On the thirtieth day of the month, before dawn had fully broken, Mo Yan rose from her bed. Aunt Lixiu's nephew had woken up even earlier, having already washed up and begun preparing breakfast. Once the family had eaten and cleaned up the dishes, Xin Er, Tang Xin, and Lixiu's nephew started preparing for the New Year's Eve dinner. It was the Mo Family's first year in Liu Yang Village, and no one wanted any mishaps.
Mo Yan entered the storeroom to record the gifts that had been received over the past two days in the ledger, so she could refer to it later for reciprocal social exchanges. The gifts had been delivered yesterday while she was at the shop, and she hadn't looked at them closely upon her return. Now, observing the pile of New Year's gifts that had accumulated in the room, she felt like a wealthy farmer suddenly transformed into a tycoon.
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