeply apologize for my short-sightedness my lord

Bael: it's fine as long as you learn form it.

Just then a Large door Emerged form the ground before us which opened to let out a Blue Haired Maid, named Rain.

With a Bow she Addressed me.

Rain: Lord Bael, I am Rain, one of the maids of Lord Guy. I am here to escort You to Walpurgis.

You are welcome to bring along your subordinates.

Bael: Alright then, Medusa and Rhombus will be coming with me.

Hearing me Rain seemed to be momentarily Taken aback.

Bael: Is something wrong?

Rain: Lord Bael, actually other that Lord Guy, Lady Milim and Ramiris all other Demon Lords bring their army to show off their strengths..

Ahhh! That's how it is...

Bael: It's alright Rain, these two will be enough.

Rain: Understood. please walk through the Gate.

She bowed as i and my guardians walked in the gate.

As i passed through the other side, I could see a room which was situated in a large hall, this much space was most probably for the armies.

In the middle was the round table that was in the original but larger to accommodate more people. There, only Guy and Milim sat.

Guy: Yo! You are early.

Bael: it's because I had nothing else to do i guess.

At that moment a Pink headed figure rushed before me and Stopped , causing Medusa and Rhombus to tense up.

I signaled with my hand to calm them down.

Milim: So you are the one whose dragon Aura I felt. I AM Milim Nava! The Destroyer and the One and only Dragonoid in this world! Ne! Ne! fight me! I want to fight you!

With a Sweatdrop i responded..

Bael: Maybe another time Milim, i already have a pending fight with Guy.

Milim: Mou! No fun Guy! I wanted to fight him first!

Guy: Heh.. Sorry Milim.

Bael: Milim, you said you were the one and only Dragonoid in this world right?

Milim: Yeap!

Bael: What if I told you that You aren't infact the Only Dragonoid?

Milim: What do you mean? *Tilts head*

Bael: some of my Subordinates are  Dragonoids.

Milim: Really?! Can I meet them??

Bael: Yeah you can visit me after Walpurgis.

Milim: Then it's decided!!

??: Hey hey! What's with all this hype about? Where are you planning to go without me Milim?!

As we were talking, another person came from the Gate. That figure was like a small fly with golden particles trailing her, This little fly was a Fairy. Not just a fairy but the fairy Queen herself.

Ramiris exited the gate with an Aura of Childish Curiosity of what was happening here. She immediately went to Milim to inquire what we were talking about.

Milim: Meet Bael, he claims he has subordinates who are Dragonoids just like me.

Referring to me without any honourifics seemed to agitate my Guardians but I messaged them to calm down and do nothing unless I said so.

Maybe Bringing them could have been the wrong choice huh..

Ramiris: Oh is that so? Hmn hm

Ramiris started to circle around me, seemingly inspecting me.

Ramiris: Is  what Milim said true?

Bael: Indeed, Little Glittering Fly.

Ramiris: Hey!! I am not a fly! I am the Fairy Queen Ramiris!! A very powerful DemonLord Who could kill you in a second!!

Bael: I see, *chuckles* I apologise Miss Fairy Queen.

Ramiris: Hm hm...wait why do I feel like you just mocked me?

Bael: Must be your imagination.

Guy: Alright Guys, that's enough chat. Bael come sit with us. Let's wait for the rest to arrive.

As we sat and talked for a few more moments, one by one the Original Characters of Tensura like Drageul, Luminous Valentine, Dino and The rest arrived. After them some unknown individuals arrived, but their power was very weak, even a druid class, Gaia could Kill them easily.  One of the people i recognised was Leon Cromwell, who according to The plot should have become a demon lord 200 years later. But due to Butterfly Effect he became one now.

3rd pov

As everyone Gathered,they had already noticed the presence of Bael sitting after Ramiris. They were puzzle by the arrangements as to them, the seatings signified the powerlevel of the person.

In truth, the way They sat was because Guy Milim and Ramiris as the Founders sat close to each other and the subsequent Members who joined later misunderstood it followed a power ranking system.

And Bael sitting next to Ramiris meant he was powerful enough to occupy that place.

This displeased some of the 3rd generation Demon Lords who thought high of themselves.

The reason none thought why Bael could sit there because he was strong, was that Bael had concealed his Aura to have some action and that action he was going to have...

One of the Demon Lords, unable to hold on any longer spoke up.

??: Lord Guy, who is that person?

Guy: Ah. Balious, His name is Bael, the newest member of Our Council as you can see. He rules over the Death Lands.

Balious: I see, but Lord guy why should we grant him the privilege to sit so close to You?

Bael understanding where this was going spoke.

Bael: Because I am qualified for it.

Angered Balious spoke"You are just a Rookie member, how strong you can be huh!!? And you even have the audacity to bring just two Subjects, are you that weak?"

Although calm, Bael could sense the Anger and Disgust his Guardians felt towards that punk.

Bael: Why? Just these two are enough to kill everyone of your People.

Gritting his teeth, Balious could not contain his anger and stood up abruptly, his aura Flowing rampantly.

Balious: I challenge you to a duel! If I win then I will kill you and take your subjects, especially that Girl over there..

Saying that, his lecherous eyes shamelessly traced Medusa's figure, infuriating the said 'Victim' and even more for Bael, he was angered, but it didn't come on his Cold and calm surface.

Bael: Hey Guy, you don't mind if I cleared some pests right? Honestly I feel Claustrophobic with insects like them here.

Guy: I don't mind, He's the one who started it. Does anyone objects?

Leaving the 1st and 2nd Gens, almost all of the 3rd Generation Demon Lords remained silent.

Except for a Few Idiots, Idiot A, B and C who, clouded in their Pride and arrogance decided to Side with Balious.

Bael: I expected more of you to join but I guess this should do.

He said glancing at the other 3rd Gen.

Balious: Don't ignore me, Rookie!!

Bael: Heh...I was coming to you. Now, you guys take pride in your army right? How about I kill them all? [Nuclear Magic: Radiant Annihilation]

A large magicule dome formed on the Army and immediately after a Huge Explosion occured which shook the ground for a few moments. After the explosion dissipated, what remained was a scorched floor, not even the ashes remained.

This deeply scared Balious and A,B,C were trembling in fear, regretting even siding with Balious just because of The blindedness of Their arrogance.

Bael: Now... Medusa, take care of those guys will you.

Medusa: Absolutely my Lord.

As Medusa approached A B C they screamed in terror.


A: No no no don't come any closer!!!

B: please!! Spare me!! I'll give you anything you say!! Let me live!!

C: Balious!! save uss!!!

All these did nothing to stop Medusa. As she reached them, she Used one of her skills to melt them, using Acid hundred times more corrosive than HCl.

As Balious saw his 'Comrades' die a gruesome and terrifying death, he heard a Cold voice.

Bael: So... Balious -dono, how do you wish to die?

Hearing this, he instantly kneeled and prostrated on the floor.

Balious: Ba- no Lord Bael! I deeply apologise for my actions! Please, forgive me!! I can give you anything you desire so- so please please spare me!!

Medusa: It seems you don't understand..

Balious lifted his head to look at Medusa, confused of her statements.

Balious: Wha-what do you mean?

Medusa: For all your transgressions, you insect should have already lied down on the ground and happily accepted Lord Bael's mercy in Death.

Balious: Bu-Bu-..

Bael: The moment you decided to go against me was the moment you sealed your fate. [Disintegration]

As Balious slowly fragmented into molecular particles Avengers Endgame Style he looked at Guy for a last glimmer of hope but all he saw was a mocking grin. At that moment he Front of all these genuinely powerful Beings, he was just a clown, tooting his own trumpet.

<Time Skip to 10 minutes>

As the damages got repaired by Rain and Mizery, the DemonLords finally accepted Bael as a member and A powerful one at that.

They recognised The Death Lands as Bael's Territory, making it the Largest Territory out of all the Others.

Thus Walpurgis Concluded and Bael returned to Deudenia with a Promised Visit from Milim and Ramiris at a later date.

Meanwhile the news of a New Demon Lord and his feats were spread by Guy.

This brought immense Shock and Trepidation to the World.

Killing an Army of Four Demon Lords in one strike was completely unheard of. Humans knew that each demon lord had an army consisting of atleast 70k Majins and Other Monsters on average, and  Wiping all of the 4 DemonLord's truly was Baffling for them.

Added to the fact that the New DemonLord's Subordinate could directly kill Three of them was testament to the terrifying power they possessed.

This news made the whole world wary of the Being who now Ruled The Death Lands and how he will affect the future of this world.


That's all for this chapter.

Also, guys I had a confession to make. I might have made a mistake on the characters.

As you know, Leon became a Demon Lord after he defeated 'Kazeram' who later became Kagali.

But in the early chapters i mentioned Leon existed 200 earlier than canon and I also mentioned 'Kazeram' as the Leader of the faction of weak Demon lords.

But both can't exist together.

Looking into the official website, I found the spelling of Kazalim, so This Kazeram will from now on be an OC character.

So here's the summary.

Kazalim is 'Dead'

Kazeram is an OC

Leon Cromwell exist 200 years early than he should.

That's all...i just wanted to mention this if someone noticed this in the future.

See ya in the next one.

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