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60% Another Twilight fanfic / Chapter 60: Chapter 56

Kapitel 60: Chapter 56

AN: a mini fight scene... Ugh... I'm not really good at this type of scene... well, I'm not good with describing things so fight scenes and lemons are hard... I even contemplated getting the help of chatgpt. But it didn't feel right when I read the result no matter how much I calibrated it. So here, you get a shit scene for now, I'm gonna try to be better at it.



I'm looking at an 8-foot large gray wolf with red pupils. Yep red. If we use the "Teen Wolf" universe logic here, red means Alpha right? But how is it here in Twilight? Well, this is an AU so as you all are already used to it by now, it's a bit different from canon, there's other supernaturals like sirens, so it won't be weird if ROB put me in a world that has laws that made the "True Alpha" logic in Teen Wolf exist here right? And this shifte's wolf form is bigger than normal... Soooo can I assume that? Dunno...

I heard the shifter growl at me once again... I saw his... her... I don't know the gender yet, But it has now changed its stance as if it's getting ready to pounce on me anytime... Now decision... Decisions... I could easily use my voice to compel it, wait, will it work on it? I did talk audibly earlier, but I was too focused on its appearance to see how it reacted, but seeing that it's not in a daze after hearing my voice, it would mean that it either has a great mental fortitude or resistance... Oooor my compulsion does not affect him or their kind... Oh, I can't rule out the possibility of him actually being a true alpha and this is one of the special existence perks... Or it's just a bit too in a crazed mode at the moment that my skill didn't work on him.... There are a lot of other possibilities, too many to mention at the moment. But one thing is for sure, I have found myself a very good Guinea pig... Hehehe...

"What is it puppy? You came to rob me of my food, and you have the audacity to act like I'm the one looting you? Has shifting too much actually turned your already scarce number of brain cells to resemble an actual mutt?" I provoked it. Looking at it with a teasing grin.

I want to test my power and strength against their kind, I'm not sure how powerful this one is within their community, but I'm not gonna let this opportunity go. They usually run in packs, but I have not sensed any other of its kind anywhere near us... But even if it comes down to it... I can easily deal with their pack.

"Come on, you want this meat right~..." I taunted, flashing it a wicked grin, trying my best to not lace my intent with anything that would soothe the wolf. I want it to stay in this crazed state a bit longer and have at least a short battle.

Seemingly having enough of my nonsense, the wolf lunged at me at full force, its jaws ready to bite me towards my neck, but I just gracefully dodged it. But as it saw me dodge, it quickly adjusted its body to swipe its claws at me, but again... I evaded the attack fluidly, my years of efforts in training and enhancing my body coming into light... Hahaha...

"Is that the best you've got, wolf? I expected a bit more bite in you, did your mama's tits not give you enough milk, is that why you grew pathetically weak huh?" I mocked him as I easily twirled behind him after dodging another swipe.

[AN: Seriously? Mentioning mothers now? That's a low blow... I hope you don't regret that later. 😒]

The shifter's expression changed, and the light in its eyes grew more fierce like it was greatly offended by my last remark. Is he a mama's boy? I guess that was pretty nasty of me, but I already said it... I can't apologize in the middle of the battle now can I? I swear I will do it after... I'm not planning to kill it anyway, I plan to form friendly relations with their kind, I'm not sure, but the Cullen's treaty with the Quileute tribe should have happened between 1933-38... And seeing that my coven is far far away from forks right now, I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen anymore... Unless I go there myself... I know this fella is definitely not part of their tribe and possibly is a member of another, but If I can make a connection with it or their pack, and take one of them with me to make connections with the shifters at forks... Boom! It'll be easier, right?

[AN: You plan to make friends with them, by beating up one of them first? Woooow... Big brain you got there hun. 🙄]

Oi! Don't shit on my plan yet ok, don't you know that they are all battle oriented? They talk with their fists, basically muscle heads because of the beast in them. I know they're not actually stupid, but they are more hot-headed, like punch first then talk. Like right now. Look at this fella who keeps attacking me, I can clearly see that it has not gone through a lot of battles yet... It's like, it's moving based only on instinct, with no techniques or strategies at all.

As I keep dodging his relentless attacks, sometimes hitting it with restrained jabs, kicks, and punches... This big of a wolf, if it had a pack, It should have been well taken care of... Trained. But... No... Now that I got to observe it more, it seems like there's some sort of disconnect or umfamiliarity to its movement like it's not used to its own body yet... Weird...

Wait, a thought popped into my head... is it possible? I guess it is... I remember in the canon that Jacob's sisters moved to a different state, possibly even built a new life there, never to return... They were let go, because they were women, and the stupid old farts believed that only the men could pass the shifter gene, and only men could shift. Oooh, but they were wrong, so wrong.

As I held its mouth open with both my hands, keeping it from snapping shut at my face, after catching it when it lunged to bite me once again, I ignored its struggles and growls and looked at its eyes carefully this time... It's eerily red, like how a human blood-drinking vampire's eyes were... At the moment, it has this look like it's not really in control, it's more beast, and no sign of man or intelligence in it...

I maneuvered myself to lock his head under my armpit and tried to hold onto his neck, then with controlled force, to not overly hurt the poor fella, I threw him against a tree. With my effort, I didn't break any bones, but the impact still shook the wolf.

A shifter who has a pack would've always had someone around to teach them how to control their beast side... But this one, it seems like he doesn't know how... Which is odd for his kind... There are a lot of other possible explanations, but one of them is more likely to be the case, which is... He just recently shifted... And he doesn't have a pack... He's a lone wolf. I don't know the circumstance as to why... But the poor guy is probably stuck for ROB knows how long in this form, unable to shift back... And something tells me that he's a bit of a special case too.

I've pretty much got an idea now about its strength, I now have a base idea when comparing strength with shifters, I'd still need to see other shifters to get accurate data, but this is a start. Now I wonder what other beings I can encounter throughout my journey. Hehe... Ehem... Wait not the time... Need to help the poor guy now.

I now shifted my mood and intentions... No longer suppressing it and once I did... I saw the wolf stand up, run towards me, and leaped with jaw open wide in what seemed like an attempt to swallow me whole. Cute... Very cute, little puppy.

"STOP" It had already jumped and this ain't a cartoon so the wolf won't freeze mid-air so when he froze after my command, I still had to dodge. When he fell face first, I winced... That must've hurt I should've chosen a better timing huh. Oh well.

The shifter just lay flat on the ground, unable to move after I used more force on my compulsion. I wasn't worried nor scared, as I walked over to him, specifically its head... I pat its head before lifting to engulf its head into a hug. I don't know if it's going to be the same for shifters, but it can't hurt to try and see if my scent will also be useful for calming them down... With the help of my compulsion too of course... I'm confident about my analysis, skills, and strength, but I'm not stupid.

I continued to pat his head... As I hummed then sang an old lullaby that got stuck in my head for a long time when I first heard it.

=Heaven's Gift by Gypsy=

🎶Heaven's gift to me

just the way you are,

A new aged child from a distant star.

It feels so good just to be

So close to your love.

You are heaven's gift to me.🎶

I can feel the tension in its body loosen... It's harsh and rapid breathing slowly returns to a normal pace... But I can still sense that it's still on guard against me... Needs a bit more I guess...

🎶You are so sweet and pure

just the way you are.

Mama's precious jewel.

Daddy's rising star.

There's so much in life

for you to see.

And so much to be.

You are Heaven's gift to me.🎶

"Just listen to my voice, I'm no foe... I just want to help... I can help you... Let me help you child..." I'm not sure how old exactly this shifter is, but knowing that shifters normally transform at a younger age, maybe at most between 20-30yo... But this one, for some reason feels juvenile to me.

🎶La la la la la la...

Heaven's gift to me

just the way you are,

A new aged child

always in my heart.

There's so much in life

for you to be,

And so much to see.

You are heaven's gift to me.🎶

It was reluctant at first, I felt hesitation by the way it breathed, its muscles, and fidgeting... But eventually, it gave up, succumbed to my warmth, and wholeheartedly started to inhale my scent, closed its eyes while listening to my voice...

🎶La la la la la la...

There's so much in life

for you to see,

And so much to be.

You are heaven's gift to me

(sweet dreams - good night mommy, sweet dreams to you too)🎶

As the song ended... I didn't let go of it yet... I still kept patting and running my fingers through its fur...

"I know you're not a normal wolf..." After I said that, I felt its body stiffen a bit, but I ignored it and continued. "No need to be alarmed, as you can see, I'm also not normal. If I was, how would I have been able to kick your furry ass, and then calm you down like you're just a hungry baby in front of your mama's tits on their meal time?"

[AN: Weird example... 🤔]

I heard the wolf scoff after hearing the last part... Whoa, wolves can scoff? Well, I guess this one's not really a wolf, so it can.

"Now I don't know what circumstance you're in right now to not know how to shift back to your human form... Yes, I know you weren't like this originally... I'll explain more later... But I need you to go shift back to your human form ok?" I told the shifter with a warm motherly tone, the way my Mom does.

By this time, the effect of my compulsion order to stop had worn out, since I didn't mean for it to last long, and I tried my very best to not make it too strong... But I have been talking a lot, sending positive emotions to him. But it won't be good for it if I continue...

"Wolfie, honey... I can't keep talking audibly for long, so I need you to revert back now, so we can converse in another way... I can answer all of your questions afterward..." I then moved his head away from my neck and then placed my hands on each side of its snout. Looking straight at its eyes." Now, sweetie, I need you to relax, calm down... Breath... I know that the wolf inside you is strong, but you are stronger... You're the one who's supposed to be in control... You don't have to fight it, embrace the beast inside of you, accept it... And then think of becoming human again... "

To be completely honest, I'm winging it here, I'm just saying stuff from different shows and novels, whatever that seemed to make sense and would probably work... I think... I hope.

Thankfully, it would seem that my plot armor is strong today, and my talk no jutsu seemed to work. Thank... ME. What? I am not thanking you for this one, you seemed to have made another kid suffer for a plot, so NO.

[AN: it wasn't even that much, and he was already like that I just guided him to you! 🙄]

It started slow, like the picture in its head wasn't clear enough yet like it's still in the process of trying it out for the first time... Since it seemed like it would take a while more, I sled up to get clothes for him first, so when he transforms back, He can get clothed faster, I do not wish nor need to see weens... Owkie? I'm not a sexist, I do not hate men... I'm just very gay.

When I came back, the process seemed to have sped up a bit more, I was only gone for 2 seconds, and the shifter was almost done... Aw maaaaaan... I missed it... There wasn't a clear scene in the movies about how exactly they transformed... Correction, there wasn't a slow-mo of their shifting... If there was, I didn't see it.

Soon... There sat a man on the ground... Dark hair, deep blue eyes. A tattoo on his right forearm. Not sure of this... But he looks like a mix between a Native American and European... If we just go by looks he looks older, like 19-20 years old... But looking at his eyes, There's still that child-like gleam in it... When shifters wolf out for the first time, their bodies change, and children would grow a lot, they would look a lot older than they really are So he's most likely between 16-18 years old.

The boy looked at his hands, his and his legs, and then up at me with his now watery eyes, his expression held relief and gratitude towards me... He stood up and was seemingly going to come over to hug. But lifted my hands up while I quickly looked away, signaling him to stop.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" the boy asked, clearly confused by my sudden action.

I pointed at the clothes I brought for him without looking. I then heard an embarrassed scream from him, shuffling to get away from me to hide somewhere and get dressed...

Haaaa... My solo adventure... Huhuhu

I heard footsteps coming over to me, and this time since I knew that he was now properly clothed, I looked. He was blushing, understandable, he was just about to hug a stranger naked, and I would be too. I reached out my hand to him for a handshake, with an understanding smile on my face.

"I'm Robin Liesha Cullen"

His whole being visibly relaxed after hearing my voice., and the. He reached out a hand to shake mine, also with a grateful smile.

"I'm Nasu... Nasu Fennix"


AN: Halooo, another chap out. I tried writing this faster, but I'm too busy IRL, so I wasn't able to. My phone along with the internet is also not my friend, they keep acting up... So.. Gomen...

As you see here, We have another OC, which is actually a new thing I'm trying out. "NASU" is one of the readers chosen from the readers who have supported me a lot... And the character's last name, looks, part of his back story, and personality were designed by reader NASU. He was given the option to give actual dialogues to input in the FF, but he opted to just leave it to me to just base it on the personality he gave. So here you are Nasu, welcome to the FF!

For all who continue to give me power stones, especially the ones who still did it even if I haven't even uploaded a chapter yet... Thank you. For those who leave wonderful and funny comments... Thank you... I love you guys. You make my day and keep me from forgetting to write. 😆

ALSO here's me sharing my PayPal because I can't handle making a Patreon. So if you wish to help me... My internet is unstable, so I need to load data, data needs money, and other stuff too... I will greatly appreciate it and probably feel more motivated to write because I have to repay you somehow with chaps, part in the ff, or whatever... Here's my PayPal:

If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them on our Discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself. Here's the invite: 👇

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