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Kapitel 57: chapter 52

Chapter 211: Diverting trouble to the east

"Because countless evil natures are gathered in him, and fate is like a prostitute, deliberately flirting with traitors, but all of this is powerless. He does not care about the joy and anger of fate, brandishing his bloody sword, like a evil spirit Like a star, he slashed all the way until he was in front of that slave..."

The majestic bell tower that boldly uses three primary colors for splicing stands behind St. Draco's Church. The ugly bell ringer murmurs the lyrics written by Russell the Great in the drama "Macbeth" in his later years, dragging his rickety body. Hobbling with difficulty, he carried the bucket and walked up the stairs.

He looks to be in his forties. Individually, his facial features are fine, but when put together, they are full of disharmony, easily giving the impression that he is more like a crude doll than a real person.

By just one glance, passersby can notice that his eyes are one high and one low, and his nostrils are one big and one small. The muscles on the left side are slightly slack, causing the corners of his mouth to droop a bit, while the right side is just the opposite.

The bell ringer's legs are obviously different in length, and one arm is thin and the other is thick. The whole person is extremely asymmetrical and extremely ugly. This is why he is obviously tall, but it is quite difficult to carry the bucket at this time.

It took a full ten minutes for the bell ringer Cano to finally complete the one hundred and fifty stairs and return to his small room in the clock tower.

He pushed open the brown wooden door, put down the bucket, and wiped the sweat from his face.

"Sir, I'm afraid Senator Joe Reed won't be able to see you."

Kano pushed the bucket in front of the only bed in the house, because the cabinet that could be used as a dining table was already full and there was no way to squeeze in more things.


"He has suffered some injuries and his condition is not stable. If he does not seal himself off, he may affect the surrounding people and things, and even be discovered by the 'Spellweavers' in the military base."

While answering questions from visitors, Kano found a notebook with many strange symbols drawn on it from the cabinet.

He glanced at the young man who called himself Gehrman Sparrow and leaned against the clock tower window, overlooking the harbor scenery. He cleared his throat and pulled out a card from the book with the same strange symbols written on it.

"However, Councilor Joe Reed did not refuse the help you hoped for. Instead, he asked me to try my best to help you."

Handing the card to Gehrman Sparrow, Kano pointed to the left side of the harbor through the window.

"Take it and go to the casino with the golden rooster pattern painted on the outer wall. The boss there is an Intis man. He will help you get what you want."


Klein was slightly inspired and suddenly felt that he had grasped something.

No wonder Rosago's reaction was so big. It turns out that there are indeed intelligence dealers here who can be cooperated and exploited...


Nodding slightly, Klein was in no hurry to receive the piece of paper handed over by Kano.

"Is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

His questioning attracted the scrutiny of the bell ringer Kano.

This man-made man, who came from the Mother Earth Church's human-refining experiments but did not inherit many extraordinary things, narrowed his eyes and spoke in a heavy voice.

"Don't cause trouble. Olavi Island is a territory ruled by Loen's navy. Governor 'Spellweaver' Amyrius is very powerful. If you offend him, Councilor Jorrid will not be able to protect you."


Klein nodded again, and then took the piece of paper. His figure quickly faded, blending into the environment behind him, blending with the white clouds passing by the window and the dusty bricks and stones. In front of Kano, , disappeared into the small room on the bell tower.

A slender figure was outlined inch by inch, appearing next to a lady wearing a Balam-style robe, whose figure and appearance could not be seen much.

The newly appeared man has obvious characteristics of the Northern Continent, with cold, deep and distinct features. When compared with the woman wearing a Balam robe, passers-by on the street can imagine several not-so-serious relationships.

Thanks to the colonial era, the living habits of islands like Oravi, where the new immigrants from Loen dominate, are no longer much different from those on the mainland. The only imprint left by the original maritime customs here is a relatively open one. concept.

In Olavi, travelers can often see a wealthy Loen gentleman going out with three or four different female companions. They often have soft lines that are rare among people in the northern continent, or are of maritime indigenous origin, or were born before the abolition of slavery. Servants of the Southern Continent.

Sequence Nine is obviously an "Assassin", but after being promoted to a "Witch", the forced sex change and beauty change are not in line with the "Assassin" principle of keeping a low profile and not attracting attention, right?

Klein suddenly regretted his decision to disguise the marionette as his personal companion.

It's not that I'm worried about the reputation of Gehrman Sparrow - for the "Faceless Man", it's just a matter of changing a face anyway - the real trouble is that the combination of a man and a woman always It is more conspicuous than one person, and coupled with the distance limit of the "Maritime Master"'s manipulation of the "Spirit Thread", when he needs to sneak into action, Klein cannot let the marionette separate too far from himself, which will increase the possibility of exposure in vain.

Do I have to learn from Rosago and let Secret Puppet take the stand on my behalf?

Confused in his heart, Klein has arrived at the door of the casino that Kano pointed to just now.

This is a two-story building that combines Intis artistic features and maritime indigenous features. The delicate gold craftsmanship and the rough original pigment graffiti collide together. The former is hidden deep inside, and the latter is filled with every exterior wall of the casino. The entire building feels like the Oravi Island, which is the best interpretation of the current maritime situation in the post-colonial era.

Stopping for a moment, Klein glanced briefly, and the marionette Giorgia, who was walking mechanically beside him, reacted suddenly.

The witch stretched out her fair arms decorated only with gold and silver jewelry from under her sleeveless robe, and hugged the young man very naturally.

Like many true Aboriginal mistresses, she leaned most of her weight on her male companion and took slow steps.

Even though it was daytime, the casino was still lively at this time. Many people dressed in different styles crowded around the tables, cheering loudly and yelling and scolding.

They include tourists who happen to be passing by and want to experience novelty gadgets, descendants of local colonists, navy soldiers who somehow got out of the military camp, and few truly wealthy businessmen.

Before Klein could finish looking at the dazzling gold-selling cave, a young indigenous man wearing a bright red uniform came up to him. He first took a look at Giorgia, who had many metal ornaments hanging on his robe, and then piled them up. With a smile on his face, he bowed deeply towards Klein, who was dressed as an authentic Loen gentleman.

"Sir, do you need help?"

Klein ignored the humble waiter. Like many citizens living in Roen's own country, he just elbowed Georgia, who was leaning on him, and asked his female companion to negotiate on his behalf.

"Is your boss here?" Georgia's lips under the veil raised slightly, and her voice was sweet and seductive.

Even if their face and figure are obscured, the witch's supernatural charm can still capture prey for them through more abstract characteristics such as behavior and voice.


The indigenous waiter looked at Georgia's only exposed eyes, which seemed to be covered with mist. He was stunned for two or three seconds before he realized what he was doing and responded hurriedly.

"Boss, boss, he is upstairs today..."

Without waiting for the waiter to say any embarrassing or evasive words, Giorgia stretched out her white arm and handed the piece of paper provided by Kano to the waiter from under her robe.

"Sir, I would like to meet your boss."

After taking the piece of paper, the waiter glanced quickly and his expression changed several times. Without any unnecessary movement, he bowed again and immediately fell back along the original path.

After a while, a young indigenous waiter came back with a few people dressed as bodyguards and spoke to Klein in a low voice.

"Sir, Madam, the boss invites you to come up."

Klein, who had originally planned to talk to the owner of the Golden Rooster Casino, did not refuse. He took out a shiny gold pound, bounced it up, and caught it steadily.

Under the longing gaze of the native waiter, he calmly put away the gold coins, nodded to several people, followed a bodyguard up the stairs to the second floor, and entered the room at the other end of the corridor.

The room was covered with thick soft pomelo-red carpets, and was filled with the slight smell of high-quality coal burning, mixed with the light pink smoke produced by plant aromatherapy.

A middle-aged man with short black hair and ruffled lace on his shirt cuffs and collar was sitting in an easy chair, sipping a low-alcohol cocktail and quietly looking at the two people who entered the room.

He waved, and the several bodyguards surrounding him immediately dispersed, leaving only one in the room. The remaining few left the room one after another to create a good negotiation environment for the employer.

"Hello, what should I call you?"

They are all Beyonders. The bodyguard may be stronger, but it should not be higher than Sequence Six. It does not give me a sense of danger... Klein's eyes swept over the faces of the middle-aged man and the only remaining bodyguard, and he made a simple judgment. .

"Gehrman Sparrow."

"Oh, Mr. Sparrow."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, ordered the bodyguard to pre-light a cigar from a short cabinet, and started smoking on his own.

He took two slow steps and said.

"I saw that gentleman's token. Do you hope to get some help or buy something?"

The two knew this well and did not mention Congressman Joe Reed's name.

"Information about Bulatov Ivan." Klein spoke concisely.

At midnight yesterday, he had obtained quite comprehensive and detailed information about "Blood Admiral" Senior from Mr. A and Miss Sharon. He also made use of the special nature of the Aurora Society's messenger to make it more convenient to formulate a targeted plan. The only difference between "Admiral Blood" and the "Rose School" plan behind him is "Lieutenant Admiral Twilight" who doesn't quite understand it.

The casino owner chewed on the name Klein mentioned, and his face became less obvious.

He slowly absorbed the oil and aroma from the cigar, as if he wanted to show his embarrassment and let the strange young man see how much trouble he had caused. After a while, he finally gave some advice.

"It is rumored that there is a shadow of Fusac's government behind 'Vice Admiral Dusk'."

Hey, what's this, you want to raise the price on the ground?

Klein shook his head in amusement and said without changing his expression.

"I can pay you an equal amount."

"No, no, Mr. Sparrow, this is not a question of how much the reward is." The casino owner hurriedly explained, "You also seem to be very aware of the dangers of 'Admiral Dusk'. This uncivilized savage is worried about everything." If I can do it, I must at least know what you want to do and whether it will offend him, so that I can find a way to help you collect what you want. Otherwise, when he gets angry with me because of you, my casino will be closed. "

He was so afraid of "Lieutenant General Dusk"... Klein was a little confused, but he did not speak. Instead, he controlled Georgia, who was pretending to be his female companion, to ask the question instead.


"Isn't this the military port of Loen, with a powerful admiral sitting here?"

Georgia's sweet voice attracted the attention of the casino owner. He looked at the body hidden under Balam's robe. Based on past experience, he judged that the body covered by the robe was rare and high-quality, and he reluctantly smiled. .

"Madam, I believe you can tell that I am an Intis person. How can Roen's army do their best to protect me?"

"Furthermore, heading east from the Rhoad Islands, the sea is becoming more and more chaotic. The military and the church can only barely protect their own ports. In addition, there are corruption problems within the navy. Who can do it when they can just wait for money from the country? Would you be willing to put your head in a belt and fight desperadoes?"

He retreated in order to advance, and his reasonable complaints reduced Klein's room for conversation and transactions, forcing Klein to divulge more information.

"I heard that there is a conflict between Bulatov and Senior, and another large-scale naval battle is likely to break out recently."

"You want to take advantage of their conflict to make a profit? UU read" The casino owner raised his eyebrows.

There were not many people who had this idea in the past. They either represented a certain big force, or they had died at the hands of pirate generals, their property had been misappropriated, and their extraordinary characteristics had been taken away.

"So." Klein didn't explain too much, just nodded slightly.

While the two pirate generals are fighting and their defenses are lowered, trying to hunt them themselves should be considered as "making a fortune"...

Seeing Klein's decisive answer, the casino owner not only did not relax, but became more cautious.

The more peaceful and at ease this young man who is suspected of being an adventurer and connected to the Parliament of Life appears, the more worried he is that he will be burned.

But... Senator Jo Reed is a big shot that he cannot afford to disobey. Even if he does everything possible and takes the information from the Life Parliament to report to the Loen Navy, he will only die in his own bed unknowingly one day in the future... …

I can't refuse him, so I have to think of another way, a safer one...

The casino owner regained his smile with some difficulty and cleared his throat.

"I will help you pay attention to the latest news about 'Vice Admiral Twilight'. When you get the letter, you don't have to go through me. I know a channel that will often contact the pirates. I will introduce it to you when the time comes."

He smiled and pointed outside the window, pointing to a bar not far away.

"'Sweet Lemon', their boss is a retired pirate hunter, and now also serves as the white glove of the Loen Navy to control pirates. You can try to start from him."

Procrastination is really terrible. I originally wanted to write six thousand words...

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 22 Preparing

Chapter 213 Preparing

Crimson left, and Forsi returned to the rented apartment.

" you have a new mission?"

Xio's voice rang in her ears, and Forsi was stunned for a moment before she came back to her senses.

She shook her head, a little confused still remaining on her face.

"No, it's another member of the party."

With that said, she quickly stood up, and in front of Xio, she quickly rummaged through the living room for the clothes they used to disguise themselves, and explained while changing into robes.

"A gentleman wants me to contact a 'craftsman', and the agreed time is this evening."


"Yes." Forsi, who was wearing a long robe over a long skirt, nodded, "Before leaving Backlund, that gentleman entrusted an 'artisan' outside the organization to create extraordinary items for him. The agreed time was a moon."

The World mentioned this matter at the Tarot meeting a week after the great smog ended, so Forsi didn't feel rushed when he heard the urging again.

It's just that she doesn't quite understand. There are still five days left before the deadline agreed between "The World" and "Artisan", and there are only two days until the next Tarot meeting. Why is Mr. "World" suddenly so anxious?

He seems to have gone to sea now. Did something happen to him?

Did you receive a new mission?

The enemy is very powerful. Mr. "World" feels that he cannot handle it with his own strength and needs a powerful sealed artifact as a guarantee?

No matter how Forsi speculated, she felt something was strange.

In her opinion, if you want to create extraordinary items, it is best to leave them to the "craftsmen" colleagues in the bureau. This can not only save unnecessary commission fees, but also ensure subsequent handover.

However, since "The World" has left this matter to him, and has also offered him a reward of fifty pounds and promised to be responsible for possible accidents, Forsi will not refuse.

After experiencing the great smog, she had a sense of urgency even though she was originally not interested in promotion...not to mention...

After glancing at Xio, who stood up from the sofa and put on his clothes to disguise himself, and prepared to go out together, Forsi stopped for a moment.

"How's your involvement with MI9 going?"

After all, Forsi, who has been in the Intelligence Department for many years and is well aware of taboos, seldom inquires about the actions planned by his friends under the system next door.

"There's not much progress yet." Xio didn't think too much and pulled out a pair of thick-soled boots from under the table in the living room. "Mr. K said that my identity is too special to use the previous method."

She imitated the tone of her current boss, imitating it perfectly.

"MI9 is ​​not a monolith. After Paras Negan was paralyzed, the internal conflicts of that bunch of losers further intensified. Whether it was bribery or threats to officials with evidence, it was not very difficult to install a position on the edge, but if you want to do it again, There's no hope of climbing up."

Forsi nodded slightly, thinking of the "Hunter" divine envoy whom he had met once during his last "visit" with Xiu, and couldn't help but sigh in agreement.


"Your current identity was forged with the help of your father's old department at the time. Although there are no problems in your normal life, if you are noticed by MI9, it will not even be difficult to find out the problems hidden underneath."

"So Mr. K hopes that I can get in touch with the 'eyes' who are already involved in the bounty hunter circle, and get on that person's channel, even if I go through a few more reviews."

Xio still didn't realize Forsi's vague intention to avoid the topic, so he said to himself.

"He said that people are always willing to believe what they believe to be the truth. As long as I am reviewed a few times and MI9 confirms that I am a downline who can develop. In addition, I also have Sequence 8 now, so the follow-up will be much easier to deal with."

As expected of a 'conspirator', it sounds much more reliable than the methods I imagined... Forsi was silent for a few seconds and watched Xio put on her thick-soled boots. Visually, she was much taller, almost reaching one meter. The height of six, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

As if to liven up the atmosphere, she boldly patted Xio's head.

"That gentleman is only willing to pay fifty pounds. Even if you follow me, I will not share it with you."

Snap...Xio swept away Forsi's hand on her messy blond hair and rolled her eyes upward.

"screw you."

"...I can promise that as long as you are a member of the Adventurer Mutual Aid Association on Olavi Island, when you buy items from me, you will get a discount close to the lowest price, and the sales revenue will be at least equal to the market price, which includes introducing members 'Artisan' fees."

Pointing to the chart on the desk in the room, Billt Brando, the owner of the Sweet Lemon Bar, looked at the new adventurers opposite with a smile, and confidently introduced the Adventurer Mutual Aid Association that he took the lead in establishing.

"How's it going?"

"Are you interested in joining this loose alliance? Don't worry, you won't have any extra expenses. Our only purpose is to help each other when we meet pirates."

Ignoring Bilt's performance, Klein's expression remained unchanged, but he had many more thoughts in his heart.

The owner of the Golden Rooster Casino was right. Billt Brando did have access to many channels, and he was very confident. He responded to the rumors that he had a close relationship with the military, disguised his identity and acted with them. It was indeed better than It would be much safer for me to take a blind risk on my own...

And they also have a cooperative relationship with a "craftsman"... Klein nodded.

"Sounds good."

Before Bilt could continue, he glanced at the several bodyguards surrounding the edge of the room. Adhering to Gehrman Sparrow's madman persona, he stiffly pulled his lips to both sides and suddenly asked.

"I heard that you have a habit of hunting pirates?"

Hunting pirates... Bilt's eyelids twitched and he had no further reaction.

He lowered the hand holding the cigar, licked his lower lip, and looked at the cold-tempered young man in front of him again.

"The 'Pirate Hunter' has many companions from the Mutual Aid Association serving on this ship. I and another friend of mine often go to the ocean to snipe pirates and protect the merchant ships passing by."

"But this is very dangerous. Even if we are more united than pirates and can get the protection of the navy and the help of merchants, swords and cannon fire can still easily take away our lives."

With a persuasive tone, Bilt looked at the young man in front of him as if he were looking at himself when he was young, and saw many of his dead companions in him.

"Hunting pirates is not about putting on a shotgun and going into the woods to hunt. Pirates are much more cunning and cruel than you think."

"I only care about pirates."

As if he didn't hear Bilt's well-intentioned warning, Klein's answer was quite direct. The corner of Bilt's mouth couldn't help twitching, and his eyes were a little solemn.

He somewhat regretted trying to recruit Gehrman Sparrow to join the Adventurers Mutual Aid Association.

This is not a good prospect worth winning over, he is a lunatic!

At sea, even the navies of various countries and even the Church of Storms are unwilling to take the initiative to cause unnecessary trouble with pirates.

Although newspapers would occasionally report on the execution of certain pirates by the Navy and the Church, he had been active at sea for so many years and had never heard of news on the execution of a few big pirates with a bounty of more than 8,000 pounds. Most of them were conflicts between several powerful pirate groups. , only occasionally would there be rumors that one or two powerful pirates had received their bounties.

Not to mention the Four Kings, how long has it been since the "Pirate Generals" alone changed?

Qilinges who died on the mainland does not count. At least in the five years since he took root on Olavi Island, the list of "pirate generals" in his mind has not changed.

The young man in front of me said he was hunting pirates. Ha, did he really know what kind of danger he would face?

However, after persuading him just now, Bildt thought he had fulfilled his obligation as president of the mutual aid association and was worthy of his conscience, so he didn't say anything more.

He took a puff of his cigar, paused for a few seconds, and said thoughtfully.

"Since you are willing to join the mutual aid association, we will also respect every member's choice. Before sailing next time, you can come to the 'Pirate Hunter' to observe and familiarize yourself with cooperating with other members."

Bilt didn't notice the subtle disappointment flashing in Gehrman Sparrow's eyes. He waved behind him, called one of his bodyguards, and gave instructions.

"Rule, take Mr. Sparrow to register and take a look at the meeting."

"Okay, boss."

The sturdy bodyguard nodded and gestured to Gehrman Sparrow, gesturing for him to follow him and leave.

Watching the figures retreating one after another, Bilt shook his head slightly as he puffed out smoke.

He is another young man who does not have a correct understanding of the sea. Once he truly sees the cruelty of the sea, he will probably be much more at ease than he is now...

The capital of the Rhoside Islands, Bayam, the "City of Generosity".

On the cheap notebook, a charred quill pen tip was leaking ink intermittently, and it was a little difficult to write on the paper.

"...Due to Alger Wilson's mixed-race origin, the Bishop of the Church of Storms did not care about this humble privateer captain. Therefore, everything Tristan Eugen did to him, including the 'Blue Avenger', was None of the sailors who were transformed into marionettes alerted the Church of Storms..."

"...The abnormal stormy weather in the offshore islands is getting more and more intense. In order to calm down the influence that is suspected to come from another 'Sea King', Archbishop Cotterman of the Rhoside Diocese temporarily left the capital Bayam..."

In front of the desk, Amon put down his quill and rubbed his palms.

Due to various reasons, He did not directly smash the legacy of the "Dragon of Fantasy". Instead, he stole part of the damage caused by the "Tyrant" divine power on the surface of the sealed object, trying to extend the "life span" of the sealed object as much as possible. ".

Because of this, He had to often steal Alsuhod's ideas and be wary of Alsuhod writing some developments that were not conducive to Him.

After leaving Backlund, this stupid lizard seemed to be convinced that He would crush itself and erase the personality left on the carrier, and kept trying to find opportunities to break away from His control.

In fact, it is not difficult for him to master a level 0 sealed object without being affected by negative effects. For example, parasitism and historical projection can achieve similar effects, but the former has a chance. It will be contaminated by the possible and potential contamination of Alsuhod's pen from the Sea of ​​Chaos. The latter will definitely attract the attention of an old man in the process of reviving the power of the "divineer".

After going through the improvised script and making sure that there would be no mistakes, Amon couldn't help but "tsk".

Although he doesn't want to admit it, He is better at creating traps than Adam, and can flexibly guide his prey to the outcome he wants to see, rather than setting a script from the beginning.

In his opinion, such a process lacks fun and is more likely to be destroyed by uncertain factors like himself.


Taking advantage of Amon's distraction, the quill that was lying flat on the table flew up on its own, moved above the paper, and began to write additional words with difficulty.

The moment the quill flew up, Amon noticed Alsuhod's little movement, but he did not stop him. Instead, he held up the monocle on his right eye with interest and smiled slightly. Lift your chin, looking forward to the increasing number of words.

"We can cooperate."

"Oh?" Amon was unmoved.

The quill continued to write, both to increase the stakes and to try to save himself.

"I can tell you more secrets about the 'Dreamers'."

"I have also been in contact with the Sea of ​​Chaos. I know the secrets of the source of matter better than you. You need my help."

Lifting his chin from his palm, Amon glanced at the words on the paper, then looked away and turned his head to the side of the room with the window.

"Aren't we cooperating now?"

"Look, I didn't kill you."

His specious words had no effect. The quill mobilized the remaining spirituality, pulling the paper under him and the pen body into the air, flying in front of Amon, blocking the window that framed the pattering.

"You came, Bayam, didn't you want to see the other body of the 'God of Mysteries'?"

"He has tolerated the 'natural disasters' in the past."

"I know what you want to get from that body. Like you, I don't want to see Adam become a god."

"Although the ultimate goals are different, the process you and I pursue is the same."

Looking at the jumbled words on the paper, which seemed to be stuttering, Amon still smiled.

"It seems to make sense. I will help you isolate the sequence one characteristic."

The quill that had just finished writing the last sentence suddenly jammed. UU reading

If Alsuhod, who turned into a pen, still had facial features, he would definitely show quite wonderful expression changes at this time. From stunned to surprised to angry, Amon can imagine the interesting performance.

Unfortunately, this "nightmare dragon" has long since lost its body.

"You want to be free and don't want to lose the chance of resurrection. That's good. I can understand it and I am willing to help you." Amon nodded with a smile. "I will help you steal the sequence one characteristic that Adam desires, so that you will no longer It is His necessary goal, and the status of an angel is enough for you to maintain your life and continue to try to reshape your body."

"So, am I sincere enough?"


The notebook and quill lost their spiritual support at the same time, showing no trace of the mystery just now. They were captured by gravity again and fell straight down. They were forcibly twisted by external forces in mid-air and fell into Amon's hands.

He pressed the frame of the lens and stared at the rainy scene outside the window. His eyes moved and stopped on a middle-aged man who was hurriedly crossing the street.

Coincidentally, the man with messy blue hair like seaweed also noticed him.

While running, he followed his inspiration and looked towards the buildings on both sides, and saw a young man leaning against the window, holding a pen in his hand, leisurely admiring the ugly faces of pedestrians running in the rain.

The young man met his eyes, smiled and nodded, as if to say hello.

Today I was supposed to catch up on yesterday's update, but I got a migraine. It was a real migraine. Maybe it was because I caught a cold at my hometown yesterday. I started feeling uncomfortable when I woke up at 5 o'clock this morning. Although it didn't affect my normal activities, I still felt weird. of.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 23 Pirate Hunter

Chapter 214 Pirate Hunter

The moon was sparse, and the church in the distance was ringing with melodious and ethereal bells. It was almost eight o'clock, and there were no more pedestrians on the streets of Olavi.

Half leaning against the window, Klein looked at the relatively densely lit pier. When he heard the creaking sound of the door shaft turning behind him, he turned around slowly.

"Where have you been today?"

It seems that I am your superior... Klein silently stared at Rosago who only dared to stop at the door without answering. His dark and sharp gaze made him lower his head and defended loudly.

"I mean, actually we can go back to Bayam first..."

"I have inquired that the 'Spellweaver' Amyrius, who is in charge of commanding the Zhongsunian Sea Fleet, is likely to be transferred to another place in the near future; an officer like him will not last long even if he is not transferred. When you stay on an island, there will always be time to inspect other ports stationed on the island, so there is no need to take risks now."

Avoid Emilius? This is a good idea, but you have to ask "Vice Admiral Dusk" and "Admiral Blood" first if they are willing to wait until that time... Klein deliberately softened his tension to reduce the pain Rosago endured. pressure.

He rubbed the surface of the palm of his left hand, awakening the "squirming hunger" from his sleep, and the sealed object that coveted flesh and blood lazily yawned.

"I'm not hunting Senior and Ivan Bulatov."


Rosago seemed to have forgotten his worries and fears for a moment, and asked subconsciously.

Walking away from the window, Klein only glanced at him. The secret puppet Georgia standing in the corner of the room immediately broke his stillness and walked towards the wall cabinet with the tea set at a fixed pace.

"This is a plan that Mr. A and I finalized together."

"The demigod of the 'Rose School' and one of the participants in the Great Smog in Backlund, the 'Devil' Gostars, was the target of the department's pursuit long before the Great Smog occurred."

"He has recently escaped back to the Southern Continent. It is difficult for us to continue our operations in the West Balam area. We can only find another way..."

"...For example, let him get out of here."

Klein basically repeated what Mr. A said in the letter, and adjusted and processed the tone and tone based on Gehrman Sparrow's character.

Killing Gostars is far from the ultimate goal of the Aurora Society, and it is not even what Klein wants to see the most. The reason why he is so keen to cooperate with Mr. A this time is to eliminate the active force of the "Rose School" and contain the evil god. In the claws of reality, prevent Backlund's tragedy from happening again.

As for the elimination of the "Rose School", will the already difficult anti-colonial movement in West Balam become more hopeless?

Huh... Klein slowly smiled.

He has never heard of any country that can escape from the quagmire of mermaids by relying solely on terrorist attacks and indiscriminate massacres.

In fact, to be honest, he wasn't even very optimistic about what Mr. Azik wanted to ask him for help. He had a pessimistic attitude. He only tried his best to operate because of the teacher's kindness and a little hope for an idealist.

I hope that most of the blood of the true Creator still flows in the heart of the true Creator.

Rosago didn't understand why Klein suddenly laughed. He repeated the plan proposed by the divine envoy over and over again in his mind, trembling with fear.

The envoys from this country are all lunatics!

How many Sequence Fives are actually thinking of arranging the entire "Rose School"?

His throat was a little sore, Rosago swallowed the accumulated saliva, and after hesitation, he finally spoke his sincerity.

"Is Senor that important?"

"He is only a Sequence Five. That is to say, at sea, it is difficult for the churches of the Northern Continent and the military forces of various countries to expand. Look at Qilingos, as long as he lands on the shore, death is only a matter of time."

"The 'Rose School' will not let demigods take risks for him...and there is Bulatov. We have no conflict with Fusac. What are you doing against him?"

Compared with the attitude conveyed by Klein, Rosago is more conservative and less radical.

In his opinion, it is unwise to deal with any pirate general, as it is likely to attract the disgust and hatred of the forces behind them.

However, what he thought was his persuasion failed to wait for the divine messenger to change his mind. Gehrman Sparrow, who took the black tea from Secret Puppet Giorgia, said in a low voice:

"This is a plan shared by Mr. A and I."

He pulled out two papers from the desk beside him and moved them to the light source so that Rosago could see them clearly.

"Besides, does hunting pirates violate Fusac's laws?"

Those were the wanted posters for "Lieutenant General Dusk" Bulatov Ivan and "Admiral Blood" Senior. They were brand new and marked with their respective bounties.

Relaxing his body, Klein leaned leisurely against the edge of the desk, pursed his lips slightly, and gently blew the dark liquid in the teacup, creating a circle of ripples.

"You have a new mission now."

Rosago stood up straight as a reflex, without even hesitating.

"Buy the nearest ticket, rush back to Bayam, inform the Islands Branch that I will arrive within the next week, do your work in advance, and collect the recent movements of 'Admiral Hell', 'Vice Admiral Disease' and 'Vice Admiral Iceberg', Exploring their contact points in the Rhoside Islands, you can try to control them in advance, or you can keep monitoring and recording the comings and goings. The specific details are up to you."

"Also..." Klein sipped his black tea, "I heard that after the Fifth Epoch, the elves moved out of Sonia Island, and some of them were hidden in Rothed?"

"I want to meet with their leader. You can contact them for me."

"Is there any more?" Rosago asked instinctively.

Rosago didn't get a reply. He saw Giorgia, who was standing busy in front of the closet, suddenly walking toward him, stopping half a meter in front of him, and bowing symbolically.

Then, he held on to the door and slowly pushed it out.

"Come in."

Hearing the mellow voice coming from the other side of the door, Alger took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the strange female demigod Evelyn who was curiously looking at his personal collection and some compasses, pointers and other navigational equipment, and Tristan Ou, who was sitting calmly in an armchair, looking a little loose and lazy. root.

This powerful demigod, who is suspected of possessing both abilities, is actively learning the latest fashions and new knowledge from newspapers and magazines. To this end, he drives the sailor marionettes back and forth in the city center and port. After several trips, the books collected almost filled the captain's cabin, and he acted as if he was the original owner of the "Blue Avenger".

Of course, he is indeed the real captain now, and I am only a nominal puppet at best... Alger, who has long been accustomed to the ups and downs of life, cannot even bear this grievance. Besides, Tristan is better than the bishop and deacon of the Church of Storms. They never discriminated against his mixed-race status. While fulfilling the principle of equivalent exchange advocated by Mr. Fool, they also had occasional and personal generosity, and were willing to guide him on how to be promoted faster in order to gain success in the Church of Storms. higher status.

Alger, who had already learned the contents of the "Ocean Singer" potion formula from Tristan in advance, saluted to the demigod on the seat with some sincerity, a calm face and a respectful attitude.

"Monsieur Count."

This was Tristan's title during the Solomonic Empire.

"How about it, what does the 'tyrant' priest want you to do next?" Tristan seemed to have guessed the answer, and he showed a lack of excitement.

Alger said as he bent deeper.

"They want me and other privateer captains to continue to monitor the situation at sea. The pirates have been dishonest recently. There are several Sequence Five who call themselves pirate generals. They seem to have unearthed relics from the Fourth Age, related to the 'God of Death'."

"Death?" Tristan sat up straight and raised his eyebrows, "Tell me more."

Seeing that the demigod's reaction was as expected, Alger secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Edwina Edwards, who claims to be 'Vice Admiral Iceberg' and is suspected of being connected to the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom in Lundberg, salvaged a key in the Sunia Sea. Some people suspect that it is the key to unlocking the key in the sea legend. The key to 'Death's treasure'."

"Furthermore, after inquiring about the news, 'Lieutenant General Hell' Ludwell, who was backed by the Spiritual Religion, took the initiative to challenge 'Lieutenant General Iceberg', hoping to seize the key. His behavior can represent Spirituality in some aspects. The attitude of the cult can be regarded as confirming the rumors of the 'Death God's Treasure'."

Listening to Alger's story, Tristan smiled disdainfully, shook his head, and said "tsk".


"You mean, the key is a forgery?" Alger hurriedly followed Tristan's words.

He himself doubted the authenticity of the "Death God's Treasure", and did not believe that relevant clues would appear in the Sunia Sea, which was far away from the place where the "Death God" fell and the southern continent. However, instead of being smart, he showed an attitude that he had already seen. , it is better to agree with Tristan's judgment and guide this legendary demigod who has lived for more than a thousand years to tell more inside stories.

Tristan glanced at Alger with amusement in his eyes.

"The key is not necessarily fake. There are so many secrets and treasures buried in the depths of the sea. It's hard for you to imagine how many things have been sunk in the past God War alone."

"The Seven Gods of the Fifth Age deliberately suppressed the extraordinary. While stabilizing it, they also limited the efficiency of outward expansion and exploration. Therefore, many past legacies could not be recovered and simply rotted in the sea."

"But the key that Edwina Edwards salvaged may contain any secrets, but it is definitely not related to Death."

"Is it because the salvage site is in the Sunya Sea?" Alger repeated his old trick and tried to guide him again.

But this time, Tristan did not respond to him immediately. Instead, he was silent for a while and mentioned another matter.

"I see that in the news you collected, it was mentioned that the remnants of the Death Church are trying to create artificial Death?"

"Yes." Alger nodded slightly, his breathing a little heavy due to his reverie.

Although it had only been a few days since he became a bare captain and was forced to betray the Church of Storms, he had already adapted to his new identity and current situation. Except for the fear of the "tyrant" that he still couldn't abandon in his heart, the so-called loyalty and the so-called entanglement were all left. They were all thrown into the undercurrent of the foggy sea by him.

When he docked at a backward port, he specially bought a holy book of the "God of Mystery" from the hunting elves. As a hybrid with thin elven blood, he was far less resistant to elves than other humans. Added the part about Tristan Eugen.

This demigod fell into a deep sleep three hundred years ago. At that time, the Balam royal family had not lost its crown, and the Spiritual Religion was still known as the Church of Death. It often clashed with Trunsoest's army on the border... As a personal A demigod who has experienced the decline of the Balam Empire, Tristan Eugen must know many secrets that are not currently mastered by the church.

Since Mr. Count mentioned the "Artificial Death", in a sense, is he implying that in his conjecture, the key discovered by "Lieutenant Admiral Iceberg" is comparable to the "Artificial Death"?

Noticing Alger's emotional ups and downs, Tristan asked a few more questions.

"When did the Church of Storms discover the existence of the 'Artificial Death'?"

"Who is the current leader of the Spiritual Religion?"

"Is the relationship between Edwina Edwards and Lundborg confirmed?"

Subconsciously raising his upper body, Alger thought for a moment before answering Tristan's question slowly, for fear of making any mistakes.

"The 'Artificial Death' plan of the Spiritual Religion was originally captured by the senior deacon of the Church of the Night in the Southern Continent who accidentally killed a senior executive of the Spiritual Religion during an ordinary suppression activity and read his spirit."

"After Emperor Roselle destroyed Balam and Paz, because the last Emperor Balam failed to retain his characteristics after his death and left it to his children, Fusac and Luen vigorously pursued and killed the remaining royal members, leading to Eggers The family has completely lost control of the Death God Church, and the Death God Church has also split into multiple small factions, and currently there is no exact leader."

"In the Spiritual Religion Group, there is a faction of its own that plans the 'artificial god of death'. The royal family is also considered a faction, and the force is the largest among them. The currently respected leader is called the 'Pale Queen'. I don't know more about it. Details."

"In addition to these two large sects, there are many relatively weak branches within the Spiritual Religion, and it is suspected that there are not even demigods."

Observing Tristan's reaction, Alger breathed quietly, his speech speed gradually increased, and his affirmation gradually became stronger.

"As for Edwina Edwards..."

"Her ancestor was one of the four knights of Emperor Russell. After the death of Emperor Russell, Mr. Edwards fled to Lemburg and was accepted by the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, so Edwina and Knowledge and Wisdom There will basically be no problems with the relationship with the Church of the God of Wisdom."

After Alger finished speaking, Tristan nodded imperceptibly.

"This is it."

"The Spiritual Church is seriously divided. The 'Hell Lieutenant General' you mentioned cannot represent the attitude of the entire Death Church's remnants. The act of chasing the key in Edwina's hand is probably just his personal decision and cannot represent anything."

"But that key..."

Tristan smiled horribly, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes. Even Evelin, who was competing with the compass, was infected by the emotion hidden under his laughter. She put down the plaything in her hand and looked at him curiously with a pair of deep eyes. Moving between two men in the room.

"There is a legend that has been circulating among the descendants of giants. Their true hometown, the Giant Court in Ormere, needs a key to open."

Tristan asked with a smile as he rested his cheeks on his palms.

"Do you know where the Suniya Sea is further east?"

Further east in the Sunia Sea... As a former "navigator", Alger quickly relied on the chart in his mind to determine the area Tristan wanted to specify.

Then, his eyes couldn't help but open a little wider.

Further east in the Suniya Sea... are the ruins of the God's War, the ruins of the God's War that are said to have caused the great catastrophe!

After reading through the "God of Mysteries" and the Holy Scriptures of the True Creator, and experiencing many discussions and exchanges at Tarot gatherings, Alger was not completely ignorant of this ocean and the eastern part of this ocean.

He also knew that the ruins of the God War were probably the battlefield between the real Creator and the Six Gods. In addition to the well-known northern and southern continents, the God-abandoned land where the "sun" was located was actually the past Eastern Continent, on the east coast of the Sea of ​​Mist, and what the giant said was My hometown, the King's Court of Giants is in the westernmost part of the Eastern Continent, bordering the Sea of ​​Mist!

That key is the key that opens the door to the Giant King's Court?

Alger pursed his lips and cautiously explored.

"Sir, I can use the power of the Church of Storms to get close to that key."

"Get close to the key?" Tristan shook his head slightly.

He took the remains of a weather bottle with only the base left that Evelin suddenly handed over, thoughtfully.

In his impression, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, like the Goddess of Night, is an extremely mysterious, terrifying existence that is difficult to fathom.

Different from the protection gained by Dark Night's secret erasure of most of his resume, almost all of the life of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom has been written on several editions of the Creator's Holy Scriptures.

Phew... He breathed a sigh of relief, Tristan said.

"You can take a look at Ludwell. It just so happens that you also need results to deal with the followers of the storm."

Does Mr. Earl not want to offend the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom?

Alger bowed his head in response and left the room without saying anything more.

The sea breeze roared, and Klein silently observed the surroundings. His eyes swept over the ship guns with obvious naval characteristics and the many adventurers with different personal styles. He discovered that the "Pirate Hunter" owned by Billt Brando was likely to have Both power systems, in addition to the common three-masted sails at sea, are also equipped with complete steam boiler drives.

There are many Extraordinaries on the ship, but compared to the total number of people, the proportion of Extraordinaries seems to be very small. Generally speaking, it is enough to deal with ordinary pirates. When encountering a pirate group led by a pirate general, you can basically only wait or struggle. Escape... Klein looked away and took the initiative to lean towards a man standing next to the cabin.

The man looked to be in his thirties, wearing a linen shirt, a brown jacket, and a dark red turban on his head. He had a bronze complexion common at sea. He was the main talker on the "Pirate Hunter" and also Bill. The temporary captain in Te's absence is called Sotos.

Noticing Klein approaching him, Sotos took the initiative to stop chatting with his companions and walked towards him.

Before setting sail, Billt Brando specifically told him that a young man with great ambitions, a bit crazy and good skills would board the ship today, mainly for a visit, rather than directly participating in the hunt.

"Gehrman Sparrow?"

He opened his arms and smiled at the cold-tempered man in front of him, looking very enthusiastic.

"Boss, tell me you have good skills."

"How's it going? Does my 'Pirate Hunter' look okay?"


Klein deliberately stopped, and his indifferent attitude made Sotos frown and lower his arms angrily.

But soon the temporary captain, who had been working hard at sea all year round and had seen many weirdos, adjusted himself. As if nothing had happened, he stood next to Gehrman Sparrow and started talking.

After exchanging a few casual greetings, seeing that it was really difficult to open up the topic, Sotos also became in the mood.

However, all these dissatisfactions turned into surprise after he discovered another strange face who had been following Gehrman Sparrow.

"This is yours..."

Sotos looked at the woman who was dressed in a Balan-style dress. Even if her face was not exposed, people could feel her charm if she looked closely. He couldn't find a suitable adjective to describe her.

"My assistant."

Klein nodded calmly, and Secret Puppet Giorgia immediately nodded towards Sotos, as coldly as his master.

Assistant... An inexplicable twinkle soon appeared in Sotos's eyes, and the look he looked at Gehrman was more cordial and a little teasing.

He waved his hand nonchalantly and smiled even more.

"It's against the rules, but it's understandable since it's your first time on board, and you're visiting instead of directly participating in the hunt."

As he spoke, he pointed to the cabin.

"Your cabin is inside, and it has your name on it."

"Although life at sea is difficult, the mutual aid association will try its best to ensure comfort."

Klein also had no opinion on this.

He stared at the dark cabin, which was not illuminated by candles during the day, and nodded slightly.


North-central Sunia Sea.

"UU Kanshu Pirate Hunter" is in a room that is not spacious and does not have a bathroom.

Klein stood by the window, looking out at the endlessly undulating blue ocean, breathing in the cold wind blowing from the north, trying to relieve his psychological pressure.

This ship belonging to adventurers has separated from other ships and started sailing alone, deep into non-commercial routes where pirates gather.

After an unknown amount of time, two pirate ships with black sails appeared ahead. As soon as they noticed the flying sword flag of the "Pirate Hunter", they immediately reacted nervously.

They quickly adjusted their positions so that their sides were pointed this way, and the artillery pieces were ready to fire.

These two small pirate ships, whose only captains were Extraordinary, had heard rumors about the "Pirate Hunters" and did not dare to confront them head-on. They could only make a deterrent gesture and evacuate backwards while confronting.

Klein noticed that the average height of the crew members on the two pirate ships was relatively tall, and their skin color was reddish. They looked like they were from Fusac near the polar sea.

There was a shout above, and Klein heard Sotos's greeting. As the whistle blew, the "Pirate Hunter" accelerated its turn, and each adventurer was ready to go, ready to join the gang war.

It is a pity that although the two pirate ships opposite are weak, they have prepared a lot of cannonballs. Sotos cannot treat the lives of his subordinates as consumables like the pirate captains. After a while of pulling, he can only give up without gaining anything. What a bargain.

Feeling that the "Pirate Hunter" began to slow down, getting slower and slower, Klein turned around and left the room without looking at the escaping ship.

It's been a while since I've written 6,000 words.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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