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75.33% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 2092: 22

Kapitel 2092: 22

Chapter Text

Izuku took a deep breath as he headed towards UA. His last year of high school was coming to a close, and it had been uneventful for the most part. His relationship with Toru and Mina had developed more, and while they hadn't gone further than making out sometimes, they talked about it and figured it would be best to wait until it felt like a better time. Hitoshi had continued to be the same great friend as always and decided to take Shinketsu's entrance exam once they rolled around. Himiko, over that time, had stayed more or less the same. There was a tense moment where she explained her quirk and how it drove most people away from her, but the trio welcomed her with open arms telling her they were all criticized and ostracized to some degree while growing up because of their quirks. While it wasn't to the same extent as Himiko, they knew a bit of what she felt. It brought the girl closer to them, but they could tell she was still hiding a lot about herself from the trio.


As he entered the campus, he spotted his mother, who smiled and motioned for him to come over. Izuku sighed and walked up as he said. "Hello, Ms.Midnight; what can I help you with today?"


Midnight chuckled. "Nothing. I was just wondering how you're feeling? I'm sorry I had to leave early this morning. Power Loaders bots are acting up, so we had to set up the practical ourselves."


Izuku shrugged as he said. "It's alright. So what are we doing for the practical?"


Midnight chuckled as they walked. "Oh, you know I can't tell you, but I'm sure you'll do fine. You're a smart and fit kid. You've got good control of your quirk, so don't be afraid to use it."


Izuku nodded and chatted idly with his mom as they headed towards the room for the written test.




Momo Yaoyorozu sat patiently waiting for the proctor of the written exam to show up. All but one desk was filled, and the teacher had yet to show up even though it was getting close to the start time. She tried not to let her nerves get to her, but she still sighed with relief as the door slid open. The first to enter was a boy her age. He was tall and with a thin yet powerful-looking build like the dancers she would see when her parents took her to ballet shows. He was dressed as casually as the rest of them in a pair of black gym shorts and a forest green tank top, as well as some pristine-looking red sneakers.


Either he just bought them, or he took good care of his footwear. Momo didn't have time to ponder the mundane question as Midnight strode in right behind him and gently pushed the boy towards the empty seat while squeezing his shoulder. Momo noted the boy seemed more annoyed than flustered like most boys her age would have been having Midnight of all people actually putting a hand on them.


As Izuku sat down, Midnight sat on the desk and dramatically crossed her legs, making him roll his eyes as the attention she was getting. "Well, look at all you lovely young UA hopefuls; you seem to be positively overflowing with determination. It's wonderful to see such enthusiasm in the young."


Midnight hopped off the desk and grabbed a few stacks of packets, and passed them to the first person in each row. "You will have two hours to finish this test to the best of your ability. No cheating, or I'll have an extra special punishment for you. The test begins once the minute hand changes. Do your best and know I'm rooting for you!"


As the test started, Izuku zeroed in on the content and was thankful that his girlfriends had actually buckled down and studied with him instead of distracting him and each other. The content of the test was already difficult, but it seemed like they were intentionally making the questions harder with strange wording and different ways of formatting each question. He supposed it could be a way of showing how different people will write or present reports differently and not always to a standard or format you deem suitable. Izuku shook the stray analysis of the test and got back to actually taking the test.


A soft groan from the front of the class drew most people's attention. Izuku glanced up to see what his mother was trying to pull. Midnight sitting on the desk and stretching in an overly exaggerated way. Her hands above her head as she arched her back and let out a soft groan. Izuku wanted to smack his face against the desk but knew that would draw unwanted attention. He knew what she was doing because she had explained an aspect of UA's teaching method to him before.


The course load was pretty standard with core classes, extras like hero art history, hero ethics, and heroics 101, which covered the combat, rescue, and even paperwork side of heroics. What made UA special was the quick pacing and what the teachers did while teaching. Each one was different apparently, but while bombarding their classes with new information, every day, each teacher would do things that would trip up focus or grab attention. The point of this was to get students ready for the chaotic nature of hero work where there would be multiple things to focus on and occasionally random distractions that could trip you up in the field.


His mother being Midnight meant she used her sex appeal and lewd personality to fluster her students and grab their attention off what she was teaching. Living with Nemuri for as long as he had meant after rolling his eyes at those who got distracted, he went back to his test.




After the written test was done, Momo stood outside in her workout outfit. A pair of black running shorts, a black sports bra, and a red crop top jacket that she kept closed. They were waiting again for the proctor to show up. As they waited, she spotted the person she wanted to talk to. She had noticed his behavior during the written exam and wanted to speak to him.


Izuku glanced over, and a frankly gorgeous girl with black hair walked up to him. She was about the same height as him. Earlier in his life, just seeing her approach would have left him a mess, but after living with Nemuri, dating two wonderful and beautiful girls who teased him to no end, and being friends with Himiko, he was pretty sure nothing fazed him anymore. As long as she wasn't super forward and hit on him right away, he should be fine.


The girl bowed her head a bit as she said. "Hello I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. I was hoping I could speak to you for a moment before the practical starts."


Izuku smiled as he turned to speak to her. "Sure thing. I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet you."


"It's nice to meet you as well. Midoriya, if you don't mind me asking. I was wondering about your behavior during the written exam."


Izuku cocked his head to the side. "Did I do something distracting? Oh man, I hope I wasn't mumbling. I do that sometimes."


Momo waved her hands. "No, it's not that. It's just... several other test takers let's say, reacted to or were distracted by Ms.Midnight. You, on the other hand, rolled your eyes after seeing what she was doing. Is there a reason for that?"


Izuku scratched his cheek and hummed. "I guess... I knew what she was trying to do and thought it was funny that people fell for it."


He watched Momo's eyebrows knit together in thought. "What was she doing? Other than stretching or the occasional noise."


"Well, she was trying to distract us while we were taking an already hard test. Think of it as an extra challenge since we're recommended students. She used her character and natural... assets; I suppose to try and trip us up."


Momo hummed and rubbed her chin. "I see. I thought it was odd that a professional such as herself would be that distracting. Even if she was staying in character while in costume, her actions would seem odd if not intentional."


Izuku blinked and looked at her. "Character?"


Momo nodded as she looked at him. "Yes, I'm a firm believer that Midnight is a character that the hero uses while in costume. Many heroes have these sort of alternate personalities that they use to manage the stress and interact with fans. I highly doubt she is just naturally like that all the time."


Izuku chuckled. "I'm surprised not many people realize Midnight is just a personality she uses."


"Oh. You knew that as well? Are you a fan of hers or something?" Momo asked. She was really hoping that since he knew Midnight was most likely just a personality that he wasn't one of the R-rated heroes... stranger fans.


Izuku nodded and held his hand up, and a bit of green gas leaked from his palm. He quickly willed it away from them so Momo wouldn't get affected. "I am. My quirk has the same effect on people as hers. It's different in some ways, but I've always looked up to her. She was proof that someone with my kind of quirk could be a hero."


Momo stared at the smoke as it glided away against the wind and dispersed. "I see. That makes sense. I've also looked up to her quite a bit. She has some wonderful lessons on self-confidence and not being ashamed of oneself, especially when it comes to quirks."


Izuku smiled a bit, remembering the times he watched Nemuri practice some lines before going out on patrol. She always knew she'd get stopped by the media, so she practiced some inspirational lines to say to the camera before running off again. "What is your quirk? If you don't mind me asking."


Momo shook her head. "It's quite alright. My quirk is called creation. I turn lipids into new atoms and can create anything nonliving as long as I know the chemical makeup and atomic structure of the item in question." she demonstrated by making a Russian nesting doll in the palm of her hand.


As Izuku picked up the offered doll, Momo said. "I need exposed skin to create, or the creation could tear what I'm wearing. I've been a fan of Midnight since I heard her talking about why she dresses the way she does and how people shouldn't feel ashamed of their bodies or what their quirks require."


"She does have some good messages to give out. Too bad most people can't see past the lewd personality." Izuku said as he spotted Present Mic making his way over to the students.


The Pro shouted, making several students, including Momo, jump. "Heyo! What's happening, little listeners? I'll be your proctor for this practical exam. It's pretty simple. Your job is to get on the start line, and when signaled, you'll run to the other end of the obstacle course. Quirks are allowed. You'll be going six at a time, so check your numbers and look at the screen when yours comes up. Go line up and get ready to go, plus ultra! Once you're done, you'll follow the Ectoplasm clone to the waiting area for the interview portion of the test! Good luck!"


Izuku waved to Momo as he walked over to the start line. He was part of the first six runners. As he took his spot, he noticed a boy around his height with white and red hair glaring at the obstacle course, and next to him was an even taller guy with a buzz cut who looked annoyed at being next to the half and half guy. Izuku didn't have time to ponder as the race started. The two next to him took off in a blinding shot of ice and wind. The sudden release stunned everyone, but Izuku recovered quicker and shouted. "Sorry!" as he blasted his quirk back towards the other three runners who slumped over.


Izuku took off as he dispersed his quirk. He didn't hit them with a very concentrated blast, so they'd only be out for thirty seconds at least. It was enough to get him a good head start though he knew he wasn't going to be catching up to the two front runners. By the time Izuku was halfway through the obstacles, the other two had finished. Izuku crossed the finish line and was followed by the other three he had knocked out. They all looked annoyed at him, but no one said anything as they were taken to the waiting area.




Izuku waved as Momo entered the waiting area, and the girl took a seat next to him as he asked. "So, how did you do on your run?"


Momo hummed. "Fairly well, I think. I came in third of my group. Thankfully I had a large breakfast, so I had enough lipids to work with. I am impressed by you, though. You used your quirk to knock out half the competition for a short period. It seemed like you only hesitated because of that one boy's wind quirk."


Izuku nodded. "Yeah, my mom told me not to be afraid of using my quirk on other test-takers. We have to use our quirks to give us every advantage even if it means disadvantaging someone else."


Izuku watched Momo nod as she said. "Perhaps I should have acted more like that. I could have placed higher if I used my quirk to make smoke bombs or flash grenades to make the course harder for others. Even if it doesn't feel very heroic, I do suppose you can't be picky in the field."


"That's a good attitude to have. Hero work isn't easy or clean. Sometimes you gotta fight dirty to win and save lives."


Momo looked over and said, "You speak like you have experience."


Izuku chuckled. "No, I don't, but my mom does. She made sure to teach me some things about heroics before I applied to UA."


"Is your mother a hero?" Izuku smiled at Momo's question. He had decided not to flaunt who his mom was, but he wasn't going to hide it either. If they asked directly who she was, he would tell them.


"Yeah, she's a hero. She graduated from UA, actually. I got my recommendation from her."


Momo blinked in surprise. She had recognized Todoroki and knew he was a legacy kid, but Midoriya just didn't seem like one. "Who is your mom?"


Izuku grinned as he leaned over and said quietly. "I don't like telling people cause they'd probably be weird, so don't go talking about it, but Midnight is my adoptive mother."


Momo sat up as Izuku stood when he was called on. She stared at him in surprise as he gave a wave and walked into Nezu's office.




Ochako Uraraka took a deep calming breath as she walked up to the gates of UA. It was even more intimidating than the pictures. She was doing her best not to freak out as she walked towards the front door. She had studied till she nearly forgot her friend's names, and she'd practiced with her quirk till she vomited. She could do this. She would be a hero and save people, and she'd make sure her parents lived comfortable lives. Her foot caught on a loose tile, and she briefly thought about how all her dreams were going to come crashing down as she face-planted into the sidewalk. Only she was stopped by someone grabbing her arm. Ochako quickly reached over and grabbed the arm holding her while making sure to keep her pinkie raised.


Ochako felt the muscular arm and assumed some guy had grabbed her. She hoped he wouldn't be weird or pushy like that dude at the train station. She had nearly floated him into the clouds. She was surprised when she looked over and saw nothing... well, not nothing. She did see a set of floating workout clothes next to a taller pink girl with horns.


Ochako realized she was holding the floating clothes arm and that the clothing was a girl who spoke. "Are you ok? That would have sucked if you fell on the way in."


Ochako nodded. "I um yeah... Thank you for catching me."


The invisible girth giggled in such a cute way. "It's no problem."


She let go of Ochako and started walking. "Good luck today."


Ochako waved. "Um yeah, good luck." her eyes wandered over the two girls as they walked away. The pink was taller and leaner, but she had curves in all the right places. Ochako would compare her to a breakdancer she watched on youtube. Meanwhile, the Invisible girl was shorter, but if her arm was any indication, she was jacked, and her... assets weren't bad either. Ochako blushed and quickly slapped her cheeks. 'Come on, Ochako, keep it together; you can't let pretty girls distract you. You need to pass this test.'




Mina smiled as they waited for the practical test to be explained. The written exam was easy. She was so glad the recommended test was a week before the normal test. Since it gave Izuku extra time to make sure his girlfriends were ready. She knew by Toru's posture that she was satisfied as well with how she did. Mina's eyes scanned the crowd, and she spotted some interesting people. She found herself trying to guess at quirks like Izuku would, but she knew she didn't have his skill for analysis. Some people did look interesting, like the half and half boy with red and white hair. It reminded her of Toru, but Toru looked so much cuter than him.


Present Mic came out on stage giving a loud greeting and getting nothing back. The Pro huffed and clicked on the projector to start his breakdown of the practical. Mina grinned as she realized they would be destroying robots. It would be so much fun and a good challenge since she'd have to make sure she didn't get acid on other test-takers. As the presentation wrapped up, everyone started moving to their designated areas, and Toru gave Mina a quick kiss on the cheek and wished her luck before going to her bus.




The test was going great. Mina was skating around on acid while dodging robots and other test-takers. She pulled a viscous and highly corrosive acid into both her hands and threw the globs at the eyes of a couple two-pointers. Their heads hissed and melted as the robots shut down. In all the excitement, she had forgotten to keep count, but she felt confident she'd have enough by the end of it.


The pink girl stumbled to a stop as the ground rumbled, and she turned to see a robot leaning over one of the buildings staring down at everyone. There was a brief pause where everyone stopped and simply stared at the massive behemoth as they realized the zero-pointer was not to scale in the presentation.


Panic broke out, and everyone scrambled away as the robot started moving towards them. Everyone but Mina who had a crazy idea on how to slow this thing down. She skated away a bit before stopping and turning. She shouldn't do this, but some of her fellow hero hopefuls looked tired and weren't moving as fast as they needed to be, and this thing would just keep trashing stuff up until the test ended. Someone could get hurt if no one did anything about it.


Mina shook her hands and adjusted her acid. It was as thin as water, but it was as acidic as she could make it. She cupped her hands, making a nozzle with her fingers, and started spraying towards the tracks that the robot moved on. If she could break them, it wouldn't be able to advance. The only issue was it had taken notice of her and was rearing back to crush her with its massive fist. Mina yelped and stopped spraying. She quickly adjusted her acid for skating and slipped away from where its fist was going to land. Mina stopped closer to its tracks and started spraying again. Her hands hurt, and she was starting to feel dehydrated, but the tracks on its left leg were almost broken.


With a horrendous tearing noise and a lot of smoke, Mina grinned and turned to the right track, where she sprayed until it was ruined as well. As the monster sputtered and groaned, trying to move forward on tracks that wouldn't work, Present Mic called an end to the exercise, and the machine stopped. Mina collapsed and looked at her hands. they felt raw, and she desperately needed something to drink.




Toru sprinted down the streets of the mock city and built up energy in her hands. She thrust the right one forward, making sure to mix visible light into the laser as it fired. She had started doing this in her training so that people wouldn't accidentally walk into it and get hurt. The three-pointer she pointed at bubbled, and its chest melted as the laser continued on and destroyed two one-pointers behind it. She had noticed her lasers getting stronger and stronger as she trained them. One for All really had a lot of power in it. She felt like her training was accelerating faster ever since she received the quirk.


The ground rumbled and shook as Toru looked up and cursed, seeing the zero-pointer looming over them all. The robot's massive hand shattered a building like it was a sandcastle and a scream caught the invisible girl's attention. She looked and saw the cute brunette from the front gate. Her leg pinned in an awkward way that kept her from reaching the rubble with her hand. Toru guessed she needed to touch something to use whatever her quirk was.


Her attention was quickly brought back to the zero-pointer as it rolled towards the pinned girl. Toru didn't even have to think about it. She simply ran towards the danger as the power built up in her arms. A little issue with her lasers was that Toru would burn her arms if the power was too high. It hadn't ever been worse than a sunburn that laser had melted through an inch of stainless steel in under five seconds. Toru felt the power reaching that upper limit and decided to push it a little farther. She wanted to make sure this robot didn't have a chance.


Toru came to a stop and winced, feeling the burn start to set in. She thrust both her hands forward, making sure her wrist were together so the lasers would come out as a single beam, and she decided to add some red light to it for dramatic effect. She really needed a name for this move. She knew all heroes had super move names, and this hurt enough to feel like a super move.


The lasers combined and tore through the sky, hitting the zero-pointer right in the middle eye. The machine sputtered and groaned as its faceplate melted the laser carved through the less durable insides and busted out the back. All in all, Toru fired the laser for ten seconds and reduced the zero-pointers head to slag. She stumbled and fell on her back near the brunette, who finally managed to reach the rubble.


Toru groaned as Ochako scrambled over and winced as she realized her ankle was sprained. "Oh my gosh, are you ok? That was crazy. You just melted its face!"


Toru groaned and focused on her quirk, making herself visible. She didn't want to, but she needed to see her arms, and she needed to let Recovery Girl see them. Ochako gasped, and Toru sat up to look at her arms. They were an angry red, and blisters were forming along her forearms. "Oh, that's gross."


 Ochako blushed a bit seeing the now visible Toru. she looked really cute, and oh no, she was getting distracted again. A cane suddenly struck the invisible girl's head. Both girls looked over at Recovery Girl, who frowned as she said. "Look at what you did to your arms. I know you know your limits, and yet you went past them."


Toru pouted as the nurse kissed her cheek. "I had to so I could save... what's your name?"


Ochako blinked as she watched Toru's arms heal. "Um... oh right Ochako Uraraka."


As Recovery Girl healed Ochako, Toru vanished and said. "Toru Hagakure. Nice to meet you."




Nemuri had an issue. She was watching the entrance exam with everyone else like always. She had seen how well Mina and Toru were doing and felt proud of the girls. All their time and effort were paying off, and she knew they'd be making it in. The thing that had been bothering her all day was Izuku and his girlfriend's personal trainer. Izuku had described Toshinori Yagi to her, so imagine her surprise when the man showed up to UA today and suddenly buffed up to reveal that he was All Might. Nemuri listened to his explanation about the injury and how his time declined, but it had gone up a bit over the past few years due to a lifestyle change. Nemuri realized Izuku putting together that packet for their trainer as a gift for him a few years ago was a gift for the Number One hero of Japan whether or not they knew it was a totally different issue.


That was another thing. Did Mr.Yagi, as he asked to be called when not All Might, tell her son who he was? Did any of the teens know their trainer was actually the strongest man in the world, or did they think he was just a skinny kind man who was suffering from a grievous injury? These were questions for later, though. She needed to focus on the test and not the fact that her son had been getting tutored by the number one hero... Nemuri's head hit the desk, and she groaned softly, earning a few odd looks.




The time had come. The UA letters had arrived, and the trio was all together, ready to open them in Izuku's apartment. They had invited Hitoshi, but the boy had told them he was busy training and that he had gotten into Shinketsu. They were happy for their friend and made sure to set aside time before the move-in dates to hang out with him. Since Hitoshi hadn't come, they invited Himiko, who was more than eager to lounge around and watch the hero hopefuls open their letters.


Mina and Toru got the standard acceptance speech from All Might, who announced he would be teaching at UA, as well as a more personal note about how much they had progressed over the years. Himiko gave them a surprised look but kept quiet as Izuku played his acceptance letter. It was from All Might again, and it again had the personal note at the end. Himiko thought it was pretty neat that the trio apparently knew All Might, but it was also surprising. She'd ask about it later, though, as Mina suddenly shot up from her seat and cheered. "Yes! After three fucking years, I finally get to be a class with my partners!"


Toru and Izuku checked their letters and saw that they were all in class 1-A. Mina practically tackled them in a hug that they returned. Once their pink partner was calmed down, they went over the move-in process. Izuku being recommended would be moving in a day before them. Izuku smiled. "Well, that just means I'll be able to help you both when you move in."


The girls nodded, and once they were sure they read everything, the trio put the letters to the side and grabbed some snacks. Himiko asked about All Might's notes at the end and the trio quickly covered with him, knowing him a bit through their personal trainer Mr.Yagi. Himiko could tell it wasn't the full truth, but who was she to judge. Sure she had told them about her quirk, but they still didn't know much about her, and she liked it like that. The amount they knew let her be comfortable around them and let her feel the love and warmth they had for each other and her while also ensuring they don't pry too much and learn about the things that would make them hate her.




After a couple hours of hanging out, Himiko left the trio to go find a new place to sleep. Her old squatting ground wasn't good anymore. As the blonde walked down the street, she was unaware of the presence high above her, staring down as his red feathers danced idly in the wind. Hawks tapped his comms and said. "I've got eyes on her. She left the apartment finally... are you sure we should be getting her involved in this? I know she's a murderer, but she's also a kid; there are better programs we could stick her in... no sir, I understand. I'll move once the retrieval team is in place."


I was unsure if I wanted to show Himiko's story after this chapter but I think I will. it won't interact with the Trio for a bit but I think you'll enjoy getting to see what she's up to while the others are in school.

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