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78.1% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2169: 37

Kapitel 2169: 37

Chapter 37: Therapy That FliesNotes:

I love Sam Wilson, and I know he doesn't fit much into any of the plotlines in this. But just throwing out I'm super excited for the Winter Solider and Falcon tv show or is The Falcon and Winter Soldier? Either way I'm supes excited.

Chapter Text

Steve felt jittery as he tightened his tie. "Are you ready?"

"Punk I've been ready. Would you stop vibrating? You're going to wear a hole in the floor." Bucky snarked as he dutifully let Darcy inspect his coal grey suit that was styled to be as military looking as possible without being an actual uniform. His hair was neatly styled and pulled back into what they'd been informed was a 'sexy man bun, but professional'.

Steve gave Darcy a thankful nod while forcing himself to still. "Sorry, it's just a big day."

"Dude chill pill. Take one." Darcy stepped over and slapped his hands away and straightened his tie. "It's the first day. Lots of boring mumbo jumbo, some opening arguments and then we get milkshakes and doom scroll the internet to see how people are reacting initially. It'll help shape our media campaign."

Natasha popped a bubble from where she was lounging in an easy chair, chewing gum and pretending to read a magazine. "Listen to the Doctor."

"I know, I just." Steve looked at his best friend. The person he'd loved for most of his life. Not that he was going to tell that to anyone, about how they very much hadn't been strictly platonic since they were teenagers back in Brooklyn. Honestly people saw what they wanted to see and once they'd started stepping out with Peggy everybody just assumed things. Not that they'd been wrong, he'd loved Peggy. They just missed the part where it hadn't just been him and Peggy.

Of course there was the disaster of him stepping out with Sharon. Which by the end had been more out of habit than anything else. It was a bit jarring how Darcy Lewis had spotted the very real, core of feelings between him and Buck. Of course she assumed closeted pining not the trauma that was actually keeping anything from progressing. Honestly as if he was going to bring up how things used to be when Bucky was barely holding onto a sense of self. Once Buck was better they could deal with what they were to each other. All that mattered now was that he was with him till the end of the line. Period.

Which is why this trial was so important. Steve needed Bucky as much as Bucky needed him. He couldn't let his best friend end up in jail. It would be wrong. So now he was letting himself be dressed up like a performing monkey once again. As always. At least Darcy had a sense of subtlety that Tony did not, which was weird. But the subdued navy suit with a maroon vest, tie, white shirt, and freshly re-dyed blonde hair wasn't obviously a subdued american flag, but it clearly was that.

"Dude, stop staring into space." Darcy snapped her fingers in front of him. "It's going to be fine. Today is all cameras, legal shit and then milkshakes. Chill out."

Bucky clasped his shoulder. "What's going to happen is going to happen."

"Alright boys, time to head out." Natasha easily slid to her feet. She glanced at them and smirked. "Don't look so uptight, Daisy's hiding in the security detail and can disintegrate any bullets so really the rest of us are there to look pretty.

Steve let out a deep breath. "Right, let's do this."

"That's the spirit. And know I'm there in spirit even if I'm not there in person." Darcy grinned at them, a sparkle in her eye. "And I'm watching you like a bird in the sky. Or a creepy basement dwelling hacker. Whichever you prefer. There's a camera in all the sunglasses for security and FRIDAY, Hill and I will be monitoring."

He looked at the woman. She owed him nothing, wasn't even doing this for him or Bucky. But she was still doing it. He would never be able to tell her how grateful he was even if this didn't go well. She'd still done more than he could have asked for. "Thank you, for everything."

"Duh, I'm awesome like that. You can thank me when I get Bucky Bear off with just some community service or something." Darcy winked and then trounced off.

Steve shook his head fondly, looking over at Bucky. It was time.


Daisy was amused by looking like an MIB. Honestly, black suit, sunglasses, weird obvious ear comm, standard issue law enforcement piece prominently placed on her hip. It was ridiculous, she belonged next to Will Smith in the next MIB. It was sad real aliens had caused the sequel to be delayed. That movie had been a riot. She knew she blended in with the rest of the private security as she opened the door. "Game face on boys."

Steve shot her a look as he climbed out, Bucky and Natasha on his heels. The lawyers who'd been waiting were instantly there shaking hands and directing everyone into the courthouse.

The reporters were shoving, there were crowds of yelling people, cameras flashing everywhere.

Daisy used herself to physically help elbow a hole for the group to move through. The lights were actually blinding, most of her concentration was on parsing out the vibrations all around. She could pick up the distinctive vibrations of guns. It had taken so long to learn to do that. But mapping out the locations of every armed individual was difficult. Frowning she focused entirely on what she felt, mostly letting the other security do the majority of the work creating a path.

Getting inside was a relief. So many fewer vibrations to have to pay attention to. Also thick marble walls to muffle some of the outside vibrations. Her eyes opened for the first time since the initial crush. She breathed out.

"You ok kid?" Sam asked softly by her elbow.

She just moved carefully, trusting him to stand at her back. "Seeing with vibrations just takes a lot."

"You're doing good." Sam let their elbows brush against each other.



Daisy was bored as she leaned against the outer wall of the courtroom. She kept her voice low lest anyone important hear her voice. "Tv court conditioned me to think this would be far more interesting."

"Right? And we're the idiots who volunteered for this." Sam chuckled. "At least it's not everyday."

"Do you think we're over guarding this? I mean super soldier, Inhuman, super spy, eight former SHIELD agents, and we've hooked up every camera for four square miles up to FRIDAY." Daisy crossed her arms. Dear god, how was a case about a brainwashed super soldier turned into an assassin for the Russians this boring? It was bizarre.

He made a sound in the back of his throat. "I don't know, I think the paranoia is pretty grounded in this situation."

There was a clicking sound over the comms. -"Right, I switched us to a private channel, don't worry you're still hooked to the main channel just muted. But holy shit your therapist is the fucking Falcon?!"- Darcy's voice blared into their ears.

Daisy winced slightly. "Volume, and yeah? How did you not know that? You live out of the tower a third of the time."

-"No really, the only therapist you could find is an Avenger? How does that conversation even happen?"-

"She bought me a coffee and asked." Sam looked bemused.

Darcy made a spluttering sound. -"Betrayal! Is this why Sam avoided the the paint slick trap?!"-

"You betrayed team Stark first." Daisy replied dryly while reaching up and fist bumping Sam as discreetly as possible.

Maria Hill's voice cut through. -"I don't know what is so important you made a secondary channel for it but close it down Lewis."-

Daisy gave Sam an amused look, and then focused back on the court. She eyed the reporters who'd been allowed in suspiciously. "I'm gonna have to talk to a reporter soon aren't I?"

"Most likely." Sam agreed. "Want a lift to Queens after this?"

She gave a slight nod. "Sounds good, gonna carry me like a pretty princess Flyboy?"

"And get fried by our Witchy friend? No thank you." He snorted outright.

Daisy raised a brow. "Bet I can get you to change your mind."

"Not taking that bet. I have learned to never bet against someone who can kick my ass." Sam gave her a look. "You're not really going to get me to carry you?"

"What? Let me live my teenage dream of a Superhero dramatically flying me someplace." Her lips twitched up in amusement.

-"For the love of god could you show some professionalism?"- Hill's voice snapped across the comms. Several muffled snickers from the other security agents there in the background.

Sam and Daisy's backs both automatically straightened as they replied simultaneously. "Sorry Ma'am."



"This is awesome!" Daisy whooped as they swooped through the sky above the city! "HOLY SHIT YOUR WINGS ARE SWEET!"


Darcy clapped her hands as she examined the room of everyone gathered together. "First day over with!"

There were some amused cheers and half hearted claps from the half dozen or so people roped into post trial milkshakes.

She grinned and dropped down next to Daisy on the couch and turned on the news. Which, this was a bit of a wild card. You couldn't 100% predict this shit. Especially with just...everything. So she watched with rapt curiosity like everyone else.

-"And the biggest story of today is the Trial of James Barnes otherwise known as the Hydra assassin the Winter Soldier."- The news anchor straightened the papers in front of him. -"For more on this historic case we're going to Walters. So what can you tell us?"-

The screen changed to a painfully cookie cutter looking woman. "Thank you Brian. Today was a monumental day but you have to keep in mind it was just opening statements. The mood was tense outside the courthouse. But the prosecution said they are confident of a guilty verdict as they find that 'there is no doubt in their minds that Mr Barnes committed these acts'. The defence stated that they are 'sure the court will come to the correct decision. That Mr Barnes was not responsible for the actions his body took.' Which is in line with the defence's strategy."-

-"And what is that strategy?"-

The reporter nodded at the question. -"The Defence is arguing that due to brainwashing Mr Barnes was not capable of choosing to take or not take the actions he did. They are going to be citing the recent events surrounding the Kilgrave case from here in New York as well as bringing in Government officials to testify about other allegedly classified cases of mind control. We'll also be hearing a lot about torture, brain damage, and the application of legal duress."-

Darcy rolled her eyes. "Boo! Get to the good stuff."

"Really? You've been living for this." Wanda zapped her lightly from where she was curled into Daisy's other side.

Steve spoke up from the other couch. "Why aren't they talking about how awful the prosecution is!"

"Because the prosecution are a bunch of jacked up neanderthals." Hill drawled from where she was working on her caramel milkshake.

Darcy made finger guns towards Hill. "Preach." She straightened slightly. "Oooo! It's up to one of our pundits here to argue with the squirrely one about the opening arguments."

"I don't know why this has to be so complicated." Steve's eyes narrowed as the introductions continued on screen.

Bucky shifted awkwardly from where he was perched on the edge of the farthest couch from the group. "It really is, I killed those people."

"You didn't choose to." Wanda argued, her face sharp while her grip on Daisy tightened slightly. "It is not the same."

Darcy shot Wanda an approving look. "Well said, mind control is fucked up."

"Crass, but true." Steve agreed with all the self righteous conviction he possessed in his body.

Finally one of the pundits started actually saying something of consequence. -"Look, the heart of this case is whether the court finds that Mr Barnes was under duress and or coerced to a degree that he is not responsible for his own actions. There is legal precedent for that, the issue is can a super soldier with those kinds of abilities be controlled like that? I mean let's be honest it's not like they had his family hostage, or anyone held hostage to be used against him. And then once Captain America was awake why not go to him? Let's face it Mr Barnes had options for getting out."-

-"And look at it further, we're supposed to believe that the deadliest assassin in the history of the world was unable to run away? To disappear? Escape? I find that pretty hard to swallow. That he attacked Captain America, his supposed best friend, actively attempting to stop his own rescue? And what does he do once Hydra is gone? He runs. Finally when he's supposedly 'free' he goes on the run. Then months later he pops up asking us to believe he's been the victim all along. We're supposed to buy that? Cap might believe his best friend is what is sitting in Stark Tower right now but I think what's in the Tower right now is a monster."-

The other pundit had been shaking his head. -"That's purposely reductive! He was a POW for seventy years! Subjected to from what information has been realeased, was clearly horrific torture, the scale of we still don't know. And we know mind control is a part of our world now!"-

Steve sounded growly. "Change the channel."

"Sure, FRIDAY switch us up!" Darcy slurped at her milkshake, not that she was surprised. "Ya know this is about what I was expecting. Lots of arguing."

Steve's head snapped to her. "What?"

"Dude, on the first day, we're just making sure the arguing isn't falling more to one side or the other." She shrugged. "As the lawyers start dropping the deets on the court the media will eat that shit up."

He stared. "What?"

"Did PR not talk to you about what to expect from this Captain?" Hill, bless her, raised a brow while turning her full attention to the man.

Darcy cranked the volume down. "Hill you want to fall on this sword or should I?"

"I've got it." Hill pinched the bridge of her nose. "This entire case is based on whether or not Barnes was in his right mind and whether he was able to act against orders. By pleading brainwashing, the defence has admitted Barnes here is guilty of the actus reus of the crimes he's accused of. Or in simpler terms he physically committed them. What is in contention is the mens rea, or whether he is mentally guilty of the crime. The focus of our legal defense is that due to the chair, trauma, and brainwashing from his time with Hydra and the KGB he was unable mentally to be held responsible for his actions. Which would make him mentally unable to understand what he was doing fully and more importantly was unable not to. Most of it is modeled after previous cases involving kidnappings and consent laws. Applying them to premeditated murder though hasn't been done to this degree before. It's legally tenuous, but will set a lot of legal precedent so it's being allowed."

Steve stared at her. "I got that, why does this affect the media?"

"Because normal people don't accept brainwashing as a thing. Not how those of us in this room do. Hell Wanda here could have us all dancing around like ballerinas if she wanted to. But we're not civilians. What we're watching for is whether civilians are dismissive of the defense's stated strategy or not. The fact the pundits are genuinely arguing already is good. Once we start dropping the evidence it's going to change the tone. But right now the fact anyone is even seriously considering it as a possibility that he isn't fully guilty is a good sign that the evidence is going to change enough minds that we'll win this case both legally and in the court of public opinion."

Darcy chimed in. "I care more about the public opinion thing. Gotta keep my peeps safe." She leaned over and pressed a very gross kiss to Daisy's cheek.

"Oh come on." Daisy's nose scrunched up as she wiped at her cheek with her sleeve. "Really?"

She just grinned. "You know I love you dude." Darcy looked back up at Steve. "And opinion actually seems pretty split which is good. That's split opinion just based on your social capital. It's not fact based at all. So once we dump facts, it's gonna be awesome. Tis a good sign my hot Dorito."

"FRIDAY turn up the volume." Sam cut in as the screen changed to show a short video clip of him and Daisy landing in Queens. "What the fuck?"

-"And in other news it may be the end of Spiderquake. Earlier today this video was taken of Quake looking cozy with the Avenger's Falcon and Spiderman nowhere in sight."-

Darcy couldn't help it, she cackled.


May snagged the cellphone out of Darcy's hands. "No phones at the dinner table. You can check your campaign against the world after dinner." She set the bowl of steamed rice down on the table as she spoke. "And Peter grab the silverware please."

"Got it Aunt May!" He called as he came swinging around a corner. At least he wasn't trying to use webs in the house again. That had been a necessary ban. The stuff took hours to clean up.

Daisy's face was alight with mirth as she carried the giant bowl of stir fry over. "Yeah Darcy, no phones at the table."

"Shut it hypocrite." Darcy stuck her tongue out at her sister.

May pretended she didn't see the exchange, as the siblings had started pushing each other's buttons for fun, the chaos had increased. It reminded her of her and Mary a bit. She reached out pulling Peter close enough to kiss the crown of his head. "Darcy did you get the soy sauce out yet?"

"On the table." Darcy hollered back at her.

She grabbed the napkins. "Inside voices please."

"Oooo." Daisy wiggled her eyebrows at Darcy as she slid into her seat at the table.

May just huffed slightly as she took her own seat. Which, it was funny, they all had a seat that was 'their' seat. Her own was the head of the table, a seat a few years ago would have been Ben's. "Alright everyone, dinner."

Peter happily started dumping rice onto his plate. "MJ, Ned and I have another group project. Think you can get us an in? It's on a legal case of our choosing and we want to do it on Barnes's."

"I see how it is, use me for my contacts." Darcy winked at Peter. "But yeah I got you baby bro."

Peter pouted. "I'm not a baby."

"Who thought fighting a werewolf by themself was a good idea?" Darcy stole the rice bowl from him.

He looked torn between protesting and accepting the dig. "At least I'm not the one whose big plan was to throw our sister, who can't swim, at the kraken."

Daisy interjected dryly. "I'm getting better at swimming." Both of her siblings ignored her.

"It worked didn't it." Darcy replied smugly as she passed the bowl off. "I seem to remember someone almost ending up with their own doggy gear for full moons."

Peter's face twitched slightly. "Daisy almost drowned."

"I didn't drown."

He kept going. "And I seem to have noticed Ian's been mooning after you at the lab more than usual. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?"

Darcy's face actually flushed slightly, which point to Peter for that. "I don't know what you're talking about." Her eyes narrowed.

"It's because our dearest sister here takes after our dad sometimes." Daisy smirked slightly as she took a bite of dinner.

Peter's face scrunched up. "Gross."

"Hey, I'm a single and attractive woman. No judging sprout." Darcy pointed her fork at him.

May cleared her throat. "Daisy, how was working security for the trial?"

"Boring, so boring." Daisy rolled her eyes. "I'm just glad I only volunteered to work security at high risk stages of the trail. I think if I had to stand around doing nothing during actual court proceedings again, I'd fall asleep with my eyes open."

Darcy perked up. "Get this, Daisy's therapist is Sam Wilson. She hunted down birdboy."

"Wait really!?" Peter looked at Daisy excitedly. "Do you think you get him to fly us up really high? I've been wanting to practice air control more."

Daisy hummed. "Yeah I could ask. It'd probably be good for both of us."

"Please say you're not discussing getting the Falcon to fly you two up as high as he can and then dropping you?" May asked, feeling slightly exhausted just thinking about it. Because that was totally something they would do.

Two equally guilty looks aimed at her answered that question.

She sighed. "Do I need to be worried?"

"We'll be fine. I'll make sure Wanda or someone is there to catch us if something goes wrong." Daisy offered, clearly trying to be was not that reassuring.

Darcy snickered. "You think you can do anything productive while that girlfriend of yours is around?"

"Which one of us slept with our ex?" Daisy challenged.

May spotted Peter's fork whacking him in the chin. "Daisy no powers at the table."

"Ha!" Peter stuck his tongue out at Daisy.

May leaned back in her chair as the kids devolved into more bickering. It filled her heart with a warmth that felt consuming. This was her family, and it was good. She loved these kids more than she'd have thought a person could love another. She couldn't have cared more if she'd brought them into the world. At least she missed the diaper stage, she heard it wasn't fun.


"No kicking at the table, and don't think I didn't see you stealing from your sister's plate."

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