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64.06% Playing PokeMMO In Another World / Chapter 40: Ch. 38 - Item Finder

Kapitel 40: Ch. 38 - Item Finder

The Poke Ball clicked open and burst into golden light.

[Gotcha! Cubchoo popped out of the Poke Ball]

[Cubchoo was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]

{Image Of Cubchoo}

"Cubchoo? I don't think I know this Pokemon."

"I guess it is time to head back to 'Vermilion City' and get the 'Item Finder'."

Taking a final look around me to check if I had missed something.

After looking around, I used Teleport to get back to 'Vermilion City'.


[Abra used Teleport]

[You have entered Vermilion City]

"Did I hear something? Must have been my imagination."

Anyway, Inside the Pokemon Center, I first healed my Pokemon and then moved to the PC.

Looking at all the miniature versions of Pokemon that I caught, I began to look at their stats one by one.

[A/N : Since there are too many Pokemon, I have shortened the information to only include important details.

The stats are in order of HP/Atk/Def/Sp. Atk/Sp. Def/Speed]


<Caterpie Lv. 12><Bug>

Stats : 35/15/15/09/10/17

IVs : 21/28/21/00/07/18

Nature : Docile {No Stat Changes}

Moves : Tackle <Normal>, String Shot <Bug>, Bug Bite <Bug>

Ability : Shield Dust {Blocks the added effect of attacks taken.}


<Weedle Lv. 03><Poison, Bug>

Stats : 16/07/07/06/07/07

IVs : 22/29/30/07/31/13

Nature : Brave {+10% Attack, -10% Speed}

Moves : Poison Sting <Poison>, String Shot <Bug>

Ability : Shield Dust {Blocks the added effect of attacks taken.}


<Pidgey Lv. 15><Flying, Normal>

Stats : 37/18/16/19/17/26

IVs : 04/01/13/26/07/28

Nature : Gentle {+10% Sp. Defense, -10% Defense}

Moves : Gust <Flying>, Mirror Move <Flying>, Quick Attack <Normal>, Wing Attack <Flying>

Ability : Keen Eye {Prevents other Pokemon from lowering accuracy.}


<Rattata Lv. 16><Normal>

Stats : 35/24/18/13/18/29

IVs : 01/09/13/02/12/11

Nature : Docile {No Stat Changes}

Moves : Pursuit <Dark>, Super Fang <Normal>, Hyper Fang <Normal>, Take Down <Normal>

Ability : Run Away {Enables a sure getaway from wild Pokemon.}


<Spearow Lv. 16><Flying, Normal>

Stats : 41/27/18/20/15/32

IVs : 15/22/27/29/17/30

Nature : Rash {+10% Sp. Attack, -10% Sp. Defense}

Moves : Assurance <Dark>, Fury Attack <Normal>, Focus Energy <Normal>, Aerial Ace <Flying>

Ability : Keen Eye {Prevents other Pokemon from lowering accuracy.}


<Ekans Lv. 14><Poison>

Stats : 36/19/18/18/22/24

IVs : 22/03/06/15/19/16

Nature : Timid {+10% Speed, -10% Attack}

Moves : Poison Sting <Poison>, Acid <Poison>, Bite <Dark>, Glare <Normal>

Ability : Intimidate {Lowers the foe's Attack Stat.}


<Sandshrew Lv. 12><Ground>

Stats : 37/26/28/10/12/15

IVs : 30/09/25/05/02/27

Nature : Brave {+10% Attack, -10% Speed}

Moves : Sand-Attack <Ground>, Rollout <Rock>, Fury Cutter <Bug>, Swift <Normal>

Ability : Sand Veil {Boosts Evasion while in Sandstorms by 20%.}


<Nidoran ♀ Lv. 04><Poison>

Stats : 19/08/09/09/08/08

IVs : 24/19/01/23/16/10

Nature : Modest {+10% Sp. Attack, -10% Attack}

Moves : Tackle <Normal>, Poison Sting <Poison>, Growl <Normal>, Tail Whip <Normal>

Ability : Poison Point {Contact with the Pokemon may Poison the Attacker.}


<Nidoran ♂ Lv. 06><Poison>

Stats : 21/12/11/10/10/11

IVs : 07/06/23/15/12/02

Nature : Quirky {No Stat Changes}

Moves : Leer <Normal>, Focus Energy <Normal>, Peck <Flying>, Poison Sting <Poison>

Ability : Rivalry {Deals more damage to a Pokemon of the same gender.}


<Jigglypuff Lv. 12><Normal>

Stats : 50/16/12/19/14/09

IVs : 07/04/11/28/25/07

Nature : Relaxed {+10% Defense, -10% Speed}

Moves : Stockpile <Normal>, Spit Up <Normal>, Swallow <Normal>, DoubleSlap <Normal>

Ability : Competitive {Sharply boosts Special Attack when a stat is lowered by a foe.}


<Zubat Lv. 17><Flying, Poison>

Stats : 42/22/20/18/23/25

IVs : 10/04/23/19/28/30

Nature : Brave {+10% Attack, -10% Speed}

Moves : Mean Look <Normal>, Swift <Normal>, Poison Fang <Poison>, Confuse Ray <Ghost>

Ability : Inner Focus {Will never flinch. Can't be Intimidated.}


<Diglett Lv. 22><Ground>

Stats : 41/34/17/24/25/50

IVs : 24/24/01/17/16/18

Nature : Lax {+10% Defense, -10% Sp. Defense}

Moves : Bulldoze <Ground>, Dig <Ground>, Sucker Punch <Dark>, Slash <Normal>

Ability : Arena Trap {Prevents grounded foes from fleeing the battle.}


<Meowth Lv. 15><Normal>

Stats : 38/19/17/17/19/35

IVs : 11/24/09/03/16/21

Nature : Bold {+10% Defense, -10% Attack}

Moves : Fake Out <Normal>, Scratch <Normal>, Taunt <Dark>, Pay Day <Normal>

Ability : Technician {Powers up the Pokemon's weaker moves.}


<Psyduck Lv. 15><Water>

Stats : 44/24/23/29/21/19

IVs : 31/25/28/21/12/04

Nature : Quite {+10% Sp. Attack, -10% Speed}

Moves : Confusion <Psychic>, Fury Swipes <Normal>, Water Pulse <Water>, Disable <Normal>

Ability : Damp {Prevents the use of Self-Destructing moves.}


<Mankey Lv. 12><Fighting>

Stats :34/25/16/13/15/22

IVs : 26/14/15/04/13/07

Nature : Lax {+10% Defense, -10% Sp. Defense}

Moves : Low Kick <Fighting>, Taunt <Dark>, Pursuit <Dark>, Seismic Toss <Fighting>

Ability : Vital Spirit {Prevents the Pokemon from falling Asleep.}


<Growlithe Lv. 13><Fire>

Stats :39/22/19/26/20/24

IVs : 17/17/25/22/18/17

Nature : Timid {+10% Speed, -10% Attack}

Moves : Bite <Dark>, Odor Sleuth <Normal>, Helping Hand <Normal>, Flame Wheel <Fire>

Ability : Intimidate {Lowers the foe's Attack stat.}


<Poliwag Lv. 05><Water>

Stats :20/10/10/09/09/14

IVs : 30/11/29/16/00/09

Nature : Quirky {No Stat Changes}

Moves : Water Sport <Water>, Bubble <Water>, Pound <Normal>, Water Gun <Water>

Ability : Damp {Prevents the use of Self-Destructing moves.}


<Magnemite Lv. 15><Steel, Electric>

Stats :35/15/30/35/24/19

IVs : 20/03/28/15/17/05

Nature : Docile {No Stat Changes}

Moves : Magnet Bomb <Steel>, Thunder Wave <Electric>, Thunder Ball <Electric>, SonicBoom <Normal>

Ability : Sturdy {Can't be knocked out in 1 Hit.}


<Drowzee Lv. 14><Psychic>

Stats :42/20/15/17/34/20

IVs : 11/18/00/04/31/23

Nature : Hasty {+10% Speed, -10% Defense}

Moves : Disable <Normal>, Confusion <Psychic>, Headbutt <Normal>, Poison Gas <Poison>

Ability : Forewarn {Determines what moves a foe has.}


<Mr. Mime Lv. 12><Psychic>

Stats :34/18/23/33/37/23

IVs : 25/22/28/16/28/03

Nature : Quite {+10% Sp. Attack, -10% Speed}

Moves : Mediate <Psychic>, DoubleSlap <Normal>, Iron Defense <Steel>, Confusion <Psychic>

Ability : Filter {Reduces damage from Super Effective attacks.}


<Snubbull Lv. 12><Normal>

Stats :39/26/17/15/17/14

IVs : 29/23/01/22/16/18

Nature : Careful {+10% Sp. Defense, -10% Sp. Attack}

Moves : Ice Fang <Ice>, Fire Fang <Fire>, Growl <Normal>, Bite <Dark>

Ability : Intimidate {Lowers the foe's Attack stat.}


<Cubchoo Lv. 20><Ice>

Stats :54/37/27/34/24/27

IVs : 13/21/31/29/16/30

Nature : Hardy {No Stat Changes}

Moves : Bide <Normal>, Icy Wind <Ice>, Brine <Water>, Frost Breath <Ice>

Ability : Rattled {Some move types scare it and boost its Speed.}{Hidden Ability}


Looking at all the information made my head hurt.

Surprisingly, by some dumb luck, many of the Pokemon that I caught had really good IVs, some of them even had perfect or near-perfect IVs in some stats.

"That just makes things more complicated."

"Too many good Pokemon to choose from."

Just to have a clear understanding, I also pulled up the information of my main Pokemon.


<Ponyta Lv. 20><Fire>

Stats :54/44/29/37/35/47

IVs : 16/23/31/30/05/25

Nature : Gentle {+10% Sp. Defense, -10% Defense}

Moves : Double Kick <Fighting>, Stomp <Normal>, Agility <Psychic>, Flame Charge <Fire>

Ability : Run Away {Enables a sure getaway from wild Pokemon.}


<Hoothoot Lv. 18><Flying, Normal>

Stats :52/21/18/20/27/24

IVs : 14/28/14/31/00/04

Nature : Careful {+10% Sp. Defense, -10% Sp. Attack}

Moves : Air Slash <Flying>, Zen HeadButt <Psychic>, Confusion <Psychic>, Psycho Shift <Psychic>

Ability : Insomnia {Prevents the Pokemon from falling asleep.}


<Victreebel Lv. 24><Poison, Grass>

Stats :75/58/40/58/44/46

IVs : 07/05/31/21/25/06

Nature : Hasty {+10% Speed, -10% Defense}

Moves : Leaf Tornado <Grass>, PoisonPowder <Poison>, Sleep Powder <Grass>, Acid <Poison>

Ability : Chlorophyll {Double Speed during harsh sunlight.}


<Gyarados Lv. 28><Flying, Water>

Stats :95/93/60/40/61/63

IVs : 11/29/29/18/00/27

Nature : Adamant {+10% Attack, -10% Sp. Attack}

Moves : Dragon Tail <Dragon>, Crunch <Dark>, Waterfall <Water>, Rain Dance <Water>

Ability : Intimidate {Lowers the foe's Attack stat.}


<Rhyhorn Lv. 26><Rock, Ground>

Stats :79/57/59/24/26/28

IVs : 06/31/20/25/21/30

Nature : Jolly {+10% Speed, -10% Sp. Attack}

Moves : Scary Face <Normal>, Drill Run <Ground>, Chip Away <Normal>, Rock Slide <Rock>

Ability : LightningRod {Immune to Electric-Type moves, boosts Sp. Attack if hit by one.}


<Charmeleon Lv. 26><Fire>

Stats :70/43/40/51/43/54

IVs : 15/15/15/15/15/15

Nature : Quirky {No Stat Changes.}

Moves : Slash <Normal>, Dragon Rage <Dragon>, Fire Fang <Fire>, Dragon Claw <Dragon>

Ability : Blaze {Powers up Fire-Type moves in a pinch.}


"Now, I need to choose which Pokemon to keep on the team and which Pokemon to replace, and with whom to replace."

Looking at all the possible choices gave me a headache.

[A/N : Everyone, please Vote for the Pokemon from all the caught Pokemon that you would like to see on the team and which Pokemon should be replaced.]

Moments later, I exited the Pokemon Center and rode my Bicycle to 'Route 11' to get the 'Item Finder'.

[You have entered Route 11]

Quickly reaching the end of 'Route 11', I entered the Guard House.

Going up the stairs to the first floor of the Guard House, the first floor of the Guard House consists mostly of empty space with two tables and few chairs around the tables.

But what caught my attention was two binoculars on the edge of the first floor, looking out through the glass windows.

There were only two NPCs present, one was Professor Oak's Aide wearing a lab coat, while the other one was a little kid.

Moving to Professor Oak's Aide who reacted similarly to how the Aide on 'Route 2' reacted, even their dialogues were the same.

"Hi, Remember me? I'm one of Professor Oak's Aides."

"If your PokeDEX has complete data on 30 species, I'm supposed to give you a reward."

"Professor Oak entrusted me with the 'Item Finder' for you."

'Yes, Yes, Skip.'

"So, Dipper, Let me ask you." said the Aide as he moved closer to me.

"Have you gathered data on at least 30 kinds of Pokemon?"

A window appeared prompting me to select an answer to the question.

[<Yes> <No>]

Looking at the options, I pressed <Yes>.

"Great! You have caught or owned 36 kinds of Pokemon." the Aide said with a huge smile and excitement in his voice.

"Congratulations! Here you go." the Aide presented me with a weird looking device.

[You received the Item Finder from the Aide.]

"There are items on the ground that may be hidden from View. Use the 'Item Finder' to detect any hidden item close to you."

"The machine is a bit limited. It can't pinpoint item locations. What it does is show the direction where the item is."

"Use it to get your bearings, then search the suspect area by hand."

After explaining, The Aide quieted down.

After receiving the 'Item Finder', I moved to the little kid who asked to trade his Nidorina for Nidorino which I rejected since I didn't have the said Pokemon. And even if I had the Pokemon I wouldn't have traded it unless I really needed to.

'Now comes the interesting part.' I thought as I made my way up to one of the binoculars.

"Let's see what the binoculars have to show"

I looked through the binoculars, and the view was breathtaking. I could see 'Cerulean City' as well as a cave which should be 'Rock Tunner'.

Moving the binoculars around, I saw another city with a giant tower which should be 'Lavender City', as well as the sleeping Snorlax on 'Route 12'.

The view was captivating and I took my sweet time enjoying it.


<3rd Person POV>

While Dipper was enjoying the beautiful view of Pokemon World, the players of the 'Kanto Region' were in chaos.

The reason for the chaos is the various notifications that many players of the 'Kanto Region' received. The notifications are

[You have failed the quest 'Other side of Route 2 {Unique}']

[You have failed the quest 'No Viridian Forest 2 {Unique}']

[You have failed the quest 'No Viridian Forest 1 {Unique}']

Many players who had received any of the quests to cut down the Small Tree on 'Route 2' now received a notification saying that they have failed the quest.

The reason for the quest's failure is because Dipper had cut down the Small Tree.

But that's not all, many of the players who received the quest failure notification wanted to confirm why they failed the quest.

So many of them head back to 'Route 2' where the Small Tree was located, which led to them discovering that all of the Small Trees which were blocking the other side of 'Route 2' are now gone.

Not only that, the cave-like structure on the other side of 'Route 2', which many players saw during their time on 'Route 2' and ignored because it was behind wooden fences and was inaccessible, can now be accessed.

A new structure on the other side of 'Route 2', which leads to an unknown location.

The news of this discovery spread like wildfire throughout the players of the 'Kanto Region'.

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