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82.6% Transmigrated into An Apocalypse novel / Chapter 57: The Bloody Banquet

Kapitel 57: The Bloody Banquet

The winners of the lottery for those who will attend the royal banquet are the shadow king Aiming, the Spirit king Bai, ice king Yan yan, Li Jie and lastly earth king Feng.

They didn't bring anyone else with them incase the Qin family kills them off just start trouble. When they arrived, several hovering vehicles came from the Southeast direction. The first one is a sport car with a loud pleasant sound of the engine making people want to scream in appreciation. Three dropped the car from high altitude after he got their attention.

Several screams rang as people thought the sport car is falling down. But just as it was about to hit the ground it stopped and dropped gently making the place silent.

The hovering vehicles are no longer something new as businessmen from Jiangkang base often travel to sell various products in other bases. Its just that they are never anywhere near the Qin family capital.

This is because the instructions from the base management were to never venture into the Qin territory because the relationship between the two bases is not good.

As the result, other bases are aware of the technologically advanced nature of the Jiangkang base but the Qin family is not aware of it. Their spies had long left the base before many things were introduced fearing capture.

When Three came out of the sport car he hurried to open the passenger seat and a beautiful woman came out.

She is wearing a long black dress with light silver decorations. The combination made her look breathtaking. Her fair skin particularly dazzling against the ink black dress. The long black hair falls behind her like water falls.

Her jewelry is simple but beautiful. Even her shoes seem to be made for the dress she is wearing. This is the shadow king Aiming. She smiled at number three in gratitude and walked towards the gate.

Three more cars dropped from the sky although not in a high profile like the first car but they were each beautiful cars with animated like style. It made people feel like they are not real but holograms.

Yan yan came out of the car that Lie Jie drove looking like a soft fairy in comparison to the dazzling Aiming. The deep brown hair styled with complex designs which complemented her lavish hair accessories made her look like a fairy that fell from the heavens. 

Her dress is colored black and white of in a shoulder less cut showing off her flawless skin making people envious. Where was this woman living during apocalypse to be without blemishes and still retain that sweet temperament?

The two women seem like the world is still in the peaceful era and everyone's mind couldn't help but reminisce.

The three accompanying young men are in suits that look expensive and specifically designed to match each girl's dress. Three and the other drivers took the cars back. Even the car that Li Jie drove was driven back when the five people made it to the inside of the base.

The two girls and three boys walked towards the venue where the ceremony is to begin in 15 minutes and found their seats. People looked at them oddly but didn't pay too much attention to them afterwards.

The king and queen came shortly after escorted by guards all the way to the seats/thrones. A ceremony of crowning the king and queen took place. It seemed a little too medieval for the young people but some were very interested.

"The great Xia kingdom (China) was once united as one. The blood of old kings runs through my Qin family veins and we will once again unite our strength and grow stronger TOGETHER!!"

"TOGETHER!" Many shouted even as others remained skeptical.

The boring ceremony continued and soon people were asked to go to a venue where food is served. Having attended the ceremony, the five Jiangkang base members wanted to leave but just after exiting the hall they were 'invited' to the study of the old man Qin.

When they got there, it was the newly crowned king who waited for them. Looking at their obvious disregard for him, Qin Feng calmly gestures for them to seat.

"You can introduce yourselves." It sounded like an order. The five looked at each other but didn't answer the man's request.

"I hear Jiangkang base is very advance in technology, is this true?" He asked directly. Even if they want to spy on the Jiangkang base they couldn't do it anymore with the massive jungle locking the base inside.

"We are doing alright. What does the king want?" Li Jie asked with a polite tone. It is obvious these kids do not have any good feelings for the new king or his family.

"I see you don't care for me huh?" Qin Feng asked with a chuckle. Initially he had plans to subdue the Jiangkang base and take it all to himself but after that barrier was put up he realized the soft approach may be the only option.

However, he is still a king and he will not be disrespected in his own home. He is thinking whether he should call someone to drag these children to the dungeons when he heard Li Jie answered.

"Your family planned to make things difficult for us when we arrive for your ceremony. Should we have a good attitude towards you?" Li Jie asked him.

Stunned, Qin Feng realized there are probably spies in the Qin family working for the Jiangkang base. He doesn't change his expression and calmly explains.

"That was a private conversation between family members. How did you get a hold of it?" He asked with raised eyebrows. A heavy pressure descended on the five people but none of them flinched. What a joke, each of them have long reached level 9 and just need a little more understanding of their powers before they reached level 10 and gain access to their sea of consciousness.

Seeing this, Qin Feng's temper flared up and he extended his hands intending to blast them with his thunder abilities but just as he is about to do it, the door opened and an old man came inside looking straight at his grandson.

"Please excuse us." The old man said to the five people but he didn't even glance at them.

They left with grateful thoughts because they would have had to kill the king a moment before the old man came inside that door.

"Do you know how powerful those young people are? Each of them is above level 8. Can you handle them if they all come at you together?"

"Level 8?" Qin Feng's eyes bulged. If it is like this then he really would have died if those people attacked a moment ago. His father had given him a cultivation manual but no matter what he seems to be stuck right behind foundation establishment realm.

In truth, his father hadn't anticipated the end of the world and didn't explain a lot of details in the manual. In fact Qin Feng shouldn't have been able to reach so far with a complex manual like that one but his talent and luck are tremendous.

When someone reaches level 9 their powers will only be known by themselves and will no longer expose their level to the outsiders. It is unknown how the old man was able to tell their powers with just a glance. Everyone else has been treating them like they are normal people without superpowers this entire time because of this. 

The good news is that was the excuse the group needed to leave the event. This way no one dies and the relationship remains stoic between the two bases.

Just as they were about to leave, they were stopped by a group of soldiers who invited them to the eating venue. When they got there people were already eating. They made it to their table but all they found there are glasses of water.

After they sat down the place quieted down and the other guests looked at them with different expressions. It was only them who didn't get served food in the entire hall which means they are being bullied by the Qin family because no single person would dare do something like this without the permission from the leaders of the family.

The group ignored the whispers and just sat quietly waiting for the nightmare to end. However, it doesn't seem like the Qin family is ready to let them go just yet.

When the eating is finished, the group of five tried to exit the base and go back home. They were still stopped by a few guards with mockery in their tone and gestures.

However, this does nothing to the group, in fact these tricks amuses them. The group of guards are stunned by their lack of response and the slight amusement in their eyes. What the Qin family doesn't know is that this group had come with full preparations. They knew this place would immediately isolate them, humiliate them and pull many tricks. 

The only thing they wouldn't tolerate is murder which is why they did not bring other people who will need protection. They are escorted to their accommodation to freshen up but the place is a pig style. The beds have been replaces with sloppy matrasses that seem to have been taken from the slums after years of use. 

The smell alone is atrocious but they will not make a scene about it because that is exactly what their oppressors want. As former lab rats who were treated like less than humans, they are not moved by these tricks in the slightest. At the very least the place has five filthy bedrooms unlike when they all slept in the same room in the lab. 

The careful plans of the Qin family made them realize it will be impossible for them to escape from here but staying brings them that much closer to killing someone especially since this afternoon is the first royal ball. 

"I think I have an Idea on how to deal with all these." Aiming said with a smile. 

"Lets document everything that happened here and post it on the internet later. It doesn't matter if their people try to frame us, we will use the footage to clear our names." 

"I had cloaked recording devices with me ever since coming into this place. I wanted to record the proceedings of a coronation and post it in the base page later to amuse everyone." Yan Yan said with a tap on her wrist band and bee sized cameras became visible to the people in the room. 

"This is a good Idea, record everything and turn on the sensors so we can share the smell with the viewers." Li Jie said and they actually began having fun with it. From now on, whenever someone made things difficult for their group, they will help that person become an internet celebrity. 

The same afternoon everyone dressed splendidly and their group was no exception. The Jiankang base already has enemies from the five bases that had attacked the base at that time. However, there are others who want to befriend them. A set of twins from the Qing family have been treating them well and even danced with them. 

The other people became flustered seeing this because the central base is very powerful and if they are making friends with the Jiangkang base then maybe they are missing something.

There was an instruction to move to the banquet where the food is. The table where the five are allocated is empty without even water this time as well.

The guests are becoming fed up with the behavior of the Qin family. They are discussing and calling them petty and small minded. Their constant bullying is making the guests uncomfortable. The small camera has very good picture and sound so even in this noisy environment it can zoom in and isolate sound. 

When the food finished and the servants came in to take away the dishes, Qin Feng stood up to address the crowd he gave a sneer to the small table by the open door. It is the worst table in the entire hall and it was specifically chosen for them. 

The group smiled and waved at him as if they have not been discriminated a while ago. This uncomfortable feeling of punching cotton made Qin Feng irritable. Ever since his strength stagnated and Amelia's fragrant fruit rotted he has lost his temper several times already even his wife has to run from him sometimes.

After making senseless speeches he came to a point. "To facilitate the well being of the common people, I will introduce a few policies first of which is the right to absorb bases which can not protect themselves." 

The hall became noisy. "The strength of a base will be evaluated in the tournament that will take place tomorrow. There are 57 large and medium bases present and if any of them become the last three in the competition will be absorbed into whichever base is willing to take them under their wing." 

"The animals have grown plentiful and stronger than before by many levels. If we are to preserve the population we need to ensure the protection of people. Some leaders have no business opening shelters but they do it because they want power but in the end those bases fall devastating the already dwindling population further." 

This speech was carefully prepared. It made the weak base leaders greedy but in capable. Blaming them for the fall of their own bases and wetting the apatite of the other leaders by turning the bottom bases into a juicy piece of meat up for grabs. 

This strategy effectively divides the bases making sure they don't work together against the Qin family anymore because they will be too busy trying to preserve their strength so that the other bases do not set their sights on them. They will also be able to go pry resources from the hands of other bases if they want as long as they pay their tax to the Qin family. 

"Ingenious." Li Jie said with understanding. Unlike his colleagues, he has a politician as an advisor so he has been taught these things in the last two years. 

"What is?" Aiming asks him with a cute pouty expression that Li Jie pats her in the shoulder in comfort.

"I'll explain later." He said making the others also want to know what happened. 

The odd thing is that most people looked towards their table with undisguised greed. Li Jie raised the corners of his lips and dazzled them with a carefree smile. What a joke, want to take their base with just this ability? 

The five whispered and laughed amongst each other not at all nervous because of the announcement. The rest of the night went by with laughter, dance and making new friends. But underneath all the idle chatter, leaders are actually probing each other to find weakness. They understood the underlying meaning in Qin Feng's speech. 


A group of shadowy figures entered the venue where the grand banquet is taking place and waited for the people to consume the food and drinks. When the event is about to be over, a man stepped out of the shadows and stabbed towards Qing Feng's heart as he was speaking to his wife who is on the side playing with the baby. 

Screams sounded as the queen who has only been crowned a few hours saw her husband bleed from his chest and slide down the floor. More assassins came forth and slit several people's throats killing them on the spot. The truth is the food and drinks were laced with a chemical solution that will make people freeze whenever their bodies experience a jolt of adrenaline. 

The many guests became lamp on a chopping board. 





Screams rand for a long time. During this time, the king had gotten up as soon as he slid down under the table. He used the time when he was falling to take a small stake knife on the table and surprised the shadow that was about to kill the his wife and son. 

Knowing his child is in danger gave him a cooling feeling and he was able to overcome the poison and stabbed the man in the heart from the back and took his screaming wife and son towards a nearby exit. 

He pressed a button on his necklace while trying to flee his current position. The man is a cultivator, he took a couple of breaths and stabilized his racing heart beat. Qing Feng had moved slightly when he felt someone behind him with a thick scent of malice. So the man had grazed his heart on the side which is very painful but it had been too late at that time he was only left with this option. 

There is a safe near by and the king pushed his wife and child inside before taking out a long knife under a decorating painting on the side. Each of the paintings in this room and all the other rooms have weapons inside them. This was a plan to have help incase there is an emergency. 

He went to a small safe and opened it, he pulled out a gun with a silencer and then he ran towards the hall careful not to tear his wounds. When he got there he saw the floor littered with corpses some are the guests but most are the assassins. 

Surprised as to who is so powerful but he didn't try to investigate and started killing the nearest assassin. The assassins soon realized they were dying like flies and traced the anomaly to several base leaders, their body guards and the king. The king had only just arrived but he already killed tens of assassins on his own. 

The man is faster than than the assassins because he has plenty of world energies in his body and spent most of his childhood training to be the family head of this generation. He slaughtered the enemy while moving towards the corner where what's left of his family is being protected by the powerful family guards. 

The killing took so long because the number of the assassins seems endless. "I think they respon." Aiming chuckled with a saber in her hands. During that time when Amelia was teaching them weapon mastery she resonated with a saber. She along with the other city lords set a time every two days to practice diligently so they do not become rusty. 

She handles the saber well her attacks ruthless and her posture unyielding. The is on her own protecting a group of guests but only because there are children in the group. She was able to get closer to fight off the enemy because their table was closer to the kids table. 

She would have used her power to transport them somewhere far but the outside is not necessarily safe and she can not teleport inside the base directly because of the barrier. Yan Yan ended up fighting side by side with the female Qing twin they even bet on who will kill more of the enemy but even after hours Yan yan had to protect the girl since she had run out of stamina. 

The killing continued until only the Jiangkang base, the king and a few Qin family guards remained standing. Blood splashed and bodies dropped all over the floor. Even the screams have subsided. 

The people are shocked by the Jiangkang base's performance because even though they haven't used any supernatural power from start to finish they have not been at a disadvantage.

Three men stabbed the king simultaneously. One on the side of the stomach, one on the shoulder and one on the knee. He had managed to avoid getting stabbed in the vital points but at a cost. This is because his speed has significantly reduced. Just when the three assassins are about to finish him off, their heads exploded simultaneously slashing Qin Feng with blood and brain matter. 

No one saw who did it but the five people knew it was spirit king Bo or another one of them because they all have tremendous amount of mental force. 

After the thee died the hall regained it's tranquility. The king hasn't fallen to the ground yet. Six people stood looking around to search for the enemy. Just as they are about to relax a sound came from the main door. 

"Clap." "Clap." "Clap." 

A man entered surrounded by other people exuding shadowy smoke as they walk. The scene seemed ghastly. These shadowy figures exuded a much more powerful aura than the dead assassins on the ground. This means the fight has just began. 

"I must congratulate you on surviving the first wave of the purge. long can you last?" The man in a white suit walked towards the throne and looked at a shadow guard next too him. The guards helped him clean the bloodied throne and he sat down. 

Qin Feng and the other guests look at this with listless eyes. It's over. They are all going to die here today. The man looked at the people who seem to be in despair and smiled with glee.

"You all seem to be having a bad day." 


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