Not knowing that Duan Sida had taken away her salt, Duan Yixin was busy collecting medicinal herbs. As she walked deeper into the forest, she discovered more and rarer medicinal herbs.
Duan Yixin walked for more than thirty minutes and suddenly stopped in her track. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw dark green leaves sprouting from the stems with a bunch of red berries in the middle. She quickly knelt down and inspected the plants carefully.
After a while, she smiled and said, "Today is really my lucky day. I can even find wild ginseng here."
Duan Yixin took out a small hoe from the bamboo basket and carefully dug out the ginseng. Because the part that contains the medicinal properties is the root, she worked carefully to avoid damaging the roots.
More than forty minutes later, Duan Yixin finally dug up the large ginseng. Judging from the size of the ginseng, it must be at least three hundred years old.
Qīng Hāo (青蒿) / Sweet Wormwood.
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