Turner quickly spoke up as he remembered something.
"Oh yeah, I also came to tell you that the organizers are looking for you. Something about an offer. You should meet with one of the ushers when you get back to the hall."
Mark waved back at Turner without bothering to answer as he and the girls turned the corner.
[The Main Hall]
"Thank you all for all your generous donations. I and every charity organization that has been aided in this event thank you for your support, and we will be sure to put your donations to good use."
Matilda had finally finished calling out the names of all the organizations and receiving donations, and she cleared her throat with a smile as she spoke up again.
"And now we would like to call on the man of the hour himself to give us a few words. Everyone, please welcome, the God Killer, Mark Vanitas."
Mark naever prepared a speech before the event and it was only ihis ability to think on the fly and his calm disposition that allowed him to give such an eloquent speech without breaking even once in the middle.
I reammeber once when i tried ot give a speech like this in highschool and I forgot what i was giong to say in front of evyerone. Argh, just remembering that is so fucking mortifying!
My sister laughed her ass off that day and I have no idea how I went to school the next day! xD