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56.81% Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel. / Chapter 50: Machine Man 49 Treasure

Kapitel 50: Machine Man 49 Treasure

Somewhere in Afghanistan, In the sandy desert of a military testing ground, Tony Stark stood before a gathering of military officials, showcasing his latest creation with charisma. "They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire," he said, "but I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how Dad did it, that's how America does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far." With a flourish, he introduced the Jericho missile, a marvel of destructive power.

Amidst discussions and toasts to peace, Tony received a call from Obadiah Stane, his mentor and business partner. After the call, he departed in a military convoy, while his friend Rhodes stayed behind, their paths diverging as they headed to their respective destination.

As the convoy rumbled through the Afghan landscape, a sudden explosion shattered the tranquility. The front Humvee erupted in flames as a missile struck it. They were under attack, caught in a deadly ambush. Chaos erupted as soldiers scrambled to defend against their enemies, outnumbered and outgunned.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Tony Stark made a desperate run for survival. But his efforts were in vain as another missile hurtled towards him, bearing the insignia of Stark Industries. As the missile exploded, Tony Stark's consciousness drifted away.

Hours later in Savage Land, Alex received an alert from Skynet about the incident. "Tony has been kidnapped by the Ten Rings terrorist organization. What are your orders?" Skynet's prompt cut through the silence.

Alex pondered for a moment, contemplating the implications of Tony's abduction. "Just launch a recon bee drone and keep an eye on him. Do not interfere. This is Tony's trial to become what he is meant to be," he instructed, his voice ring with earnest.

Skynet couldn't help but question Alex's decision. "That playboy?" she remarked incredulously. "I don't understand why you think so much of him. You're much smarter and better at technology."

Alex chuckled softly at the remark, acknowledging the compliment. "That may be true, for now," he replied, a sense of anticipation underlying his words.

The Praetorians moved through the underground savage land with military unison, their cyber-enhanced bodies adapting seamlessly to the diverse terrain. Strife, leading the way with his mantis blades as he cut through the tall grass, was amazed by what he saw. "This is even more incredible than I imagined, Commander. Extinct creatures from different periods of time, all living together."

Barret, grinned as he scanned the surroundings. "We've got dinosaurs, mammoth, sabertooth, Commander! This is better than Jurrasic Park!"

Then Cid, couldn't help but add his comedic touch. "Anyone else feel like barbequing one of them dinos? "

While Vincent, maintained his focus on potential threats. "Stay vigilant, Praetorians. We may be dealing with prehistoric creatures, but this land also holds sapient humanoid creatures."

Rico, the commander, observed the diverse wildlife. "Skynet's intel was right. This place is a treasure trove. Emperor, how did you even find this?"

Seated on his hovering throne, Alex surveyed the prehistoric landscape with satisfaction and awe. "Pure luck, Rico. Let's continue and see what this land holds for us."

As the team ventured deeper, Strife's excitement was noticeable. "Just imagine if we could get our hands on some Vibranium from this place."

Cid, keeping the mood light, joked, "Or maybe we can tame a dinosaur to be our team mascot, hey?



You guys' suck. Didn't any of you dreamed of riding dinosaurs into battle when you were kids?"

Barret, upon hearing this, replied, "Well, I did! I even wanted to be a paleontologist, but we was poor as hell. Maybe I'll pursue that as a hobby once this mission is over."

Vincent, scanning the skies for potential threats, commented, "Commander, with your permission, I'll scout ahead. We need to ensure our path is clear."

Rico, addressing his fanatical soldiers, declared, "Go ahead Vincent, We need to split up to cover more ground anyway. As for the rest of you maggots! We split into teams. Move forward, gather intel, and secure what we can. For the glory of our Emperor!"

With a resounding cheer, the Praetorians embarked on their mission to scout and establish a base camp. Splitting into five teams, each led by a seasoned warrior, they ventured into the untamed wilderness.

As the teams fanned out, the soldiers activated their drones, sending them soaring into the sky. These mechanical scouts provided real-time visuals of the surrounding landscape, ensuring the safety of the Praetorians and offering a comprehensive view of potential camp locations.

Rico's team, accompanied by Alex, carefully navigated the lush terrain. The soldiers marveled at the prehistoric beauty surrounding them, taking care not to disturb the life forms in Savage Land. As they encountered various dinosaurs, Skynet's data streamed into their helmets, providing information about each creature.

"Emperor, we've got a group of Triceratops up ahead," reported one of the soldiers, observing the herbivorous dinosaurs grazing peacefully.

Another soldier questioned, "Why do they have quills? Is that how they're supposed to look?"

"Yeah, I always thought they had armored bodies or something," added another soldier, voicing his surprise at the unexpected sight.

Alex, deeply fascinated by the sight, acknowledged their approach. "Proceed with caution. Let's not startle them."

Meanwhile, Strife's team focused on collecting plant samples, their cyber-enhanced limbs carefully handling the fragile flora.

Barret's squad was tasked with observing and gathering data from the more aggressive creatures, their modified weapons designed to deter without causing much harm.

While on Vincent side, who's perched on a vantage point, scanned the horizon with his sniper rifle. "No sign of potential threats so far, Commander. We've got a clear view of the surroundings."

As the teams progressed, the soldiers identified dinosaurs ranging from the familiar Velociraptors to the majestic Brachiosaurus. Skynet's continuous data stream allowed them to catalog each species, creating a comprehensive understanding of the Savage Land's ecosystem.

Alex, surrounded by the fanatical Praetorians, spoke with a sense of awe, "This place is a marvel. Just look at its biodiversity. It's like we're witnessing Earth's history in its purest form."

On Barret's side, utilizing his advanced drones, made an astonishing discovery - a mountain with vegetation unknown to their databases. Instinctively recognizing the anomaly, he ordered his soldiers to scout the area thoroughly and surprise at the thing they have found.

"Alright, listen up, you bunch of babies," Barret's voice resounded through the comms of his team, a mix of authority and excitement. "We've struck gold – or rather, Vibranium. This is the real deal, and we're stand on a mountain of treasure, literarily! Secure the perimeter, set up defenses. We've got the Emperor counting on us, and we don't want to disappoint!"

His team, fiercely loyal and disciplined, responded to the orders with military salutes. The discovery ignited their determination. As this happened, Barret stepped out to make his report.

"Emperor," Barret's voice resonated through the comms, his tone a mix of reverence and excitement. "We've found Vibranium deposit, approximately 6000 tons according to scans, maybe more. Requesting further instructions."

Alex, acknowledged the report with a measured response. "Secure the area, Barret. I'll be sure to reward you for your discovery."

On another front, Strife and his team stumbled upon a mysterious lake adorned with makeshift underwater huts crafted from tree roots. Observing from a concealed vantage point, they witnessed humanoid fish-like beings, demonstrating incredible underwater speed.

As they observed the peculiar underwater huts and the scaled fish humanoids, they seem to actually know English which surprise them. They came to learn that this people are called the Tubanti base on their conversation.

"Stay sharp, team," Strife advised in a hushed tone, his cybernetic eyes focused on the aquatic community. "We've stumbled upon something unprecedented fish people, fast and elusive. Maintain stealth, gather intel, and report back to Commander Rico. Our Emperor trusts us, let's not disappoint."

"Commander Rico," Strife reported with a hushed tone. "We've encountered fish-like beings calling themselves Tubanti with remarkable aquatic abilities. Suggesting caution and further investigation."

Meanwhile, Vincent, positioned atop humongous trees with his sniper team, bore witness to a peculiar sight. Humanoid Pterons, winged creatures resembling pterodactyls, were hunting a mammoth with a coordinated precision, using barbaric Vibranium weapons that hinted at sentience. Vincent, astounded by the scene, relayed the information to his commander Rico and Emperor Alex.

"Commander Rico," Vincent's voice held a note of incredulity. "We've got humanoid Pterons hunting a mammoth. It's unlike anything we've encountered before, their movements and crude cold weapons suggest high intelligence. Requesting guidance on how to proceed."

Rico, leading with a stoic demeanor, responded with strategic insight. "Maintain visual, Vincent. Stay in cloak and gather as much intel as possible without engaging. The Emperor will decide the course of action once we consolidate all the information."

On Cid's side, led his team with a sense of camaraderie and focus on their mission to gather rock samples. As they traversed the Savage Land, their conversation over the comms captured both the challenges and wonders of their environment.

Cid chuckled as he observed some peculiar creatures. "These critters are like something out of a sci-fi flick, eh? Never thought we'd see humongous unknown reptile creatures roaming around in real life, let alone atop of magma."

One of the soldiers, a young recruit, chimed in, "Sir, do you think these creatures are dangerous?"

Cid responded with a reassuring tone, "Possible, Just keep your guard up, soldier, we're here to gather samples, not start a dino war. Stick to the mission, collect data, and let's make our Emperor proud."

As they reached the edge of their designated area, the landscape unfolded into an unfamiliar sight dominated by volcanoes. Cid surveyed the surroundings, relaying his observations to Rico and the rest of the team.

"Rico, this is Cid. We've reached the end of our scouting range. All we're seeing are these massive volcanoes and some unknown elements. Scanners are picking up high levels of Tritium – possibly the energy source we've been searching for. Requesting further instructions, Commander."

Rico's response was prompt and authoritative, "Cid, maintain a perimeter. Gather Tritium samples for analysis. Emperor Alex will decide our next move based on the intel we've gathered. Stay vigilant, soldier."

Alex, now armed with comprehensive reports, issued a decisive command. "Rico, gather the teams at Barret's location. We'll set up camp there. Exercise utmost caution, and ensure we don't disturb the balance of this extraordinary land. Keep vigilant."

Under the leadership of Rico, Strife, Barret, Cid, and Vincent, they all gather at the mountain where they found huge amount of Vibranium deposits. Warthogs rumbled alongside them, carrying essential supplies and equipment for the camp setup.

Alex, seated on his hovering throne, surveyed the surroundings. His Praetorians, alongside massive squid-like drones, meticulously set up a fortified base. The mechanical hum of machinery filled the air as they work alongside Praetorian Guards.

Rico, the esteemed commander, barked out orders with military precision. "Strife, set up observation towers on the north and south. Barret, Cid, reinforce the eastern and western flanks. Vincent, provide cover from a high vantage point."

Strife, with mantis blades at the ready, nodded sharply. "Yes, sir. Observation towers coming up."

As they worked, soldiers engaged in brief conversations, blending camaraderie with their military duties.

Barret, overseeing the construction of the eastern flank saw a herd of unregistered dinosaurs moving close to their base, he shouted to his team, "Watch your six, people. We're dealing with unknowns here. Stay alert."

A soldier, adjusting his gear, responded, "Sir, you think these creatures will give us trouble?"

Barret, his gun-arm glinting, replied, "We're prepared for anything. Just follow orders and keep an eye out. The Emperor expects the best from us."

Meanwhile, Alex directed Skynet through his neural interface, using his new found powers to setup the central command center, A huge building reminiscent of a StarCraft Terran Base came to life as they work together to bring the base to life. Skynet's digitized voice echoed, "Central command center established, T-800 and Squiddy Drones factory are setup ready for deployment."

Alex, focused on the strategic placement of the command center, responded, "Good work, Sky. Let's make sure we have eyes on every corner of this place."

Skynet's Bee Drones whirred into action, creating an intricate network of surveillance. The soldiers, witnessing the power of their Emperor and the advanced technology at play, exchanged impressed and fanatical glances.

As the Praetorian warriors worked diligently to transform the rugged terrain into a formidable camp. Strife, leading the Mechanical Squiddy drones, orchestrated the construction of roads and the erection of an observation deck. With futuristic tools, the soldiers leveled the ground, creating a foundation for their camp.

Soldiers, under Strife's command, marveled at the efficiency of the Squiddy drones. One soldier, adjusting his helmet, commented, "This tech is unreal. It's like were building a city out here."

Strife, with mantis blades gleaming, responded, "We improvise, adapt and overcome, soldier. No matter what terrain we can conquer it."

Meanwhile, another group of soldiers, led by Rico, ventured into the Savage Land to hunt for food. Among them, a soldier named Daniels remarked, "Why are we bringing a T-Rex, sir? Research purposes?"

Rico, scanning the surroundings, grinned beneath his helmet. "Research indeed. But tonight, we feast on T-Rex and mammoth. Emperor's orders."

Daniel hearing this is almost salivating, "Wonder what a T-Rex taste like"

Another soldier comments, "that's gonna be a giant drumstick for sure."

A soldier comment on the side, "just wait till you taste it with my secret 11 herbs and spices."

As the soldiers roam the area, using advanced weapons to hunt the creatures, the camp's isolation rods were erected. The soldiers strategically placed the poles, forming a sequence around the camp. Activating the rods released a hard light barrier, casting a green glow that enveloped the entire camp, shielding it from the unknown dangers of the Savage Land.

Back at camp, Alex sat on his hover pod throne, working with Skynet to analyze the Tritium samples brought by Cid. The results confirmed the presence of Tritium, a rare and valuable resource. Intrigued by the abundance, Alex remarked to Skynet, "This is unbelievable. Tritium is extremely rare on Earth, with only 25 pounds of it known to exist. But here, and in such quantities, imagine what we could do with it."

Rico, receiving the news about the treasure this land holds, called for a celebration. Soldiers gathered around a makeshift feast, savoring the taste of mammoth and T-Rex. Daniels, enjoying a hearty bite, said, "Never thought I'd eat T-Rex in the Savage Land. This secret recipe of your taste like KFC though?" Sanders who heard the comment, "Just you wait till you tried my other dish!"

Alex, seeing the festivities shared a toast with his soldiers, responded, "My Praetorians! Enjoy the bounty and eat hearty! For tonight we celebrate our achievements!

His soldiers cheered! Screaming "For the Emperor! For the bounty!" Some are even too eager to show their loyalty, expressed their readiness to work and patrol.

Alex, showing concern, replied. "Skynet will handle the patrols with the drones and T-800. You've earned your rest. Tomorrow might bring unforeseen troubles."

As the night settled over the Savage Land, the Praetorian warriors, nestled within their protective barrier, prepared for the mysteries that awaited them, all while Alex and Skynet delved into the troubling revelations brought by the Bee Drones.

TheMainPlagiaris TheMainPlagiaris

Still playing FF7 so chapters might be intermitent. Thanks for the support.

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