Mark was furious! He knew that Luna was right, she had every right to do whatever she wanted with her wish, but he was fucking pissed at what she did!
Luna used her wish to remember everything that happened during the Game of Gods.
Mark couldn't understand how anyone would do something like that. You have a wish from a god that you can use to gain anything you want and you decide to use it on something as pointless as this! What purpose does it serve!?
"You just wanted to remember!? You wasted your wish on that! What will that do for you!? You know what we went through to get that wish and you wasted it! What is wrong with you!?"
Luna brought her face so close to Mark's face that she could count the lashes on his brow and Luna snarled beautifully.
"I did it because of you!"
Mark narrowed his eyes as Luna continued.
it's a terrifying thing to have a hole in your memory. I dont know if any of you have ever experienced it before, but if you haven't, I hope you never do.
It's like a sea of black existing somewhere at the back of your head, and no mattter how much strain you put on yourself to fill that darkness, you can never get rid of it. Your brain begins to hurt, you feel useless, your imagination starts to put thoughts of uselessness at the forefront of your mind.
Most people become depressed, and with that depression comes even more memory loss, leading to a vicious cycle of loss and depression that eventually drives you mad.
It's not pretty.
P.S. I'm getting a shot today. I hate shots.
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