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8.57% New Valyria / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Arc 1, Message

Kapitel 3: Chapter 3: Arc 1, Message

— Arya Stark —

Arya was standing in line to welcome, her soon to be a mother. From what she has heard Ashara Dayne was a pretty lady with one bastard daughter, named after her grandmother, Lyarra Stark. When the ravens got to Winterfell that the Dayne's had accepted and the crown and the high Septon agreed to annul the marriage of Lord Eddard Stark to Lady Catelyn Tully.

When the gates opened, she didn't expect to see what she did, and by the looks of everyone else, they didn't either. The first thing that came through the gates, was a man carrying the banner of, Baratheon of King's Landing, the royal family.

She looked over to Sansa and saw that she had a bright smile, with sparkling eyes. She looked back to the gate and saw the royal family was still coming through. Arya looked around to see if she could find the King, but only saw three Kings Guards, with their white cloaks, a few Lannister, Vale, and Baratheon men.

When Arya saw a big fat man on a horse, which looked like it was having a hard time keeping this man up, he stopped in front of the Stark household. Everyone knelt, and Arya followed. The fat man got off his horse and started walking towards her father.

When he stood in front of her father, he motioned for him to stand, and with father standing everyone as well stood. Father looked at the man in front of him, and the man spoke.

"You have gotten fat." The fat man said. Arya held back a laugh and said to herself, 'Look at yourself, your bigger then Lord-Can't-Ride-His-Horse.'

Father stared at the man's belly, and they both started to laugh.

"Your Grace, Winterfell is yours." Father smiled at the King. Father looked behind the King, "Has House Dayne forgotten to come." He looked worried.

But before the King responded, they heard horses coming through the gates. A carriage came through the gate, with the banner of house Dayne all over it. The carriage door opened to show two ladies, one older than the other.

The older one had purple eyes and raven black hair. The younger one had one eye being Stark grey and the other Dayne purple, and she had the same hair like her father. Arya looked at her father and saw that he was smiling.

King Robert spoke, "I came to see that the wedding was done and to legitimize, Lyarra Sand."

Father nodded, "Thank you, Your Grace."

Arya looked back to the carriage and saw that the older woman was walking towards her Father, with a bright smile, and walking slowly behind her was the younger one. When they got in front of her father, the older one spoke.

"Lord Stark, you took your sweet time, to ask for my hand in marriage." She smiled through the whole thing.

Father's smile grew bigger, "Lady Ashara, I apologize for taking my sweet time, but as you can see I had a wife, just a few fortnights ago."

Ashara Dayne looked at each of us, and stopped on Arya, "You look like your Aunt Lyanna." And with that, the King looked to Arya.

Everything went silent, the crows in the rookery, the breathing, everything. The silence was broken by her father, "Let me introduce you to my children, Your Grace, Lady Ashara, and Lyarra." The Ladies and the King nodded, Father puts his hand on Robb's shoulder, "This is my oldest, Robb Stark, then my second oldest son Brandon Stark, and then my youngest Rickon Stark." He then puts his hand on Sansa's shoulder, "This is my oldest trueborn daughter Sansa Stark, and then the youngest daughter Arya Stark." He finished.

Both the King and Ladies nodded. The King was the one to speak, "Now let's have a feast."

Father nodded, "Your Grace," the king looked to him, "We weren't expecting you. We got a feast ready for Houses Stark and Dayne." The King nodded, "I apologize Your Grace."

"That wasn't your mistake Ned it was mine. I forgot to ask Jon to send a raven. Now that I have said that you did get to see Jon right."

Father nodded, "Aye I got to see Lord Arryn."

"Good." The king looked to Ned, "Let's go to the crypts, I want to see her."

Father nodded, and looked back to his children, "Robb go get the feast ready. Sansa gets to know your sister. Arya, Bran, and Rickon," he didn't say anything for a minute, "Behave."


Arya was in her room waiting for a house guard to bring her to the feast with House Dayne and the King. While Arya was waiting she was looking at the gifts Jon has sent them over the past months. The first present he has sent was a coin with a wolf's head, each being different for each sibling. The second was a wooden wolf.

The third was sent by a man, each sibling was sent a unique thing, Robb got a new sword and armor, Sansa was sent silks and clothes, Bran was sent climbing spikes, Rickon was sent a wooden sword, Arya was giving books about dragons, warrior queens, and wars.

Everyone knew that Arya idolized Queen Visenya and Nymeria. She was also interested in how wars were won and lost. And like everyone else she was fascinated by dragons. She read the books and was on the one about BlackFyre Rebellion and all their battles.

Arya missed Jon but he has sent ravens to them to let them know what has been happening, but the ravens have stopped for a moon. And Arya was worried, everyone was worried. But now wasn't the time for this, she had a feast to attend.

— Jon Snow —

It has been twenty-four days since Jon and his brotherhood got to Norvos, and in those twenty-four days, Jon has asked the wargs that had joined the brotherhood to keep an eye out for the Dothraki. He also got to know the leaders, and great houses of the city, and already the leaders were offering to be the home base of his Brotherhood.

Jon was brought out of his thoughts by movement coming from beside him, he looked and saw that Val was just waking up.

Since the first night they have spent together, their relationship was growing rapidly. They fucked pretty much every night, they also started to share their bed with random women in there bed. Jon was shocked when Val brought it up the fourth night they spent together.


Jon panted heavily when Val got off his cock. They have just spent a good hour fucking. When Val got off she went to lay on his left side. Val looked up to him, "Do you want to share with me?" She asked between breaths.

Jon looked down at her, "What do you mean, Val?"

Val looked up at him like he was stupid, "Do you want another woman in the bed."

Jon's eyes widened, "Wh… why did you ask me that? And what brought this up?"

Val puts her head on his chest, "I asked because I wanted to, and I really wanted to get you with the kneeler princess."

Jon puts his hand on her back and starts rubbing, "You mean Princess Arianne." She nods, "Well she is pretty and I would love to fuck her, why do you want me with her?"

Val raised her head to look at him, "You and Princess Kneeler, always look at each other with lust-filled eyes, it's quite annoying you know." Val said.

"I bet it is. I wouldn't mind from another company, but I will only do it if you want to." He looked down at her with a smile.

Val grinned, "So you wouldn't mind me bringing Tormund to bed with us?"

Jon's face went from surprise, anger, disgust, and fear, within three seconds, "No! Why would you think that?!"

Val laughed and kissed him on the lips, "It was just a jest, Jon." She grabbed his cock, "I know you only have interest in woman Jon." She started to jerk him off, "Now, why don't we fuck again." She got on to his hips, with her core above his cock.

*FlashBack Ended*

Jon was taken out of his memories from a kiss. He brought the kiss deeper.

When they broke apart, they were breathing heavily.

"Good Morning," Val said between breaths.

They laid down for a few minutes before Val got up and dressed, well she was dressing Jon watched her, 'Beautiful' he thought.

"Are you just going to watch me?" Val turned around and showed her tits to him.

He grinned, "Why not you are as beautiful as snow. You are a goddess, and you are mine." He stood, and walked towards her, when he stood in front of her he lowered his head to her tits, and bit lightly.

Val backed up and shoved him away, "Save that for tonight, Jon." She grabbed her top and puts it on, not doing up the laces. She then turned to the door and left.

Jon went to grab his clothes and found that they were all dirty, from last night's activities with Val. He walked towards his dresser and opened and grabbed new clothes. When he found everything he needed he walked towards the door.

He opened it and found a servant standing there, "Can I get a tub of water for a bath?" The servant nodded, but before he left Jon asked, "Can the water be scolding hot." The servant looked back at him.

"Yes My Lord." He then left.


Jon stood with his clothing on, looking at the chest his father gave him. He didn't know why he was looking at the chest, but he just was. His father told him that the chest was from his mother. Jon brought his hand up to the key which was around his neck.

He took the key off his neck, and walked toward the chest and put the key into the keyhole, he was about the twist it when he got the feeling he shouldn't do it. This wasn't the first time this has happened, every morning he tried to open it but was always thrown away from it.

And the same happened today, when he heard a knock at his door, he took the key out of the keyhole and puts it back around his neck and tucked it into his shirt. He walks towards the door and opens it to see that Mance stood there.

"The wargs have news of the Dothraki." He said and left.

Jon followed shortly after, he locked the room's door and left.

When they got to the meeting room, he saw that the wargs were the leaders of the city guards. He walked towards the front of the table.

"So what news do you bring?" He looked at the wargs.

One of them stepped forward, "Form what we saw the Horse Shits should be here in more or less than five days." He stepped back.

Jon nodded, "Thank you. You may go rest." The wargs nodded and left. When they were out of the room Jon walked toward the door and asked the servant to get his chiefs and the leaders of the city.

Jon didn't have to wait long, because of all his chiefs and the leaders, entered five minutes later. They all slowly walked towards the table. When they stood at the table, Jon got down to business.

— Eddard Stark —

Ned was in his solar, thinking about what has happened for the past four days. He was now married to Ashara, his children seem to love her and their sister. The King has left to return to King's Landing. Arya has gotten quieter(than isn't surprising). But the most surprising thing that happened in the last four days, was the talk between Lyarra and Sansa


Ned was at the high table eating supper when he saw Sansa ask Lyarra a question.

"Lyarra," The girl looked to Sansa, "What's the south like, is it like the stories?" Sansa asked.

Lyarra looked to Sansa, "Those are lies. Made up stories for little girls to believe." Lyarra looked into Sansa's eyes, "The south is full of whoremongers, useless knights, and people who want power." Lyarra looked to the King, who was watching the conversation, "The Prince is a little shit, who is spoiled by his mother. So he thinks he has all the power and thinks he is a god. I apologize, Your Grace." The King nodded, Lyarra looked back to Sansa, "Your septa is trying to corrupt your mind with thoughts of false stories." Lyarra stood, "I apologize for ruining your dreams Sansa, but that is the truth. The only southern kingdom that is remotely like the stories is Dorne." Lyarra stood and left.

*FlashBack End*

Ned knew Sansa's dream of marrying a house in the south, died that day. But Sansa is still the same Sansa that she was always. The only difference is the Septa Mordane. She was trying to twist Sansa's mind to hate Lyarra as she did with Jon. But Sansa has stood strong and loves her sister.

Ned was brought out of his thoughts by knocking on his door, "Come in." Ned spoke.

The door opened to the sight of Sansa, "Father, did I come at a bad time?" Sansa asked.

"No dear," he stood up and walked towards Sansa, "I was just thinking over what has happened in the past few days." Ned brings Sansa into a hug. Sansa hugged back.

"I miss mother, father," Sansa said.

"I know dear." Ned always tries to avoid talking about Cat, "What can I help you with Sansa? Has Arya been done something?" Ned laughed

Sansa broke the hug, "No Arya hasn't done anything she hasn't done already." Sansa giggles.

When Sansa stopped laughing, Ned looked down at his daughter, "What do you need dear?" Ned asked.

"Can you send Septa Mordane away? She is trying to twist my mind to hate Lyarra." Sansa asked Ned. Sansa started to cry, "I don't want what happened to Jon, to happen to Lyarra to." Sansa said sobbing.

Ned brought Sansa into another hug, "It isn't your fault Jon left, dear. It is none of your faults. Jon left because he wanted to be free. He wanted to make a name for himself, so when he returns, he has stories to tell you and your siblings. To make you laugh, and smile. It, not your fault he left." Sansa nodded into his shoulder.

They stayed like this for a few more minutes, until Ned got another knock on his door. Both Sansa and Ned stood. Sansa with puffy red eyes. Ned looked down at his daughter, "I will ask the Septa to leave, but I can't promise anything." He smiled at the end.

Sansa nodded, "Thank you, father."

"Your welcome dear." He smiles, "Now why don't you go and sneak some lemon cakes for yourself." Sansa's eyes grew Ned laughed.

Sansa left, and walked in was a smiling Maester Luwin.

Ned walked back to his chair, and sat down, "What do you have for me Maester?"

"A raven from Karhold, my Lord." Luwin handed the scroll to Ned.

Ned opened the scroll and read it. When he was done, Ned puts it down on his desk.

"Maester get a feast ready. Lord KarStark and Umber, as well as there family, are coming to visit." Ned told Luwin. The Maester nodded and turned to leave, but before he was able to open the door Ned stopped him.

"Luwin," The Maester looked back at Ned, "Has a raven come from Jon?" Ned asked.

"No My Lord, no raven yet," Luwin answered.

Ned nodded, "Thank you Maester." Luwin left shortly after.

Ned was about to get back to work, when a knock came to his door, "Come in." Ned said

And in came a household guard, he bowed to Ned, "A man with a carriage, full of boxes, My Lord. He also has a letter from Jon Snow."

Ned stood, "Thank you. You may go." Ned said.

The guard left and when he was out of the doors, Ned grabbed his cloak and puts it on and leaves, to see what it was that Jon has sent this time.

When Ned got to the gate, he saw that the doors were being opened. And slowly came in a carriage with boxes. Ned looked around to see if his children are close by and saw that Arya, Bran, and Rickon, were sitting down with Lyarra.

"Arya, Bran, Rickon, and Lyarra." he yells to them, they looked toward Ned, "Come we have you have a thing to open."

They all stood and practically ran towards them when they stood in front of Ned. Ned saw that the carriage owner was getting off his seat and walked towards them.

"Lord Stark? Right." The man asked, Ned, nodded, the man held out his hand, which had a scroll in it, "From Jon Snow, My Lord, there will be more coming, in the next few days. But right now, Snow should be getting ready to protect Norvos from a Dothraki Horde."

Ned nodded, and grabs the scroll and read it.

"Dear Father,

It has been a long, long, long time since I last saw you and everybody, and hope they are fine. I send this raven to update you on everything that has happened since the last raven.

I have left the Golden Company, the reason someone wanted me gone so I left. I have also made a company, it's called 'The Brotherhood of The Old Gods'. I have sent a banner and would like to hear what you say about it.

I have saved to biggest for last. I have BlackFyre, yes the ancestral sword of House Targaryen. I tried to give it back to the Golden Company, but Harry Strickland denied it. So I now own BlackFyre.

I wish you and the others are well and having a happy time in the North.

Miss you

Jon Snow'

Ned was shocked and glad. Ned was grab that Jon has found something that would make him happy. Ned knew Jon had a will to command. He was also shocked that Jon has BlackFyre. It was believed that it has gone missing.

Ned was brought out of his thoughts by Rickon, shaking him, well as best he could.

"Rickon, What is it that you need." Ned smiled down at his youngest.

Rickon smiled, "Can I open a big wooden thing, Father?"

Ned smiled, "Yes, you can but let's wait for Robb and Sansa. Okay."

Rickon made a pout face and nodded.

They didn't have to wait long before Robb and Sansa came walking towards them. Rickon looked up at Ned, and made the pout face again, Ned laughed, "Yes you can go open the box Jon has sent you."

Rickon gave Ned a hug and yelled, "Thank you, Father!" And jumped away and went towards the carriage, with Arya and Bran running behind him and Robb and Sansa walking. Ned smiled.

"Father?" A voice came from beside him. Ned looked to his left and saw Lyarra was looking at the carriage.

"Yes, dear?" Ned said.

Lyarra looked at need, "Can you tell me about my brother, Jon Snow?"

Ashara Stark

Ash was walking around the castle when she saw a carriage at the gates. She walked closer to see what was going on when she heard her daughter as Ned something, that was on her mind.

"Can you tell me about my brother, Jon Snow?" Lyarra asked Ned.

That wasn't the first time she heard her daughter asked about Jon Snow. She has asked all of Ned's children by the fish , and she always gets the same answer… nothing.

Ash walked closer to her daughter and husband. When she got there she saw the look on her husband's face, one of longing and bitter sadness

"What would you like to know, Lyarra? I can tell you about him but you will have to forgive me if I stop midway." Ned spoke.

Lyarra looked to be in thought, but when she noticed Ash was standing close by, a smile grew onto her face, "Mother." She walked over to Ash and gave her a quick hug.

When she broke the hug Ash looked at her husband, which was walking towards her, "My Lord, what is it that you and my daughter were talking about?" She asked.

When Ned stood in front of her, he responded with, "My son, Jon Snow, my love." He lends over to kiss her.

"Eww!" They heard from the carriage. When they broke the kiss they looked to see Rickon fake yakking.

Ned laughed, but when he looked to Lyarra, his smile left and what remained was a sad smile.

"I would like to know what kind of person my brother is. What he did here, what he felt well he was here. And why he left before I got to know him?" She answered Ned's earlier question.

Ned looked to the carriage to see that the kids stopped trying to open their crates. They all looked to have a sad look, but Arya looked to be near tears. Since Ash got to Winterfell, she has noticed that the youngest daughter of House Stark, always cried when her half-brother was talked about.

Ash looked to Ned, "Jon was quiet when he was young, but when he got older, his wolf's blood grew with him. So when he turned thirteen, he fought with Lady Tully." Ned looked to his children, which walked closer to them, mainly Robb, and with an asking look in his eyes.

Robb nodded, and continued the story, "Mother never liked him, always staring daggers at him, and Jon never really mind, but like what father said, he started to mind."

Ash felt anger grow in her. No mother in Dorne would treat a motherless child like that. When Robb started talking she looked to him.

"But it didn't stop there, mother wanted all her children to hate Jon." He looked to Sansa, "But that's not important." Robb didn't continue.

Ned continued, with Lyarra's second part, "Jon would always have a sword in his hand." A smile grew on his face, "and let me say, he was better than I when I was his age."

Arya continued, "Robb and Jon would always fight, and Jon always won." She laughed, "You should have seen the look on Mother's face when that happened. She looked like she would explode. Then she would have Robb, being taught planning, but Jon would always be better than him." She continued to laugh.

Robb rubbed his eyes, "Please stop, Jon would beat me black and blue. But what Arya said, is true. Father would give both Jon and I, around one-hundred-fifty men and we would plan and Jon always came out on top. Mother would be outraged. But both Jon and I knew actual battles would never be like that, the numbers would be bigger and t lives would be lost, so we never put our all into it. But he was a master with a sword in hand. He wasn't that bad with spear, mace, or bow, but he was much better with a sword. Another thing he would do was ride his horse, Shadow. The beast was as black as the night sky, and Jon would always ride him in the morning, he would even offer me to come along, and I always did, and let me say that he was born on a horse." Arya and Robb stopped and looked down at their feet.

"Jon always felt loved here, but he always felt lonely. He was the only bastard in Winterfell, and he was Motherless, so he never got to feel what it would feel like having a mother." Ned continued, "Why Jon left was because he wanted to be free, he wanted to make a name for himself," Ned smiled, "and form what the letter said he has," Everyone looked at him confused, "He has made a Company in Essos, 'Brotherhood of the Old Gods', is its name. He also has the missing Valyrian Steel Sword, of house Targaryen, BlackFyre." Everyone's eyes grew.

Blackfyre location was known to anyone, so no one knew where to look. The only hint on the location though, was that it was with BitterSteel's corpses.

No one spoke but when they held a cough, they looked to the one most likely that brought the carriage. The man looked to want their attention, so when he noticed that he had it he spoke.

"Well if you are done can you move the crates from the carriage so I can leave." The man asked.

Ned nodded and asked a few household guards to move the crates out of the carriage, "So but we never got your name…" Ned asked.

"Ser Arthur, my lord. I was born in Braavos, was taught to wield a sword when I was five. And since then I know all styles of swords play in Essos." He smiled, "I'm currently being taught the Northern style by Jon."

Ash looked at the man, the man had shoulder-length blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, the man was about 6' 5". The man also had spiked gauntlets on both wrists, the man also wore rings. He wore six rings on his right hand and two on his left, one on his middle finger and one on the ring finger. All the rings on his right look standard, but the two on his left looked special. One was a black ring with a ruby in the center. The other was a gold ring with emeralds and rubies all over it.

Ash wasn't the only one that noticed the rings.

Sansa spoke, "What do those rings stand for. They look like they mean a lot to you."

Ser Arthur looked down at his left hand, "You mean these rings?" Sansa nodded, the man took the black one-off, "Well they both have an interesting back story, but the black one I recently got."

Brandon Stark

"Well they both have an interesting back story, but the black one, I recently got." Ser Arthur said.

Bran was all ears for stories it was just that his legs were hurting from all the standing, but he wasn't the only one, Rickon as well, was having a hard time staying still.

"Father," Lyarra spoke, Father looked to Lyarra, "Can we go inside?" She looked over to Rickon and Bran, "We have two boys who are tired of standing around and would like to go inside." She then looked to Ser Arthur, "And our guest might be tired from his long ride here, and hungry."

The man laughed, "Your to kind. But you don't have to, I have a tent and some food for the rest of my mission."

Father looked at the man with a questioning look, "And what would this other half of the mission?"

The man looked at Father, "Well going to KarHold and giving something to Alys KarStark. Jon has asked me to go to Winterfell and Karhold. And when my Commander asks me to do something I do."

Father nodded, "Well KarHold is a fortnight away from Winterfell, and I bet you don't have the amount of food to last a fortnight."

The man grinned, "You are right I don't have the food for the ride. So I would be happy to join you in."

Father looked to a guard, "Can you and some men take the crates to the family hall?"

The guard nodded, "Yes My Lord."


Everyone was in the main hall when Sansa asked the question to Ser Arthur.

"Ser, can you tell us the stories behind those rings?" Sansa asked.

Bran looked at the man with interest, the only two things they currently know was that the man was a knight, and he works for Jon.

The man wiped his mouth with a cloth, "Like I said they have interesting stories behind them." The man looked to Sansa, "Which one would you like to hear about first, little lady." The man asked his oldest sister.

Sansa thought it over, "The golden one, please." Sansa answered.

The man looked down at the ring, and a sad smile grew, "This ring is a promise," he said, he looked back up at them, "Remember when I said I was taught all the fighting styles in Essos?" Everyone nodded, "Well I was also taught by the House of White and Black." Father looked ready to fight the man, the man held up his hands, "Don't worry, My Lord. I won't harm your family." Father nodded and settled down, "Well I was taught by them so I became feared by everyone." He looked down at his ring, "No one hired me, no one allowed me into there inn, and brothels and no company allowed me to join, in fear that I would backstab them. That was until I meet someone, her name was Visenya(*2). The most beautiful woman I ever saw, she never feared me, she knew about me. But she didn't care, we became close friends, and when we grew to the age twenty-one, we married, and from that marriage, we had a daughter, Joanna, but my love died giving birth to her. But before she left me to raise our daughter myself she asked me to promise her, to protect her with my heart, soul, and mind. And I have, and I made this ring for me to remind myself of my promise to her. That was about twenty-two years ago, and since then my daughter has become a master spearman."

Bran looked to the man, he was close to tears. The man shook his head, to lose his tears. The man smiled, "So that's the story of that ring. Now little lady does want to hear the story of the other ring, and let me say it's better than the last one." The man smiled.

Sansa looked at the man, "I apologize for making you remember what happened to your wife." Sansa looked down at her hips.

"There is no reason to apologize, it was just a story. It wasn't the first time I have had to tell someone my life story to." The man smiled at Sansa. Bran watched a smile grew on Sansa's face, "Now, would you like to hear the story of my other ring?" Sansa nodded.

"Before we start," Father spoke, "I should take Rickon to bed, it seems like he fell asleep." Everyone looked to Rickon, swaying his head left to right.

Father walked over to Rickon and picked him up, and walked towards the exit. When Father exited the hall, Bran looked to the man and asked, "Have you been teaching Jon, sword fighting?"

The man nodded, "Of course," he looked down at his hands, he looked to be in thought, "I have taught him how the Dothraki work, and what they want. I have also taught him the Braavosi sword dance." The man laughed, "It never works for him, he's to beefy, tall, and his swords are not made for it, the Braavosi sword dance, requires someone of shorter height, and a small skinny sword."

At that Arya stood, with a smile on her face, "When you say a skinny sword, do you mean a sword like my Needle?"

The man looked at Arya, "I don't know what you mean by that, littlest lady."

Arya frown, "Don't call me a lady, the only ladies in these halls are Ash and Sansa." Arya crossed her arms and sat down.

The man looked at Arya, "I apologize, little wolf."

Before Arya could respond the doors opened to see Father, in his hands was a small skinny blade. Bran looked to father and was about to ask, but Arya spoke first.

"Father, where did you find Needle's. And why do you have it." Bran saw the look on Arya's face.

Father smile, "Arya, I knew about this before you did, I even asked Jon about it. The reason why I have it was because I took a gamble. The gamble was that Bran would ask Ser Arthur about if he was teaching Jon, and from the looks of it, and by Ser Arthur's grin I was correct."

Ser Arthur nodded, "You are correct, My Lord. Now let me see this Needle's." Ser Arthur held his hand out.

Father walked towards the Knight, and handed him Arya's sword, the man looked at the sword, and a smile grew, he looked to Arya, "You have a nice brother," he looked at everyone, "all of you do. He misses you dearly and he doesn't stop talking about you guys." He handed Arya's sword back to Father, "But his true feelings come out when he is deep into his ale, and wine. I won't tell you anything, but one of you has a special place in his heart." The knight looked down and continued eating.

Sansa spoke, before anyone could, "It's probably Arya, that has a special place in his heart. We all know that my younger sister and my brother have been close." Everyone looked to Sansa is shock.

Sansa always called Jon half-brother, so it was surprising when she called Jon's brother.

Father smiled, so did Robb, Arya still looked shocked. Bran looked to the Knight and Bran saw him smile as well, "From the looks I see you must be Sansa." He held out his hand, Sansa gave him a look but gave him her hand.

The Knight brought her hand up to his lips, and from the blush on Sansa's face, he kissed the back of her hand. When the knight took his elder sister's hand away from his lips, he went on to say something, but Sansa spoke first.

"Can… can we go onto the story about the ring, my good Ser," Sansa spoke with a bright blush on her cheeks.

The man smiled, and sat back down, "Right, back to storytelling." He took the black ring off and held it in his palm. The knight smiled looking down at the ring, "This ring I actually got recently. But like I said I wasn't very liked in Braavos. So my son and I were left homeless, and the food we ate was half bad. So one day my son and I, half starved, came across a bunch of men. The men wore different things, then what I was used to. They wore furs, but one wore a black tunic and black breeches." He stopped to look at their reaction, he smiled, "By the looks on your faces you know who that person is."

Arya stood, "What did you do to Jon!" She yelled at the man.

The man looked to her, "Nothing. Now can I continue the story." Arya glared at the man, but sat down, "Well like I said I did nothing to him." He stops, "Well like I said, I did nothing to him. But he always came along with his bunch of men and he always had a bag of food with him. And one day he came along with a bigger beg and a woman with honey-blonde hair, she was gorgeous, but what got my attention the most was that she was carrying a spear. On that day, my daughter was pissed, angry and annoyed, so she went to the woman and punched her in the face. The lady dropped her spear, and so my daughter took it and threatened Jon, but before anything could happen the lady stood and let me tell you this, don't punch FreeFolk woman, they always carry a dagger or a dirk with them." He stopped and asked for wine.

When the servant poured the wine into his horn, he drinks half and continued, "But back to the story. So this woman stood with a dagger in both hands and was ready to attack my daughter. I was scared shitless when I saw this, but before the woman could attack, Jon put his hand on her shoulder and said 'Don't, Val. Look at her and his father they are half-starved.' So the woman named Val, looked at my daughter, and puts her daggers away, and stepped back. Jon walked towards my daughter and held his hand out, 'Now, can I have the spear back? If you give it I will give you a home and food to eat.' My daughter didn't believe a word but gave him the spear. When Jon gave the spear to Val he continued down the street, but didn't go far, he turned around and waved his hands towards him, 'Come, I promised I would give you a home and food to eat.' He turned back around, we followed and he took us to an area surrounded by the men and women in furs. We continued to follow Jon until we came along a table filled with food. Jon turned around and said, 'I promised you food,' he gestured to the table, 'and I promised you a home.' He gestured to the room, 'Now eat your fill, and come find me when your done, I have questions for you and clean clothing to cover you.'

So my daughter and I eat our fill, and when done we went looking for Jon, but we didn't know his name then, so we couldn't ask for help, so we went and asked for Val, and they showed us the way to the training yard, and there he was all sweaty and tired. He saw us before we got to him, he practically yelled, 'Come let's spar!' I tried to refuse but the people around just shoved me to the yard where he was and gave me a sword. We fought and let me tell you this," he leaned in, "best fight ever." he backed away and drink the rest of his wine, "When we were done, I was on the ground breathing heavily, and so was Jon. And out of nowhere, we both laughed. Jon got up first and offered to help me up, and I accepted. We walked towards my daughter, and Jon waved to follow. We did and we came to a room, and in the room was clothing, and a lot, 'Pick what you want, and when dressed ask the man outside to take you guys to me.' He turned and left, but before he went, he turned to us and said, 'The names Jon, by the way.' And left."

The knight stopped for some air, "When we were done we did as he said, a guard was outside and waiting for us. He asked us to follow and we did. He took us to Jon's solar, and entered when entered we saw that he was working on something, when he heard the door opened he, looked to us with a smile and spoke lightly, 'You may leave Mance.' Our guide left us with Jon, and he stood, 'Come sit, we have something to discuss.' He sat in his chair, and offered us a cup of wine, we agreed and asked his first question, he asked who we were and what we did, and we answered in complete honesty. We continued talking about what we did and he told us what has been going on in his life. He told us about everything, and he was putting a lot of trust in us." The knight took sip water.

"When it came close to the end of the conversation he offered us a deal, and we accepted full-heartedly, both my daughter and I became a member of his Brotherhood, but not like normal members who needed to rise in the ranks, we went straight to commanders. I became the commander of his footmen and became the Master-At-Arms. My daughter became his commander of spearmen." The knight smiled, "Jon then took a box out of his drawer, and gave us both a ring," he took off his black ring, "This ring, every commander or master in his Brotherhood has one, each different gem in the middle. Commanders have rubies in the center, Masters have gold, Head Commanders, Jon and his second in command, Mance Rayder, have a sapphire. So that is how I got the rings." He smiled.

Everyone took the information in. The hall was quiet for a minute or two, but the one to break the silence was Sansa, "How do you remember this so well, Ser?"

The man smiled, "Because in my eyes Jon is a savior." The knight stood, "Well if you don't mind me I should be going, thank you for inviting me into your house." He began to walk towards the doors but was stopped by Father.

"You're going north to KarHold right?" Father asked. The knight nodded, Father smiled, "You're in luck then, because both House Umber and House KarStark are coming to Winterfell. I have already asked a servant to have a guest room ready for you." Father smiled.

The Knight looked at Father and bowed, "Thank you, My Lord."


News from the east never peeped, Lord Varys' interest… minus the development of the last two Targaryens, Viserys Targaryen and his sister Daenerys Targaryen. But that all changed today, when Lord Varys, The Spider, got a raven from one of his little birds, in Norvos, saying that 'Jon Snow, the so-called Bastard of Winterfell, has been in Norvos for the past three weeks. Protecting the people of the city, from a Dothraki Horde. Mainly a Khal named Rami.'

Jon Snow has apparently has made a new company called the 'Brotherhood of the Old Gods'. The Company wasn't huge. It only had around 5000-6000 members, but that was the current time and Varys could see something major might happen with the company.

But that wasn't the interesting part of it, the interesting part is the two swords he cares around with him, and the chest that he brought with him. The swords were to be believe, BlackFyre and Lightbringer, of the Red God. The chest though, from what his little birds say, is that the chest is the same size as the one he sent to Illyrio.

Varys was walking towards the small consul room, while he was thinking of this, thinking if it was a good idea to tell the members are not. He chose to tell them. Varys opened the doors to see that he was the last to enter, and from the looks of it, they were about to start without him.

"I apologize, my lords for being later then I'm normally." He said as he walked towards his seat at the table.

Lord Hand looked to him, "Have your little birds brought news of the Targaryen siblings?" Lord Arryn asked.

Varys shook his head, "No my lord. I just got a raven from Norvos," He spoke.

Lord Renly asked, "Who is in Norvos that would make one of your little birds sing, Lord Varys?"

Lord Varys took the scroll out of his sleeves and pasted it to the member to his left, Lord Stannis, "Apparently, Jon Snow has risen in the world. He has founded a new company in Essos, called the 'Brotherhood of the Old Gods'."

Varys saw Lord Stannis pass the scroll to the Grand Maester, "But that isn't the most important part of it." He looked to the small consul members, "He has two legendary swords, the first a Valyrian Steel sword, with a black handle with a ruby in the center, with a dragon head as the pommel." Varys looked at everyone to judge there reaction, and continued, "BlackFyre, the ancestral sword of Houses Targaryen and BlackFyre. The other sword has a crimson blade with the noticeable Valyrian Steel ripples. It also has a fire shaped pommel and red binding on the handle. It's to believe to be Lightbringer, the sword of the Red God, R'Hllor."

Varys saw that the scroll was able to get around the table, and back to him. He took the scroll from Lord Renly and puts it back into his sleeve. Noone spoke for a good five minutes, the silence was broken by Lord Stannis, "Was that all, Lord Varys?" Varys nodded, "Then we can get back to business." Everyone nodded.

Joy Hill

Joy missed her father dearly and wanted to believe that he was still out there in the world, going on his bat shit of a trip. Joy was also lonely, normally her cousin Tyrion would come and play a game with her. But today cousin Tyrion was doing something for Uncle Tywin, so he was busy for the day.

So the only thing Joy has to do was play with her hair, and think about the dreams she has been having for the past three days. Normally Joy wouldn't care about her dreams, but this one was different. This dream was of a man wearing armor as black as the night sky. This man also had angry velvet, almost purple, eyes. With raven black hair. But that wasn't the weird part… the weird part was what was behind the man. There stood her Father, Gerion Lannister, smiling at her. The father that everyone believed dead.

Joy cried the first time she had the dream. But for the past two days she has woken up with a smile on her face, saying to herself, 'Father is coming home, and it will be soon'.

Clarisse BlackWood(OC)

Clarisse BlackWood, a sixteen-year-old maiden, was the only daughter of the head of House BlackWood. She had black hair with brown eyes. She was above average in her size in all the areas.

Clarisse knew her father had a plan for her, but she didn't know what. But what she does know is that it involves the North. She was always amazed when she read or heard stories of the North.

A kingdom that no one was able to break. With their freezing winters and cold summers, was almost impossible to break. And the ruling family of it was the oldest family in Westeros, House Stark. She always interested in the North and wanted to go North, but her father always denied it when she asked to go north.

But for the past two weeks, her thoughts have been taken elsewhere, to her dream world. Clarisse wasn't an imaginative girl, but she did have her dreams. But for the past few days her dreams, having to give her a vision of a man with night-black armor, angry velvet, almost purple, eyes, and raven black hair.

Clarisse didn't know why she was dreaming of this, but she did have a theory that something big was going to happen and this man from her dreams, is involved.

Mya Stone

Angry velvet, almost purple, eyes. Was always going through Mya's head whenever she blinked. She has dreamed of a man in black armor with raven black hair, and angry velvet, almost purple, eyes.

She didn't know why she was dreaming of these eyes, but she loved them. They were beautiful. But the eyes also say something else, something that she has only read about, and heard about. Those eyes belonged to a Targaryen.

Mya knew who her father is. Mya also despises the fat bastard. She also knew that he was on the hunt for the Targaryens.

Mya grinned at the thought that just went through her head. She is not going to tell anyone about this mystery dragon.

Alliser Thorne

When Alliser saw Jon Snow, moons ago, almost a year. Alliser thought he was dreaming, sure Jon Snow had the Stark coloring, but the cheekbones and the eyes gave it away. Jon Snow was Rhaegar Targaryen's last son.

Alliser grinned at how the times of change. The Usurper's brother, in all but blood, has lied to him. Alliser remembered the story of when Lord Eddard Stark saw the dismantled bodies of Aegon, Rhaenys, and Elia's, and how the King laughed at the bodies and rewarding the scum that did it. But when Lord Stark saw it he was enraged, he wanted the men that did this, executed for it. It never happened and since then Lord Stark has tried his best to stay away from the south.

Even thinking of that time, filled Alliser with rage. But the thought that Honourable Lord Eddard Stark told the biggest lie in the seven kingdoms made Alliser grin.

Alliser was brought from his thoughts by Maester Aemon steward, "Ser, Maester Aemon is ready you see you." The steward told Alliser.

Alliser nodded and walked into the Maester's room.

When Alliser saw the Maester sitting in front of the fire, he smiled.

"Maester Aemon," Alliser spoke.

"Ahh, Ser Alliser Thorne what can I help you with, on this fine winter day." turned around, and with his milky white eyes looked to Alliser.

Alliser turned to the Maester's steward, "Can we speak alone Maester?"

Maester Aemon nodded, and looked to his steward, "You may leave." Steward nodded and left, and closed the door behind him, the Maester looked back at Alliser, "So what is it that you have to speak to me alone, Ser Alliser?" The Maester asked.

Alliser walked to the chair beside the old Targaryen, and sat down, and grabbed the Maester's hands, "Maester Aemon, I'm going to tell you something that needs to be kept a secret." Alliser said.

The Maester looked Alliser in the eyes, with his milky blind one, "I swear to keep it a secret, Alliser." The Maester said to Alliser.

Alliser smiled at the Maester, "I believe that Prince Rhaegar had a Son."

The Maester, looked down at his lap, "Aegon died Alliser and you know it."

Alliser gripped his hand, "No, not Aegon. I'm talking about the son, that was birthed from Lyanna Stark, Maester. I believe that Rhaegar didn't kidnap Lyanna. I believe she left with him."

The Maester looked at Alliser, "How do you know that. We got a raven from King's Landing saying that, Lyanna Stark died from a fever, with an unborn daughter." Maester Aemon looks desperate.

"They didn't say what kind of fever. Also, that was news from Eddard Stark, who just so happened to have a bastard son at the same time." Alliser looked Aemon proudly, "I believe that Lord Eddard Stark, lied to the whole of the Seven Kingdoms. I believe that Jon Snow isn't really a Snow, or Jon, I believe that he is the rightful king of the Seven Kingdoms."

Maester smiled, "Where did this come from, Alliser?" The Maester asked.

"Remember when Lord Pyke came to Castle Black, and I was sent to East-Watch-By-The-Sea?" Alliser asked the Maester.

Aemon nodded, and Alliser continued, "Well I was there, Jon Snow, came and asked to go beyond the Wall. Well because I was the acting lord at that time I was the only one to allow it. So he asked for me, and when I saw him, he looked just like a normal Stark. But then I saw his eyes. His eyes were the same purple as Prince Rhaegar's, dark, angry, and almost purple, velvet eyes." Alliser smiled at the end.

Maester Aemon's smile grew brighter, "Alliser, can you go grab me something?"

"Anything, Maester." Alliser let Aemon's hands go, and stood.

"If you go to my bed, and looked underneath it you should find a little box, and as well as something wrapped in clothes and leather. When you have them bring them here, and open them." Maester Aemon told Alliser.

Alliser walked to Maester Aemon's bed and bent down to look underneath it, and indeed he saw a little box and something wrapped in clothes and leather. Alliser reached under and grabbed the little box first, then he grabbed something, that was in the shape of a sword.

When Alliser had the items, he stood back up and turned back around to the fireplace and saw the Maester with the biggest smile, that Ser Alliser has ever seen.

He walked towards the Maester, "Maester Aemon I have the items you asked for." Alliser said.

The Maester nodded, "Sit and open the box and read the contents of it."

Alliser went and sat down in the chair. Alliser opened the box, to see a lot of scrolls. Alliser grabbed the scroll that was on top. When he opened it, he was shocked to see who's handwriting it was in. Alliser knew this writing like he knew the back of his hand.

This was Prince Rhaegar handwriting. Rhaegar always gave the Gold Cloaks a day heads up before he would go out and play the harp for his people.

Alliser looked to Maester Aemon, "How do you have these Maester Aemon?"

The Maester laughed, "You think I wouldn't know my great-grandchildren. Rhaegar sent ravens to me, all the time, asking for advice, and such." The Maester looked to Alliser, "Read the scrolls, Ser Alliser. And well you're doing that I will tell you what I know about this 'Hidden Prince'." The Maester looked back to the fire.

Alliser nodded, and started reading the scrolls.

The Maester started to speak, "When the Tourney at Harrenhal ended, Rhaegar sent me a raven, saying that he found the most beautiful woman in all the Seven Kingdoms, Lyanna Stark. He also told me that he crowned the Stark Lady, the queen of love and beauty, he told me that when he went back to his shared tent with Princess Elia, that she laughed. He told me many things, and I always tried my best to respond, but with the Watch, I had to leave my old family behind and join my new family. He also told me that she would be the one to bring the 'Song of Ice and Fire' into this world." The Maester stood, Alliser put the box and scroll down on the desk and walked over to the Maester, "Just needing a drink Ser Alliser." But Alliser stayed and helped the maester.

When they got the wine and horns, they went back to the fireplace and sat back down in the chair. Aemon grabbed the horn, with shaky hands, and brought it up to his lips and took a sip, and went back to telling Alliser what he knew.

"When the news of Rhaegar kidnapping Lyanna Stark got to the Wall, I knew something was wrong. So I sent a raven to the Red Keep, hoping for a reason why, but I never did." The Maester took a sip of wine, "When the Wall got news of Robert Baratheon Rebellion, I was still hoping for a response. When a few moons past, I gave up all hope, for a response from Prince Rhaegar, but on the day I gave up hope of having a response, I finally got one." The Maester looked towards Alliser, "I got a raven from Prince Rhaegar, saying that the rebellion was a lie and that Lyanna loved d him loved each other. I believed it. It also said, Rhaegar Targaryen has married Lyanna Stark in front of a WeirWood Tree, with a Septon, and as witnesses, they had Princesses Elia, and Rhaenys, they also had three of the Kingsguard, Sers, Oswell Whent, Arthur Dayne, and Gerold Hightower. And that Lyanna Targaryen was with child." Maester Aemon smile, "Rhaegar wrote that if the babe is a boy his name would be Daeron Targaryen, and if it was a girl, Visenya Targaryen. All the while I was reading the scroll I felt Rhaegar smile. He loved the child even before it was born. And if Rhaegar survived the Trident, I swear he would love the child." Aemon looked to Alliser, "I know you haven't been reading the scrolls. All of them are from Rhaegar." Aemon put down the horn of win and stood, Alliser was going to stand, but was stopped by the Maester, "Sit." The maester said.

Alliser was shocked by the voice the Maester just us. That was the voice of a Crowned Prince.

Aemon stood and turned to Alliser, and spoke with the same voice, "I promised myself to use this voice ever again but I Prince Aemon Targaryen, Son of King Maeker Targaryen, demand you, Ser Alliser Thorne to take the box and Dark Sister, to my great-great-great-grandson, King Daeron Targaryen, Third of His Name, Son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, and Princess Lyanna 'Stark' Targaryen."(*3) The Maester… no Prince spoke.

Alliser stood and fell to his knees and spoke clearly, "I will do as my Prince asked. I will deliver both sword and box to the rightful King."

Prince Aemon, nodded, "You will leave tonight when everyone one is abed and asleep. I will try and hide any tracks of where you went." Prince Aemon spoke.

"Thank you, My Prince," Alliser spoke.

"Stand." Prince Aemon said Alliser stood, "Go you need to pack things for your journey."

Eddard Stark(Five days later)

Lord Stark was sitting in his solar when Jory opened the door, "My Lord, a raven from Castle Black."

Ned nodded, "Give it here Jory."

Jory gave the scroll to Ned. When Ned got the raven he opened it and read it out loud.

'To Lord Stark,

Ser Alliser Thorne has deserted the Watch and has fled south. We would like your assistance in finding him.

From Lord Commander Jeor Mormont'

Ned threw the scroll on his desk and rubbed his eyes. Today wasn't going as well as he pleased. Ash was pregnant, Ser Arthur has left, House Umber and House Karstark have left. And now a scroll from the Watch asking for help. What can make this day even worse would be a raven from Essos.

And just like that Maester Luwin came into the room with a scroll in hand, "My Lord, a Raven from Jon."

Ned nodded and held his hand out, and the Maester gave him the scroll to him, Ned opened it, and read it out loud.

"Dear Father,

I bring news of my Victory, against the Khal Rami. We won with little to no men lost. I have won my first war, and hope to have more victories in the future.

I also bring news that I am moving towards Slaver's Bay to buy five-hundred Unsullied. When I have them I plan on freeing them instantly. Then I will send my fleet back to Braavos, with all my men. I then will only have one ship left and twenty-five men to man it, and I will take it to Valyria. I will also bring the chest you gave me.

I hope everyone is fine, and please tell them I love them dearly and miss them very much.

Your Son

Jon Snow

P.S. You might have a grandchild coming in a few moons.'

No one made a noise when Ned finished the scroll. The silence was broken by Lord Stark dropping his head on his desk. Muttering to himself, "I'm not ready to have Grandchildren. Why me?"

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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