- It wasn't difficult. They were predictable, that's all. I have faced tougher enemies on the battlefields," he replied, removing the cloth from his eyes. He was a little disappointed with their performance against him. He thought they would get better in three years. But that was not the case. He wasn't sure if they didn't know how to deal with him or if it was because of what he'd been through in the last three years.
May gave the signal, and the iron coffin in which Bumi was kept was lifted back up.
- See you later! - he shouted, letting out a crazy laugh.
Aang watched as his friend was lifted up. He couldn't stand it anymore. He had to save his friend.
- Bumi! - he shouted, rushing along the platform.
- Come back here, Aang! - Sokka called out to the airbender. Aang ignored him, jumping onto the platform and then off it. As he opened his glider and began to fly, his hat flew off, revealing an arrow tattoo.
As they watched the whole spectacle, Naruto simply turned to Azula.
"I told you it would be him," he said.
"Yes, you did," Azula replied. - And now, this is my lucky day. - She rushed up the scaffolding after her target.
- Well, I've already had my fun. - Naruto turned around and began to walk away. "Now it's your turn, girls," he said to May and Ty Lee, who rushed towards Sokka and the others.
- We need to get out of here! - Katara said, getting ready for a fight.
Sokka was already blowing the buffalo whistle he always carried with him.
"Far ahead," he told her. He looked at Kurenai's team, who were still somewhat confused. - Guys, can you move? - he asked them.
"Yes, we can," Kurenai answered. They might be injured, but they could move.
"We need to get out of here, and you already fought, so now it's our turn." Katara, cover us while I get them out. Akela, stay with Katara and help her," Sokka ordered. Katara didn't argue.
"Akamaru, you do the same, but stay close to her," Kiba said to his partner, and he barked in gratitude.
As they tried to reach the stairs, Sokka tripped over a fist that flew out from under the platform. He ran towards the edge, but stopped just as his head fell over the edge (which Shino and Kurenai had pulled him over). Jumping out of the hole in the platform, Ty Lee rushed after him.
Katara was about to stop her when May threw a pair of knives at her. She quickly bent down to tear away several wooden planks on the platform. They jumped to their feet just in time to block the knives. Using the water, Katara pushed the boards back at May and then bent the water into a whip and threw it at Ty Lee. Grabbing her ankle, she quickly pulled the acrobat back, allowing Sokka and the others to escape.
Then they heard a scream coming from above. Bumi's iron coffin with Aang on it fell past them. Noticing where they were going to land (on one of Omashu's many slides), Aang acted quickly and bent the air beneath them into a cushion so they landed safely on the slide. Azula watched them speed away for a second before jumping into the carriage and following them.
- Just like old times, right, Bumi? - Aang asked as they flew over the slide. He couldn't help but laugh enthusiastically.
- Aang! I need to talk to you! - Bumi shouted, but the wind muffled his words, and Aang heard something completely different.
- I'm glad to see you too! - he answered. He then noticed that Azula had caught up with them.
Meanwhile, Katara fought with May. Akamaru and Akela kept a close eye on her so that May couldn't get close, and Ty Lee disappeared from her sight. She bent the water while May used the projectiles. Leaning back to avoid the water whip, May fired the needle from her ankle holster. Katara quickly turned the water into ice to block the needle and May used it to rush forward.
Katara melted the ice and shot at May, who had just raised her hand in a throw. The water swallowed her hand and hardened again, turning into ice. However, Katara's victory was short-lived. Ty Lee appeared from behind and rushed at Katara, knocking Akela's and Akamaru's legs out from under her. Taking advantage of the Water Tribe girl's surprise, she threw several punches at Katara's arms and then jumped back towards Mei. As soon as this happened, the ice around May's hand melted and fell to the ground. Not understanding what exactly had happened, Katara tried to push the water away, but it only rose sluggishly and then fell again.
- How are you going to fight without bending anything? - May asked mockingly, pulling out a three-bladed knife. But before she could throw the knife, it was knocked out of her hand by Sokka's boomerang.
- It seems I succeeded! - announced the tribe representative from the top of Appa. The sky bison quickly landed in front of the two girls and hit them with air so hard that they were sent flying. After this, Katara, as well as the dogs, quickly climbed on board. Katara joined her brother on Appa's head, while Akela and Akamaru joined Team Kurenai in the saddle.
Soon, Appa was flying through the city with everyone on board, searching for Aang. Katara saw him first.
- Here he is! - she said, pointing to a certain hill.
- We can catch him! - Sokka lowered Appa closer to the slide while Aang tried to protect himself from Azula's fire.
- Hold on, Bumi! Our road is here! - said the Air Nomad to his friend. When Appa was near the slide, Aang forced air to lift Bumi's iron coffin over Appa. Sokka and Katara tried to grab onto it and pull it down, but it flew over their heads. Both Aang and Bumi raced down another slide before landing on the first one again. Azula quickly bent her fire into a wheel and sent it after them.
Watching the wheel of fire chase them, Bumi raised his chin with an effort, causing a small pillar of rock to burst out of the hill and stop the fire. This also gave them the bonus of stopping Azula by crashing into her carriage, causing her to jump out of it and land on her feet. Stopping on the slide, she watched the two of them rush away.
-Can you bend the earth? All this time?! - asked Aang, stunned. He couldn't believe his friend could do something like that.
"Well, they didn't cover my face," King Bumi replied. When they reached the end of the slide, he moved his chin and caused another pillar to fly up. Aang jumped off as the iron coffin landed on top of the pillar.
- I don't understand. Why didn't you free yourself? Why did you give up when Omashu was invaded? What's wrong with you, Bumi?! - Aang demanded. He had many questions and he wanted answers to them.
- Listen to me, Aang. In combat there are abilities called Jing. It's a choice of how you direct your energy," Bumi told him.
- I know! There's a positive Jing when you attack, and a negative Jing when you retreat," Aang told him, sounding like a little know-it-all.
- And neutral Jing when you do nothing! - King Omashu exclaimed.
He didn't know this.
- Are there three Jings?
- Well, technically there are eighty-five, but let's focus on the third one. Neutral Jing is the key to bending the Earth. It involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike, he explained.
"That's why you gave up," Aang said, realizing what his old friend had done. - Is not it?
"Well, I also gave in because that young Naruto asked so politely." But this is also the reason why I can't leave now.
Hearing this, the Avatar became depressed.
"I think I need to find someone else to teach me earthbending," he said, turning away from his old friend.
- Your teacher will be the one who has mastered the neutral Jing. You need to find someone who waits and listens before you strike," Bumi assured him.
Out of nowhere, Momo landed on Aang's shoulder, causing him to turn back to face Bumi.
"Hello, Momo," he greeted the lemur, glad to see him again.
"Momo has mastered several Jings himself," Bumi noted, earning a squeal from the lemur. - Goodbye, Aang. See you when the time comes. - He pushed the coffin back up the slide and bent the rock to push it back up the slide, laughing maniacally the whole way. As Aang watched his friend disappear, he saw Appa appear.