/ Book&Literature / New And Improved Harry Potter

New And Improved Harry Potter Original

New And Improved Harry Potter

Book&Literature 66 Kapitel 676.3K Ansichten

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When a wonky potion wipes Harry's memory, he turns into a sly and clever dude.

Forget his old self – now he's all about outsmarting everyone and shaking things up. With his wits sharp, he's not playing by the rules anymore.

Harry's newfound attitude shakes up the school as he refuses to be controlled. Expect plenty of foul language, a touch of character criticism, and loads of sci-fi nods. Harry's not just any wizard—he's a bit of a jerk.

Get ready for a wild ride as Harry spins his own story, outthinking folks left and right.

General Audiences
  1. LeeLong
    LeeLong Beigetragen 48
  2. _Kaitlin_
    _Kaitlin_ Beigetragen 37
  3. Spir_Heart
    Spir_Heart Beigetragen 36

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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