Liuzi noticed that the Octopus-faced character was not as terrifying as before. Hesitating for a moment, the creature spoke up, "Seawater, I particularly like seawater. Yet beyond the school, it's all an endless void. The seawater from my home, I haven't felt it for a long time."
"Seawater, huh..."
Looking over the list of buildings he could construct, Liuzi found there were quite a few related to seawater.
However, this new facility needed to be reusable so that subsequent students could also benefit from it, which meant there weren't many options to choose from.
So, the building Liuzi finally chose was...
The Marine Biology Observation Room.
This place, designed to complement biology courses, is typically a precious construction that schools could only afford after getting on the right track and securing a certain level of income.
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