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Kapitel 37: Killing the Chief

Noah leaped out of the underground passage in a dive. He casually pulled out several hundred pounds of fine steel wire from his wide-area space and threw it to the ground. Under the control of electromagnetic force, the steel wire was woven into a large net spread out on the ground. Following that, the basement door was blown off its hinges, and the Chief charged out.

"I'm going to kill you, you damned rat, ah ah ah..."

At this moment, the Chief had fallen into a state of complete fury, nearly mad with rage. Upon seeing Noah not far away, he thundered over. Just then, the steel wire net that Noah had prepared in advance suddenly rose, wrapping around the Chief's bulky body. The sudden change caused the Chief to lose his balance and fall to the ground, rolling several meters due to the huge inertia.

Noah was ready. He leaped forward, grabbed the steel wire net, and roared, "Haah..."

The Chief's massive body, weighing eight or nine hundred pounds, was lifted off the ground. Noah then proceeded to smash him against the ground repeatedly, creating a thunderous noise and leaving the ground full of pits. After smashing him dozens of times, Noah threw him towards a nearby stone wall.

With a bang, the Chief hit the stone wall solidly. Although the Chief thought he was seriously injured, he was actually so disoriented that he saw stars. Noah, seizing the advantage, followed up with another punch, hitting the Chief's plump body without any resistance.

Upon contact with the Chief's body, Noah activated plundering. "Come, take it."

[Plundering target detected, please select the direction of plundering.] "Replicate, peel, plunder wealth."

Immediately, a three-fold plunder was arranged for the Chief. [Replication successful, ability acquired: Super Energy Storage S] [Ability peeling successful, ability to give: Super Energy Storage S] [Plundering wealth successful: Wealth value of 268 million obtained, resources have been transferred to the wide-area space, please check as soon as possible.]

Another S-class ability was acquired, along with resources worth 26.8 million in wealth value. If there were special effects voice-over, it would definitely be: "Wow, a golden, golden, golden legend..." "

The Chief let out a muffled roar, his massive body bursting forth with immense strength, tearing the steel wire net apart with a 'zzzt'. He threw a punch filled with the force of ten thousand junctures straight at Noah.

This time, Noah neither dodged nor retreated but took a defensive stance while conjuring a lightning ball in his palm. The Chief's punch landed on Noah's arm, emitting a dull sound of metal colliding. The impact sent Noah reeling back several meters, his feet leaving deep scratches on the ground.

"Super. Energy. Storage."

Noah slowly uttered these cold syllables, and immediately a surge of blood-red light erupted around him, with the lightning in his palm growing more than tenfold. He then propelled himself forward, transforming into a bolt of lightning heading straight for the Chief.

An unstoppable punch tore through the sound barrier and the Chief's thick flesh, blasting straight through his body. Noah's arm was deeply embedded in the Chief's flesh. "Wow..."

The Chief spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, the blood-red color in his eyes gradually fading as his berserk state was lifted and his sanity restored. "No...impossible, why is your ability the same as mine, how can this be?"

"Because this was originally your ability, you fool," Noah responded.

The Chief's pupils dilated in shock. "How can this be, how can this be, my ability is gone, give it back to me, I will kill you!" he exclaimed, reaching out to grab Noah.

"You no longer have the chance," Noah said softly, closing his hand. Immense lightning burst forth from his palm.

The ferocious power of the lightning erupted from within the Chief, tearing his flesh apart piece by piece. With a crackling sound, the Chief was torn asunder, turning into hundreds of pieces of flesh scattered on the ground, with only his swollen head standing atop the pile.

The Chief opened his mouth as if to say something, but with his trachea shattered and his vocal cords rendered useless, he could say nothing.

In the end, under a mix of unwillingness and rage, the Chief's eyes gradually lost focus, and his life froze at that moment. The Chief, deceased.

Noah lightly jumped onto a boulder, looking at the blood and shattered flesh around him, he couldn't help but frown. "Let's try not to use this move in the future." Detonating lightning from within an enemy was undoubtedly lethal, but visually, it was somewhat unsatisfactory, not to mention the splatter of rotten flesh on him was genuinely disgusting.

The Chief was indeed strong, with the combined abilities of a half-corpse and an Awakener, his physical strength and defense alone almost approached that of an S-class ability, and he also possessed an S-class Super Energy Storage ability. He was tough as nails and inflicted high damage. However, his intelligence was lacking, especially when he entered a berserk state, his IQ seemed to plummet to near negative numbers. Stronger yet turned brain-dead.

Who knows if eating human flesh had given him a prion disease that fried his brain. The thought of the Chief's preference for human flesh gave Noah a shudder. The resources he plundered from this guy couldn't all be human flesh...

Noah hurriedly checked in his wide-area space. He saw that numerous resources had been added: one hundred tons of rice and grains, thirty tons of fruits and vegetables, eighty tons of pork, beef, and mutton, and ten tons of alcoholic beverages. "Phew... it's good that it's not human flesh." All were normal resources, and Noah breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the question arose. The Chief only liked to eat human flesh and didn't seem to store other resources in his basement; where did these resources come from? Thinking it over, they could only have been plundered from the island's supply stores. Although the Chief might not have liked these things, they indeed belonged to him.

Moreover, those pieces of meat bore signs of having been frozen, indicating they had previously been stored in a cold storage. It seems that somewhere on the island, there must be a huge resource storage warehouse.

"I wonder how much is left." The resources plundered this time almost amounted to half of what was obtained from Hu Ye. If there's still that much left in the warehouse, then it's a huge win. One could barely survive the apocalypse with such resources.

Thinking back to the day when the apocalypse had just begun, he scavenged an entire residential area and only managed to gather a few thousand points worth of resources. In comparison, that now seems pitifully small. "It really is quicker to plunder."

While Noah was lost in thought, a giant hand made of sand and stone suddenly descended from the sky, slamming him into the ground and creating a crater five to six meters wide.

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