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70.58% Hachiman Hikigaya Can Level Up / Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Summer Camp pt. 2

Kapitel 24: Chapter 24: Summer Camp pt. 2

"HA! I told you, shitheads, I'd get out of here!" Suguru Kamoshida said as a correctional officer guided him through the visiting room of the specially-made prison he was in. Suguru sat on a steel chair behind a thick glass window. He was dressed in an orange prison body suit and brown shoes.

Around his wrists were powerful cuffs made of the ores found inside the various dungeons. These cuffs were created to siphon out an awakened human's mana, reducing their strength to slightly above a human and disabling their magical attacks. However, these cuffs were ineffective against S-Rank Awakened humans.

"Suguru." Satoshi Kamoshida said coldly from the other side of the glass window. He sat straight with an unreadable expression as he watched Suguru grin excitedly.

"So tell me, Satoshi. When can I get out of this dump?" Suguru said with a grin as he leaned back in his chair.

"You're not." Satoshi said curtly and leaned forward slightly. "You will serve your sentence and pay for your crimes."

"...what?" Suguru said slowly with a baffled expression. His eyes were wide and disbelieving. "What... are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I won't be helping you." Satoshi said. "Do you understand?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT HELPING ME!" Suguru roared, his face red from rage. He tried to slam his hands down on the small table before him, but a shock filled his body as the device on his neck activated. "Grah!"

"It's impressive what Japan has created to enforce the laws on the awakened. In such a short time as well." Satoshi said as Suguru breathed heavily and glared at him. "Tell me, foolish little brother. What had overcome you even to attempt what you did to Shiho Suzui? Have you really become such a monster?"

"Monster?" Suguru spat out. "So you leave Japan, join some big-shot American Guild, and come back to lecture me! Have you forgotten who you were?!"

"I... am not that same man anymore." Satoshi said with a grimace but then took a deep breath. "I've bettered myself for the better."

"You're really going to leave me to rot here?" Suguru said slowly and leaned forward. "You're own brother!"

"I am. Time here will do you some good. It'll give you time to reflect on your crimes and yourself. Hopefully, you will come out of this a changed man." Satoshi said and stood up from his chair. "I only came here to see you for myself. This is goodbye, for now, little brother."

"Satoshi." Suguru whispered hatefully. "Don't you turn your back to me. If you do, I'll tell everyone what happened to Atsushi Kumamoto's little brother during that A-Rank raid. Trust me, that newfound life you found will go down in flames."

Satoshi froze and turned his head to look at Suguru thoughtfully. A look of deep shame and regret on his face. "Do what you will, Suguru. That's all we can ever do."

Satoshi approached the visiting room's exit while ignoring Suguru's angry yells.

x x x

"This should be far enough."

I nodded and began to stretch slightly. I looked over at Shizuka as she began performing a series of stretches. We were standing in a wide open clearing a few miles away from Chiba Village; this way, our little spar wouldn't frighten all the elementary students and disrupt their trip.

Per our agreement, Shizuka had suggested that we try to gauge where my level of fighting skill fell on our first training day. Shizuka was wearing a black sports bra under a loose red shirt. She also wore tight black yoga pants that clung to her curvy legs. I had chosen a loose black shirt and gym shorts. Shizuka smiled at me as she rested a hand on her hip.

"Before we start, I have a question I want to ask you." She said, her smile falling into a frown. "Is it true you went through a double awakening?"

"… where'd you hear that?" I asked and looked at her with a frown. Shizuka sighed and rubbed the side of her head.

"You know, Red Gates are pretty uncommon. So when the news of one occurring during a C-Rank raid led by the Rising Sun Guild was released, it wasn't hard to figure out that you were part of it." Shizuka said with a frown. "I called Izumi Shiori, and she told me you were the reason five other people survived such a tragedy. Now, while I'm extremely happy you made it out safely, I don't think that would have been possible if you had been an E-Rank. So tell me, Hikigaya. Did you have a double awakening?"

I remained silent as she looked at me with a soft expression. A soft gust of wind blew through the clearing and brushed back my hair. I sighed and looked up at the orange-hued sky. "Yeah. I guess I did."

Shizuka nodded and walked towards me. Once she was a foot away, she brought me in for a hug. I looked at her, stunned, as she leaned her head into my shoulder. What is she doing? "I'm happy you made it back. I'd hate to lose my protege." Shizuka let me go and patted my shoulder with a toothy grin. "Now let's see what Japan's first re-awakened hunter can do!"

For some reason, Shizuka's hug helped relieve an unknown pressure on my shoulders. I looked at her numbly and nodded with a small smile. You know, I'm starting to think the men that hang around you are blind. Shizuka walked off twenty yards and turned to me. She slid into a loose boxer's stance and winked at me. I grinned at her as I entered my own fighting stance.

x x x

"Shh! They're about to start!" Ryuji said as he held a finger over his mouth. Komachi, Ann, Iroha, Shouko, Shiho, and Yui were hiding several feet away behind some thick bushes.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Yui asked as she looked nervously at Hachiman and Shizuka slide into their fighting stances. "I've heard fights between awakened humans can get pretty intense."

"That's why we're here!" Iroha said excitedly as she waited eagerly for the spar to begin. "Also, what's up with that hug?"

"I'm not sure. They're too far to hear what they're talking about." Komachi said with a grin. "Maybe big bro likes older women?"

Shouko, Yui, Iroha, and Shiho looked at Komachi in shock from where they were kneeling. Ann and Ryuji nodded in agreement with Komachi. Shouko's eyes began to shake as she wrote on her newly bought portable whiteboard.

"I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for that!" Shouko spoke as she held the board up. Her words were hard to decipher due to the speed she spoke, but the group understood her thanks to the whiteboard.

"Shh! They're starting!" Ann said with a grin, and everyone turned to the clearing.

Hachiman and Shizuka blurred in the center of the field with a loud crash, sending a strong gust of wind across the clearing. Each other's opposite hands caught their fists as they seemed to try to overpower one another. Shizuka's hands began to shake as she was starting to be pushed back. She grinned and slapped Hachiman's arms down. With a fast spin, Shizuka sent a fast spinning back kick at Hachiman's head.

Hachiman weaved under the kick and jabbed Shizukas exposed ribs but was quickly blocked by her bent right arm. She then grabbed Hachimans wrist and pulled him towards her. His eyes widened, but he immediately stopped her incoming elbow with his palm. Hachiman dug his left elbow into Shizuka's side with his left arm. Causing the older woman to grit her teeth.

Not wasting a second, Hachiman sent a combination of high and low kicks towards the teacher. Shizuka blocked and parried the kicks as she dashed back. She grabbed one of his over-extended kicks and tossed him over her shoulder. Hachiman spun in the air and skidded across the ground.

"Holy crap!" Ryuji said as he watched his friend fight. "It's like watching Goku versus Vegeta!"

"Is this what awakened humans can do?" Yui said to herself as she watched Hachiman block a roundhouse from Shizuka. "Amazing."

"Hiratsuka is incredible. I didn't know she was such a good martial artist." Ann said as she leaned forward. "I already knew that Hachi was strong, but this is something else."

"I'm sure they're still holding back a lot. I've seen what Hunters can do in the dungeons; this is pure hand-to-hand combat." Shiho said and watched as Hachiman and Shizuka tried to land a blow on one another.

"Hachi." Shouko said worriedly as Hachimans shirt began to tear. Komachi remained silent as she watched her brother fight. This was the first time she had ever seen him perform to such a degree. It was both amazing and terrifying.

"Big bro..." Komachi whispered.

x x x

I weaved under another wild punch from Shizuka and sent a uppercut towards her jaw. She leaned back and tackled me to the ground. Shizuka straddled my hips as I tried to throw her off my body, but she had clenched her thighs tightly around me. I raised my guard as she began to rain an endless barrage of blows towards my face. Damn, she's not giving me a chance of escaping.

As Shizuka threw a punch to my face, I moved my head and shoulders to the side. Shizuka's punch sunk into the ground beside my head. I used this chance to wrap my arms around her neck in an Ezekiel hold. I squeezed her tightly and felt her breath into my chest. Shizuka tried to escape my hold, but my strength was much greater. I felt her breast rub all over my chest as she struggled. Hold on. This is dangerous in itself.

I flipped her off and saw her fly across the field. Shizuka breathed quickly and rubbed the sweat off her forehead. I stood up slowly and felt my cheeks burn slightly. She stood up straight with a grin and sighed.

"I think we can end it here." Shizuka said, stretching her arms above her head. My eyes gravitated to her bouncing chest, but I forced them away. There's a gravitational pull. "Good work, Hikigaya. You've impressed me. You certainly don't have any formal training, but the fighting style you've created suits you well."

"Ah, thanks." I said lamely, wiping the built-up sweat on my face with my ruined shirt and inadvertently showing off my well-muscled abdomen. "I guess we should head back now. I could use a bath."

"Sounds good." Shizuka nodded and walked over to me. We looked over to the side where several thick bushes sat. "Alright, everyone, shows over!"

I sighed when I heard several panicked squeaks and saw my friends and sister rise behind the bushes. You guys have terrible stealth skills. We noticed you as soon as we left the camp.

x x x

I sighed and sat up from my futon. I looked over and saw a sleeping Saika beside me. He was mumbling my name for some reason. I squinted my eyes at him and stood. I should go for a walk.

Slipping my hands into my pockets, I roamed the dark woods for several minutes. Off in the distance, I saw the lone form of Yukino. She was looking up at the starry sky with melancholy. What's with her? I walked over a stick and stood a few feet from her.

"What are you doing?" I asked and watched her jump in fright. Yukino spun and glared at me.

"I see you're sneaking up on me again, Hikigaya. Do you have a fetish for scaring beautiful girls?" Yukino said sharply. I chuckled and stepped beside her.

"I don't think so, but I'm starting to enjoy scaring you. Maybe I'll make it a game?" I said jokingly, earning a glare from Yukino. I looked up at the sky and hummed. "Can't sleep either?"

"...Miura was lashing out at me. So I spent thirty minutes refuting her arguments and made her cry... I didn't think she would cry of all things." Yukino said solemnly. "Yuigahama is comforting her for the time being."

So you're weak to tears. I hummed with a nod. Yukino looked over at me with a severe gaze. "We have to do something about that child."

"Rumi." I said slowly, looking back to where all the elementary school kids were sleeping. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Oh? Why is that?" Yukino said with a glare and turned to me with her arms crossed. I sighed and rubbed the back of my hand.

"That girl's eyes. She's already given up on making friends. I know because I used to have the same eyes." I said and looked down at the ground. "You could force your help down her throat, but people don't take kindly to being forced to do things. That applies to kids as well."

"Are you saying we do nothing?" Yukino asked hotly. I shook my head and began to walk away.

"That's not it at all. I'll talk to her." I said as I walked back to the lodges. "So just leave things to me."

Yukino wanted to say something, but she bit her tongue. Her face scrunched up in frustration, but she ultimately nodded.

x x x

"H-hey, Komachi. Can we… talk?"

Komachi froze and looked back at Yui. She was standing outside the lodge. She had decided to grab a drink before bed and walked out to one of the lodge's vending machines. Komachi squeezed her Max coffee and forced a smile.

"Yui! Of course!" Komachi said cheerfully and motioned to the nearby bench. "Let's have a seat."

Yui nodded and sat next to Komachi. The two sat in an uncomfortable silence as Komachi fiddled with her drink. Yui gripped her knees and took a deep breath.

"Did I… do something? You've been avoiding me ever since we got here." Yui said slowly. Komachi's left eye twitched as her smile grew strained.

"Haha! I'm not sure what you mean, Yui! I guess we just haven't had a chance to talk!" Komachi laughed and rubbed her head in embarrassment. Yui frowned and looked down at her sandals.

"You know… I'm pretty good at picking up what somebody is feeling without them saying anything. I guess I've always been good at noticing these things. So I can tell that you… don't like me very much." Yui said slowly and turned to Komachi's still eyes. "Did I do something to make you mad?"

"Did you do something?" Komachi repeated in a dead tone. "Did you do something? Are you kidding? What about how you're the reason my brother lost an entire year of his life because you couldn't control your stupid dog? What about the fact that you think you can just show up to his room every month and act like it's not your fault he's in that hospital bed? What about the fact that I was all alone because of you!"

Komachi had stood up during her rant and looked down at Yui with a glare. Angry tears flowed down her cheeks and splattered on the dry dirt below. Her chest heaved as she breathed uncontrollably.

"He was always there… when our parents were away. They were always gone for work, and I'd come home to an empty house… but my brother made sure to come home every day to keep me company." Komachi rubbed her cheeks with her hands and looked down at the ground. "A-after he was admitted into the hospital, the bills began to stack up, and our parents had to work even more. I was all alone again."

Yui sat back with wide eyes. Tears streamed down her face as she watched Komachi hiccup and hug herself. The younger girl then looked up and looked at Yui weakly.

"I hate you… I hate you for that." Komachi said and ran off. Yui watched her go numbly, a cold feeling in her chest. Yui leaned forward and began to cry silently into her hands.

x x x

I sighed and watched Komachi run off into the woods. I turned back and saw Yui cry into her hands. Her shoulders shook as she tried to keep her sobs under control. What do I do?

I was crouched on the roof of the lodge. When I returned from the woods, I noticed Komachi step out for a drink. From around the corner, Yui had stepped out and followed Komachi. From there, they began to have a long overdue conversation, which ended how I expected. So that's why... I'm sorry, Komachi.

I hopped off the roof and sent Kori to follow Komachi. "Watch her." Kori nodded and disappeared into the shadows towards Komachi. With that done, I walked over to Yui. She didn't notice my presence, so I sat beside her. Yui jumped up in surprise and was shocked to see me beside her.

"H-Hikki?" Yui said as she tried to dry her tears quickly. "What are you doing here? C-couldn't sleep?"

I remained silent and sighed. "Nah. I was on a walk and happened to hear what you and Komachi talked about."

Yui looked horrified and turned away from me. Her shoulders began to shake once more. I closed my eyes and tried to find the words to help comfort her. God, I'm bad at this. As Yui was about to stand to leave, I grabbed her hand and held it gently. Yui's eyes widened, and she looked down at our joined hands.

"H-Hikki?" Yui whispered, a stray tear falling down her cheek. I frowned and pressed my lips together. Come on, brain! Say something that will help! Sadly, my brain had no sage words to offer the crying girl. I turned to her and slowly brought her into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and patted her back softly. Yui stiffened in my arms but quickly relaxed.

"Komachi doesn't hate you. She's just angry. Just… give her some time, okay?" I said weakly. This isn't my forte. Yui nodded into my chest and wrapped her slender arms around my back. "Uh… sorry for grabbing you. Do you want me to let you go?"

"N-no… this helps. Thanks, Hikki." Yui said and leaned into me deeper. I sighed in relief and nodded. I guess hugs do help. I guess I owe Teach a drink. "Hey, Hikki?"


"What… am I to you?" Yui asked timidly. I looked at her face and saw her cheeks glowing red. I thought it over and wondered what exactly Yui Yuigahama was to me.

"I suppose… you're my friend." I said. But I knew that wasn't what she wanted to hear. "I… never really had any friends growing up. So the ones I do have, I treasure very much."

I closed my eyes as my cheeks burned in embarrassment. Jeez, I sound like a Shonen protagonist. Yui giggled and sat up. Her cheeks were dry. Instead of the sad frown she had, a large, warm smile now rested on her face.

"You know, you can be pretty awkward, Hikki." Yui laughed softly and tilted her head. "But that's one of the things I like about you."

I felt my face heat up. Yui jumped in surprise, seemingly realizing what she just said. She quickly stood up and dusted her legs.

"A-ah! I better get back to my room! I-I'll see you in the morning! Goodnight, Hikki!" Yui said quickly and ran off to where the girls were staying. I rubbed my cheek and sighed. What was that? My heart skipped a beat there. She didn't mean it like that; remember your junior high days me! Don't misunderstand.

I stood up and looked over to where Kori was. I better get to Komachi, too. When was the last time I saw her cry like that? With that in mind, I blurred away.

x x x

Sploosh. Sploosh. Sploosh.

I left the shadows and saw Komachi throwing pebbles into a shallow stream. I walked over to her and sat next to her. She looked at me and handed me a few pebbles. I accepted them and began tossing some into the stream.

"You heard." Komachi stated.

"…I did." I nodded.

We sat together silently and watched the moonlight glimmer to running water. Komachi sniffled and hugged her knees to her chest. "Are you here to tell me to apologize?"

"No. That's not what I'm here for." I shook my head and threw another pebble into the stream with a satisfying sploosh. "Komachi… I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" Komachi said softly and tossed another pebble. I shook my head with a sigh.

"I didn't realize that you had to endure so much alone. All because I decided to play hero." I said slowly and slid closer to Komachi. When I was close enough, she leaned in and rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"Are you really apologizing for being in a coma? You're being dumb." Komachi said with a smile, pushing my knees down so she could lie on my thighs. She frowned as she looked up at the star-filled sky. "I thought I'd feel better if I told Yuigahama my feelings. But… I feel terrible. Like I just yelled at a puppy."

I leaned back on my arms and stared into the sky. "Komachi. Do you truly hate Yuigahama?"

"I thought I did. But after tonight… I'm not so sure." Komachi said, looking at me with a small smile. "Hey, big bro. Can you… can you brush my hair like you did when we were younger?"

"Really? I thought you hated that." I said but did as she asked. Komachi smiled and closed her eyes.

"I do. But I'll allow it just this once." She said softly and relaxed under my touch. I smiled and kept brushing her hair until she fell asleep. I gently picked her up and took her to her room using my camouflage skill.

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