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86.55% Persona: The Phantom Masquerade. / Chapter 100: The Tower's Love. **

Kapitel 100: The Tower's Love. **

(If you are here for the persona but not the lemon, feel free to skip anything past ~~~ lol. Had to make it special for the 100th chap. Hopefully, it doesn't feel out of place.)

— — —

Shiho opened her eyes to the soft morning light filtering through her curtains, letting out a contented yawn. She stretched her arms above her head, feeling the familiar comfort of her bed. Today was a day off, and she intended to make the most of it.

Rolling out of bed, she reached for her phone, the screen lighting up to reveal a picture that never failed to make her smile: a snapshot of their group at the Penguin Airsoft Club. Ren was front and center, holding Mona aloft like Simba in "The Lion King," a goofy grin on his face. The memory brought a chuckle to her lips as she prepared to start her day.

Life had changed dramatically for Shiho. The dark days of fear and defeat felt like a distant memory, replaced by a whirlwind of activity and newfound happiness. Her schedule was busier than ever, but she cherished the sense of purpose and fulfillment that came with her new life.

After a quick breakfast, she decided to visit a place that held a special significance to her: the temple in Kichijoji. As a child, she spent countless weekends there while her mother worked nearby. The monks, especially a kind friend of her mother's, had watched over her, offering a sense of peace and safety under the shelter of the massive tree on the temple grounds.

Arriving at the temple, Shiho felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her. She walked to the old tree; its branches spread wide like welcoming arms. She remembered playing hide-and-seek among the roots, the monks' gentle laughter as they joined in her games, and the quiet moments of prayer that instilled a sense of calm within her.

Now, as a Phantom Thief, the temple had taken on new significance. It was her sanctuary, a place where she could meditate and recharge. She found that the longer she meditated, the less strain she felt when using her skills. So she made it a point to stop by whenever she could so that she would always have enough energy to support the Thieves.

Shiho sat beneath the tree, closing her eyes and letting her mind drift. She couldn't help but smile as memories of her first kiss with Ren surfaced, bringing a warmth to her heart.

"Thinking of the little Trickster?" Circe's voice echoed in her mind, the static that once separated them now barely noticeable.

"You don't get it, Circe," Shiho muttered with a grin, causing her Persona to laugh.

"If you say so."

They talked for a while, Shiho finding comfort in the bond she shared with Circe, even though her persona had a strange personality that surfaced occasionally. As she was ready to leave the temple, she moved to the shrine once again, holding her hands in prayer.

Because of the Metaverse, she didn't know what to believe anymore, but it was still an action that brought her some comfort.

Opening her eyes, she saw a small, almost invisible, ethereal butterfly softly land on her hand. It felt strangely familiar, stirring something deep within her. The butterfly fluttered away before she could ponder further, leaving her with a sense of wonder.

— — —

After leaving the shrine, Shiho met up with Makoto. The two had grown close since they started taking martial arts classes together. These classes had become a regular part of their routine, a way to bond and strengthen both their bodies and their friendship.

Today was no different. After an intense practice session, Shiho wiped the sweat from her forehead as she and Makoto headed to the changing room.

"Wow, you really took Takemi's advice to heart, huh?" Shiho remarked, glancing at Makoto's new outfit. Makoto's usual attire had been replaced by the 'edgier' clothes Takemi helped her pick out, including a stylish leather jacket.

Makoto chuckled as she adjusted the jacket. 

"You should have seen my sister's face when she saw these clothes. Even though she didn't say anything, it was clear she thought it was weird."

"Well, either way, it looks good on you," Shiho replied with a smile, finishing getting dressed.

They left the gym together, deciding to grab a bite to eat. They chose a cozy cafe nearby, and Shiho ordered her favorite dish, savoring the joy her new routine had given her.

As they sat down to eat, Makoto hesitated for a moment before asking. 

"So... how's everything with Ren going?" She wasn't entirely sure how to phrase the question. 

Despite Ann and Shiho explaining their unique situation, Makoto still found it a bit unusual for both of them to be with the same guy. Though there was also a tinge of jealousy she couldn't quite shake.

Shiho took a moment to gather her thoughts, then smiled. 

"It's going well. Ren's been really supportive, and we're all figuring things out together. It's... different, but it works for us. Honestly, I'm kind of glad how things turned out. It's maybe a little selfish of me, but I wanted Ann to 'test the waters' with him first," Shiho explained, her voice steady and thoughtful.

"I was really afraid at first, but seeing how well things were going with Ann gave me the confidence to step up and open up again, you know?" Shiho took a bite of her food, savoring the flavors and the warmth of the cafe.

"I think so?" Makoto replied, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"Honestly, I was kind of expecting things to fall apart," Shiho admitted with a nostalgic smile. "I thought it would become a huge mess, or that he would reject me, or that we'd try it out, and I'd end up feeling left out, or that he would like Ann but not me. Or, well, you know, that it would all go wrong..."

"You were… sabotaging yourself?" Makoto asked, slightly confused but intrigued.

Shiho burst into soft laughter, nodding her head.

"Yeah, kinda. I was pretty afraid, and, in a way, I wanted him to push me away. But look at me now, all happy and stupid in love. If I'm not the fool, then what am I? It's honestly great. I'm happy, he's happy, Ann's happy."

She paused, a soft smile spreading across her face as she recalled a particular moment. 

"You should have seen him on the boat. The moment I was in danger, he sent his Persona to take the hits for me even though he was in the middle of a fight. He likes to act all smart and strategic, but he's also pretty emotional when it comes down to it."

"Yeah… he's kind of like that," Makoto mused. After a moment of contemplation, she hesitated before asking, "So… it isn't weird?"

Looking at Makoto's curious expression Shiho burst out laughing once again.

"Wanna join and see for yourself?" she asked playfully, causing Makoto to blush deeply. After a few moments, Shiho shook her head, still smiling.

"Well, to be honest, there have been some weird things to figure out. But we make it work because we care about each other. And because we're willing to talk things out, even when it's uncomfortable. I just happened to like the guy who likes to flirt with girls, whether he realizes it or not. You're no exception, Makoto." Shiho said with a teasing grin. 

Makoto's blush deepened, and she couldn't help but laugh along with Shiho. 

"Ren's an idiot, huh?"

"A bit. You don't know how nervous he makes me every time he decides to do something risky. And every time I tell him to be careful, he just smiles at me and says, 'Always,'" Shiho agreed, shaking her head with a smile.

"That's not quite what I meant," Makoto said, shaking her head, but then she chuckled. "But you're not wrong."

As their conversation wrapped up, the two friends continued to chuckle and chat about various topics. Eventually, it was time to part ways. Stepping outside, Shiho took a deep breath, savoring the fresh air as she glanced at the sky. She pulled out her phone and looked at her wallpaper again.

"I wonder if he's busy…" Shiho muttered to herself, a wild idea crossing her mind before she shook her head. Talking with Makoto had made her miss him, even though they had seen each other the day before.

"You know… there's one last 'first' you could take this time since you let Carmen have the other ones." Circe's playful and flirtatious voice echoed in her mind, chuckling slightly.

"Circe…" Shiho muttered, feeling the familiar feminine laugh reverberate within her.

"You thought about it first. Come on, you have been thinking about it for some time now. Remember, you cannot fool me. I am thou, and thou art I. Why don't you go over and see where things go?"

Shiho hesitated for a moment, contemplating Circe's suggestion. Trusting her gut, she decided to head over to Leblanc for totally innocent reasons.

As she entered the cozy cafe, she noticed it was about to close. 

"Hey there, Ren's upstairs. But if you're hungry, I have some extras I was going to take home." Sojiro offered with a friendly smile.

Shaking her head, Shiho quickly thanked him before heading upstairs. She found Ren completely focused on creating more infiltration tools for their next heist. Hearing her steps, he turned around, his expression softening into a warm smile as he immediately set the tools aside.

"Shiho! How are you doing? Are you hungry? I can cook you up something if you want." Ren offered as he stood up to greet her.

Shaking her head, Shiho made her way over to the couch and plopped down. 

"I just wanted to hang out since I was bored," Shiho said, watching as Ren moved to sit beside her. The moment he did, she snuggled up to him, finding comfort in his presence.

"So, how was your day?" Ren asked, his voice soft and inviting.

Shiho smiled, feeling the warmth of his body. 

"It was good. I met up with Makoto, and we had a great time. We practiced martial arts and had a nice meal together."

"Oh? Did you learn any new moves?" Ren asked, his golden eyes glowing slightly as he looked at her.

"Yeah, I bet I could beat you up right now. Want me to throw you over my shoulder?" Shiho teased, giggling slightly as she felt his hand begin to play with her hair.

"If you want to, but I gotta warn you, I'm quite clingy when I get hurt, so you might have to take care of me while I heal from the slam."

"Hmm… It's a risk I am willing to take."

They cuddled on the couch, their conversation flowing naturally as they talked about random things. The atmosphere was light and playful until a petal from one of the poppies in the room landed on Shiho's head, momentarily taking them out of the moment. Shiho held the petal, her mind wandering back to Circe's words.

She had heard Sojiro shout that he was leaving and locking up the store, so she knew it was just the two of them. With a surge of confidence, Shiho moved to sit on top of Ren, straddling him. Ren looked at her in surprise.

"Ren… I just want to check something," Shiho said, looking deeply into Ren's eyes. "There's something I noticed. Whenever we kiss, whenever we are together… Why haven't we… you know… crossed that line?"

Ren was still surprised by her sudden actions, but after a moment, he answered. 

"I didn't want to pressure you."

"Explain." Shiho asked with narrowed eyes.

"I… you tense up sometimes. It's only for a moment, and it happens at random, but there are times when I have seen you suddenly tense up. I can somewhat guess why it happens. So I didn't want to push you to do anything if you weren't fully comfortable."

Shiho felt a wave of emotions wash over her. She hadn't realized how much Ren had noticed, how much he cared about her comfort. It was a testament to his thoughtfulness and respect for her boundaries.

"Ren," she began softly, "thank you. I'd be lying if I said I didn't realize I did that. I guess there's still a part of me that's healing."

Ren's eyes softened as he gently cupped her cheek.

"Shiho, we'll go at your pace. I'm here for you, no matter what."

She leaned into his touch, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and love.

"I want to move forward, Ren. With you. I just needed to know that you felt the same way."

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

At the moment, Ren was struggling to hold back. He felt Shiho sitting on top of him, a slight blush on her face, and her breathing becoming heavier as she slightly began to move her hips while sitting on him.

He wasn't sure what had made her suddenly become so bold, but he could feel his heart begin to race as he answered.

"I do, Shiho. More than anything."

The moment she heard his answer, Shiho felt her heart swell with affection. She closed the distance between them, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. The kiss deepened with each passing moment, the warmth and intimacy between them growing. As her mind buzzed with excitement, Shiho broke the kiss, her breathing slightly uneven.

"Can I… Can you let me do it at my pace?" she asked softly, her eyes searching his for reassurance. "I, I have felt very powerless in the past, so for my first time… I want to be the one in control."

Ren nodded his head, his mind already running with the possibilities. 

Taking a deep breath to steady herself and boost her confidence, Shiho reached down and slowly took off her shirt. The action revealed her modest breasts, covered by a black bra, and her toned abs and muscular arms, a testament to her dedication to training with the Thieves and her time on the volleyball team.

Ren couldn't help but swallow at the sight, his hand moving subconsciously to touch her body. Tracing his hand across her stomach, he could feel how warm she was her breathing becoming heavier before his thoughts were interrupted by another kiss, Shiho pressing her body against him as tight as she could before pulling back slightly and starting to unbutton his shirt.

Before either of them knew it, they had moved to the bed, with Shiho pushing Ren first before jumping on top of him to continue kissing him as she slowly pulled down her pants, leaving her covered only in her underwear.

Shiho felt hot as her skin pressed against his, and without being able to help it, Ren reached down to unbuckle his pants before he felt Shiho's hands stop him, only for her to finish the job.

Reaching down, she pulled down his pants, leaving him in just his underwear, too. However, it was clear just how excited he was as his member was rock hard. Before Ren could do anything, he felt Shiho sit right on his member before lowering her body to kiss him once again.

With only their thin fabric between them, he could feel her entrance cradling him gently moving back and forth as they got lost in their kiss. After a few moments, Shiho finally separated to take a deep breath, her hands finding their way behind her to take her bra off, revealing her small, perfect breasts. 

Ren couldn't help but get lost in the sight of her body, her toned muscles and delicate curves.

She then took his hands and placed them on her chest, guiding him to cup her breasts, his touch sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. Ren's fingers gently caressed her nipples, causing them to harden under his touch. Shiho closed her eyes, savoring the sensation as she continued to move her hips, their bodies still entwined in that intimate dance.

As the passion between them grew, Shiho reached down to take off her underwear, revealing her arousal to Ren. His eyes widened in desire, his heart pounding in anticipation. He knew the moment had come, the moment they had both been waiting for.

As she took off his underwear, she couldn't help but let out a heavy breath, looking down at his member with anticipation as her body began to warm up even more in anticipation. Ren, on his part, felt like he was struggling not to push her down and start, but by taking a deep breath, he was able to calm down slightly. He saw as Shiho made her way back up, sitting on his member and cradling it with her own folds.

He could feel her excitement as she moved, his member slowly being coated with her juices, and just as he thought he was about to go crazy, Shiho stopped. Freezing momentarily before her expression became determined as she raised her hips slightly and guided him to her entrance.

Slowly, she began to lower herself, her hot insides wrapping Ren tightly as she took in a deep breath and stifled a whimper of discomfort. Leaning down again while her body became accustomed, the two of them kissed again, with Ren reaching for her breasts once again as he began to play with the sensitive nipples.

As she moaned into his mouth, Shiho took a moment to separate their lips as she took a deep breath, her face bright red as she whispered.

"Ren… I love you."

"I love you too, Shiho." Ren replied immediately, his mind buzzing with excitement as he felt her tighten at his words.

Raising back up, she then slowly began to move her hips, gently rocking back and forth on top of him. Ren could feel every inch of her, skin against skin, as she firmly held herself in place. Shiho's eyes fluttered shut as she continued to move, her breaths becoming more ragged with each passing second.

"Ren…" She moaned as she felt his hands begin to wander through her body, caressing her breasts, then moving to her stomach, her legs, her ass, and even her little bean.

As the warmth inside her grew, so too did her trust and her affection for Ren. She was no longer that powerless girl from the past. She was strong, and she was in control of this experience.

With every movement, her excitement grew, her breathing becoming even more heavy as her mind began to go blank. More and more moans filled the air as her movements became faster and more frantic, her hips moving wildly on top of him.

Ren could feel her tightening around him, her body quivering with desire. His hands continued to touch her, exploring every inch of her skin, memorizing the feel of her in this intimate moment. As her moans filled the room, he knew that she was close, the peak of their passion within reach.

He could feel the tension building within himself, his own desires growing stronger with each movement. His heart raced, his breath shallow, his mind consumed by the pleasure of the moment.

Suddenly, Shiho's eyes widened, and she cried out, her body convulsing around his. Ren felt the warm flood of her release, her muscles clenching tightly around him as she rode out the waves of ecstasy.

"Shiho…" Ren said as he caught his breath, feeling the buzzing in his mind as she continued to gently move.

"Ren…" Shiho moaned as she let her body fall gently on top of him, their skin touching as she began to kiss him once again. And, after a few more minutes of the continuous kiss with her hips gently moving all throughout, he felt her moan once again as she pressed her body against him. Letting her mind go blank as she felt him explode inside of her.

Falling gently to the side of the bed, she took deep breaths as her eyes looked at Ren, her face flushed with a blush as she saw him still rearing to go.

"It's your turn… I trust you." she said, her face still blushing as she felt Ren climb on top of her, her legs instinctively wrapping around him as he lined himself back up again.

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