Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four!
The time continued to count down like thin, and Mark's desperation only continued to grow as he looked from one hand to the other. There was no way that he could pick out one of the hands and be sure of his answer. He was about to just choose any of them and hope that it was the right answer, but then Mark remembered what the god of games said at the start of the game. He really wanted Mark to win, but he just couldn't give Mark something for free.
That meant that there was a hundred percent chance of Mark winning this game if he really thought about it. The god of games wouldn't give such a game to someone that he wanted to lose. There was something involved in this game that was a failsafe to make sure that if Mark was smart enough then he could win a hundred percent of the time.
"Tell me where the stone is~"
The boy's teasing voice rang through the area again, and Mark caught another thing in his voice that immediately told him that his hunch was right. The god of games was cheating, and Mark knew exactly how to catch him.
Three! Two!
"The stone isn't in your hands at all, is it?"
Once Mark said this, the god of games stopped counting and looked at Mark with a surprised expression on his face. For a moment, Mark thought that he had chosen the wrong option, and he was about to start crying, but then the god of games allowed his face to split into a twisted smile that made his entire face look like a jackal. A chuckle came out of his mouth as he started to laugh loudly in amusement. The god of games couldn't believe that Mark managed to guess something like that! Who would even think of such an option in such a dangerous situation!?
The god of games opened both of his hands, and Mark's heart soared as he saw that both hands were empty of the stone. The god of games then opened his mouth and brought out the stone with his tongue. That was some damn good guessing skills!
"You keep on making me prouder with everything you do. I can now agree that you weren't the wrong choice at all when I was picking my champion. You know, the other gods chose many champions all at the same time. They wanted many people to worship them all at once, but I was the only one who could choose only one. You are the only one I have as my follower, and I do not regret that choice one bit. You're more than worthy to be my champion, Mark Vanitas!"
Mark felt a strange power begin to fill his entire body as his heartbeat surged in excitement! He could feel his injuries closing and his bones snapping into place as he was forced to his feet by the sheer intensity of the power that was surging through his body. Mark has never felt anything like this in his life. He felt like he could take on the entire world and win with how much power he had in his body! Was this the gift that the god of games spoke about?
[User has been granted Administration control.]
[User has gained full access to system abilities.]
[User lacks the constitution required for full access. A temporary constitution will be granted.]
[Accessing Heavenly Immortal Constitution. Unable to access constitution…]
[User lacks the constitution required for full access. A temporary constitution will be granted.]
[Accessing Demonic Dragon Constitution. Unable to access constitution…]
[User lacks the constitution required for full access. A temporary constitution will be granted. Recalibrating…]
[Accessing Soldier Ant Constitution. Constitution Accessed.]
[Temporary Constitution Granted.]
Name: Mark Vanitas
Race: Human
Level: MAX
Strength: MAX
Stamina: MAX
Agility: MAX
Durability: MAX
Affiliation: True Good
[Due to Administration control, the User has been granted temporary full access to two skill trees.]
-> Full Body Constitution: This is a unique skill tree enabling users to systematically enhance and fortify every aspect of their physical form, elevating strength and resilience to unprecedented levels!
Current Full Body Constitution: Soldier Ant Constitution: MAX/MAX
[Soldier Ant Constitution: This skill endows the user with the ability to enhance their physical strength to levels proportionate to that of a soldier ant, enabling them to exhibit power that is ten times higher than their current physical capability!]
-> Mana Circulation: Mana Circulation is a skill enabling the user to enhance the efficiency of mana distribution throughout their body, optimizing energy flow for heightened senses and greater strength.
Current Mana Circulation Stage: PHANTASMAL Rank
[Comment from GoG: You think you have strength, but don't get too cocky! One mistake and your entire body could explode from the overload!]
The god of games was silent, but he still had that look of pleasure on his face as he watched Mark slowly rise to his feet. Mark raised his hands and looked at them both as he could see a black substance leaking from all the pores in his body. The substance smelled disgusting and it had a feeling like tar when Mark touched it. Are these impurities? Mark could feel that his whole body was becoming stronger the more these impurities left him, and the surge of power inside of him just got higher and higher.
"You should feel the surge of power rushing through you right now. I have decided to help you since you played the game so expertly. There will be a time limit to how long your power will last, and there will be consequences, but you will possess the full might of your system as of this moment. The only thing I will tell you is that you should not go beyond what your body is capable of withstanding. I cleared out the impurities in your body and made you stronger, but your body is still too weak to handle the full might of your system's abilities. The strength, speed, and agility will tear your body apart if you take it too far, so exercise caution!"
The god of games immediately started to float away once it said this, and Mark quickly called out to him and asked him to wait. Mark needed to know what was going to be taken from him for this power. The god of games said that there would be consequences for him getting this power so there was no way that Mark would not want to know exactly what sort of consequences he would face.
"What is going to happen to me? You said there will be terms and conditions, right!? What are they!? I know you won't just give me all of this for free."
The god of games only gave a small smile in return as he muttered something that shocked Mark down to his core before he disappeared into thin air and vanished from Mark's sight.
"Free? Of course, it is not for free. This is for my entertainment, mortal. Everything done by everyone in this world is only for our entertainment. But you should try to finish this fight as quickly as you can because the longer you fight, the more you sacrifice your future potential."
There's a loli living in my apartment. At first, I thought she would be cute - like in anime. She isn't.
Please leave a comment. That stuff is an author's life blood!
Mark suddenly came back to reality as he heard the sound of meatballs sizzling on the fire, and Art hurried to grab them off and brought them to the table before putting them beside the spaghetti. Mark sighed as he took his eyes away from the screen that had haunted him with the same message for more than four years now!
Ever since that day, Mark has tried everything he could to wake the system up! But nothing works! Mark did everything that he has seen characters in light novels do. He trained, he meditated and he even went to really dangerous places to try and see if the system needed him to be in danger before it could wake up. But all he ended up doing was putting himself in danger for no reason.
Trying to wake up the system was the entire reason why he even started fighting against Anima in eh first place. He thought that he could wake up the system by collecting stat points from killing Anima and passing some mysterious threshold, but after some time, Mark realized that this was also a waste of time. Now, he just fights against the Anima because he feels it is the right thing to do. Even though Mark doesn't have a system, he is still as strong as a regular A rank using only his regular human strength.
It was now that Mark really understood what the god of games meant when he said that Mark would be burning his future potential. Fighting against Armageddon was something that Mark could not regret because that bastard took away his parents from him. It had to pay! And Mark also knew that if he didn't do it, then the entire world would have crumbled and been destroyed. But in exchange for that, Mark gave up his blessings and it really sucked.
Mark had no blessings, and he also had no power; he was basically fighting against the Anima using nothing but pure physical strength from his superior body. With only this superior body, Mark could handle Disaster class Anima with some effort. That was enough for him to take care of many of the stray Anima that appeared around his vicinity.
Mark had no idea how long it would take for him to finally get his system back. He thought that it would have come back by now, but every year that he wishes for it to come back is only another year for him to feel disappointed when it doesn't come back. Mark would rather just stop wishing for something like that if it was only going to end up in disappointment every time!
Over time, Mark slowly allowed himself to forget about the god of games and his system, and he began to enjoy the life that he currently had with Arit. Mark closed the system tab that he opened and moved closer to the table with the food.
Once Mark smelled the food, he felt his mouth begin to water immediately! Arit was an amazing cook. She was probably one of the best cooks that he had ever seen in his life, and there was nothing that she made that Mark could say wasn't the best he tasted. Arit would always blush and deny that she was a good cook whenever he brought it up, but Mark knew that she was just being humble. She was damn good at cooking, and Mark knew that she wouldn't lose against any of those celebrity cooks that he sees on TV or anime.
Arit noticed how Mark was staring at her food, and she felt a giddy sensation fill her entire body as she tried to hide her smile. Making food like this every morning for them was very hard, and she had to wake up very early to do it. Most people would be completely shocked if they saw the amount of effort she put into waking up early just so that she could cook for Mark. She felt like a housewife trying to please her new husband whenever she did it, and she would always chuckle to herself when she thought about this while cooking.
But waking up that early was always worth it whenever she saw Mark looking at her food like that! Mark looked like the food was the best thing that he had ever seen in his life, and she knew that he would finish this entire dish on his own if she gave him the chance. He could eat enough food for three people on his own after all. The fact that Mark loved her food so much made her far happier than it should. Arit knew that she wouldn't mind a life where she made food for Mark every morning while he was going out to work.
Arit spoke up as she tried to hide her excitement.
"What are you doing standing there and watching me? Come sit down and eat before the food gets cold. And why are you still not well-dressed? How many times have I helped you with this already, and you still don't know how to knot your own tie?"
Mark raised his tie up and shrugged with a smile once she said this, and Arit sighed tiredly. Arit was already walking up to Mark, and she just grabbed the tie from him and began to help him knot it around his neck expertly.
Mark was extremely tall, so he basically towered over Arit. The feeling of having Arit hanging off his neck like this and helping him again was something that Mark always enjoyed! Did she really think he didn't know how to knot a tie? Of course, Mark knew how to knot a damn tie! Mark was an expert at knotting a tie. He could tie ten different styles of knots with his eyes closed and twenty with his eyes open. But he would never tell her that. Why would he want to ruin something as amazing as this by telling her that he could knot his own tie!? Mark looked down as he felt Arit's breasts brush against his chest and he had to force himself to control his little brother's reaction!
"You're really beautiful, you know. I keep telling you that, but you never take me seriously."
Mark smiled down at Arit as he said this, and he saw a blush rise on Arit's cheek as she finished knotting his tie and flattened it against his chest softly. Mark could see some acceptance flash across Arit's eyes, but she just shook her head and she chuckled slightly before smiling up at him as she spoke.
"You tell me I'm beautiful every other day, just like a lot of others. Anybody can say something like that, and I won't know if they're just saying it because they want me for my body or if they really like me. When you're serious, I'll know."
Mark could see the longing in Arit's face, and he knew that she was serious about what she said. There was no way she wouldn't accept him if he just pushed her down and kissed her right now. But Mark held himself back and just laughed off their atmosphere again as he started to move towards the table. Mark was still hesitant to bring Arit into the world of superhumans that he lived in. She was just a normal human, and she would never survive if she got into a bad situation from being with him! Mark was being as cautious as possible because he really cared about Arit! He pulled out a seat for Arit and grinned.
"Come on then, princess! Let's eat before we get late for school. You wouldn't want to ruin your perfect attendance, would you? I know you're just going to blame it on me if that happens, and I'm not going to take the blame for you making us late."
Arit frowned in annoyance as Mark said this before she just sighed and went to join him. She knew that he was holding himself back for some reason, and she was still curious about it! But she wouldn't rush him. She was willing to wait as long as it took for him to tell her what was wrong, and until then, this was enough for her.
[System functions Recovering…]
[Time Elapsed: 4 years: 1 day: 10 hours: 32 minutes: 15 seconds…]
[Time remaining: 0]
[System functions can be awakened. System Functions are being recalibrated. System functions are being recalibrated.]
[System Awakening -]
"Not just yet. Let's calm down a little."
[A/N: I know this will piss some people off, but just wait. I have a surprise waiting for you guys in future chapters]
A playful voice laughed jovially as it caressed the system and stopped the system recalibration. The God of Games released another joyful laugh as he looked into the possible future and saw something that would be far more entertaining for him. The system could not awaken yet. Not until all the pieces have been put in their right place.
[System functions temporarily stopped. System Awakening paused.]
All of the system messages that appeared immediately cleared out again before Mark could see them and a certain God of Games laughed with even more mirth as it slowly made itself scarce again.
There is a Sozin in all of us
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