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78.62% Fate/Ultimate Antagonist / Chapter 103: [103] The Holy Grail War That Ended Before It Began

Kapitel 103: [103] The Holy Grail War That Ended Before It Began

"Why is the Warp Storm a god?

"To understand this, we first need to review the other calamities.

"Let me share my observations:

"First, the Bloodborne Plague.

"This is a form of rule contamination. It doesn't spread through air, blood, bacteria, or viruses but it's a memetic transmission. 

"Simply hearing about its concept or seeking further knowledge about its mysticism can attract one into a disordered hunting dream, while their physical body in reality transforms into a grotesque monster.

"Doesn't this resemble some forbidden magical rituals, Professor?

"For instance, the research of Norikata Emiya on Vampires, Dead Apostles, and True Ancestors...

"Magecraft is the power condensed from human thoughts. Thus, I suspect that the Bloodborne Plague might already be spreading secretly somewhere, and we just haven't realized it yet... by the time we do, its scale might be quite problematic to handle.

"As for the state of Gaia and Alaya, the Counter Forces, I'll reserve my opinions for now...

"Next is the Hell Rift.

"This is a passageway to an alternate dimension known as Hell. From my experience as Kratos, it once tore open when the Celestial Sphere Type Space-Time Fortress Chaos descended and ripped open Greek's inner sea of the planet.

"From it, otherworldly rules and various grotesque devils will spread.

"Though I shattered the void rift, I'm unsure of Chaos's current state as I was sucked into its rift.

"One 'me' seems to have ventured to another dimension, seeking Dante and Vergil.

"Fortunately, among the calamities, the Hell Rift is relatively mild... at least devils are within the scope of what Earth can currently manage.

"However, the following calamities, if they were to occur now, would crush Earth instantly.

"For instance, the Fallen Empire.

"You can simply understand it as a highly advanced alien civilization.

"In this world, there are already many traces of alien civilizations descending... such as the mysterious Moon Cell on the moon, Velber... the Wandering Star of Predation associated with Aatrox, and the Machine God civilization of the Greek, all can be classified under this category.

"To the current human civilization, the technology level of the Fallen Empire is akin to gods. Their normal activities are stagnant, in a state of dormancy and low operation, but once awakened, they might bring apocalyptic invasions.

"I emphasize the interstellar fleet for this reason... if their hostility ignites, building a fleet gives humanity a slim hope to flee and preserve some seeds.

"And then there's... the Contingency.

"This is an artificial intelligence roaming the universe. If it detects a galaxy with a high proportion of mechanical civilization or syntenic beings, it triggers a risk.

"It will spread ghost signals across the cosmos, summoning all intelligent machines and cybernetic servants to rebel, annihilating all organic life within its perception...

"Some mechanical beings might escape the influence of the Contingency, but the Contingency itself is unwavering in its purpose... thus, I hold a notably pessimistic outlook towards Machine Gods and Wandering Star displaying friendliness towards Earth.

"The mysterious Atlas Institute, a significant research focus there is enhancing human modification rates and producing artificial humans? I've always wanted to contact them, but unfortunately, haven't found a way... After all, my time at the Clock Tower has been too short.

"As for the Swarm Invasion...

"Frankly, the foresight I've glimpsed is too fragmented for me to discern which type of swarm it is... be it Zerg, Tyranid, or Prethoryn Scourge.

"Nevertheless, any type of swarm poses an insurmountable threat to current humanity. They often possess hive mind capabilities, potentially cleansing the surface in just a few days...

"Lastly, and the most formidable...

"The Warp Storm.

"Compared to this, the other calamities... being annihilated might even be a mercy.

"The Warp is akin to a dimension of consciousness.

"The Warp Storm is a terrifying calamity stirred by entities known as the Chaos Gods.

"Such a storm shreds the boundaries between reality and illusion, causing the material world and the Warp to interact and blur.

"Sentient beings' emotions can generate corresponding psychic energy.

"And the vortexes formed by this psychic energy are what we call Chaos.

"Four fundamental emotions of living beings... rage for destruction, desire for knowledge, fervor for life, and yearning for pleasure... shape the four Chaos Gods within the Warp.

"Their names are Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh..."

Reinhard's clear voice resonated through the misty air of London.

With each description, Waver's hand holding the cigarette trembled.

The flickering embers at his fingertips danced erratically.

At first, his eye twitched, his expression still showed astonishment... still reflecting disbelief and wide-eyed shock.

Later, Waver was utterly numb, staring blankly as Reinhard drew a circle symbolizing Earth on the blackboard.

Outer gods, devils, mechanical beings, insects...

The Contingency, Fallen Empire, Swarm Invasion, Chaos Gods...

Various dense and menacing terms surrounded the circle on the blackboard, encircling the Earth almost impenetrably.

It felt like five black men watching a tiny golden-haired girl on a sofa.


The smoke swirled around the room like a mist, dissipating in the air.

In this brief moment of respite, a dazed expression spread across Waver's face.

"Rein... are you serious?"

Not even science fiction would dare to adopt such exaggerated settings.

And the witch's head was already spinning, stars circling her vision.

"...I don't understand anymore, hubby." Morgan said, her eyes swirling. "It feels like the world is about to end any second."

Reinhard raised his hand, a deep shadow gathering inch by inch in his palm. From the witch's abdomen, he summoned a spiral sword covered in cracks.

"This sword does not belong to this world.

"It is a coiled sword named Firelink Greatsword, from another dimension.

"That's why I've never told you its origins, my dear. Whenever you asked, I always evaded the question."

The black-haired young man lowered his eyelids, sighing.

"I don't want to believe it either. In reality, what I have observed might just be a possibility.

"But, this sword appearing in my hand...

"It indicates that this world is already being infiltrated."

Reinhard waved his hand, and the coiled sword collapsed into a mass of shadow, merging back into the witch's body.

Waver stared blankly at the Earth surrounded by disasters.

"There's not even a tragedy to cry about anymore."

Waver rubbed his temples, a bitter smile spreading across his face.

"Damn, I truly regret it... I want to erase my memories...

"Staying here makes me feel restless, like the sky is going to fall any moment.

"How have you managed to hold on for more than a year, Rein...

"And those decades-long lifetimes...

"Suddenly, I feel incredibly fortunate just to be alive..."

Waver began to take deep drags from his cigar, inhaling the invisible substance into his lungs.

He didn't care about the smoke filling his lungs, only wanting to numb his nerves with nicotine.

Reinhard shook his head. "That's why I didn't want to tell you and Morgan."

"It's too sci-fi, but because you said it, my rational mind is trying hard to believe it."

Staring at the Earth surrounded on the blackboard, Waver murmured as if talking to himself.

"It's like the entire world has suddenly become completely different."

"You have lived through the tumultuous Holy Grail War and survived safely, you are very lucky..." Reinhard said softly. "...It's a kind of accident."

Waver was a bit dazed.

"Aren't most people's lives like that?"

"Most people's lives are accidental."

"For over ten thousand years, countless generations have lived this way, Reinhard."

"All of it is accidental."

"If you put it that way, isn't the whole history of humanity..."

"...Yes, the entire history of humanity is accidental."

Reinhard spoke each word with conviction.

"Looking back at over ten thousand years of human history in this world, we've survived invasions by Wandering Stars, Machine God, Moon Cell, and Crimson Moon... despite the bumps and hardships, we've made it to today. This is a kind of luck.

"Since it is luck, it will end sooner or later.

"Now, I'm telling you...

"...It's over, prepare yourself."

As his words faded away, their echoes lingered in the air.

The second hand of the baroque wall clock ticked with rhythmic precision, each movement producing a crisp, distinct sound.

In the modestly decorated room, silence reigned for a long time.

The witch stepped forward, her gaze filled with tenderness as she ran her fingers through her husband's hair.

Besides her magical aptitude, Morgan considered herself a rather obtuse person.

She found solace in not understanding many things.

But even so, in this moment, Morgan finally grasped what Reinhard was truly bearing.

"Don't overwork yourself, hubby. If the world ends, so be it." She whispered, gently kissing his lips. "No matter where we go, I'll be by your side."

Reinhard stroked the witch's silver hair.

Waver sat on the sofa, lost in thought.

He had once stood atop the tower, telling Melvin he wanted to help shoulder his disciple's burdens.

But now, confronted with the brutal truth, Waver could only feel his own powerlessness.

No wonder Reinhard couldn't share this.

And even if he did, what good would it do...

Waver lowered his eyelids.

He knew he was never an optimistic person, but at least he would live on with a sense of guilt. Though he couldn't compare to Reinhard, he was still a resilient person in his own right.

The sensation of being alive.

It allowed Waver Velvet to break free, just a little, from his numbness.

"You're right... Rein.

"Human civilization, in the grand scale of the universe, is but a tiny speck. Any false sense of security should come to an end."

Waver exhaled a trembling breath of smoke, as if trying to expel all his tumultuous thoughts along with it.

"What can I do to help you?"

He was ready to make a practical commitment. The great detective El-Melloi II was now fully engaged.

"Reforming the Clock Tower's structure is crucial. This involves the dissemination of magecraft across the planet. Your wisdom is indispensable."

Reinhard seemed to have anticipated this question, and he smiled.

"That's why I'm appointing you as the new director of the Clock Tower."


"It's already decided." Reinhard placed a finger on his lips. "No refusals."


Waver thought to himself, How did I, an ordinary magus, suddenly become the new director of the Clock Tower?

But glancing at the witch beside his disciple, Waver found that this didn't seem too outlandish.

He resisted the urge to recite a poem on the spot.

Then he asked, "How much time do we have left?"

"When I triggered my Clayvocance, I observed everything from now until 2016... and it seems that disaster will likely strike that year."

"2016... that's only thirteen years away." Waver muttered, digesting the time frame.

Oddly enough, a sense of relief washed over him, knowing they still had over a decade left. The urgency lessened somewhat, though it was a fleeting comfort.

Recalling the information his disciple had shared about the various disasters, Waver pondered for a moment before raising a crucial question.

"So, why Earth specifically? Our planet doesn't seem particularly special in the vast expanse of the universe."

"No, it does have a unique characteristic." Reinhard replied slowly, enunciating a term, "The Inner Sea of the Planet."

The two in the room were taken aback.

"The Inner Sea of the Planet is where the planet stores souls. It's essentially a natural, unpolluted warpspace." Reinhard shook his head with a bitter smile. "It's like handing the key to the world directly to chaos... they only need to find the house to open the door and come in."

"I see... I think I understand now."

As he integrated and reasoned out the disaster scenarios, Waver's mind quickly arrived at a startling hypothesis.

"The Inner Sea of the Planet is a natural warpspace without the concept of boundaries. Therefore, Earth becomes an ideal entry point for Chaos to invade this world.

"This planet will serve as the anchor for the descent of Chaos... they won't even need to create their own door."

"Exactly, that's what I think too, professor."

As expected of his mentor he can easily understand it, no wonder they called him the Great Big Ben London Star.

"Other disasters are merely by-products of the Warp Storms. The barriers between worlds are disrupted, causing more and more otherworldly entities to appear in this world."

"So, what's your plan to deal with this..."

"Three strategies." Reinhard paused. "First, facilitate ascension, second, lead humanity to overall ascension, third, wield immense power myself."

Waver and Morgan exchanged a glance, quickly grasping Reinhard's intentions as they discussed a familiar topic.

"Indeed, considering the existence of the Second Magic..." Waver sighed, "If we could employ parallel world travel, we might escape. Self-preservation is only natural."

"Unfortunately, I doubt that will work." Reinhard gently shook his head. "So, I haven't spent much effort seeking the Second Magic."

"Do you believe Chaos will spread to other world lines, hubby?" Morgan understood his implication. "Will the entire quantum time lock be eroded?"


Reinhard believed so because...

"The essence of the Four Chaos Gods is too similar to that of Heroic Spirits."

His words caused Waver and Morgan to freeze again.

Deep in thought, Waver furrowed his brows.

"Indeed, Heroic Spirits are essentially manifestations of human history and will, recorded in the Throne of Heroes. They are the crystallization of human consciousness and intention.

"In that sense, the Four Chaos Gods, created from the four fundamental emotions, could be considered the strongest Heroic Spirits.

"Using the Throne of Heroes and the Root, their influence can likely spread across all parallel worlds... so using the Second Magic to escape is futile."

Unable to kill, unable to defeat, contact results in corruption, and even without direct contact, the whispers of warp storms invade.

Can anyone guarantee they will never feel hatred, never seek wisdom, never desire continuity, never crave sensuality?


Reinhard himself, at least, had unresolved vendettas.

Thus, as long as humanity exists with emotions, Chaos can never be eradicated.

Such an enemy is utterly despairing.

As he spoke, Waver couldn't help but let out a melancholy sigh.

His disciple, Reinhard, was shouldering an immense burden, an abyssal weight. Now, it was clear why Reinhard was pushing himself so hard... it wasn't a matter of effort but necessity.

"So, from the beginning, I focused on a plan that leverages collective power." Reinhard gazed at the clock tower outside the window.

"Thought possesses power... the rules of this world's mystery reinforcement offer a glimmer of hope. Mind over matter, transcendence into sanctity. The essence of magical energy is a type of spiritual power, a versatile and convenient force. Therefore, I aim to utilize it most efficiently.

"The key lies in the promotion of magecraft. If we can establish a universal consciousness, the power of the thaumaturgical foundation might even surpass the Age of Gods. If humanity as a whole can achieve spiritual ascension, shedding the shackles of the flesh, our resistance to disasters would greatly increase.

"In that case, the entirety of humanity would be connected to the Root... everyone would possess the power of Heroic Spirits."

Reinhard's inspiring words filled the witch with admiration and left Waver in awe.

... What a grand vision.

The aristocratic families, hoarding their little secrets of magecraft, paled in comparison to his disciple's grand ambition... it was like comparing fireflies to the bright moon.

Looking at the clock tower outside, the once-prestigious magical association in London now seemed like a heap of non-recyclable garbage to Waver.

If it's garbage, then he would help his disciple recycle it.

"I understand... the Department of Modern Magecraft Theory will fully support you, Reinhard." Waver said, closing his eyes in calculation. "But ten-odd years... it's still too short."

"That's why I need to grow stronger myself." Reinhard said, clenching his fists. "I need to become vastly stronger as quickly as possible."

"No matter how strong you become... even if you regain the power of the Godslayer, it will be hard to fight against the Four Chaos Gods."

To Waver's concern, Reinhard simply smiled.

"That's why we need strategy, professor."

"... Strategy?" Waver was taken aback. "What strategy?"

"House-switching." Reinhard replied enigmatically. "A tactical switch."

"If you can't beat them, join them. I've figured it out... how to defeat Chaos.

"To defeat them, I must become them. So... 'I' am trying to usurp their thrones.

"Chaos wants to descend?"

Reinhard spread his arms and smiled.

"Then I will become this world's Chaos before they do.

"If I become Chaos first, there will be no space left for those four to invade.

"If the Four Chaos Gods still wish to descend upon this world, I will follow their network, invade their world... usurp their faith, plunder their power, and seize their foundation.

"Humanity seeks change, possibilities, and development, opening the door wide to welcome Chaos.

"I intend to grab Chaos by the throat and ask... who gave you the right without my permission?

"As the Chaos's Chosen, I will stir the storm and clear a path for those I cherish."

In the fleeting sunlight of London, the dark-haired youth turned to his mentor and wife.

"Moreover, behavior like this..."

A smile, as warm as spring, spread across his face.

"Sounds fitting for the Ultimate Antagonist, doesn't it?"


On a blazing afternoon, the light gradually fades away.

As autumn approaches, the weather in the outskirts of London becomes unsettled.

In these past few days, clouds and sudden rains circulate back and forth, dripping down intermittently, pausing for a moment only to pour down again, grey clouds persistently shrouding the sky above the clock tower.

"What a nostalgic atmosphere..."

A red-haired woman with a smile on her lips looks up at the overcast clouds in the sky, her expression seemingly lost in memories of the past.

"In the labyrinth of spiritual tomb, it's always so cold and damp."

In the outskirts of London, the foundation of the Clock Tower, housing the entirety of the Department of General Fundamentals.

The vast and majestic clock tower sits at the center of the instructional building.

A group of modern magus, from the Department of Modern Magecraft Theory, stand in front of the conference hall leading directly to the Dragon's heart, and the teleportation circle specially opened for the various department lords.

Countless magus passing by, with awe and a hint of fear in their eyes, glance at the black-haired youth at the front of the line.

"The Sleeping Magus..."

In the gaze of everyone, the ink-colored eyes of the black-haired youth are slightly obscured by his bangs, calmly holding an umbrella while shielding the silver-haired woman beside him from the wind and rain.

As an alternative to a veil, the modernly dressed witch wears a pair of profound sunglasses, perfectly obscuring her excessively captivating beauty.

Behind Reinhard.

Waver, Reines, Kyouko Adashino, and now the new professor, Touko Aozaki, stand quietly, waiting for the teleportation circle to activate.

With such a lineup, no one dares to come up and say hello.

"Although I'm a department lord..." Waver said with some emotion, "This is the first time I've been specifically summoned to use teleportation."

"Tsk, you're just riding on Rein's coattails, Waver." Touko Aozaki ruthlessly mocked him.

"...After all, Waver is the most useless department lord." Reines, dressed in a lady's skirt, giggled behind her hand.

Waver shrugged, smiled resignedly, and said nothing.


You lot don't understand anything about Warp Storms! You can't comprehend the drastic changes this world is about to undergo...

Waver no longer wants to argue with them over such trivial matters.

"Unfortunately, it seems the gift I prepared for you wasn't quite ready, Reinhard."

Kyouko Adashino stepped forward, handing Reinhard a piece of paper.

It was merely a cheap photocopy, though protected by waterproof magecraft, it lacked any particular catalyst or inscribed spells.

The paper fluttered slightly in the cold wind, appearing unusually thin.

Just a glance at its contents made Waver click his tongue in surprise.

"Oh... this is..."

"I consulted some friends familiar with the Spirit Tomb, asking them to check the routes of recently sighted monsters, and created this latest map." The red-haired woman explained, her hand on her chest, smiling respectfully.

"While it might not be of much use to you, it should help those who need it avoid danger in the lower levels."

The Great Magic Circuit's shallow layers, composed of complex labyrinths, had detailed information about the types of monsters that might appear and where they might roam.

This paper... its value at the Clock Tower was at least equivalent to a chest of gold.

"Well done." Reinhard praised the former department head's diligence, handing the paper back. "Print more copies and distribute them to the students in the Department of Modern Magecraft Theory who need them."

"...You are truly generous, Reinhard." Kyouko Adashino remarked with admiration. "The information on this paper is worth tens of thousands of dollars."

Tens of thousands of dollars?!

Touko Aozaki's eyes flickered... enough to buy several homunculus bodies.

Waver could only shake his head with a wry smile.

Discussions involving such extravagant wealth... I simply can't keep up.

In response, Reinhard merely smiled.

"The value of knowledge lies in its sharing."

Tsk. Truly, the master to whom I have sworn my allegiance.

Impressive indeed.

Kyouko Adashino respectfully folded the map. "As you wish."

The light of the teleportation circle gradually brightened, and their figures dissipated into the glow.

Their vision slowly cleared through the shimmering ripples.

The scarlet velvet carpet was as red as blood, and the golden candlelit pillars outlined intricate patterns. Black ebony wainscoting adorned the walls of the hallway, which were richly layered with elegant portraits of renowned Lords of the Clock Tower.

Fifty kilometers underground lay the Dragon's heart.

The Clock Tower had lavishly carved out this opulent corridor.

It was Reinhard's first descent into the Spirit Tomb of Albion.

Thinking about Albion, who had taken his daughter, he couldn't shake the strange feeling.

Am I stepping on my daughter's heart right now?

Waver, familiar with the surroundings, took out an ornate mask and put it on his face... this place was saturated with ether, too dense for his magic circuits, making it difficult to breathe.

As he observed the ostentatious decor, the witch offered her sharp critique.

"What a piece of shit aesthetic."

Recalling how her family's castle had been remodeled by the Clock Tower, Morgan was thoroughly displeased.

"My dear, please don't use such language. It's unladylike."

"Alright, hubby ❤️~"

Reinhard patted her silver hair and led Morgan forward down the corridor.

This display of affection made the Grand Puppeteer and the golden-haired losser behind them grind their teeth in frustration.

At the end of the corridor, a respectful servant slowly pushed open a massive door.

A continuous glow filled their vision.

In the expansive, black, and unknown material-made space, the ceiling was inlaid with luminous crystals, resembling a deep night sky dotted with brilliant stars.

In the center of the hall, a grand, ornate round table reminiscent of the legendary white castle of Camelot stood.

Men, women, and mostly elderly individuals, all dressed in elegant attire and with noble bearings, cast varied glances... like silent scrutiny... towards the newcomers.

There were sneers, cold snorts, wary looks.

There were also expressions of admiration, appreciation, and welcome.

Whispers and meaningful looks.

This must not be the first time they've convened a meeting for me.

Facing the gathered stares of the lords, Reinhard walked in with a gentle smile, his expression perfectly poised, exuding a warm and humble aura.

As the black-haired youth approached, Olga Marie's eyes sparkled with interest from her seat at the Department of Astromancy.

However, seeing the witch following Reinhard, her amber eyes dimmed.

This witch queen is practically unbeatable.

"I trust I'm not late." Reinhard said, taking his seat in the Department of Modern Magecraft Theory's area, the witch's gentle hand guiding him as he sat down, nodding to the lords like a leader addressing subordinates.

"Good day, everyone."

He didn't even address them with respect due to lords.

An audacious breach of decorum.

Yet none of the lords raised an objection.


"This is a Grand Resolution. What are you doing here?"

Seated in the position for the Department of Spiritual Evocation, an elderly man, as withered as a corpse, issued a stern reprimand.

It was none other than the head of the Department of Spiritual Evocation, Rufleus Nuada-Re Eulyphis.

Of course, this old tyrant would be the first to speak.

Reinhard wasn't surprised at all.

After all, this old man's daughter was the late fiancée of Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald.

When Kayneth and his fiancée died in the Fourth Holy Grail War, the reputation of the El-Melloi family was suddenly overshadowed by a lowly upstart, Waver Velvet.

Losing his prospective in-law left Rufleus deeply bitter. As a staunch aristocrat of old London, a die-hard supporter of the Clock Tower's aristocratic faction, he was always the fiercest critic of the Department of Modern Magecraft Theory.

Rufleus bore the title Bearer of the Distinction of Beginning and End. and consequently, carried the curse of longevity, having lived for several centuries. His immense wealth was almost bursting at the seams, making one tempted to split him with an axe.

The other lords observed the brewing tension, ready to enjoy the spectacle. They didn't believe Reinhard would back down.


"To be fair, you're right... I shouldn't be sitting here."

The black-haired youth's seemingly agreeable words startled the lords slightly.

Did the sun just rise in the west?

"So, I'll leave. Enjoy your meeting, everyone."

Reinhard stood up, smiling as he waved and walked towards the door.




Rufleus was momentarily stunned. He was prepared for a verbal battle, but his opponent wasn't interested.

As Reinhard reached the door, the entire Department of Modern Magecraft Theory prepared to follow him.

It was the head of the Department of General Fundamentals, a robust blond man, who couldn't help but speak, trying to keep him.

"Reinhard, please wait."

As one of the three major aristocratic families of the Clock Tower, McDonell Trambelio Elrod was a staunch Democrat.

His Department of General Fundamentals also had the highest number of commoner magus.

He often extended olive branches to them.

"I'm very busy." Reinhard replied coolly, not turning back. "If this is the Clock Tower's sincerity, I have nothing more to say."

"I apologize on behalf of Lord Eulyphis, Reinhard."

A kind-faced woman spoke up, causing Touko Aozaki to narrow her eyes slightly.

"Please stay."

This was none other than her mentor, the head of the Department of Creation, Inorai Valualeta Atroholm.

However, there was little affection left between mentor and disciple.

Several years ago, Touko had been designated for sealing, a decision strongly advocated by Inorai Valualeta Atroholm.

"Even apologies are made by others, It is true that human words cannot come out of a dog's mouth."

Reinhard sighed softly.

"I just feel...disappointed."

"Disappointed about what?"

The head of the Department of Policies, a brown-haired girl seated at the main position, narrowed her eyes.

Barthomeloi Lorelei's voice was as cold as ice.

"I had heard that the Grand Resolution of the Clock Tower was the best opportunity to witness the prowess of the lords of each department... only to find that the Grand Resolution's legitimacy is, in my humble opinion, somewhat in doubt."

"Called the Grand Resolution..."

Reinhard turned and smiled at the lords.

"But not a single Grand Magus is present. Don't you find it amusing?"

The room fell into a dead silence.

Neutral and democratic lords exchanged wry smiles as if to say, "As expected of him."

Meanwhile, the aristocratic lords displayed collective fury.

"You're nothing but a Pride yourself." Rufleus retorted darkly. "Even El-Melloi II is merely a Fes. What gives you the right to criticize us?"

In response to this question, Reinhard acted.

"Touko-san, have a seat."

With an amused expression, Touko Aozaki sat in the seat of the Department Modern Magecraft Theory Theory.

Reinhard looked up and smiled at the lords.

"Where's your Grand? Let them step forward."





An oppressive, unbroken silence.

Indeed...Touko Aozaki was the only Grand Magus here, the sole Grand-rank in this Grand Resolution.

This was utterly embarrassing.

Is it too late to rename it to Color Resolution?

"This is not a place for your childish games." Rufleus could no longer contain himself. It was clear to everyone that this was a blatant insult.

"All of us here are part of thousand-year-old legacies. Allowing the lowly department to occupy a seat here is already a testament to our magnanimity!"


Reinhard let out a sound of sudden realization.

"So, the Grand Resolution isn't about hierarchy, but about seniority."

"What else… did you think it was?"

Rufleus cast a sneering glance at the smiling red-haired woman behind Reinhard, his mouth twitching.

"Heartless… such a poor disguise. Who do you think you're fooling here? You think the Department of Policies truly tolerates your lawlessness? We've been hoping you'd provide an explanation"

"Waver Velvet!"

The Lord of the Department of Spiritual Evocation slammed his cane, angrily calling out the name of the Lord El-Melloi II.

"If you can't discipline your overstepping disciple, then I will!"

Waver chuckled.

In an instant...


A violent gust of wind swept through the conference room.

Before the lords could fully register what was happening, Reinhard moved with a speed almost too fast for the eye to see. He grabbed Rufleus by the collar, lifting the corpse-like old man into the air.

Immediately, diverse magical auras began to flash and surge in the room. The stunned lords shot up from their seats.


"What are you doing?!"

"This is overstepping!"

"Put down Lord Eulyphis!"

Touko Aozaki, Barthomeloi Lorelei, and Olga Marie were the only three who remained seated, unmoved.


A blood-red crystal ring on Rufleus's ring finger suddenly flashed, and a gray skeletal wraith erupted from his formal wear, lunging for Reinhard's throat.

Under the horrified gazes of the lords, Reinhard raised his hand, his fingers enveloped in a dense shadow, and caught the wraith, shoving it forcefully into Rufleus's mouth.

"Oh? You releasing your hounds? Well, eat it yourself!"


The large skeletal wraith, forcibly shoved by Reinhard, disappeared into Rufleus's mouth. The decrepit man, exuding a rotten stench, clutched his throat, making choking sounds of agony.


Reinhard tossed the convulsing old man to the floor, ignoring the solemn gazes of the lords as he took a seat in the Department of Spiritual Evocation's chair.

"Do you want to fight…?"

The black-haired youth leaned back in the ornate, bone-inlaid chair, cracking his neck, a chilling smile spreading across his face as he opened his arms.

"Come on, now is your chance, esteemed lords."

No one moved.

"So, this is your answer. Do you see it, Rufleus?"

Reinhard smiled.

"Do I owe you an explanation? My presence here is already a courtesy to the Clock Tower."


"If you say another word, I'll throw you into the midden heap of Albion's magical beasts."

Rufleus clutched his neck, immediately falling silent, his hands glowing as he struggled to dispel the wraith from his throat.

"Your spine, what sort of mystic code is that…?"

Seated firmly in the main chair, Barthomeloi Lorelei asked with a cold tone.

"Sandevistan, a trivial trinket."

Reinhard lounged lazily in the chair.

The witch, understanding his cue, stepped forward, kicking aside the writhing old man on the ground, and gently placed her hand on her husband's shoulder.

"I know that today, everyone has many questions... you want a clear stance from me, and even more so, you want to know… who exactly is this person behind me."

Hearing that, Olga Marie pursed her lips.

As one of the few who knew the truth, she had been asked this question countless times by countless people. Yet, after that day, she only confided in her own father.

Upon receiving the answer, Marisbury immediately became restless, booked a flight for that same day, and hurriedly flew off to Fuyuki.

Reinhard's closest confidants naturally couldn't spread the word.

So, the other lords remained in the dark.

"Well then… let my fiancée." Reinhard smiled, "Tell everyone herself."

The witch casually lifted her sunglasses.

"Morgan Le Fay."

In an instant, those words plunged the entire conference room into a deafening silence.

A twitch formed at the corner of Barthomeloi Lorelei's eye.

Inorai Valualeta Atroholm slowly raised her hand, covering her mouth to suppress any overly surprised noises.

The lords looked at each other, their breathing seemingly becoming difficult.

Rufleus lay feigned dead on the floor, not even twitching anymore.

"As for other questions, I suppose there aren't any left, right? If you have any, I can't be bothered to answer. Figure it out yourselves.

"In terms of hierarchy, I outrank all of you.

"In terms of qualifications, the entirety of the Clock Tower's mystery combined is nothing but a pile of rubbish to her.

"After all, London was once her home... she simply wants to reclaim her own. I believe that's reasonable.

"So, I ask...

"Isn't it time for the Clock Tower to change its tune?"

Posing this question, Reinhard lifted his gaze, gazing at the sparkling stars in the sky, slowly breaking into a smile.

"What do you think?

"Are you watching me?



"Disgusting... it's like being stared at by some mongrel, Kirei."

Swirling his wine glass, a golden-haired youth, exuding an aura of opulence, sat in the underground bar, his face contorted in utter disgust.

"When did this start happening, Gil?"

Across from the golden-haired youth, Kotomine Kirei watched Gilgamesh with amusement. It was infrequent that this King of Heroes felt uncomfortable in someone's presence.

"The Holy Grail's magical energy has almost accumulated completely... you understand it might Servant have been summoned from afar." The priest smirked subtly. "Yet, I haven't received any reports."

"About three days ago." Gilgamesh frowned. "And it's still happening... it's definitely Clairvoyance... damn it, does this person have nothing else to do? Why does it keep observing this king all day?!"

"Noticing your existence must be quite entertaining for our opponent, Gil. And... by observing you so attentively, perhaps it's someone you know quite well."

Kotomine Kirei's face lit up with amusement.

"Fuck, whoever that fucking person is!" Gilgamesh's grip on the wine glass tightened, infuriated that he had been spied on even when taking a bath these past few days. "Don't let this king catch you, or I'll make you feel what it's like to be stabbed in all your holes!"

Deep within Mt. Enzou's vast cavern, the leylines flowed and were inscribed with runes, gradually forming a massive summoning circle that enveloped the entirety of Fuyuki's underground.

Standing atop the mountain, every individual with the potential to be a Master in Fuyuki was observed by the man with white hair and tan skin.

"What have you been observing these past few days? My magical energy reserves have been depleted drastically, Lord Solomon"

Marisbury's forehead glistened with sweat. Solomon had been draining his magical energy relentlessly, but luckily, the resources of the Department of Astromancy were ample enough, and he had brought crates of jewels to Fuyuki.

"It's alright, I won't need your magical energy soon, Marisbury. I can connect directly to the ley lines and intercept the Holy Grail's magical energy."

The King of Magecraft responded indifferently to his question.

"As for... what am I observing at..."

"Kotomine Kirei, Emiya Shirou, Tohsaka Rin, Matou Shinji, Matou Sakura, Illyasviel..."

"And Gilgamesh, though he's nothing but trash, his condition is interesting. I'll have time to catch him and study him further."

"You've gathered information on these individuals before the preparations for the Holy Grail War, haven't you? They are the candidates who will be bestowed with command spells by the Holy Grail."

"Yes, but what do you intend to do?"

Marisbury asked, somewhat bewildered.

Solomon glanced at him and said calmly, "I'll use the ley lines to summon the remaining Servants and directly oust all the candidates."

Marisbury was taken aback.

"This... what's the point of fighting? Isn't this a statement of instant victory..."

"Things like the Holy Grail War don't matter anymore. Haven't you realized?"

"He will come, for sure."

"And I will turn Fuyuki into his battlefield."

"...The corrupted Holy Grail?"


Solomon raised his hand, pointing towards Fuyuki, towards the mansion of the Emiya family.

"Summon, manifest, fill."

With an EX-ranked summoning ritual.

The King of Magecraft uttered the verses of invocation with a resounding tone.

As he commanded.

The entire ley lines of Fuyuki, in an instant, were filled, activated, and set in motion...

In his slumber, the red-haired youth suddenly emitted a brilliant radiance, his hands adorned with crimson spells, which slowly faded away, yet he remained seemingly oblivious.

At the same time.

The Tohsaka residence, the Matou mansion, and the Einzbern castle... three prospective Masters were also marked with fading spells in their slumber.

Inside the underground bar.

Kotomine Kirei looked at his arm, sensing a strange pull, as several spells emitted a glow, causing him to furrow his brows.

"...What's this commotion?"

As the magical energy of the ley lines flowed and converged, and the summoning ritual was fully activated.

Within the caverns beneath Mt. Enzou, a thick, black, foul-smelling sludge suddenly churned.

Marisbury, almost bewildered, looked on in astonishment.

Figures began emerging from the black sludge, continually appearing from behind Solomon.

Clad in a suit of iron-gray armor, a silent swordsman slowly removed his helmet, revealing a golden-haired girl, her delicate features tinged with a hint of ferocity.

"Saber, Mordred." She hesitated a bit. "Honorable King Solomon, can you truly fulfill my wish?"

Draped in a red cloak, the man with tan skin and white hair, wielding twin short blades, emerged coldly.

"Archer, there's no need to mention my name... I have no wish, I'm simply a guardian summoned to fulfill a duty."

Dark-skinned, bare-chested, his face shrouded in a fur-lined hood, a burly figure stepped forward, speaking in a low voice.

"Berserker, no... this vessel has already been corrupted and fallen to the black mud...

"It should be Avenger instead.

"Alcides. I understand what you want to do, so, King Solomon, you must also fulfill my request."

Tremors echoed through the black mud.

The sound of hooves rang clear.

In Mordred's trembling gaze.

The golden-haired girl murmured the identity of the other.


The King of Knights, riding a shadowy, ethereal horse surrounded by phantom flames, sternly ascended the mountain peak, casting a glance at Mordred.

"Lancer, Artoria, answering your summons."

She spoke each word emotionlessly, without a hint of sentiment.

"I have fully understood your wish."

XElenea XElenea

If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my pa treon : treon. com/XElenea

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