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58.82% Hachiman Hikigaya Can Level Up / Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Coffee and Curry

Kapitel 20: Chapter 20: Coffee and Curry

"I see… thank you for informing me."

A tall man with combed-back black hair said as he ended the call. He slipped his phone into his inside suit pocket and looked out at the magnificent city of New York from the balcony he stood on. The man wore an expensive black and white suit that clung to his extremely muscular body. The most unique feature of the man was the sizeable square chin on his face.

"Mr. Kamoshida. Are you alright?" A woman dressed in a white blouse and blue skirt asked as she stepped onto the balcony. Her light brown hair fluttered in the wind as she inspected Satoshi Kamoshida with green eyes.

"Ah, Susan. Yes, I am fine." Satoshi said in English. A sharp contrast from the Japanese he was speaking while on the phone. He turned to her and accepted the clipboard she was holding in his direction. "Good, these are fine. Began the preparations."

Susan nodded and accepted the clipboard. She then walked back inside the building through the large glass door. Satoshi turned in the direction of his homeland with melancholy.

"What have you done now, little brother." Satoshi muttered and walked inside. The building he was in was the main headquarters for the Scavengers Guild. America's strongest Guild, led by Thomas Andre. A holder of the recently created rank of National Level Hunter. After Kamish's defeat, all the hunters who had survived the battle cleared S-Rank gates independently. A feat no one believed to be possible.

Thomas Andre, Lui Zhigang, Christopher Reed, and Siddharth Bachchan were given the legendary title. Their strength was inconceivable and beyond reproach. Due to their achievements and level of strength, each one had been given the authority of an entire nation by the UN and the World Wide Hunters Association committee.

"Ah, Satoshi." A tall man with a body full of muscles said with a grin. He wore an orange polo shirt and blue jeans. The man had short, buzz-cut hair and dark sunglasses over his eyes. The man was Hwang Dongsoo, an S-Rank hunter originally from Korea. "I heard what happened to that useless brother of yours! How hilarious! HAHAHA!"

"I suggest you watch yourself, Hwang." Satoshi said lowly, and Hwang stopped laughing and glared at Satoshi with a challenging grin. The office workers around then looked at them both nervously as they all backed away slightly in fear. They were currently on the public relations floor, and ordinary employees occupied it.

"Oh? Is that so? What are you going to do about it?" Hwang asked as he began to release his power. Satoshi glared back but then looked away.

"You should know better than to try and start a fight while we're in the headquarters. Mr. Andre won't appreciate us breaking one of his rules." Satoshi said. Hwang cursed to himself and walked away.

"You used to be fun, Satoshi! Now you're just an uptight asshole. Whatever, I'm out of here!" Hwang yelled and entered an elevator. Satoshi sighed and relaxed his tense muscles. With his business done here, he made his way up to his personal office. As he walked, Satoshi couldn't help but reminisce about how he got up to this point.

"You goddamn useless bastards!"

"Stop it! They're just children!"


When he was young, he and his brother, Suguru, were raised by their abusive father. Their mother tried her best to protect them from his violence and abuse, but his much larger size made it impossible to do so. She was always covered in bruises and would remain bedridden for days at a time. Satoshi could still remember the times he and his brother had to help their mother by feeding her water and whatever food they could scrounge up.

As they grew older, the abuse became worse and worse. Finally, their father killed their mother and was arrested. Leaving them to grow up in an orphanage. This led him to grow up as an angry teenager. Always ready to start a fight for the slightest reason. In contrast to him, Suguru had picked up their father's womanizing tendencies and bullying. This only caused problems for them both until they reached high school.

Suguru had found great success in volleyball and became a household name. His skill allowed him to win several tournaments, and he joined a top-level school. At the same time, Satoshi himself didn't particularly excel at anything. This caused him to resent his brother and grow angrier. After several years, the first Gate appeared, changing his life.

He had become what they now call an S-Rank Hunter. One of the elites, while his little brother only became a B-Rank hunter. Satoshi felt satisfaction at finally getting one over his brother with his greater level of power. From there, he fought the monsters within the Gates and became rich and famous. It wasn't until several months after that several organizations called Guilds began to form. And when you're an S-Rank Hunter. It made you a very sought-after Hunter to recruit.

So, when he was offered a fantastic contract by the American-based Guild, the Scavenger Guild, Satoshi knew he had to accept it; it was by far the best offer he had seen. So, with his contract signed, Satoshi abandoned his home country in favor of the United States. It wasn't his fault that a large dungeon break occurred in Kyoto when he left. Maybe Japan should produce more S-Ranks to defend it better.

When Satoshi arrived at the headquarters of the Guild, he believed himself to be the king of the world. He'd walk in and take over the whole operation and become its Guild Master. So imagine his shock and surprise when the man he now respected with all his heart, Thomas Andre, humbled him by beating him down in ten seconds. Satoshi couldn't believe it. He was an S-Rank! But to try and compare his power to Thomas Andres was like comparing an ant to an elephant.

From then on, Satoshi tried his best to defeat Thomas in any way he could, which resulted in failure after failure. But with each attempt, Thomas imparted life lessons and new ways to look at life to him. He was being mentored without even realizing it. Never before had Satoshi met a man who handled things with something other than sheer violence. To say he was inspired would be an understatement. From then on, Satoshi vowed to change his ways and become a man his mentor could be proud of. A man he could be proud of.

"Here are the reports you requested, sir." Tracy Morgan, Satoshi's secretary, said as she set a stack of documents on his desk. Satoshi spun on his chair and looked at the woman. Tracy had long black hair and blue eyes. She wore a grey and yellow business suit with black framed glasses over her eyes.

"Excellent. Thank you, Tracy." Satoshi nodded and began filing through each document with careful consideration. The woman nodded and left Satoshi's large, extravagant office.

"Something's not right." Satoshi said, holding a blurred picture of a young high school student with black hair and sharp eyes. "Hachiman Hikigaya. An awakened human with a mana reading of ten. One of the weakest known E-Ranks to exist. However, from the reports and photographs, it seems he was the only one at the scene. Does this mean Hikigaya was the one who defeated my brother? A B-Rank?"

Satoshi continued reading several other forms and photographs from the day Suguru had tried to force himself on a high school student, alongside a large binder of Japan's newly established laws regarding awakened humans and Hunters. "Damn it, Suguru. Have you fallen so low you've resorted to abusing children?"

One particular matter stuck out to him the most. This Hachiman Hikigaya. Not only was he involved in the takedown of his brother, but he was also present during another incident where a fellow awakened student from Sobu High took a girl hostage. Had he also stepped in and stopped the C-Ranked student?

"Hikigaya must have had a double awakening." Satoshi said. "That's the only explanation. But if it's true, he must have jumped straight into A-Rank. Possibly even S. Why is he hiding his status?"

Two weeks ago, after the worldwide funeral honoring all those who had fallen against the dragon Kamish, The well-kept secret the Hunters Association had been keeping was finally released. It was now public knowledge that any hunter could randomly achieve a double awakening. A massive jump in power from their original rank. For example, a C-Rank could jump straight into an A-Rank. A leap like that was amazing and could propel you to new heights of power and fortune. It also brought you to the forefront of the public eye. The four known Hunters who had a double awakening had become extremely famous and sought after. And if this Hachiman kid was one, why keep it under wraps?

Regardless, Satoshi knew he had to travel home to apologize on his brother's behalf and try to make amends to the affected parties by paying restitution. It was his duty as a changed man to set things right. While there, he would also confirm his suspicions about young Hachiman Hikigaya's double awakening and offer him a place in the strongest Guild in America before he becomes an official Hunter. If Satoshi were correct, all of Japan's Guilds would scramble to secure Hachiman in their ranks. Especially if he was an S-ranked awakened human.

"This could be an opportunity." Satoshi said and stood up. "I must talk to Mr. Andre and inform him right away."

x x x

"Hey, Kawasaki! Let's have lunch!"

"No, she's going to join me!"

"Please, as if!"

I squinted at the sight of several students surrounding Saki Kawasaki as she tried to walk through the hallway. She seemed overwhelmed by the new onslaught of attention and tried to excuse herself, but those around her wouldn't allow it. It was as if she was a big-time celebrity surrounded by her adoring fans. To make matters worse, these high school students hoped to be friends with the newest addition to the Samurai Masters Guild.

They sure didn't wait to recruit her after the news that she took down a dungeon boss in one attack spread around. It seemed that, at some point, several upcoming Guilds had tried to recruit Saki to join them for days after our dungeon raid. This prompted her to gain a lot of media attention and coverage. Saki had become famous overnight due to that, which was impressive since she wasn't even a licensed Hunter yet.

"Geez. That's gotta be annoying." Ryuji said and walked next to me after putting on his indoor shoes. "That gonna happen to you too?"

"...I hope not." I said as we walked towards our class. But before I could make it too far, Shizuka Hiratsuka called me from the staff room door. Ryuji and I separated, and I made my way over to her.

"Hikigaya! Come in. I got something for you on my desk." Shizuka said and guided me to her table. She sat down and opened a drawer. Shizuka took out a slip of paper and handed it to me.

"Another trail raid?" I said as I looked over the letter's contents.

A top-level guild appeared to have approved me to join them on their next C-Rank dungeon raid. The Rising Sun Guild was a strong Guild headed by one of the only two S-Rank Hunters who had not joined the Draw Sword Guild. Izumi Shiori. Izumi was an extremely powerful Mage class Hunter who had cleared an entire A-Rank dungeon on her own. So, getting an approval letter from her was a fantastic opportunity. Well, if you were an average E or D rank. This will probably be another snooze fest.

"I had to cash in a few favors, but I managed to get you on top of the waiting list." Shizuka said proudly as she crossed her arms under her ample chest. I hummed and placed the paper into my bag. "Since you are my protege, I have to make sure you get plenty of experience to become a great Hunter!"

"While I'm grateful for this opportunity. When did I become your protege?" I asked and looked down at Shizuka's surprised face.

"Eh? Are you not? Did I not take you under my wing after our two-hour talk about anime?" Shizuka said with wide eyes. Her eyes shifted into large sparkling orbs that could render any man into a puddle. Any man besides me, at least, I know what you're doing, teach. "Do... you not want to?"

"I suppose. Are you going to teach me anything helpful since you are my 'Mentor'?" I asked, and she took on a thinking pose. Shizukas's eyes widened, and she snapped her fingers.

"Aha! I know the perfect time to teach you a few of my moves! You see, I'm the guidance counselor and advisor for the Service Club. The one that Yukinoshita and Yuigahama are a part of. They'll be volunteering at a summer camp in Chiba Village, which I'll be attending as well. So, if you tag along, I'll be able to train you in what I've learned in my time as a hunter! So? What do you say?" Shizuka said quickly and looked at me with expectant eyes. I looked off to the side and weighed my options.

Let's see... If I was just a regular E-Rank Hunter. That offer would have really appealed to me. Sure, I wouldn't have been able to get any stronger, but she does have a lot of experience she could share, so that would have been a plus. After that last dungeon, I should now be a high A-Rank. At least, I think. I suppose it wouldn't hurt.

"Sure. Sounds good." I said and watched her grin. She then took out her phone and asked me to exchange numbers with her. "Alright then. I have to get to class now. I'll see you around, Teach."

Shizuka nodded and told me she would mail me a list of her favorite manga to check out. I nodded and left the room. I was hoping to visit the S-Rank Demon's Castle this summer. Hopefully, this trip isn't too long.

x x x

"That hit the spot!" Ryuji said as he patted his full belly. Ann, who sat beside him, smacked him on his shoulder.

"Behave yourself, Ryuji! I don't want Mr. Sakura to think I'm friends with someone without manners!" Ann scolded Ryuji while Shiho laughed. Ryuji bowed his head and apologized. I smiled at them and looked down at my half-eaten plate of curry. We had decided to eat out at the cafe Ann introduced me to after school. As I chewed, I looked around at those I could call my friends as we sat in one of the booths.

Shouko and Iroha happily talked to each other to my left while Shiho sat in front of me. Ryuji sat to my right while Ann sat in front of him. Now, go. I sent one of my shadow soldiers into each of my friend's shadows. This way, I could have peace of mind knowing they were protected from danger.

"Ah. Another cup, Hikigaya?" I saw Sojiro Sakura, Leblanc's owner, looking at me from where he worked. I smiled at the man and nodded. "Coming right up."

"Hikigaya. Um, you have a little something on your cheek." Shiho said, pointing toward my face. I lifted my napkin and wiped off some sauce from my face.

"Thank you, Suzui ." I said with a nod.

"Shiho." Shiho said with a smile. "Call me Shiho. We're friends, after all."

"Ah, right then. Thank you, Shiho." I said after a brief pause. At that point, I could call everyone here besides Iroha by their first name, which said girl immediately noticed.

"Wait! So everyone here calls each other by their first name! No fair. Okay, you can all call me Iroha from now on!" Iroha said happily, and everyone agreed.

"Here you go, young man." Sojiro said as he placed a second cup in front of me. "It's nice to know the younger generation can enjoy a nice cup of coffee. Let's see if you can figure this one out."

I lifted the cup and took a sip. I closed my eyes and focused on the brew's delicate and rich flavors. After a few seconds, I looked up and smirked at Sojiro. "Cuban crystal mountain. It has a sweet, nutty flavor with low acidity."

Sojiro grinned and nodded in satisfaction. "Right on the money, kid." He then walked over to his post and began drying more cups.

"You, Hachiman. Too much coffee can be bad for you." Ann said with a teasing smile.

"Don't say such heresy. My body is as tough as steel. There is never too much coffee." I said with a grin and took another sip.

"Hachi, um." Shouko said while looking nervous. "What did Yukinishita want the other day?"

"Oh. It was nothing; she just wanted help to get a gift for Yuigahamas apparent birthday." I said and put down my empty cup. "She's pretty bad at choosing gifts."

"Oh, so she didn't ask you on a date date." Iroha said with a sigh. She then turned to me with a mischievous smile. "Were you disappointed?"

Everyone at the table turned to me and looked at me curiously. I huffed and looked up at the multi-color overhead lamp. "Please, as if anyone just gets asked on a date out of the blue. This isn't some cliche anime. Yukinoshita and I barely know one another to have that type of relationship."

"That so?" Ryuji said as he leaned on the table. "That's too bad, then. Yukinoshita is quite the looker."

"Huh? W-what do you mean by that?" Ann said quickly. "Ryuji, do you like our senior like that?"

"Who doesn't? She is smoking hot." Ryuji grinned and looked up as he let his imagination go wild. Ann looked briefly disappointed but then huffed.

"Please, as if shed ever look at you that way!" Ann said, causing Ryuji's metaphorical bubble to burst.

I looked over them as they began to bicker and argue. During our trip to the AEON mall, Shiho told me Ann and Ryuji were good middle-school friends. Only after Ann started to tolerate Suguru Kamoshida's advances did Ryuji see it as a sign of betrayal. He believed that one of his best friends was flirting with the man who broke his leg and his dreams. Ann and I told him what truly happened with Suguru and her. The truth shocked Ryuji deeply, causing him to apologize to Ann with a deep bow.

After that, the two returned to being friends, as if everything that happened between the two had never occurred. It was a heartwarming sight that made me happy for my friends. It also appeared that Ann had a crush on Ryuji. Which was missed by my best friend. Ah, Ryuji. Oh, sweet summer child.

We spent another half hour at Leblanc and left. As we all said our goodbyes, I told Shouko to wait a minute before she left.

"What is it, Hachi?" Shouko said as we stood next to the wall of the alley. I took a deep breath and grabbed a legendary restoration potion from my bag. I bought it from the systems shop for five thousand gold.

"This is going to sound weird. But can you drink this?" I said, holding out the orange potion in a fancy silver flask. Shouko tilted her head at it and nodded. To my shock and slight worry, she downed the whole vial quickly.

Shouko's body gleaned for a split second. She looked at me in confusion and signed. "That was really good!" She said and signed at the same time. I ignored my worry at the fact she drank a mystery liquid without any second thoughts and inspected her. I then began to speak to her without signing; I also lifted a hand in front of my lips.

"Shouko. Can you hear me?" I said with anxious eyes—however, much to my disappointment. Shouko looked at me in confusion. She didn't hear me... so I can't heal her deafness with the potions from the store?

"What?" Shouko asked, and I lowered my hand. I sighed and smiled weakly at her.

"Nothing, Shouko. It was just a new drink I thought you'd like." I said weakly and saw her nod. "You also shouldn't be drinking anything from strangers, okay."

"It's okay since it's you, Hachi." Shouko said with a dazzling smile. There has to be something. Maybe a more potent potion? Anything.

"I'll walk you to the station." I said as we began walking towards the closest metro. Shouko looked pleased by my escorting her and grabbed my arm as we walked. I won't give up just yet. Just wait a little bit, Shouko.

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