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41.17% Speeding Through Shadows: A Flash of Rebirth / Chapter 7: Change of Plans

Kapitel 7: Change of Plans

Waking up in an unfamiliar environment, my senses slowly came back to me, accompanied by a haze of confusion. The soft hum of medical equipment filled the room, casting a sterile glow over the surroundings. At first, I struggled to piece together where I was and how I had ended up there.

As my vision cleared, the sterile whites of the medical bay gradually gave way to the familiar metallic hues of a hospital wing but I soon realized that couldn't be the case as the equipment was to advanced and that there was a mini lab of chemicals not far away I soon realized why the place looked so familiar this was STAR Labs' laboratory. The sight of advanced medical equipment and monitors lining the wall, a stark reminder of the perilous world of metahumans and scientific experimentation that I had stumbled into.

Realization dawned on me like a sudden burst of light—I was in Caitlin's medical bay, a haven for injured metahumans and the site of countless experiments and medical miracles. The thought of being in the heart of STAR Labs filled me with a mix of trepidation and excitement, as I knew that this was ground zero for the burgeoning world of super heroics and scientific discovery.

With a sense of confusion and worry came over me as I hadn't planned to get involved with team flash so soon and now that I'm here I had to change my plans and soon I just said fuck it and decided to go with the flow and probably join team flash. I pushed aside my confusion and focused on taking stock of my surroundings. The lab equipment and monitors that surrounded me spoke volumes about the advanced capabilities of STAR Labs, serving as a stark reminder of the cutting-edge technology that lay at my fingertips.

Despite the sterile atmosphere, there was an undeniable energy in the air—a palpable sense of urgency and purpose that permeated every corner of the room. It was clear that STAR Labs was a place of action, where breakthroughs and discoveries were made on a daily basis.

As I took in the sight of the lab, my eyes fell upon a nearby workstation, where a jumble of tools and equipment lay scattered haphazardly. With a bit of curiosity and urgency , I approached the workstation, my fingers tracing the contours of the various instruments and devices that littered the surface.

Among the clutter, I spotted a familiar sight within the flash Tv show—a high-calorie energy bar, undoubtedly one of Cisco's creations intended for the Flash. Without hesitation, I snatched up the bar and tore into it, the taste wasn't anything to brag about as it tasted like a plane bar and with it energy and nutrients flooding my senses and revitalizing my body.

With my energy replenished, I turned my attention back to the task at hand, determined to make sense of my unexpected surroundings. With each passing moment, I felt a growing sense of purpose and excitement, eager to delve deeper into the mysteries that awaited me within the walls of this extraordinary facility.

As I stood there, the soft glow of the monitors casting eerie shadows across the room, a sudden flicker disrupted the steady rhythm of the lights. My instincts immediately went on high alert, a surge of adrenaline coursing through me as I braced for the unexpected.

With a sharp intake of breath, I watched as the lights dimmed, the room plunged into darkness. Confusion mingled with concern as I glanced around, trying to make sense of the situation. It was clear that something was happening, and the sudden loss of power only heightened my sense of unease.

As I stood there, shrouded in darkness, a series of thoughts raced through my mind. Was this a mere power outage, or something more sinister? Had STAR Labs come under attack, or was it merely a technical glitch but that shouldn't be possible it must be an attack from some force.

Determined to uncover the truth, I took a tentative step forward, my senses on high alert as I navigated the darkened room. Every sound, every shadow seemed to loom larger in the absence of light, adding to the sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air.

With each passing moment, my pulse quickened, a sense of urgency driving me forward. I moved cautiously, my footsteps echoing softly against the cold, tiled floor as I searched for any sign of what had caused the blackout.

As I made my way through the labyrinthine corridors of STAR Labs, a sense of disorientation washed over me. The darkness seemed to distort the familiar layout of the facility, turning once-familiar landmarks into unrecognizable shadows.

Despite my best efforts, I soon found myself hopelessly lost, the maze-like layout of STAR Labs proving to be more challenging than I had anticipated. Panic threatened to take hold as I realized the gravity of my situation, but I forced myself to remain calm, focusing on the task at hand.

It was then, in the midst of my disorientation, that I stumbled upon an unexpected discovery—a door left slightly ajar, the soft glow of light spilling out from within. Intrigued, I cautiously pushed open the door and stepped inside, my eyes widening in awe at what lay before me.

Before me lay a lab, most likely Cisco's, a veritable treasure trove of technological marvels and scientific wonders. Everywhere I looked, there were shelves lined with gadgets and devices, each one a testament to Cisco's ingenuity and expertise.

But it was what lay on the workstation in the center of the room that truly caught my eye— blueprints, meticulously arranged and labelled with care. With a surge of anticipation, I rushed forward and began to examine the blueprints, my eyes scanning over the intricate diagrams and schematics with my ability to speed read.

As I poured over the blueprints, a sense of clarity washed over me. Suddenly, the layout of STAR Labs seemed to make sense, the complex network of corridors and chambers unfolding before me like a map. With newfound confidence, I quickly memorized the layout, committing every detail to memory.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, I wasted no time in springing into action. With a sense of purpose driving me forward, I raced out of Cisco's lab and towards the garage, determined to uncover the truth behind the blackout and ensure the safety of STAR Labs and its inhabitants.

As I raced through the corridors of STAR Labs, the urgency of the situation weighing heavily on my mind, I couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that coursed through me. With each passing moment, the tension in the air seemed to thicken, a palpable sense of danger lurking just beyond the shadows.

As I approached the garage, the sound of voices drifted towards me, mingled with the crackle of electricity and the occasional burst of light. With a sense of trepidation, I rounded the corner and stepped into the fray, my eyes widening in surprise at the sight that greeted me.

Before me stood Team Flash, locked in a desperate struggle against a formidable foe—a meta-human with the ability to control electricity. Sparks danced in the air, casting an ethereal glow over the scene as the meta-human unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts, his eyes ablaze with malice.

I was perplexed as to why the flash hadn't just used his speed to knock out the meta and I soon realized when I was. I was in season 1 episode 7 the first time Barry had lost his speed.

Without hesitation, I sprang into action, my skills taking over as I assessed the situation and formulated a plan of attack. With a surge of adrenaline, I leaped forward, and the bolt of lightning struck me in the chest; however , I wasn't fazed as I took control of his electricity and used it to empower my bioelectric enhancement. At first the team looked horrified but soon realized that I was okay, only I knew that I was better than okay as the bolt of electricity had super changed me as it seemed that electric bolt was meant to kill. as I closed the distance between myself and the meta-human.

In one swift motion, I launched myself at the meta-human, my movements fluid and precise as I deftly evaded his attacks and delivered a series of powerful blows. With each strike, I could feel the energy coursing through me, fueling my movements and lending me strength.

To my surprise, the meta-human seemed taken aback by me surviving that strike, as his confidence began waning I took that opportunity to close in and knocked him out.

As the dust settled, I turned to face Team Flash, a sense of satisfaction washing over me as I met their astonished gazes with a casual shrug. "Hey don't look at me with that questioning look, im the ones with the questions like where am i and why am i here?" I asked playfully with a grin tugging at the corners of my lips.

Barry, his expression a mix of weariness and gratitude, wasted no time in getting to the point. "We need your help," he said, his voice laced with urgency as he explained the situation with Iris, his sister. "Can you save her? Please, I beg you."

I nodded, my demeanor shifting from playful to determined in an instant. "Consider it done," I replied, my tone stoic as I prepared to spring into action once more. With a quick nod to Team Flash, I raced off towards CCPD, my mind focused on the task at hand.

In the blink of an eye, I arrived at the scene, my senses heightened as I surveyed the chaos unfolding before me. Quickly I vibrated my head as I didn't want anyone to be able to find out who I was. Without missing a beat, I sprang into action, weaving through the crowd with ease as I made my way towards Iris.

With a surge of adrenaline, I leaped into action, my movements fluid and precise as I swiftly untied the officers and detectives, my hands moving with practiced efficiency as I freed them from their restraints.

As I raced towards Iris, I could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on me, a sense of urgency driving me forward. With a final burst of speed, I reached her side, a sense of relief flooding through me as I ensured her safety. As soon as I arrived near her I swiftly knocked the gun out of the 'clock king's hand' and swiftly subdued him.

Iris looked up at me, her eyes wide with surprise and gratitude and fear as she didn't recognize me. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice tinged with awe as she took in my appearance.

I offered her a reassuring smile, my expression calm and collected despite the chaos that surrounded us. "Just a friend of the Flash," I replied, my tone casual as I prepared to make my exit. "You're safe now."

As I was about to leave she asked me for my name. "What do I call you?"

Hmm that's actually a good question but I think I have an idea. "You can call me Velocity"

With that, I turned and raced off into the night, leaving behind a trail of sparks and lightning as I vanished into the darkness. As I raced back to STAR Labs, a sense of satisfaction washed over me, knowing that I had made a difference in this world which I now call home.

As I made my way back to STAR Labs, the events of the night still fresh in my mind, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Saving Iris had been a testament to my newfound abilities, and I couldn't deny the rush of satisfaction that came with knowing I had made a difference.

As I stepped back into the familiar surroundings of the cortex, the rest of Team Flash looked up, their expressions a mix of relief and curiosity. Barry, in particular, seemed eager for an update, his eyes bright with anticipation.

"So, did you save her?" Barry asked, his voice tinged with urgency as he leaned forward, waiting for my response.

I offered him a reassuring smile, my tone casual as I recounted the events of the night. "Yeah, she's safe," I replied, my voice calm and collected despite the chaos that had unfolded. "Just a few knots to untie and she was good to go."

Barry let out a sigh of relief, the tension in his shoulders visibly easing as he processed the news. "Thank you," he said, his voice sincere as he looked at me with gratitude. "Iris means everything to me, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing her."

I nodded, understanding the weight of his words. "No problem," I replied, my tone reassuring as I offered him a supportive smile. "Glad I could help."

Just then Barry's phone rang and as he picked it up it turned out to be Iris and Barry immediately picked it up and left talking to iris with worry.

With that, the rest of Team Flash chimed in, expressing their gratitude and relief at Iris's safety. Cisco slapped me on the back, a wide grin spreading across his face as he offered his thanks. "You're a lifesaver, man," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Caitlin nodded in agreement, her expression softening as she looked at me with warmth in her eyes. "Thank you for helping us even when we just met," she said, her voice sincere as she reached out to squeeze my arm.

I waved off their thanks, feeling a sense of pride swell within me. "Just doing my part," I replied, my tone modest as I shifted my focus to the task at hand. "Speaking of which, any updates on Barry's speed?"

Caitlin's expression shifted, her brows furrowing with concern as she shook her head. "Nothing yet," she admitted, her voice tinged with worry. "We've been trying everything, but it's like something's blocking the connection to his speed."

I frowned, the gravity of the situation sinking in as I realized the implications. "Well, we'll figure it out," I said, my voice firm as I offered her a reassuring smile. "Anyways can someone now tell me why I woke up here and what happened to me."

As i asked this, Caitlin and Cisco looked at me and then they both thought something after actually paying more attention to me 'He's so young!'

"By the way, how old are you?" asked Caitlin. "I'm 19, why?"

'19' they both exclaim in their minds.

"We just didn't expect you to be so young and now that things have calmed down we can get a better look at you and didn't realize you were still a kid"

"Well this 'Kid just saved your ass's'"

Caitlin then explained that when Barry brought me over I had over 25 broken bones and some even shattered that would explain why my speed healing is now level 6. "So how long have I been here?" "1 week." Caitlin replied. "Thank god for my speed healing."

Just then Barry walked in I then questioned him how I ended up like I did and he looked at me sheepishly and explained that they had detected a surge of energy like the man from earlier whom they were searching for and when Barry went to look he saw me a person like him speeding through the streets, he wanted to stop me and ask about me as I was like him but he startled me and that's how I ended up like this.

Just like that 3 days went by. At this time I asked if I could snoop around star labs as I wanted to learn some more things.

With renewed determination, we turned our attention to the problem at hand, brainstorming ideas and formulating plans as we worked together to find a solution. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, I couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism. With Team Flash by my side, there was nothing we couldn't overcome.

As the days passed, I found myself settling into a routine at STAR Labs, my days filled with endless exploration and discovery. With each passing moment, I delved deeper into the intricacies of Cisco's gadgets, Caitlin's medical equipment, and the wealth of knowledge stored within the lab's databases. My skills surged to new heights, propelled by my insatiable thirst for knowledge and my unwavering determination to make a difference.

During the last 3 days, I immersed myself in the world of robotics, circuitry, engineering, and programming, my skills skyrocketing with each passing day. Cisco's gadgets provided a valuable roadmap, guiding me through the complexities of STAR Labs' infrastructure and unlocking new possibilities at every turn. With each discovery, I felt a surge of excitement, eager to put my newfound knowledge to the test.

As I continued to hone my abilities, the world outside STAR Labs buzzed with activity. News of the Flash's disappearance spread like wildfire, sending ripples of uncertainty through Central City. With each passing day, the urgency of the situation grew, and Team Flash worked tirelessly to uncover the truth behind Barry's sudden loss of speed.

It wasn't until Barry's emotional outburst that the pieces of the puzzle finally fell into place. As I stood in the cortex, my gaze locked with Barry's, I could sense the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. His frustration and desperation hung heavy in the air, a tangible reminder of the stakes at hand.

In a moment of impulse, I reached for the fake gun tucked into my waistband, my fingers curling around the familiar shape as I lifted it with purpose. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to me, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern.

With a steady hand, I aimed the gun at Detective Joe who had just walked in, the weight of the moment settling over Barry like a heavy shroud. In that instant, time seemed to stand still as I held my breath, waiting for Barry's reaction.

And then, with a blur of motion, Barry was gone, his form streaking across the room in a blur of red and gold. In the blink of an eye, he had intercepted the bullet, his reflexes honed by years of training and experience.

As the tension in the room dissolved, I lowered the gun, the weight of my actions settling over me like a heavy burden. Barry turned to me, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief and a lot of anger as he processed what had just transpired.

"Why?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to comprehend my actions.

I met his gaze, my own eyes filled with determination as I explained. "I needed to trigger an emotional response," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging within me. "To remind you of who you are and what you're fighting for."

Barry's eyes widened with realization, the pieces of the puzzle finally falling into place as he understood the true purpose behind my actions. With a sense of clarity, he nodded, a determined glint in his eyes as he squared his shoulders.

"Thank you," he said, his voice filled with gratitude as he clasped my shoulder in a firm grip. "For reminding me of what's important."

"But couldn't you have done it in a less dangerous way?"

"Well that bullet your holding is made of Styrofoam as I whipped up this Styrofoam gun for fun, it can't do any harm.'' As I say that I shot my hand and nothing happened.

With Barry's speed now returning it was time to address the issue of the city as of recent as the flash had been absent as of late and with determination the flash whizzed away going to save the city.

And as Barry's speed returned in a blaze of light and energy, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of friendship, emerging stronger and more united than ever before.

"You must be Matt Jones, thank you son for saving my Baby girl Iris." Joe thanked me well, giving me a firm handshake. "Of course it was within my power to help so I did. It was nice meeting you Detective Joe." "Likewise, and if you even need help please come to me so I can repay you."

As he left I decided to as well.

As Barry was off saving the city I decided I would do the same and with a burst of lightning I soured off to my apartment where I had been making something just for this.

A suit of my own with colors of black cyan and magenta all seamlessly flowing together as I run and start saving people in need of help.

Back at Star Labs Caitlin and Cisco quickly realize that Barry was not the only one going around the city saving people. Quickly Cisco got into my coms and I could hear Caitlin's worried voice over the coms as she demanded as to why I was running around playing hero. And before she could, I continued to tell them "Because I'm bored and have nothing to do with my time and since it would cause havoc if I were doing this on my own I decided to do it with the flash as then there wouldn't be a problem." Caitlin said to me "But it's dangerous and you might be in danger and you still have college and studying." I then say "Caitlin I'm flattered that you're worried about me and I apologies for making you worried but I have already proven myself capable of saving and being responsible and as for college. I already have a degree in computer sciences as well as I have a legal company in cyber security." Caitlin with reluctance says "Fine but please be careful. And if you're injured immediately run back here for me to treat you, you hear me!" "Loud and clear Dear." Caitlin slightly blushed at that and quickly ran off to her lab just in case thinking 'Calm down Caitlin he's only 19 and your 25 I know I just lost Ronnie but I can't get attached to him just because he reminds me of Ronnie'

After Caitlin leaves, Cisco's asks me his pressing question. "Where did you get that suit dude Man? It's Magnificent please let me examine it when you're done." "Sure thing man and I made it myself. It's made of polycarbonate as well as the stuff space suits are made from."

"It's even better than mine! I cant let my game die down, it's time to upgrade Barry's suit!" He exclaims like an excited teen when getting a cool new toy.

After tiring myself out for hours of running around helping out I headed back to star labs dead tired and as soon as I arrived Caitlin started fussing over me as she thought I was hurt and after checking she pleaded with me to take better care of myself as I wasn't as fast as Barry.

I wasn't sure why Caitlin was so concerned but I definitely didn't hate it, rather it made me feel warm inside as I haven't had anyone fussing about me for a while. So I quickly got up and hugged Caitlin telling her that I will and that I was alright, she calmed down a bit and I swear I saw a slight blush on her face which was adorable. And with that I said goodbye and went back to my apartment and headed straight for bed.


Mc Status:

[Name: Matthew

Race: Human

Age: 19

Soul Tier: 2

Skills: Soul Manipulation Lv3, Void Manipulation Lv4, Lightning Manipulation Lv6, Bioelectric Enhancement Lv4, Lightning Resistance Lv5, Running Lv5, Air Resistance Lv4, Programming Lv7, Hacking Lv6, Robotics Lv4, Circuitry Lv4, Engineering Lv4, Quick Healing Lv7, Gambling Lv5, Accelerated Thinking Lv3, Biology Lv4, Medicine Lv4, Dark Matter Manipulation Lv6, Breathing Lv8, Cooking Lv5, Void Essence Resonance Lv3]

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