With everything satisfactorily resolved, and since it was getting late, Mo Yan proposed to take her leave, ready to return home with the five Beasts.
Knowing the capabilities of the five Beasts, and that even a young lady traveling at night would be safe, Emperor Huian did not insist on her staying, only mentioning that once he returned to the capital, he would have the Beast Badge crafted and sent to Liu Yang Village.
However, Xiao Ruiyuan was very concerned and, after seeking Emperor Huian's permission, insisted on escorting Mo Yan back, but she refused him with her words, "After what happened today, everyone at the hunting ground must be uneasy. As the commander of the guards, you have too much to do. How can you leave so easily?"
Xiao Ruiyuan said nothing, but the look in his eyes conveyed a firm determination.
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