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63.63% Naruto : Sadistic Devil / Chapter 6: Dance with the Devil

Kapitel 6: Dance with the Devil

Gin's expression remained composed, though a flicker of intensity gleamed in his eyes. "I have a strong feeling that Danzo will approach me after the graduation. His methods align with my own in certain aspects, and he may see in me an opportunity worth seizing."

Mito's gaze sharpened, and a subtle tension entered the room. Danzo's reputation was a shadow that lurked in the corners of Konoha, and the prospect of Gin becoming entangled with him raised both caution and concern in Mito's eyes.

Gin continued, "I have no intention of blindly following his path, but I must consider the possibilities. And so, ~Mito-sama I seek your assistance in bypassing whatever he may have prepared." 

Mito's concern deepened as she observed the calculating gleam in Gin's eyes. "Your ambition knows no bounds, Gin. But I must voice my unease. Your methods are bordering on the sinister, and aligning yourself with Danzo will undoubtedly amplify those tendencies. What assurance do I have that you won't become a greater threat to Konoha?"

Gin's response was accompanied by a chilling smile, his eyes holding an almost manic glint. "Mito-sama, I have no intention of becoming a threat to Konoha as long as it doesn't get in my way. Danzo serves his purpose—for now. But when the time comes, he will be a hindrance. I need to understand his secrets, and the vulnerabilities within his little group. It is a pre-emptive measure to ensure that the shackles he may try to impose on me are swiftly broken."

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as Gin's reassurances lingered in the air. Mito, though perceptive and wise, couldn't shake the disquieting feeling that she was dealing with a force beyond her control.

"Your assurances, Gin Ichimaru, are not enough to quell my concerns. The path you tread is perilous, and the consequences of your actions may extend far beyond what you anticipate," cautioned Mito, her gaze unwavering.

Mito leaned back and continued. "And what guarantees do I have that once you unravel Danzo's secrets, you won't dispose of me as well? What's stopping you from turning against those who have aided you once you deem yourself strong enough? What assurance do I have that you won't become a greater threat than Danzo himself?"

Gin's response was accompanied by an unsettling chuckle. "Mito-sama, there's no need for such drastic measures. You've already got one foot in the grave, as they say."

A flicker of irritation crossed Mito's features, but she maintained her composure. "Your jests are ill-suited for the gravity of this situation." *Sigh* "Danzo's seals are formidable, and unravelling them requires more than mere skill. The easiest way to gain control would be to become a seals grandmaster, but that, is no easy feat, especially with the constraints of time."

Gin's calculating eyes flickered with acknowledgment, and he leaned forward, his interest piqued. "I don't have the luxury of time, Mito-sama. What alternative do you propose?" 

A sadistic grin crept across Mito's face as she revelled in the unfolding drama. "There is a way, Gin, but it demands a level of trust you may find uncomfortable. You'll need to entrust your body to me."

Gin's eyes narrowed, a glint of suspicion colouring his expression. "Entrust my body? Explain."

Mito leaned back, her eyes gleaming with a peculiar satisfaction on getting one over Gin. "I can imprint a reverse seal on you, nullifying any other seal's effects. But to do this, I need absolute control over your chakra network."

"HAHAHAHA…ahahahahaha" *Chuckle**Chuckle*

Gin's lips curled into a sinister smile as he weighed the options. "You propose a dance with the devil, Mito-sama. But if it grants me the power to break free from Danzo's influence, I accept."

Gin saw Mito's eyes widen with his acceptance. She had not expected he would agree so easily.

Gin chuckled, his laughter carrying a note of defiance. "Trust has no place in our world, Mito-sama. Let us proceed. But be warned, betray me, and when your life falters, your hold on me will release, and I will unleash a torrent of destruction upon everything you hold dear."

Mito's gaze remained unyielding; her resolve was matched only by Gin's relentless determination. "Your threats do not sway me, Gin Ichimaru. I am aware of the risks involved. Now, prepare yourself for the process."

With an air of dark determination, Gin inclined his head. "Proceed, Mito-sama. Nullify Danzo's influence, and in return, I shall fulfill my end of the bargain and whims you may have."

Mito, a master of her craft, began the intricate process of sealing. Her skilled hands moved with precision, channelling chakra through her fingertips to inscribe the intricate patterns required for the reverse seal. As the seals materialized on Gin's body, a faint glow surrounded him.

Gin, maintained his stoic demeanour. His eyes, however, betrayed a flicker of curiosity as he observed the seal taking shape under Mito's practiced hands. The Senju heiress, focused on her task, spoke with a measured tone.

"Gin, this reverse seal will nullify any other seals that may be placed on your body. It grants you a measure of control over the influence others may seek to exert. But all this is valid…only as long as I'm alive."

Gin nodded in acknowledgment, acknowledging the significance of this newfound freedom. As Mito continued the process, her eyes keenly observed the intricate network of chakra within Gin. A perceptive individual, she detected an additional power subtly intertwined with his own.

Mito frowned and hesitated for a moment, a brief pause in the rhythm of her sealing. Her eyes flickered with a hint of curiosity, but she chose to keep her observation to herself.

The final strokes of the seal were completed, and Mito withdrew her hands. The glow around Gin's body dimmed, leaving behind a faint imprint of the intricate seal on his shoulder.

Gin, now marked with Mito's seal, rose from his seat. His eyes met Mito's with a nod of gratitude, though the subtle smirk on his lips hinted at a deeper understanding. 

As he prepared to depart, Mito, a repository of knowledge and ancient Uzumaki secrets, couldn't help but feel a twinge of intrigue.

"Gin, your power is not singular. There's something more within you, hidden beneath the surface. But for now, your secrets remain yours to keep."

Gin's grin widened, acknowledging the unspoken understanding.

<Scene Break Few minutes before Gin met Hokage> 3rd POV

In the confines of the Third Hokage's office, Sakumo Hatake sat across from Hiruzen Sarutobi, delivering his detailed report on the young prodigy, Gin Ichimaru. The seasoned veteran's brow furrowed with a mix of admiration and concern.

"Sakumo, your insights on Gin Ichimaru are crucial for us to understand his potential and limitations. Please, proceed," urged the Third Hokage, his gaze intent.

Sakumo leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on a point beyond the walls of the office, recalling his observations of the silver-haired prodigy.

"Gin Ichimaru is undoubtedly a remarkable shinobi, possessing skills beyond his years. His reflexes, analytical abilities, and combat instincts are unparalleled. However, it's the nature of his approach that raises concerns."

Sakumo paused, choosing his words with care. "He has an inherent inclination towards chaos, Hokage-sama. It's as if chaos is the language he speaks fluently. In a controlled environment, he would be a ruthless and efficient force, a perfect tool for operations. Yet, when faced with the unpredictability of real-world scenarios, his lack of adherence to protocol becomes apparent."

Hiruzen nodded "Yes I too have reached the same conclusion. Continue."


Sakumo sighed, his gaze heavy with the weight of his observations. "Gin Ichimaru, in my assessment, does not hold life in high regard. He regards his fellow shinobi as tools — means to an end. There's a detachment, a lack of empathy that goes beyond the usual stoicism of a shinobi. He is willing to kill on command, without hesitation or remorse. It's a troubling aspect that sets him apart, even in the ruthless world of shinobi."

Hiruzen steepled his fingers, his expression thoughtful. "Is there any indication that he cares for the well-being of his comrades or the lives of innocents?"

Sakumo shook his head. "Not as far as my observations go. But it is possible he may care about Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki…but I also suspect that may be a front. In the last few days, I have observed him He prioritizes the objective over everything else, and collateral damage is an acceptable consequence. He doesn't display the typical concerns for the safety of his comrades or the lives of innocents. It's a mindset that, if unchecked, can lead to significant issues in the future."


The Third Hokage sighed, his gaze fixed on a distant point. "Sakumo, you've raised valid concerns, and I appreciate your input. However, given Gin's extraordinary talent, I'm inclined to explore the possibility of him becoming a valuable asset to Konoha. I'm considering assigning him to a mentor who can guide him."

Sakumo's expression shifted, a mix of scepticism and disbelief. "Hokage-sama, mentoring Gin Ichimaru is a challenge I'm not sure anyone is prepared to undertake. It's not just a matter of skill, but a fundamental clash of values. I cannot envision him adapting to the principles we hold dear."

The Third Hokage contemplated the gravity of the situation before responding. "I already have someone in mind who may be up to the task, Danzo. He has experience dealing with unconventional personalities, and his guidance may be what Gin Ichimaru needs. We will monitor their progress closely."

Sakumo's expression tightened, a mix of concern and realization dawning on him. "Danzo… Hokage-sama, are you certain that is wise? Danzo is unconventional, but Gin's lack of regard for life goes beyond unconventional. It's a fundamental flaw that may lead to irreparable consequences."

Hiruzen nodded solemnly. "Sakumo, sometimes unconventional methods are required to address unconventional challenges. Danzo has a unique perspective, and I believe he may succeed where others might fail. We must exhaust all avenues before making a final judgment on Gin Ichimaru."

As Sakumo left the Hokage's office, a nagging unease settled in the pit of his stomach. The rejection of Gin Ichimaru as his disciple, once a decision made with on a whim, now felt like a missed opportunity and a burden on his conscience. The realization that Gin would be placed under the scrutiny of Danzo did not sit well with him.


<Scene Break Current Time> 3rd POV

Jiraiya sauntered into the Third Hokage's office. His eyes quickly caught the dejected expression on Hiruzen Sarutobi's face, and he arched a curious eyebrow.

"Cheer up, old man," Jiraiya said, his voice carrying a mix of confidence and playfulness. "What's got you looking like a wet cat?"

Hiruzen sighed, his shoulders slumping as the weight of responsibilities pressed upon him. "It's Gin Ichimaru. Sakumo's report on him was not as promising as I had hoped. The boy's potential is immense, but his mindset—his lack of regard for life and comrades—poses a significant challenge."

Jiraiya leaned against the wall, crossing his arms with a contemplative expression. "So, we have a prodigy who's a bit rough around the edges. I've dealt with worse."

Jiraiya chuckled, his eyes glinting with a mischievous spark. "But hey, I'm here to offer some good news and lighten the mood. You see, I've decided to take on a new disciple. Someone who's got the potential to surpass even me old man."

Hiruzen's interest was piqued at the mention of a new disciple. "Who is it?"

Jiraiya grinned, his eyes twinkling. "Minato Namikaze."

The Third Hokage's eyes widened in surprise. "Minato? That's unexpected. What led you to choose him?"

Jiraiya's expression turned serious. "The kid's got heart, and he's shown me a few tricks. He's got the potential to be a legendary ninja. I'll train him well."

A sense of relief washed over Hiruzen. "That's excellent news, Jiraiya. Minato is a promising young shinobi, and I believe your guidance will bring out the best in him. I'll inform him of your decision."

Jiraiya chuckled again, the sound echoing in the office. "I'm sure he'll be thrilled. Just let me handle the training, and we'll have another legend on our hands."

As Jiraiya made his exit, leaving the Third Hokage with a newfound sense of hope, Hiruzen couldn't help but reflect on the unpredictable nature of mentoring. While the challenge of Gin Ichimaru remained unresolved, the prospect of Minato Namikaze blossoming under Jiraiya's tutelage brought a renewed sense of optimism to the Hokage's weary heart.

<Scene Break> 3rd POV

The next day, under the veiled embrace of dawn, Gin Ichimaru found himself once again navigating the clandestine corridors that led to Root headquarters.

The door to Root headquarters slid open, revealing the familiar dimly lit passageway that led to Danzo's office. The aura within the headquarters was suffused with an unspoken tension. 

As he stepped into the dimly lit room, Danzo, the elusive puppeteer of Root, sat behind an imposing desk. His singular eye, both calculating and piercing, fixed on Gin with an intensity that seemed to strip away the layers of the young shinobi's elusive persona. 

"Gin Ichimaru," Danzo's voice carried a weight that matched the gravity of the organization he commanded. "Hiruzen has entrusted you with a role within Root. You are here to serve Konoha."

Gin, never one to adhere strictly to the formalities, responded with a cheeky grin. "Serve, huh? How about we make this more interesting, old man? I'm more of a free spirit, you know."

Danzo's expression remained stoic, his demeanour unchanged in the face of Gin's playful banter.

He gestured for Gin to approach, an unspoken invitation to stand before him. As Gin complied, he couldn't resist a theatrical bow, showcasing his propensity for unpredictability.

Danzo's eye narrowed ever so slightly, a hint of annoyance surfacing beneath his composed exterior. Nonetheless, he spoke in measured tones, "Your role is crucial, Gin Ichimaru. Root demands discipline and unwavering loyalty. It is not a playground for whimsical endeavours."

Undeterred, Gin continued to push the boundaries of formality, his mischievous spirit undiminished. "Discipline, loyalty... I'll play by my own rules, thank you very much. But don't worry old man, I'll make your organization dazzle with a touch of lil old ~me."

With a swift yet precise hand gesture, Danzo initiated the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal. Unseen chakra surged through the air, encircling Gin's tongue with an intricate pattern that glowed ominously before settling into a subtle but potent seal.

As the seal took effect, Gin's tongue underwent a subtle transformation, marked by the intricate patterns of the cursed seal. It was a formidable technique, designed to prevent the divulgence of information, intentional or inadvertent, about Danzo or Root.

Gin, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist the temptation to make light of the situation. As the seal took hold, he wagged his tongue with exaggerated theatrics, making light of the newfound restriction. "You've got a knack for drama, old man. A fancy seal for my oh-so-loquacious tongue? I'm impressed."

Danzo's stern gaze met Gin's irreverent expression, the one-eyed leader betraying no hint of amusement. "This seal ensures that your tongue will hold no secrets," Danzo explained, his words carrying the weight of finality. "Root's operations demand absolute discretion."

Gin, undeterred by the gravity of the situation, continued his theatrical antics. "Absolute discretion, huh? So, no juicy gossip from me. You're robbing the world of some great stories, old man."

As Danzo issued a stoic nod, he decided to bestow upon Gin a new identity within Root—anonymity cloaked in the shadows. "From this point forward, you shall be known as Fox. A creature of cunning and elusiveness, much like yourself. Do not underestimate the significance of your duties."

Gin was handed a distinctive Root Anbu mask, a stark embodiment of his newfound allegiance. The mask, sleek and adorned with the visage of a fox, represented the enigmatic nature of the organization and the individuals.

Gin, now Fox, regarded the mask with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Fox, huh? I like it. Makes me sound sly and mysterious. But hey, can I keep the playfulness alive behind the mask?"

Danzo's response was measured, his eye narrowing slightly. "Your skills may be valuable, Fox, but remember, you are now a cog in a much larger machine. Play your part well, and Root will reward you. Fail, and you shall be discarded."

With the mask secured, Gin, now Fox, sauntered towards Danzo with an impish grin. "Ready to unleash the fox on the unsuspecting prey, old man? I hope you've got something exciting in store."

*Giggle* *Giggle*

Danzo, despite the façade of stoicism, sensed the volatile energy that emanated from Gin, a force not easily harnessed. The fox had joined the den of shadows, and Danzo understood that managing this elusive kid would be a delicate dance between control and chaos.

Gin, his eyes gleaming behind the Fox mask, interrupted with a casual demeanour that belied the gravity of his words. "Old man, I get it. Loyalty, duty, all that jazz. But what if someone within Root starts to annoy me?"

Danzo, ever calculating, considered the implications of Gin's inquiry. The prodigy had displayed sadistic tendencies, a penchant for chaos that both intrigued and unsettled those who observed him.

Danzo's response was measured, a reflection of his desire to control and mold Gin to fit the organization's purposes. "Fox, you have the potential to be a valuable asset. If someone within Root hinders your efficiency, I grant you permission to deal with the matter as you see fit. But remember, we act with discretion and precision. No unnecessary bloodshed."

A sinister grin crept across Gin's masked face as he toyed with the implications of Danzo's words.

*Giggle* *Giggle* "Hahahahahahahah"

Danzo, fully aware of the volatile nature of his new recruit, understood the risks involved. Yet, he saw potential in harnessing Gin's chaotic tendencies for the village's benefit. The oppressive bloodlust that Gin exuded became a weapon, a means to maintain order within the ranks of Root.

As Fox left the room, the mask concealing his expressions, the corridors of Root headquarters bore witness to the emergence of a new player in the intricate game of secrecy and manipulation.

*Giggle* *Giggle* "Hahahahahahahah…Hahahahahahahah"


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