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51.42% New Valyria / Chapter 18: Chapter 17: Arc 2, Death

Kapitel 18: Chapter 17: Arc 2, Death


Jon Snow


Jon looked at the sea below him, watching as the waves moved over the sea. He was filled with rage and worry. He was angered that he was so stupid to take all three of his dragons with him, and not leave one behind to protect his loved ones. Was worried at what might happen to them. And there was only one person to blame for this, and that was him.

He looked up to see what was ahead of him and saw the black walls of the First Daughter of Valyria. The sky was dark, making the city glow with the many fires within its walls. Jon felt a hand touch his shoulder, and turned around to see that Gendry was staring at him with worry.

Jon turned back around and said, "I'm fine Gendry." He looked down at the scales of his dragon. He needed a plan, and he needed it fast. But each time it ended with a screen of pure darkness inside his mind.

Jon looked up when he felt Snydor going lower, and finally he was in front of the entrance to the First Sister. He looked up along the wall and noticed guards moving around. He looked back at Sydnor, and told him to leave. Jon looked towards Gendry, who was keeping his hand on the warhammer on his back.

"Gendry." he looked to the walls, "When we get inside I want you to go to the Temple of the Fire Shit. If what I plan works, you should be joined." Gendry nodded, and they both took a step towards the Second Biggest of the Free Cities.


Maegor Garyen


Maegor washed the blood off his hands as he left the basement of his manor. He has at least got something out of the whores, something that filled his blood with rage. Jon Snow wasn't really 'Jon Snow', he was actually the last living Targaryen son, Daeron Targaryen. And not only was he a Targaryen, but he is also the one that owns the dragons.

Maegor turned around the corner to go to the rockery, to send his ally the news he had just received. But before he could the front door to his manor flew open to show one pissed man. Maegor's eyes flew open as he recognized who was standing at his door.

"Maegor Garyen." the man spoke with venom in his voice, "Let's chat. And if you decided to run, then i will personally, cut off you dick and shove it down you throat, and then I will shove your testicales in the socket of your eyes."

Maegor blinked, and what was going on in front of him, finally grinned, "Of course, Daeron Targaryen. Right this way." he guestered for the man to follow. He entered the sitting room, and ordered to get wine for his guest. He went to turn around, but when he did he instantly felt a hand around his throat, and was picked up off the floor.

Maegor looked down at the man who was holding him by the throat. His hands flew up to fight the hand, but he knew that he wasn't going to be able to break the hold on his throat.

"Now 'Maegor', when I let go of this worthless, weak, and pathetic, throat of yours, you will give back my wives, and kids." Maegor slowly nodded, still trying to break the hold the man had on his throat, "And we will have that chat that I wanted."

He was dropped and he instantly started coughing. When he got his coughing under control, he looked up at the man and saw him walking towards the chairs. He slowly stood, and walked towards one of the chairs.

He sat down just as the slave came back with the wine. He nodded, when she offered some to him. When she was done serving him, she looked over to Daeron, and offered. The man smiled but shook his head. Just as she was about to leave, he asked to get some of the guards to bring him the hostages.

When she left, Maegor looked towards the man, and inwardly grinned. He quickly thought of a plan to get what he wanted.

"So," Daeron started, "Who is your ally, Garyen. You are to stupid to plan this whole thing on your own." Daeron leaned forward, "So tell me, Garyen, who is supporting your mad plan, to hurt me?" Maegor grinned, but said nothing. Daeron leaned back, "Okay so you won't tell me. Fine I will ask another. What did you do to them?"

Maegor answered, "Nothing that would concern you, Daeron."

He saw anger rising in his dissent relative. But it quickly left to show a face of complete stone, "If they are missing anything I swear."

But before he could finish six guards entered the room, and with them the man's wives and kids. Maegor looked towards them and saw that they were all looking towards his guests with tears and their eyes, and the two kids fighting to run towards their father.

Maegor turned around to see the look on his guests face and saw complete anger, and rager. Daeron stood, "What did you do to them!!" he yelled, making the two kids stop, and everyone flinch.

Maegor grinned, "That is for you to find out, Daeron Targaryen." he leaned forward, "Now let's talk about price."

He watched as Daeron glared down at him for about a minute, and finally sat down, "What do you want?" Maegor grinned, hearing the sound of defeat in his distant relative's voice.

He leaned back in the chair, and thought. Maegor has learned things from many of his torturing of family. So with the plan in mind, Maegor made it a reality. "I will give your wives for 6000 pounds of gold-"

"Done." Maegor cut him off. Maegor looked at the legendary swordsman, and grinned. He looked back to the guards, and nodded. This instantly cut the ropes of the three whores. Maegor watched as they went to Daeron, and heard the murmuring of conversation between them. Maegor snickered, and grabbed his cup and took a sip. Waiting until the whores, and their 'husband' finish their talk.

And soon he watched as all three left, but before they left, he watched as Daeron gave the honey-blonde whore a dagger, and soon all three left out the front door, and into the city of Volantis. Maegor looked back to his guest, and watched as the man motioned with his hand to four of his guards to come to him. Maegor Garyen watched as Daeron Targaryen reached to the back of his belt and grabbed four purses, and whispered to the guards, and two of the four left the manor, leaving to what he assumes is to protect the guests wives.

After a few seconds, Daeron spoke again, "So what do you want now?"

Maegor grinned and took a sip and leaned back in his chair, and started speaking, "Before that I want to tell about the history of my house. House Garyen." And within 15mins he finished, and he saw the annoyed look on his guests face, and spoke again, "For the kids I want one of your dragons. The biggest of the three. Which I believe is name Sydnor. Isn't it?"

He looked on as Daeron eyes turned to complete steel, and in a voice of complete steel, and ice, "Done." Maegor wanted to laugh, but didn't. He did the same as he did with the wives, and both kids ran to their father crying. He watched as the father whispered into the kids' ears. They both spoke in a foreign tongue, and soon he watched as Daeron gave the last two purses to the guards, and they both picked up the kids, and followed the last two guards out of the manor.

The room was filled with complete silence, as the two stared at the other. But the silence was broken when Daeron stood, grabbing the sword, and spoke, "Now with that done, I shall leave." Maegor watched as Daeron walked to leave but was stopped by four guards stepping to the way.

Maegor placed the wine on the table and stood, "I think not."

Daeron turned around and glared, "What did you just say?"

Maegor walked over to one of the decorations, and played with it, "I don't our business is done yet." He turned around and watch as a dozen guards entered the room with swords pointing at the guest, "You see 'King' Daeron Targaryen, I want something. Something that was stolen from me years ago." He watched as Daeron withdrew his sword, letting the tip clank along the others tips of the swords, "Something you want." He grinned, and clapped, "The Iron Throne." And all as one every guard started attacking.

Maegor laughed as Daeron tried to fight off the dozens of guards, and killing only 4 of them, until he got swords in his back, sides, legs, and chest.


Jon Snow


Jon watched with wide eyes as blades entered his body from all sides. He blinked slowly, as he felt his mind breaking into five different pieces. When Jon opened his eyes he was looking threw five different sets of eyes.

Jon felt his body fall back, and when it crashed into the ground, he hears nothing, smells nothing, and finally he hears steel hitting the floor. He blinked slowly again, thinking of his family, thinking of his childhood, thinking of Winterfell, thinking about the Mountains around Norvos, thinking of the Smoking Sea surrounding Old Valyria, remembering a friend of white fur, and blood red eyes, and finally remembering a smile on someone's face. A face so like his. With dark raven hair, and straight face.

Jon watched as whiteness engulfing his vision, making him only see white. Jon whispered one name when he saw nothing, and he heard three mighty roars.

Jon opened his eyes to see six people standing in front of him.


Arya Stark


Arya shot out of her sleep feeling something being stabbed into her heart. She was confused. She looked down and placed her hand on her left breast, not feeling a cut or wound.

'Wha-what happened?' She spoke to herself. Not realizing that she was crying. She leaned back onto the bed, and rolled up into a ball, crying, repeating the same name over and over again.



Daenerys Targaryen


Dany was in the bath when she felt a shiver go down her spine. She instantly noticed tears falling from her eyes, and sobbed. Why was she crying? She had no idea. But what she did know was that something inside her died.

Dany was staying completely still when she felt the immense heat flowing over her. She looked up and saw something. Something trying to get her attention. She looked closer to the thing and noticed that it was a floating red fire.

'Come with me, Young Princess.' She heard, 'You are needed somewhere else, Young Princess Daenerys Targaryen. Come." She watched as the fire flew away. Daenerys got out of the tub, not noticing the world around her tremble.

One name flew through her head as she followed the red flame.

'Daeron Targaryen.'


Illyrio Mopatis


Illyrio stared at the cold dead body of the eldest of the Targaryen siblings body. It seems he underestimated the assassins, the Usurper King, paid for having the Targaryen to be killed. Illyrio looked the wounds, a stab to the chest and a slit of the throat.

Illyrio then felt a rumble coming from below him, not a normal rumble, a rumble that shook the whole mansion. Illyrio lost his balance and fell to the floor. Illyrio was scared, this was a rumble that has never happened before. Illyrio looked up to the glass doors, and saw smoke.

Illyrio stood, slowly, and walked to the glass door and opened it. He looked around to see where the smoke was coming from. He looked to see it wasn't coming from the city at all, but it was coming from the southeast, form the direction of Volantis.

The rumbling stopped, 'Thank the Gods.' Illyrio thought to himself. Illyrio turned around, to return to the body of the dead Targaryen boy. He entered the room to see that everything was all over the place. The body was leaning half on and half off the table.

Illyrio heard a knock, but the servant opened the door anyway. Illyrio looked back to see that a sweating guard was there. The guard spoke, "Master, you must come see this. Something is happening to the dragon eggs."

Illyrio's eyes widened, "Lead the way."

The guard nodded and led him, in the direction of where he had the dragon eggs. When he got to the floor the eggs were on, he was hit with an intense wave of heat. He instantly started to sweat, so did the guard that lead him. The guard led him to the door which held the dragon eggs, but to both of their surprise, the door was already opened, and tiny little songs were being played, but not from any flute or the others, but a one that sounded like it was supposed to be something else.

Illyrio entered the room to find that he wasn't the only one there. Inside the room was a sitting Daenerys Targaryen, and in her arms were three tiny things. Illyrio went to get a better look, and saw that the little things had wings and a tail, the things also has scales.

Illyrio's eyes widened. In the arms of Daenerys Targaryen, were three infant dragons, all of whom looked different. On the upper side of her arm was a dragon with cream coloured scales, under scales, and wing membranes. The dragon also had bronze horns, spikes and eyes.

On the other side of the creamy dragon, but a bit further up, was a dragon with black scales, horns, and spikes. The dragon had red wing membranes, under scales, and eyes. Illyrio then remembered when he saw, what people are already calling, 'The Second Coming of Balerion the Black Dread', Sȳndordārys. These two dragons looked almost identical, but this one had red, with the other having a mix of gray and gold, with the gold over powering.

Illyrio then looked to the girls lap, and saw a dragon with crimson scales, spikes, and horns. The dragon also had gray wing membranes, under scales, and eyes. The dragon looked to him, and he stepped back at what he saw in the beast's eyes, he saw destruction, and doom. Illyrio then knew that this dragon was a reincarnation of a long dead, and forgotten dragon.


Rhaenys Blackfyre


Rhaenys walked out of her tent and saw smoke coming from the southeast. She watched as the smoke continued to rise into the air.

But when Rhaenys heard a loud crack coming from inside her tent, she turned around, and saw that the chest that held the dragon egg in was steaming. She went to it and opened the chest, not feeling the burn from it. She looked into it and saw that the egg was hatching.

Rhaenys watched as the egg hatched to show, a little dragon with pure white scales, the dragon also had white horns, spikes, under scales, and wing membranes, the dragon also had golden eyes.

The dragon looked around and when its eyes finally landed on her, it started to move towards her. Rhaenys held out her hands, and the dragon climbed onto them, the dragon clawed up her arm and onto her shoulder.

Rhaenys looked to the dragon, and the dragon looked to her, when their eyes met she felt something move inside her mind. She knew then and there that this dragon and her are meant to be together.


Gendry Baratheon


Gendry covered his ears as he heard all three dragons roared, the most terrifying roars he has ever heard. He kept his eyes opened watching as all three dragons started to fall to the ground, all three looking to be in pain.

"What is happening?" He asked himself. He watched as all three dragons crashed into the ground. But it didn't take long for them to get back up and he watched in horror, and wonder, as when all three dragons raised, they were glowing their colours, and as they came flying towards the city, with mouth open, and all ready to spit fire.

And just then he hearing was filled with screams. He turned around remembering that with him were Jon's wives, and looking at them he was horrified at what they were doing. All three scratching their heads, while crying out one name, a name that reminded him of who were out there. He ran to the three ladies but stopped when Red Priestesses blocked his way.

And in the middle of them was one who looked like she was in her mid twenties, with blood red eyes, with crimson red hair that goes down to her mid back, and with a golden band around her neck, which had a bright red ruby in the centre.

Gendry stopped, as a priestess in the centre spoke, "You need to leave, for the two youngs are in danger, and are in need of help."

Gendry nodded, and turned but was stopped when he remembered someone. He turned around, and asked, "What about Jon? What has happened?"

"Daeron Targaryen, or more commonly known as Jon Snow, is dead." The priestess spoke. Gendry fell to one knee, 'How? Why?'. And just when he thought those, the priestess spoke again, "But he shall rise again, in a new light, and with new powers with him. For the man who you once knew will be gone, and a man with more power shall rise in his place." Gendry looked up at the priestess, taking in her words, memorizing them. "Now leaving Son of Robert I Baratheon and Rose Flower. You have two kids to save."

And like that Gendry left in a hurry. When he found them they were on the ground unconscious, and both having blood coming from the head. Gendry quickly picked up two, hearing both of them groan in pain. Gendry also noticed that both of their legs looked out of place and both were to wobbly to be what they once were. Gendry gave a quick prayer to the old gods that what he thinking wasn't true.


Maegor Garyen


Maegor ran from his manor, to where the dead body of Daeron Targaryen laid. He royally fucked up. He was a fool to think he could have a dragon. But now the dragons' father is dead, and he knew that they were out for his blood, and he knew that they won't stop until they have his blood.

Maegor stopped when he heard a loud thud from behind him. It couldn't, they couldn't have found him already ready. A second loud thud was heard, coming from above him. No it wasn't possible, they couldn't have. And finally the last thud, right in front of him. Maegor looked up slowly and found golden/amber eyes staring at him.

Maegor fell to the ground, 'No. No. No. No.' He repeated inside of his head. This couldn't be happening. Maegor didn't notice the three dragons mouth opening, with them alight with fire.

"NOOOOOOOO!" He yelled out as he was engulfed in the flames of the three dragons.


Hours Later


Volantis was gone, it's black walls, it's history, it's whores, it's slaves, and finally it's people. The only thing standing was the Temple of the Red God. Inside the temple were only a few hundreds of the cities people. The temple's red priests, and priestesses, were all praying to their god, praying that his Champion will rise.

This day will go down in history as the Fall of Volantis, the Destruction of First Daughter of Valyria. It will also be known as the Dragon's Hell, for that the air was so hot that if you entered the destroyed city, it will burn your skin until it is all but black, only those that are lucky and walk through the air.

Not far from the temple laid three dragons, all surrounding the dead, lifeless body of King Daeron the Third, the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, the King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, the Protector of the Realm, the Bringer of Dragons, the Head Commander of the Brotherhood of the Old God, the Traveller of Old Valyria, Bittersteel come again, and a loving father. All waiting for their father to awake.

But to the east of the destruction, in Old Valyria, fourteen giant snake like beasts, with orange scales, and blood red eyes, are awakened from their sleep since the Doom. All hungry for blood, and destruction.

Further away in the jungles of Sothoryos, all seven King of Serpents awoken from their seven centuries of sleep. To the east of Sothoryos, in Ulthos two dragons awake from the century of slumber, haven awaken. One dragon was a ugly mud colour, while the other was the colour of morning mist. And flying above the Sunset Sea flew a dragon of silvery waves.

In the far north of the Lands of Always Winter, ice blocks break and out of them frost wyrms, ice wolves, frost trolls, and frost yetis. But deeper in the land bigger Ice block have broken to show 4 medium sized, and 2 large sized monstrosities with blotch-like pinions, with its organs opened to the frozen air. And on it's winter icy throne the Great Other sat facing a block of ice, which held something dear to him. The Great Other opened its bright blue eyes, sensing the awakening of his beasts. He grinned knowing what this meant. The Great Other stood from it's throne and grabbed his great ice sword, and turned to leave, all the while mouthing, "The time is coming." In a sing song like way.

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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