Jules' pov
"Mama, do you think it's okay that I'm not like the other kids?" I asked as I snuggled into the warmth of my mother's arms. She smelled of a blend of different fragrances at once, a scent I translated as comfort and peace.
She left out a soft coo as she slowly combed her fingers through my hair.
"Of course, love. It's very okay that you're not like the other kids. If you've been born like them, then nothing would have made you special. You're not like them because you're special and perfect, Labyrinth."
As she spoke. I gripped her tightly while snuggling into her warmth even more. I wanted to believe her really bad, but something at the back of my mind still held me back.
you guys, this chapter made me a lil teary bc I had to put myself in Jules’ shoes to be able to bring those emotions to live. this chapter is very significant and important to the story because this is where Jules finally breaks, and also the same chapter whereby Jules realized that he’d be fully accepted by Blaze and that he had been worried for nothing. it shows how Blaze can treat Jules like an egg even though he’s a literal monster, I’m so soft for them, brb gonna go cry a little :(((