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15% Allsmith Spiderman in Arcane / Chapter 3: Vander's Test

Kapitel 3: Vander's Test

In one of the streets near the Long District, a boy covered with a large cloth hurriedly walked through the streets.

Asking for directions from passersby and hiding his clothes with the cloth, he managed to reach a tavern with a neon yellow symbol of a jug and the words "The Last Drop".

'System, I already told you not to worry about small things like these.'

Stopping at one of the walls near the tavern, Niko began to speak to the system.

[But, host, you had to ask someone else for information. If I don't do that, what use am I?]

'Asking for directions or what year it is isn't difficult. I'm sure in the future you'll help me even more, so have confidence.'

After pondering those words, Niko began to recap his little adventure to the small tavern.

On the rooftop, he decided to head towards the Long District in search of Vander or Benzo for support, although using his strength to rob the thugs sounded good, he preferred to lay low for a while.

After descending from the roof, he searched through the surrounding trash for something to hide in, then he began to wander around the area with his new memories, attempting to ask passersby about the year he was in when he moved away from the alley.

This was Zaun, and obviously, no one paid him any attention, either because they thought it was a strategy to rob them or they simply didn't care about a street child in the slightest.

As the minutes passed, he became more frustrated, until some friendly thugs approached him threateningly and decided to give him directions after a small beating.

As he moved through the city, he became more and more amazed by the new reality he was experiencing.

He thought about practicing his powers as he went, but a child swinging through the city's buildings wasn't the most discreet way.

Now he finally reached his destination.

The plan was clear: to talk to Vander in private and ask for his help in exchange for his work as a blacksmith.

It sounds like crap, but going around and playing Robin Hood to keep the money wasn't the best idea. He was looking for something stable. If he was rejected, he could always try his luck with Benzo.

As he headed towards the gates, a thought crossed his mind.

'Orphan again, what a surprise! Haha ...Wait, orphan, Jinx, and Vi. System, you said there are 5 years left before the start of the series, right? Can I prevent this confrontation?'



[I-I, uh, host, with the 5 years I was referring to the events when Vi, Jinx, Claggor, and Mylo blow up Jayce's workshop. That confrontation you're referring to happened a year ago...]

The footsteps paused for a moment.


[...I'm truly sorry dear host]

Upon hearing his apologies, he could only sigh and continue walking.

'Don't worry, it was a misunderstanding, so, I'll find those 4 in here?'

[Five actually]


Before he could think any further, he entered through the door and found himself in a large, round tavern with many tables occupied by people who definitely weren't stockbrokers on either side and a bar at the far end and in the center of it.

At the bar stood a tall, burly man with a beard, reminiscent of a bear, who didn't seem to be more than 30 years old.

The man's gaze was directed towards five children in front of him who were occupying half of the bar stools near the counter.

'Wow, in real life, they look more... realistic? God, i'm slow'

As Niko rambled on, Vander's gaze fell upon him.

His short stature and the fact that he was covered with a large piece of cloth made Vander furrow his brow. With a hand gesture, he indicated for him to come closer.

The children's gazes followed Vander's as he approached someone. When they turned, they found a boy returning their gaze. For some reason, the eldest of the five, the girl with short pink hair, felt a shiver.

This didn't go unnoticed by Niko, who smiled to himself with his enhanced senses.

'As expected from the future 'Enforcer of Piltover', she has overwhelming instincts.'

Vander didn't notice this small exchange and put on a friendly face as he spoke to the little one who entered his tavern.

Vander didn't notice this little exchange and put on a friendly face as he cleaned the tankards.

"What do you want, little one?"

Niko had to refrain from rolling his eyes at being called "little one" again and looked directly at Vander.

"Sir, I want to talk to you in private."

The five beside them narrowed their eyes at the youngster in front of them who seemed no older than the smallest in their group, Powder (Jinx). 

The locksmith of the group, Mylo, slid off his stool and crossed his arms as he scrutinized Niko.

"Do you need something from our big boss, kid?"

'Mmm? I don't recall him referring to Vander like that in the series. Although it's quite funny to see him trying to look intimidating, you've picked the wrong opponent, kid.'

With a smug internal smile, Niko prepared to throw all his dignity away.

"B-big browder, I-I'm sworry, I just wanted to talk with your papa, please don't hit me"

As if it were an act, completely opposite to his serious demeanor from before, now, Niko's body trembled as he took a few steps back, rubbed his hands together and hung his head with tears streaming down his face while the words seemed as whispers.

A silence fell over the tavern, the gazes of the customers passing over the small crying boy in the center of the room before settling on the boy who seemed to be intimidating him.

Niko was crying but from laughter, he had his head bowed because a horrible expression caused by holding back was on his face.

'How much this hurts to do, I have to do it again.'

Meanwhile, Mylo was nearly wetting himself, he was never intending to hit anyone. He glanced at the patrons, and they returned his gaze. He turned his head to seek support.

Sadly for him, the girl with blue hair, Powder, the big guy Claggor, and the white-haired boy Ekko, all had the same look, while his older sister continued to gaze at the boy, much like their adoptive father, who wore a smile.

"You should stop, kid. You're making my little worker feel bad."

Vander's words fell on the ears of the others, but by the time they turned their eyes back to the crying child, he was already smiling, with no trace of tears.

"As expected, my skills are not enough for you, hehe. I would like to have a few words with you, Mr. Vander."

Vander nodded and headed towards a door, with Niko following closely behind.

At the other site of the door were some stairs, and, in no time they reached a room with a few beds and toys. On the other side, there was a small table with 5 chairs around it.

"Tell me your name, boy."

Vander began as they were both seated facing each other.

"I'm Niko, Mr. Vander."

"Where are your parents, Niko?"

Niko remained calm, but there was a hint of venom in his tone.

"I never had any."

Vander noticed it but didn't insist.

"You don't have the vocabulary of someone living on the streets, is someone taking care of you?"

"Not anymore"

Vander's eyes widened with surprise as he seemed to gaze into the distance.

A few seconds later, they opened again, but this time with a look of pity.

"Niko, what do you want from me? I can give you food and shelter if you want, you can also stay under my care, become part of my family and a brother to those 4 up there. Ekko, the white-haired one, is under the care of a friend but he prefers to spend more time around here."

Niko frowned, he didn't like this situation.

"I don't want charity, Mr. Vander. I came here to work for you, and I already have brothers whom I'll always cherish. Thank you."

Vander was surprised by Niko's tone, he didn't expect the boy to be upset, so he proceeded with caution.

"I didn't mean it that way, Niko. Could you introduce me to your siblings? I'd like to understand why such a young child comes to a place like this alone."

Niko's gaze faltered for a moment, and he looked at Vander with a hint of sadness.

Then, he pointed to his heart. "They've been gone for a while, but they're still here with me."

'I take it back, I'm finding this quite funny this guy is not getting it. Hehe'

Vander's eyes showed surprise again, but this time he recovered more quickly. After coughing a bit, he returned to a serious expression.

"Alright, let's get to the point. I can get you some jobs at nearby stores that could use an extra hand, some of them even offer room and board. With what you earn, you can come here to eat. There are also jobs as waiters—"

Before he could continue rambling, Niko raised his palm.

"I apologize for not mentioning it earlier, but I want to work for you offering my services. I'm a blacksmith with quite a bit of theoretical experience"

Niko emphasized the word "theoretical" due to his age. If anyone asked, he could justify it by saying he had read many books, but there's another reason.

"Blacksmith, you say? In Zaun there hasn't been one in years due to the harsh working conditions here. That's why all Zaunitas depend on traders to get things like cutlery, tools, or instruments.

Sadly, I can't assign you any master to learn from because there are none left around here."

Niko hurried as he saw he was losing his chance.

"I don't need a master! I'm also an inventor and I have some ideas that I might patent in the future. What I'm asking is for you to invest in me. I just need a small forge to work with some metals, and I'll start paying you back as soon as I begin fixing things."

After letting it all out, Niko started to get a little nervous. It's true that he was no longer in his world. There, only a lunatic would give that to a 6-year-old. And here in Zaun? Even less likely! Many literally subsist here, and their day-to-day is about lasting one more day.

The reason he proposes it to Vander is that there literally isn't a better option. Vander has influence and respect in the area. Working with him would be enough to have clientele and resources for a while, unless Silco starts messing things up, of course.

After a few seconds of silence, Vander seemed to make a decision as he raised two fingers.

"There are two conditions: you'll accompany me to a place, and you'll have to show me your skill with the hammer."

Niko noded

"It makes sense."

"Alright, secondly, whether you get the job or not, you'll be living under my roof. And before you say anything, tell me, do you have anywhere else to go?"

Niko tried to retort, but he had no choice but to lower his head and stay silent. Whether in his previous life or this one, he had never lived on the streets. Even as a superhuman, loneliness was something he never wanted to experience again.

"I'll take that as a 'no.' Go and take a shower, the bathroom is over there. I'll bring you some fresh clothes.

And don't worry about the water, although it's scarce around here. Recently, a Noxian merchant brought well water in large quantities, even this area started to smell better. Hahaha."

Upon realizing his state, Niko had to continue with his head bowed.

Since he woke up among the dead and garbage bags, he paid little attention to his smell, covering himself only with a piece of cloth, thinking it was due to the area he was in.

But it was really because of himself, maybe that was the reason why passersby avoided him with faces of disgust.

Thinking more about this, his face and ears turned red and Vander, who was watching closely, couldn't help but laugh even more.

To the unawareness of both Niko and his newly developed Spider-sense, outside the entrance door was a wild Ekko, listening at the door. Upon hearing Vander rise from his chair and head towards the door, Ekko had to quickly dash up the stairs.

Upon reaching the top and crossing the other door, he found his four friends on each side of the door, Vi and Powder on one side and Mylo along with Claggor on the other.

The four nodded at him and moved to their stools at the bar while whispering to each other.

Vi was the first to speak.

"Spill it, Ekko."

Ekko swallowed for a moment and said

"I think you've got a new member in the family, boss."

The four of them looked at each other as if they had misheard.



Niko, who was in the shower, was unaware of what was happening with the group.

The water ran down his body as he washed away the dirt. There were soaps in the bathroom, but they were separated into compartments with labels, so he preferred not to touch one that belonged to someone else.

'Well, I imagined it would be more difficult, but I have to say Vander is too good of a guy.'

[Host, there's still the issue of the corpses, that fat orc-, I mean that man said his bosses instructed him not to leave any traces. If a body were to disappear, they wouldn't search for it?]

'That pig didn't seem like someone very dedicated to his job. He probably left the bodies behind the dumpster, thinking no one would go to such a remote place, and forgot about the problem.'

[Aren't you worried about being recognized?]

'You have a point. Honestly, my physical appearance doesn't seem to have changed even after receiving the spider powers. Niko said he wasn't seeking revenge, and even though we merged, if they come looking for me, I'll look for them.'

Niko finished cleaning himself and left on the floor the small metal basin with which he poured and fetched water from a large metal barrel filled with water.

Upon seeing that Vander hadn't returned with the clothes, he started to worry, but two knocks on the door instantly relieved him.

"The clothes!"

'That's not Vander's voice.'

The worries returned.

Niko approached the door, leaning over it as he opened it, revealing only his head. On the other side, he encountered a young boy with white hair and a big smile, whom he knew quite well.

"Hey there! Vander and the others are busy upstairs attending to customers, so he told me to bring you the clothes. I'm Ekko, nice to meet you!"

Ekko extended his hand and handed over the clothes along with a towel while Niko looked at him and smiled back.

"Pleasure's mine too. I'm Niko. Thanks for bringing me the clothes, bro."

Ekko paused for a moment as he turned around, then turned his head back with enthusiasm.

"Don't mention it, bro!"

After drying off and putting on the clothes, which consisted of loose gray button-up pants and a somewhat old brown long-sleeved shirt, he walked barefoot out of the shower. Looking around, he spotted some slightly worn black fisherman boots with long socks nearby.

[IMG here]

After putting them on, he climbed the stairs and headed to where Vander was sitting, alongside Vi, Claggor, Mylo, Ekko, and Powder.

"Niko, do you mind if they come with us? They've been insisting a lot, and I also don't want to leave them unattended."

"It doesn't bother me, Vander. It'll be good to have company."

With a nod, Vander stood up and led the way, while the children watched Niko. Vi, Powder, and Claggor looked at him with interest, while Ekko approached him directly, and they walked together.

As for Mylo... Well, Mylo was pretty pissed off, and understandably so.

With this in mind, after a few minutes, he apologized to Ekko, quickened his pace, and approached Mylo, who was with Claggor, behind Vander, Powder, and Vi. As soon as he turned around, he frowned and prepared to keep walking.

"I'm sorry if what I did bothered you. I don't want to start off on a bad start."

While extending his hand, Niko sincerely couldn't care less if Mylo was angry or not, but since they would grow up together, it was best to maintain a peaceful relationship.

Mylo hesitated for a moment before accepting his apology and shaking his hand, with a nod and a grunt.

"You owe me a ZS"

With a puzzled nod, Niko turned back to Ekko and asked what Mylo meant.

"ZS means ZestySweet, it's he's favourite candy"


In addition to Ekko, the others also heard this brief interaction with a smile, without turning their heads.

Minutes kept passing as they walked past various establishments, with Ekko eagerly explaining them along with some of the... owners' secrets.

Finally, their steps halted in front of a shop with a large circular hole lined with metal bars, forming a window, and to the right, a door with a similar circular design on the top, also with bars, serving as a peephole.

Ekko stepped forward and raised his arms with a smile.

"Niko, welcome to Benzo's shop, the place where I live and work." 

Ekko entered, kicking the door abruptly, seeming like an everyday occurrence as no one mentioned anything.

Well, no one except Benzo, who started shouting.

"IDIOT, WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT KICKING THE DOOR? Tonight you'll make double the deliveries."

Ekko was alarmed and quickly began reciting with his silver tongue.

"Oh, my beloved and all-powerful boss Benzo, today excitement overwhelmed me with the arrival of a new friend of destiny. This joy was reflected in a kick full of happiness that conveyed my delight. Please, forgive this poor boy who only seeks to share his happiness."

"Yes, yes, shut up, little flatterer. And you, Vander, what's up with this kid? Another one for the collection?"

"You're not entirely wrong, Benzo. This is-"

"Niko, I know," Benzo interjected, pointing at Ekko, "this idiot just literally shouted it out. Windows don't have glass, for God's sake."

"Do you still have the oven and anvil that old Shuriman blacksmith sold you years ago?"

"I didn't even remember I had it, Vander. Who would buy something like that in this area? Wait, don't tell me..."

Benzo's gaze alternated between Vander and Niko a few times before he put on a look of disbelief.

"You're kidding, Vander?"

"Don't be like that, Benzo, give him a chance."

Without responding, Benzo headed to the back room, gesturing for them to follow.

In a large room, there were a few objects, mostly barrels filled with trinkets.

Vander and Benzo told the children to stay still and watch as they moved wooden boards covering the oven. 

 In a few seconds, a small portable oven made of dark blue bricks with a black metal door appeared beneath the boards. Near it, there was a grayish metallic anvil.

Vander approached it with a hammer in hand, while Benzo carried metal swords in his arms, which he considered scrap.

"Take it, Niko, show me what you're capable of."

"You better not waste a single sword, kid."

Nodding, Niko grabbed the hammer, which seemed to weigh twice as much as a conventional one, about 5 kilograms.

"Let's get to work."

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