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Kapitel 18: The Family

Mardez zo Rakzan could hardly contain his amazement as he approached the entrance of the Black Pyramid. It was a structure of legend, destroyed by the Valyrians thousands of years ago, and to see it almost restored was a sight to behold. The Pyramid was now the seat of House Kaazn, a family that was exiled from New Ghis decades ago.They had made their home in Lhazosh which was built on the ruins of an ancient Ghiscari city.

Mardez had met the young scion of House Kaazn, Odnil, when he visited New Ghis a year ago; they had become great friends, and he had invited him to Lhazosh. As he passed by the Lhazareen lining the streets, he observed their pitiful state. It confirmed his thoughts on how Hordik Kaazn, Odnil's grandfather, was able to take over the city.Their superior Ghiscari blood had proven true.

His smile widened as he spotted his friend Odnil waiting at the entrance of the Black Pyramid. His journey had been long and arduous, but it seemed worth it at this moment. His eyes drifted back to the pyramid, standing tall against the sky. While not yet at its former glory, the structure was impressively close to it. The black stone of the pyramid absorbed the sunlight, giving it an imposing presence. The once-crumbling tiers were now almost seamlessly rebuilt, echoing the grandeur of a bygone era. At the top of the pyramid, he could see work being done; they seemed to be building a capstone.

As Mardez arrived at the entrance, Odnil greeted him warmly. "Welcome, my friend, to my humble abode," he said as they embraced.

"Ha! Humble, he says," Mardez remarked, looking around. "I must admit, I doubted you when you said the pyramid was almost restored. But seeing it with my own eyes... it's remarkable," Mardez exclaimed.

"Thank you, my friend," Odnil said with a hint of pride. "Come, let me show you to your chambers. You must be tired."

Mardez nodded, then saw the Lhazareen gathering around them, curious, he gestured towards them. "I've noticed how the locals seem to hold you and your family in high regard."

"Of course, they love us," Odnil replied with a sardonic smile. "We've brought stability and prosperity to Lhazosh. And in return, they offer us their loyalty and respect," he added, letting out a laugh.

As Odnil led Mardez through the grand halls of the Black Pyramid, Mardez couldn't help but be impressed by the opulence surrounding him. The corridors were lined with ancient Ghiscari artifacts, and the walls were adorned with tapestries depicting the history of House Kaazn.

"This is quite the palace you've got here, Odnil. I can't help but wonder, how does your family afford such luxury?" Mardez remarked with a sly grin.

Odnil responded with a knowing smile, "All in good time, my friend."

He then showed Mardez to the lavish guest room prepared for his stay. "Rest up," Odnil suggested, "I'll come to fetch you for dinner. My whole family is eager to meet you."

Mardez thanked him and, once alone, approached the window, gazing out at the bustling city of Lhazosh below. 'The Kaazns are truly doing well for themselves here. I wonder if they will truly conquer all of Lhazar.' he thought

As he settled into the guest room, his mind wandered to the history of the Kaazn family. The patriarch, Hordik, was once ridiculed for his exile from New Ghis. The reason for Hordik's exile was shrouded in secrecy, known only to a few. Over the years, Hordik had not only regained his wealth but also established dominion over Lhazosh, with some in New Ghis whispering about his broader ambitions to conquer all of Lhazar. Some believed this to be true since Qardal, Hordik's son, was reputed for his military acumen. There were rumors of him fighting off Dothraki hordes that tried to raid the city.

'No one wants competition,' he thought with a chuckle.

Odnil was Qardal's son, and he also had a half-sister, Odette. Mardez's own family was one of the greatest within New Ghis. When his uncle had learned of his friendship with Odnil, he quickly made plans to send him here, keen on forging a strong alliance with the Kaazns.

As the evening settled in, a well-rested Mardez was escorted to dinner by Odnil, where he would meet the rest of the Kaazn family. Odnil had mentioned that his step-mother would be absent, still recuperating from childbirth complications that had persisted since Odette's birth.

They entered a large, opulent dining hall. At the far end, Mardez saw a man who bore a striking resemblance to Odnil but more aged. Beside him, a little girl darted around playfully, her laughter echoing through the hall.

"Come, let me introduce you to my father," he said.

"Father, this is Mardez zo Rakzan, scion of the great house of Rakzan," Odnil said, introducing him.

"Welcome to our home, Mardez zo Rakzan," Qardal greeted warmly, extending a firm handshake. "It's a pleasure to host a friend of Odnil's, especially one from New Ghis."

Odette, curious, approached him. "Are you Odnil's friend?" she asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Yes, little one, I am," Mardez replied, smiling down at her.

"Please sit, we are just waiting for my father to arrive," Qardal said, showing him his seat. They continued to make small talk, with Odette chiming in with her own questions. However, the cheerful atmosphere soon shifted as Hordik, the patriarch of the Kaazn family, made his entrance.

He was a large, imposing figure. His skin was pallid, almost as if it rarely saw the sunlight, and his eyes, sharp and penetrating, seemed to weigh Mardez in a single glance. The man's movements were limited, necessitating that he be wheeled to the head of the table, yet this did nothing to diminish his commanding aura.

Mardez couldn't shake off the feeling that Hordik's gaze held a hint of disdain, or perhaps suspicion, towards him. As Hordik settled at the head of the table, servants quickly attended to him, laying out a feast befitting his status. With dinner beginning, the cheerful atmosphere had subtly changed; he felt the elder's eyes on him throughout the meal, and he dared not look in his direction.

An uneasy quiet lingered between the adults. Odette, blissfully unaware, chirped happily to her father and grandfather about her day. As the main course arrived, Hordik turned his gaze to Mardez. "So, Mardez zo Rakzan, tell me, how is life in New Ghis these days?" His voice was deep and authoritative.

"New Ghis remains prosperous, my lord. The markets are thriving, and there is less feuding between families…" He couldn't finish as Hordik interrupted.

"It's strange to be called a lord by a Ghiscari noble. No one has called me 'Hordik zo Kaazn' in a long time. I have gone by just Hordik Kaazn for most of my life," he said, looking into the distance as if remembering something.

The nobility of Ghiscar are recognized by the usage of 'zo' in their name. When they were exiled, the Kaazns lost their title.He could see Odnil and Qardal's expressions changing; they seemed annoyed by Hordik's behavior.

Hordik paused, then his voice took on a sardonic edge. "Your great-grandfather was a great man, one I respected. But your grandfather, well, he was quite the opposite, wasn't he? One of the biggest cunts to walk this world."

Qardal, frowning, started to interject, "Father, I don't think—"

But Hordik raised a hand, stopping him mid-sentence. "Let the man speak, Qardal. Well, Mardez zo Rakzan, is it true?"

Mardez, maintaining his composure, managed a wry smile. "Yes, Lord Hordik. It's true. My grandfather had his... shortcomings, and my uncle has followed his example."

Hordik chuckled, the sound rumbling from his large frame. "See, Qardal? This one here is honest. I like that." He then turned to Odnil. "Your friend has a spine, Odnil. Make sure you keep him close."

"I know what you are trying to do, my son," Hordik said, turning to Qardal. As soon as the atmosphere had lightened, it returned to how it was.

"Father…" Qardal tried to say.

"You wish to go back and regain our status, isn't that right, my son?" Hordik's tone was growing dangerous by the minute.

As the father and son began their tense standoff, his gaze went to his friend, who seemed embarrassed by it all. Odette, oblivious, suddenly stood up on her chair, holding a spoon like a scepter. "I am the queen of Lhazosh!" she declared in her tiny voice.

Everyone at the table turned to look at her, surprised by the sudden outburst. Hordik suddenly forgot his anger at his son and cracked a smile. "Oh, is that so, my little queen? And what will be your first decree?"

Odette pondered for a moment, her brows furrowed in thought. Then, with a bright smile, she exclaimed, "More sweets for dinner!"

Laughter broke out around the table. Hordik chuckled heartily, his eyes softening. "A queen after my own heart," he said. "You heard her, more sweets," he called to the servants.




After dinner, Odnil escorted Mardez through the corridors of the pyramid. "I must apologize for my grandfather..." Odnil began.

Mardez waved off the concern with a dismissive hand. "Don't worry about it, Odnil. I have one back home as well," he said, chuckling.

"Ah, yes, your uncle," Odnil replied. Seeking to lighten the mood, Odnil shifted the topic to more personal matters. "So, will you marry that girl you fancied?"

Mardez's expression soured at the mention. "No, that's off the table," he said bitterly. "My uncle insists I marry one of his girls. I have little choice in the matter." he quickly calmed himself.

"Enough about my woes. I wish to see it," Mardez said, mentioning one of the reasons he had come here.

A sly grin spread across Odnil's face. "Of course, my friend." With that, he led Mardez to the lower levels of the pyramid. Reaching a concealed door, Odnil ushered Mardez into an expansive underground chamber. He could hear faint sounds of shackles clinking and calls for help from men and women. Odnil took out a torch, and now Mardez could see rows of cells, crudely constructed, each holding Lhazareen men, women, and children.

Odnil, with a gleeful tone, began to boast about the efficiency of their operation. "You see, Mardez, the Lhazareen are as foolish as they are weak," he sneered, gesturing towards the captives. "They fall into our traps like flies to honey. It's almost too easy." As they walked between the rows, Odnil elaborated on their methods: abducting villagers under the cover of night, deceiving travelers, and sometimes, orchestrating raids with local bandits. He spoke of the slave pens as a farmer would of his livestock.

"This batch will be transported to Yhos soon. They should have been gone weeks ago, but that priestess has been looking into our operations here," Odnil said, clearly annoyed. Whoever this priestess was.

"The priestess?" Mardez asked, confused.

"Ah, I see that you don't know of the new god here in Lhazar," Odnil said, clearly surprised.

"Yes, I have. I thought that was just tall tales from merchants," Mardez replied, his interest piqued as they continued to navigate through the shadowy underbelly of the pyramid.

Odnil laughed. "Oh, it's very real. The followers of this new god are increasing by the day. They're a nuisance, meddling in affairs they don't understand," he explained with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"The Great Liberator, or Al-Muḥarrir as the locals call him, is no god, probably some sorcerer from the east who tricked these idiots into believing he is one." he explained

"It's funny how quickly they gave up on their old god" Odnil added with a laugh

"And this priestess, she's causing trouble for you?"

Odnil's expression hardened. "Yes, she's been snooping around, freeing some of our... merchandise. It's bad for business. We've had to increase our security and change our tactics frequently because of her," he admitted, frustration evident in his voice.

"Sounds like you have quite the problem on your hands," Mardez commented.

Odnil smirked, leaning in closer. "Don't worry, we have plans for this priestess and her followers. They won't interfere for much longer," he said, his eyes then turning to a woman in the cell next to them.

"Look, a pretty one," he said, as his eyes roamed over her body.

"That she is," Mardez agreed.

"Do you like her, my friend?" Odnil asked.

Mardez nodded as his eyes met with that of the terrified woman.

"Have her cleaned up and sent to my friend's room tonight," Odnil barked to the guards nearby and turned to Mardez.

"Don't damage her too much," Odnil said with a sinister smile.





A convoy made its way through the lands south of Lhazosh, leaving a dusty trail along the road to the port of Yhos. The convoy consisted of thirty enslaved Lhazareen and ten armored men. This journey had been a simple affair for the longest time, but in the last two months, it had become more dangerous: three of the last convoys had been attacked, all their men killed, and the slaves freed.

The leader of the group, Shazar, a burly man with a scarred face, was annoyed by these recent incidents. He now had to worry about ambushes. His eyes scanned the surroundings, spotting the rocky terrain in the distance—a perfect place for an ambush. "Stay sharp and keep your eyes peeled," he growled, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

The group advanced cautiously through the path, their eyes searching for any movement among the large rocks. Suddenly, the sharp hiss of an arrow cut through the air, followed by a thud as it found its mark in the chest of one of the armored men.

"Ambush!" the leader shouted, drawing his sword as he desperately sought cover.

More arrows flew with deadly precision, each finding its target with unnerving accuracy. They were unable to pinpoint the attackers, who remained hidden among the rocks. In minutes, the armed escort lay defeated, their bodies scattered across the path. The captives huddled together, afraid; they saw men and women emerging from their concealed positions among the rocks, who moved swiftly to unshackle them.

It was then they realized they were being rescued, not captured by another enemy.



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