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90% pokemon ash harem / Chapter 27: chapter 27

Kapitel 27: chapter 27

Several days had passed since Ash had staked his claim on the island. The desired renovations were made, so it was all but a matter of giving his slave girls across the world time to get their affairs in order, so that they might leave their old lives behind.

After commanding his slave Skyla to retrieve her slave sisters around the globe, Ash prepared the island for their imminent arrival.

"Master!" Bonnie called over a radio.

"Yes, slave?" Ash asked her from within his private office in his new island Villa.

"I just got word from Domino at the air traffic tower. Skyla will be landing soon, and with all of your slaves in tow!" The blonde teen said excitedly.

"Good. Let's make a point of it to meet them at the landing strip." Ash replied, turning to the microphone on his desk.

"This is a command to everyone of my sex slaves here on the island. Your sisters in bonds will be arriving at the airstrip shortly. You shall all meet there at once." Ash said over the PA system, his words carrying over intercom speakers set up all over the island.

Hearing their Dominator's decree, each and every slave on the island stopped in motion, all committed to heading his words. As the group walked their way to the landing strip, the plane containing Ash's beautiful living sex toys was already beginning to touch down.

As the plane came to a crawling pace, it began slowly positioning itself so that it may be docked in the hanger nearby. Upon the plane finally coming to a complete stop, it's engines finally dying down, the two groups of slaves met up and introduced themselves.

"Hello, my beautiful slaves! My it has been far too long since I've seen or used your bodies!" Ash said, walking up to the group from the hanger entrance, his arms open and greeting.

"That is something we'll need to change, but before that comes more important tasks." He continued, snapping his fingers so that Domino and Jessie would retrieve the additional cargo from the plane.

After removing a few wooden crates from the plane, the former Team Rocket members as well as Mallow, Lana, as well as any other slave that was already familiar with the island loaded the supplies onto a couple of trucks, making a beeline for the Villa.

"While your slave sisters get the gear you brought with you on your voyage here, allow me to give you a tour of your new home." Ash said, beckoning his slaves to follow him.

"This, as you'd imagine, will be our airport." Ash said to the group. "After I've made my big announcement to you all at the villa, all of these locations will become incredibly familiar to you soon enough."

Leading his sex objects down the paved dirt road, Ash led the group to the docks.

"This is our harbor. We have a couple boats docked here for our recreational use. Should you ever want to swim around the island, I'd recommend taking one of the patrol boats we claimed from the previous residents here." Ash explained. "You slave sister Lana's personal fishing boat is here as well."

"Talk about a fancy island." Misty said with a gasp. "I can't wait to swim around here. Alola's clean sea water feels so great on my skin."

"I knew you'd love it here." Ash said with a smile to his slave.

After departing from the dock, Ash led his flock further inland, showing off the land surrounding the Villa.

"Here we have a traditional battlefield. Whenever we want to train or just might be bored, we can have a Pokémon battle here. Out further beyond this is our own personal farmland." Ash explained, pointing to the irrigated field just out and beyond the battlefield.

"A great idea Master!" Cynthia said blissfully. "A place where we can grow our own food means we don't have to go to the outside world as often."

"I'm glad you approve, slave." Ash said, giving his blonde slave a spank on the ass. "But that's not all we have when it comes of independence. We have a water filtration system at the end of the island to purify the salt water so we can drink it safely."

"You probably all noticed them while walking around the island, but in case you didn't, we have solar panels as well. The bright light of Alola will keep our buildings powers indefinitely. Any trash we have also gets throw in an incinerator just outside the Villa walls." Ash further explained.

"Wow, Master, you've thought of everything." Korrina said with blush.

"But that's exactly why we love serving him, isn't it?" Dawn said to her slave sister with a smile.

"He's so thoughtful and smart. It's honestly a mystery why I only pledged my body and mind to him only now." May agreed, wondering how great life would have been had she been his slave years ago.

"You're too kind, ladies." Ash said with a smug smile of content. "Now come this way, and I will show you the Villa de Sol."

Upon taking his slaves up to the Villa gates, the great metal doors opened upon sliding a keycard through the card reader. As the doors opened up, the slaves gasped in collective awe.

It was a massive compound, with a hub that made it easy to navigate. To the immediate left was the barracks for the slave girls, a two story building with ample housing for the current slaves as well as new ones. Inside were many queen sized beds, set up so that two slave girls occupied the same beds at any given time. The building also had a communal wash room, so that the slave sisters could help each other bathe, and enjoy themselves while doing it.

To the right was an open auditorium, with its dance floor underneath the sky, and a great theater stage in the back of it. The stage itself was a retractible floor that opened up to reveal a hot tub and swimming pool combo. The theater stage itself contained concealable stripper poles and suspended cages for more intimate types of entertainment.

Besides the barracks was the Villa's warehouse, a center of supply storage throughout the island. On the ground floor also was a vault, solely to contain the Pokeballs of the slaves while on the island.

Upon showing the group the warehouse, the group met up with the other slave girls who were preparing the supplies that came from the plane for Ash's big announcement.

On the opposite end of the warehouse was the office rooms, a personal office space reserved for Ash, as well as his four currently standing Head Mistresses. Each room came with a PA system, a computer, and soundproof walls should Ash on any of his harem's Mistresses require the use of their slave sisters for sexual release.

In the center of the Villa was a great marble fountain, with decorative Pokémon figures decorating it. Just beyond the fountain and at the back of the Villa was Ash's own private residence.

Naturally being the largest housing building on the island, it's was catered to every necessity Ash craved. A great media room, a luxurious bath that looked out onto the ocean, a bedroom large enough to house an orgy for his entire slave company, and of course, a sex dungeon in the basement for more kinky sexual adventures.

The home even came with a private phone line that connected straight to the barracks, so that Ash could call any slave he wanted over to be fucked silly whenever he wanted. After leading his slave through their new home, Ash had the group return to the barracks.

"Alrighty then slaves, I command you to rest and enjoy the rest of your day today. Find the bed you'd like to take as your own, and find a private locket that suits you." Ash commanded. "Because, come sunset, you will all be required to join me and your slave sisters at the theater for my declaration."

"And just one thing, I'll need your Pokeballs to be handed over to me." Ash said, taking out a tray to store them. "I will putting them in the vault in the meantime."

After the ladies began to give their Master their Pokémon without hesitation, they made their way inside their new, spacious home, talking amongst each other as they did.

"Do you have any idea what our Master might want to say?" Flannery asked Sabrina.

"I'm not too sure, what about you, Elesa? Have any ideas?" The former Psychic Gym Leader asked her fellow recently retired Gym Leader.

"I'm might have some idea." Elesa teased the group. "But I'm not allowed to tell. The Head Mistresses know too, but they can't tell either. It's a surprise."

"Yeah, you're, right." Misty said, taking off her top, laying down on her bed, her hands fiddling with her now bare breasts. "I don't want to go against our Master's orders."

"That's right." Cynthia said to the group, stripping down to expose her godly figure. "Why don't we just enjoy ourselves like you benevolent Overlord commanded of us, and have some fun?"

"You're on!" Misty said playfully, stripping down into the nude as well. "Why don't we go out to the beach and race. Last one to make it to the dock is bottom bitch!"

After saying that, Misty began to race off, with Cynthia smiling slyly in response.

"Oh, I'm not about to lose to my slave!" She chuckled playfully, as she followed suit, leaving the other girls to tend to their unpacking.

As the two raced down the hill, with Cynthia making incredible headway, the two we neck and neck. Before Misty could make traction however, Cynthia broke past her, beating the tomboy slave to the docks.

As the two panted for air, Misty smiled upon her superior.

"It's no wonder why Master chose you as my Mistress. You're better than me in every way." Misty said, still catching her breath.

"That's just what I wanted to hear." Cynthia hummed, taking her slave sister into an erotic kiss.

As the two moaned into each other's mouths, their tongues dancing around each other, each to their hand and fingered their other's pussy. Breaking off from the kids, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"I'm so glad we can do this again. Being at the gym after having this kind of fun was like torture." Misty said. "I remember how Master ordered me to watch as he claimed your mind and body as his property. I'm glad I could finally have you claim your humble underling."

"The same goes for me." Cynthia smiled. "It's been so long since I've been without the company of my slave sisters. I felt like I was in hell. But when our Master called us to this island paradise, I felt like I was in heaven again."

After revealing her feelings to her sex slave, Cynthia took control, showing the red headed girl why her Master made her Mistress. Pushing Misty gently onto the nearby grass, pinning her under her magnificent body, Misty hummed back with horny satisfaction.

"I also have been wanted to dominate you like the slave you are." Cynthia smiled with a playfully sinister smile.

"I'm your's to dominate, my Mistress." Misty gasped in her lust. "My body is your property, as it is like our Master's. Make me your bitch, please."

"With pleasure." Cynthia said, her voice dripping with desire.

As the two made love on the beach, with Cynthia dominating her submissive slave sister, Ash began preparations for his announcement.

"Are all of the supply crates unloaded?" Ash asked the pair of form Rocket members.

"Yes Master!" Domino replied hastily, desperate for the approval of her Usurper. "The uniforms are ready on stage and the gear is secured in the warehouse."

"Good girl." Ash said, spanking the blonde woman's ass, her body shaking from the excitement of approval. "Have my Harem assembled. It's almost time."

With a salute and bow of approval, the two women split up in search of their fellow women in bonds. As Domino retrieved Serena, Bonnie, Annabel and all of the other slave sisters, Jessie went out to collect Cynthia and Misty.

When the former Rocket member saw the duo relaxing post coitus, their naked bodies soaked in each other's cum, she bit her lip, desperate to join in on the fun. However, as she had her orders from the God she now worshiped, she resisted the urge just barely.

"God you two are so fucking hot." Jessie said under breath.

"You like what you see, hmm?" Misty asked her slave sister, picking up on what she said. "You know Jessie, I never got to tell you how hot I thought you were back when you were following us as kids. I can't believe how you look just as good as you did back then."

"Thanks for the compliment, Misty." Jessie said, dropping the twerp nickname she once used since being mind controlled. "Oh, and Mistress? Our Master asked me to retrieve you. It's almost time for the announcement."

"Thank you for informing me, slave." Cynthia said, getting up off the ground. "To thank you for coming all the way out here, I command you to lick us clean."

Upon posing with Misty, ready to have each other's love juices cleaned off by their slave sister, Jessie smiled contently.

"You didn't even have to ask." She said, gesturing with her hands greedily.

As the former Rocket member turned slave happily lapped up her Mistress's and slave sister's cum, her appetite for sex slightly staved off, the trio returned to the mansion, the light of the sun forming an orange tinge on the sky and water.

As the women got in formation on the dance floor, with the four Head Mistresses taking the front of the formation, they waited as their Sovereign took to the stage.

Stepping up to look out onto his conquered sex objects, Ash took a breath and began to recite his decree.

"As you all know, I have become a man with great ambition. I sought out to capture and enslave the most beautiful women around the world, breaking them and making them my personal playthings. When I started off with this goal of mine, I originally only had in mind a couple of slaves to entertain me. That has changed." He began to say.

"With each conquest I made, my motivation and ambition only grew. Because of that, my harem of you slaves has now risen to twenty women strong. Because of this, I needed to expand and organize, all while hiding away from the prying eyes of those who don't understand me. That is why, to that end, I will be forming a Team, a Team of which will consist entirely of the slaves I mind control into being my humble fuck servants!" He decreed, his audience dead silent so they may absorb his words of wisdom all the more efficiently.

"I've decided that this Team's home base will be here, on the Island I've decided to call 'Providence', a symbol that I was given this gift for a reason. Our Team name shall be a symbol as well. A symbol to ourselves, to keep our Organization true to itself. To that end, our Team name will hence forth be known as 'Team Rose', a symbol of our love and devotion to each other!" He ordered, his words being law.

"Our group will be organized into four different utilities, so that we may ensure our everlasting enjoyment in our private paradise. To elaborate on what I mean, I will ask our Harem's four Head Mistresses to step forth." Ash said, his four top slaves stepping further up.

"To ensure our Island's security and to maintain its buildings and electronics, I put Bonnie in charge of these fields." Ash spouted out, turning his head to meet Bonnie's unending gaze of obedience.

"Under your command, I will give you Jessie, Domino, Misty, and Lana. While Misty and Lana patrol the ocean around our home in our boats, with any of our Water Type Pokémon assisting them, Jessie and Domino will maintain the ground and air defenses of our island respectively, with proper Pokémon to match their needs." Ash demanded.

"Of course, my Lord. I will ensure our Island's safety and upkeep." Bonnie responded with a bow.

"As for the need of a public image should arise, I leave that in the care of Cynthia and her team, which will consist of Lusamine, Elesa, Diantha and Dawn. You five shall be the faces that ensure that police action doesn't resume on my name. You'll also travel to the outside world to collect supplies and other necessities should we need them." Ash continued.

"I endeavor to keep our coven safe, my Usurper." Cynthia said happily.

"In order for your group to travel to the outside world, you will act in joint operations with our other group. This group, led by Annabel will be entirely used for the purpose of scouting out and capturing more slave prospects, so that I may break their minds here on the island." Ash began.

"This group, outside of its previously mentioned leader, will consist of Skyla, Sabrina, Korrina and Alexa. Their skill in battle, as well as Skyla's plane being our main method of travel off the island will be our best method to ensure more slaves join our fold." Ash finished.

"I can only hope my efforts impress and satisfy you, my Great Dominator." Annabel said with a smile and bow like the two before her.

"Finally that brings me to our last, but most certainly not our least important group on the island. This group, under Serena's guidance, will oversee the food and cooking we will need on the island. You will tend the crops as well as the island greenery." Ash ordered.

"But your tasks don't end there. You five shall also ensure the entertainment of the island residents, from organizing Pokémon battles and party events to giving sexual pleasures of any type to your fellow slave sisters, and of course, myself." Ash continued. "Serena, you shall be in charge of commanding May, Mallow, Flannery, and Lillie."

"I'm humbled by the task you've ordered of me, my Owner." Serena smiled upon her Master immensely, taking a bow like the rest of her fellow Head Mistresses.

"As of this moment, we shall now become a fully fledged Team. You slaves shall not only address your Head Mistresses as that, but as your Admins as well." Ash commanded them, before gesturing to a table with several uniforms lying on it.

"On that table there will be your new uniforms. Wear them with pride and whenever you are on duty. You are free to wear whatever you want otherwise, unless I command you to wear something specific." He continued, his slaves nodding their approval before walking over to the table.

"I would like to thank Elesa for using her connections as a former model to helping us get these uniforms. Each one is custom made for each of your measurements." Ash added on, as the girls pulled their uniforms from the table.

The uniform consisted of a white cloth corset that cut off, showing the women's slender midriffs and supple skin, with the name of its intended wearer stitched below a red rose emblazoned on the left breast. The admin version of this uniform however was tailored different per Ash's request for the sake of distinction.

Instead of black, the corset for the admins was red, with a black rose replacing the red one, the name of the admin stitched in black. The bottom of the uniform for every slave however was all the same.

A skimpy black leather miniskirt that cut off at the thighs now decorated every slave girl. Heeled boots and thigh high socks decorated the slaves' legs as well, explicitly ensuring that their thighs remained exposed and tantalizing.

After waiting for his servants to change into their uniform and take formation once again, Ash finished his speech.

"As of this moment, we aren't just a Harem. We're a team, and we will stop at nothing to achieve my ambitions. You all have been enslaved by my rule, now I command you to ensure that other women will break and fall in line just the same. Am I clear?!" Ash said with a triumphant shout at the end.

"YES MASTER!" The entire slave company shouted back to him, their morale to serve him at an all time high.

Looking at his conquests in triumph, Ash then began to think to himself as to who he might claim next. As he began to wonder this, two women just began to check into a hotel on Mele Mele Island for a vacation they didn't know would soon be permanent.

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