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5% I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick / Chapter 2: A futile attempt

Kapitel 2: A futile attempt

Momonga POV:

I teleported to my room within Nazarick, falling onto the comfortable bed and resting my body, though there was absolutely no physical need for it.

No, this was more of a trick to calm my overheated 'brain' down by simulating the feeling of rest.

"Haah... Why do they think so highly of me!? I'm just a normal guy! What am I supposed to do now??" Panic rose up but was immediately suppressed by my undead nature, leaving only a controllable amount of concern behind.

"I'm so... Pathetic compared to what they expect! Everyone- from children to ancient demons- thinks I'm some kind of God!"

"Whatever, I need to make a plan, maybe I could borrow some books from Thoth about being a king... But how would I explain that?" Ainz was stuck, he couldn't find a way to improve his abilities without exposing himself as a fraud or greatly risking doing so.

Momonga looked at the mirror in the room and stood in front of it, he did a cool king-like pose.

"Ugh, this is incredibly embarrassing but I don't have any other ideas, let's hope my acting talents are on point." Momonga mused to himself: "Well, me being undead does make me hard to read, that's another benefit I suppose..." He tried to see the positives of the situation, improving his mood a bit.

Luckily enough for Momonga, he was alone for now, so he had plenty of time to vent his frustrations and make time-buying sentences all while practicing his acting.

Thoth POV:

As Momonga disappeared, I and the other guardians took a second to breathe.

I did not expect his aura to be so powerful, it made me want to get my wings out and cast some negative energy resistance-enhancing spells so the uncomfortable feeling would stop.

Hell, It's a good thing everyone here is very high level, your everyday NPC would have collapsed on the spot! Not to mention any new world natives, they would have been obliterated into atoms.

I rose along with the others, their passive auras seemed like jokes now.

"TO THINK HE WOULD BE SO POWERFUL," Cocytus spoke, causing the other guardians to jump at the opportunity to praise their lord.

"I never expected anything less from the supreme one," I spoke up, the other guardians nodding approvingly at my words of praise.

"Yeah! But lord Momonga was really nice when alone with us! He even offered us some water after letting us blow off some steam! Right sis?" Aura spoke up confident and energetic as always, bringing the spotlight to her brother.

"Y-Yeah! He was really nice!" Mare was nervous and shy as always, though he was surprisingly confident when praising lord Momonga.

"In the background, Albedo could be seen with her wings flapping more and more, I noticed and took a small step back, disturbed by her psychotic obsession with Momonga.

'Should I curse him for being lucky or the opposite...?' Behind me, Shaltear could be seen shivering, still kneeling.

'Yep, the poor guy is gonna get crushed into bone powder between those two.'

The succubus now turned around, her cheeks flushed, pupils large, and a grin so wide it went from one ear to the other.

"It's just as you say!" she put her hands together in front of her chest, " He accepted our allegiance and presented himself just as a supreme being should! And he even blessed us with his divine aura!" The succubus looked like she was just starting, though the other guardians certainly didn't mind, if anything, they agreed wholeheartedly.

As Albedo was about to go off again, Cocytus realized Shaltear seemed to be in pain, and so he reached out to her and asked her if she was alright.

"Oh... I'm just fine Cocytus, it just seems my panties have experienced a bit of a flood..." Shaltear raised her head, which was also completely flushed somehow, it seems the true vampire was so horny for bone daddy that her body ignored all logic.

"YOU FUCKING CHILD WHORE!" Albedo screeched at the top of her lungs, her wings which were flapping with passion and love moments before were now raised high in an aggressive stance, her mouth expanded as her normal mouth would not be capable of producing such a loud and aggressive sound.

Her aura, full of hatred and malice, exploded out from her, covering all the guardians within its angered boundaries.

"OH SHUT UP YOU BUG MOUTHED GORILA!" Shaltear was never one to give up on a challenge, especially when given by a love rival, so her body language immediately shifted to one ready for battle, her own aura also exploded outwards.

The auras of the two women seemed to clash against one another in the air as the two were stuck in a standoff, neither attacking as that would cause immense damage to the tomb, something neither was willing to be responsible for.

And although Albedo hated it, she remembered all too well what Shaltear was good at from listening to the supreme beings.

She was the strongest fighter in the entire tomb outside of the supreme ones and Rubedo. In other words, Albedo was weaker in a one-on-one direct battle.

Her teeth grinded into one another in rage at the thought of losing, which only further solidified her will to not give up.

Shaltear was aware of her advantages, but her body was her insecurity instead. She still vividly remembered the supreme ones teasing lord Momonga about his obvious affection for Albedo, saying that she was his type.

It broke her heart to remember such things, and that pain only fueled her will and rage.

The two continued to size each other up, their auras as volatile as their moods.

"OH?! THE SUPREME ONES MADE ME THIS WAY YOU KNOW?!" Albedo shouted, trying to outwit the comparatively naive vampire girl.

"HAHA! I COULD SAY THE SAME!" The vampire wasn't as stupid as Albedo expected, and she easily deflected Albedo's words.

The two continued to shout insults at each other, constantly trying to crush the ego of the other for all to see.

Demiurge, the arch-devil, sighed and waved his hand as he turned around. 

"I'll leave the girls to handle this, Aura, please calm them down," Demiurge said as he walked away.

"Wha-?! Demiurge! You can't just throw this onto me!" Aura yelled in indignity, how was she supposed to calm those two down of all people?!

"It seems he can and will," I spoke up next to Aura, she gave me an ungrateful look and said, "Yeah, thanks for the help Thoth." She seemingly remembered something suddenly and said "Oh yeah! Sorry about the fire elemental attacking you."

I casually waved my hand and spoke "It's fine, no harm no foul."

While the two of us were conversing, I could hear Cocytus shouting about being an uncle and having the child of Momonga riding on his shoulders.

"Haha! It seems Cocytus is happy at least." I joked a bit, Aura joining me in laughing.

"Well, I have an idea about how to calm the two jealous women, wish me luck." I then headed towards the pair of Momonga's maybe future wives and activated my holy aura, attracting their attention.

"Sorry to but in, but have you considered lord Momonga could be watching us?? And besides, even if he isn't, is THIS how his future wives should act??" I made some pretty good points in my opinion, and all this aligned with my plan.

Yes, I don't intend on doing anything against Nazarick, actually, I plan on being firmly loyal to it and Momonga, why? Well, why not? They are nice to me and treat each other well... aside from those two... It's generally a good place to live if you are welcomed with genuine open arms.

Besides, Momonga is a good person, he's not as smart as Albedo or Demiurge, but he isn't an incompetent idiot. In fact, I think he's actually above average in intellect and wisdom, and not just stat-wise but actually personality-wise.

Needless to say, he's gonna treat me well, and if he intends to create a utopia here, then even if some people will end up in the claws of Demiurge, isn't it worth it for the rest of the planet?

The two women looked at me and each other, Albedo immediately jumped on the opportunity to look more mature and acknowledged my points.

"You are correct Thoth, indeed it would be foolish for the most supreme being to have only one wife."

Shaltear, desperate to look mature as well, also agreed. "Yes, it is only natural." Their auras withdrew incredibly quickly, so fast that I again, couldn't help but question their sanity.

"Actually you two, I have some advice for you about dating and romance." Momonga, you son of a bitch, you are in my debt after this. "How about you stop by my library later and I help you get a book about it?"

Right, a bro has to look out for a bro! And I swear to god, I will turn these two into women Momonga will actually desire even if it takes monumental effort.

And at the end of it, they will be no doubt grateful while also being more mentally stable! So win-win for me and Momonga!

The eyes of the women sparkled with joy as they both hastily agreed their minds both already coming up with thousands of different ways they could show off to lord Momonga after they improve.

"Excelent work Thoht." Demiurge came up from behind me, "It's only natural I know these things. Anyways, Albedo, I believe you were supposed to give orders to us?"

Albedo immediately recovered from her stupor, her mind switching back into the Guardian Overseer role like a switch being flipped.

"Right, Thoth, I would like you to use scrying magic to investigate any nearby villages or towns." She immediately gave me the first task. "Understood!" I energetically replied and teleported to the Alexandrian Codex, picking out a book about scrying spells and reading through it quickly.

I know the basics of magic thanks to the first book and my memory being 'unlocked' in a way, but scrying spells are a whole different beast. They require far more intense concentration and effort to maintain, not to mention the enemy can always make countermeasures that could have catastrophic implications for the scryer.

All this knowledge was being carved into my brain as I read word after word, and after 10 minutes of reading, I managed to cast my first scrying spell.

"[God's Eye]." I spoke out the name of the super tier spell.

I wished I could have tried a lower-tier spell for my own safety in case the spell went out of control, but I should have already been investigating the surroundings for ten minutes, in other words, who knows when Albedo will crash through the door and demand answers.

I know all too well just how much Nazarick demands from its inhabitants, when given a task, it better be done ASAP or you will be bullied by everyone around you for being a failure and slowing down Lord Momonga.

The anime didn't show it much, but after Lupusregina was called a disappointment by Momonga, pretty much everyone looked at her like trash, and her own ego was completely destroyed by that one sentence that came from him.

Yeah, though to be fair, she deserved it.

Anyway point is, there is no time to waste.

I reached my hand towards my pentagram earring and pulled out from it an item one would find similar to the one Momonga later used against Shaltear.

I snapped it and the spell activated, the spell's energy flooding the room.

As the spell activated, I couldn't see but I could feel the area around Nazarick, like a sonar, the more magic I put into it, the further I could extend the range of the sonar.

I put more and more power into the spell until I could feel a small village not too far away.

"Carne Village huh?" The village was still more than fine, with Enri and her family happily going about their business, her sister, Nemu could be seen innocently playing with the other village kids.

"...Should I go there..." I didn't know if I should, since there is no reason to go yet.

If Nazarick saves the villagers while they are on their knees, they will be a lot more loyal to them, it would also immediately establish them as saviors in the eyes of the villagers.

If they warned them or saved them early, the effect would be significantly diminished and fewer benefits would be gained.

If they arrived too late, then, obviously, the villagers would all be dead. No benefits there, unless they wanted to use them for experimentation, but I didn't want that to happen to Enri, no, she deserved to be happy with Nfirea.

Besides, I like these villagers, they are kind, honest, hard-working people, and they don't deserve to suffer.

I shook my head, I would definitely report this directly to Momonga since Albedo would most likely not care about the village, hell, she might just kill everyone there for some sadistic reason, and if Demiurge got his hands on it first... *shiver* Ugh... I don't even want to know what would happen then.

I continued to expand the radar until I was at my absolute limit, it stretched for about 20 kilometers in each direction, yeah, this spell was incredibly expensive since it gave you pretty much all information in range unless it was blocked somehow, and if it was blocked by something, you would know, unless it was the works of a world item, then you would have no way to know.

I did manage to register the Sunlight scripture in my area, so that was disconcerting, as well as a few destroyed villages and Gazef Stronoff chasing after them with his men.

What a hero that man is, it's too bad the country he serves is less than satisfactory.

I was putting all of this down on a piece of paper as things left and entered my radar, even drawing a rudimentary map while keeping the spell going.

That's one of the benefits of having such an advanced brain, now I can focus on multiple things at once no problem! However, doing anything more than this would definitely make the spell shatter as my concentration would break.

A super-tier spell was no joke after all, and doing anything while maintaining a spell of such magnitude, processing all the information it was giving me, and writing it all down proved difficult to put it lightly.

Nonetheless, after many painful hours of writing and spending ungodly amounts of mana- thank God for mana potions- I managed to note down everything in the area.

I teleported to Momonga's office immediately after making the document, the succubus could be seen calmly standing by his side.

It seems like the misunderstanding of Momonga wanting to take over the world has already happened, man, I spent way too long working.

"Lord Momonga," I said while kneeling.

"Please rise Thoth, also, since you seem to be unaware, I have changed my name to Ainz Ooal Gown now, so refer to me as Ainz from this moment forward." Ainz then added: "Apologies for not informing you earlier or summoning you to the announcement, however, Albedo told me you were busy with another important task."

"It's alright Lord Ainz, I understand." I stood up and put down the thick folder, Ainz was clearly shocked at the around 50-page document, his mouth opening slightly in awe.

"This is a full report on the area, including vegetation, cities, villages, armies, and animals within a 20-kilometer radius." I noted, "I believe there to be a village of great interest, if possible, I would like to be sent to it to establish contact, it would also be best if you came with me, Lord Ainz.

"That is far too dangerous!" Albedo immediately protested, however, I already had arguments prepared.

"I don't believe so," Thoth spoke against Albedo, "I have judged the power of all creatures nearby to be at the 30th level at best, in other words, they are no threat to me or lord Ainz, also, we won't be going alone, I believe that you and the eight edge assassins joining us would be the best."

Before she could speak again, I kept talking: "Also, some units with the ability to go invisible would be great, they could scout the area again to ensure I missed nothing. And if someone ambushed us, they could counter-ambush them, buying us time and giving us the upper hand over any potential enemies."

"You make good points Thoth," Ainz jumped in, "however, I believe it would be for the best to wait a few days to observe the village." Ainz surprisingly spoke against the proposal.

"I understand your point lord, but it seems a large group of armed men have been raiding and destroying villages in the area, there might not be any villages left soon."

"I see... then we shall jump in at the last moment for the greatest benefits." Ainz made a decision, his tone sounding absolute.

I gave a disapproving look, but I had no more right to argue with Ainz since that would earn the ire of Albedo, who would spear me like a fish if I dared to question the judgment made by her beloved.

"Fine, I wish you a good day, Lord Ainz," I said as I bowed slightly and left the room.

I could feel Albedo's gaze burning into me for daring to say "Fine" to a supreme being, but I didn't care, my morality is still attached somewhat unlike Ainz's, though I know that I won't hesitate to kill anything in my path.

It's too bad, but it seems they will just have to suffer, poor people, but oh well, the universe is a cruel bitch I suppose.

With this matter dealt with, I teleported back to the Alexandrian Codex, took out the book called The Map of Nazarick, found the coordinates of the nearest cafeteria, and teleported there.

Finally, I would eat!

The room in front of me looked like your typical cafeteria, albeit a bit more fancy.

A few maids could be seen talking to each other in the corner, I sat down and and said to no one in particular, "Just give me whatever you recommend the most."

Moments later, a feast worthy of a king appeared in front of me, with deserts and everything.

I devoured the food, which ranged from soups that seemed to be made out of holy water to the tastiest burgers and chicken wings.

"Thanks for the food, it was delicious," I spoke after I was done and got up.

I then teleported to the library, where I could see Shaltear waiting for me.

"Ah. Finally Thoth! I was worried you wouldn't come back in time! I have to start another patrol on my floors soon. So I need that book immediately!"

"Right away Shaltear, just give me a second."

I entered the immense library. The gasp of amazement coming from Shaltear caused a smug grin to form on my face.

I teleported to a point in the library and picked out a few books titled the following:

"Self-confidence," "How to control oneself," and "how to be attractive as a loli."

I nodded to myself and teleported back to Shaltear, who took the books from me immediately.

"Thanks for the help Thoth." She said as she made eye contact. She actually sounded fairly sincere, so I gave back a sincere response.

"It's no problem, I just want everyone to be happy." She nodded and excused herself shortly after.

I teleported again and picked up a random book without even reading the title and started to read.

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