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27.27% Naruto : Sadistic Devil / Chapter 2: Academy

Kapitel 2: Academy

<Scene Break> Gin POV

I found myself once again in the peculiar dreamscape that seemed to be a realm of endless possibilities. The misty surroundings curled around me, and the familiar figure in a dark cloak appeared before me.

"Hello again, little one," the cloaked figure's voice echoed, revealing no hints about their identity. "It seems you have returned to this realm."

I nodded, still feeling a mix of curiosity "Who are you?" I asked for the second time.

*Cricket noises* *Chirp* *Chirp*

'Fine be that way then you fuck'

The figure chuckled, the sound muffled by the hood of their cloak. "Names are not important in this place. What matters is the journey you're about to undertake. Today, we shall focus on strengthening your physical prowess. A ninja needs more than just cunning and strategy; they require a resilient body."

The dreamscape transformed, and suddenly I found myself in an open field, the green grass stretching out in all directions. The mysterious figure gestured for me to follow.

"First, let's start with some stretches to improve flexibility," the cloaked figure instructed. I mimicked their movements, feeling the muscles in my small limbs stretching and warming up.

"Now, let's work on your endurance. Run around this field and back until I say stop," the figure commanded. Without hesitation, I sprinted across the field, the wind rushing past me.

*Huff* *Huff*




*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

'This sadistic fuck how much is he going to make me run' *Huff* *Huff*

After what felt like an eternity the cloaked figure yelled "Stop"


I immediately fell on my back trying to catch my breath.

"Good. Stamina is crucial for a ninja. Next, we'll focus on strength. Do push-ups and sit-ups until you can't do any more," He instructed.

I grimaced at the words coming out of this spartan trainer.

" about easing me into this torture you call training"

*Cricket noises* *Chirp* *Chirp*


I dropped to the grass and started performing the exercises, my young muscles straining with effort. The cloaked figure observed silently, and as I reached my limit, He gestured for me to stop.

"You are doing well, young one," He praised. "Strength and stamina will serve you in the challenges that lie ahead. Remember, a ninja's body is their greatest weapon."

With those words, the dreamscape began to fade, and I woke up with a sense of newfound energy.


<Scene Break> Gin POV

The warmth of morning sunlight peeked through the curtains, gently rousing me from an unusual night's rest. There was no aching in my muscles, just a strange sense of calm.

As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I couldn't help but wonder if the dream training was doing anything at all.

'Did I get scammed with bullshit training'

Sitting up in my small bed at the orphanage, I pondered the peculiar nature of my dreams. Was the training even working? I couldn't dismiss the vivid torturous experiences, but the lack of physical fatigue left me questioning the reality of it all.

The dreams seemed too real to not have tangible effects on my waking self.

'Only time will tell I suppose'

Shaking off the lingering thoughts, I glanced around the dimly lit room. The other kids were still in various stages of slumber. Today was a significant day - my first day at the Ninja Academy.


<Scene Break> Gin POV

The entrance buzzed with activity as students, each with their clique groups gathered.

'Seesh would have likely been better if I was older…I cannot imagine dealing with these snotty kids'

"Whatever….let's just go to my class and explore the academy later," I muttered to myself.

Class 1-B awaited, and I found myself surrounded by a sea of unfamiliar faces, all wearing expressions mirroring my own blend of anticipation and uncertainty.

I quickly found an empty seat and sat at the desk. Looking around there doesn't seem to be any clan kids. Looks like this is a civilian-only class. I wonder if Class 1-A has all clan kids and naturally more learning resources assigned to them…

Soon enough our instructor arrived – seems to be another Chunin from his jacket.

The instructor looked at each of us with a keen gaze. "Dreams are not just for the night, They are the driving force behind every ninja's journey. So, Class 1-B, tell me, what are your dreams?"

The question hung in the air, and a hush fell over the room. Eyes darted around, some filled with uncertainty, others shining with anticipation.

'Dreams…huh…what do I want to achieve?..should I try to be lowkey here or go full bijudama?'

'Fuck it sticking out may help me progress faster, while there are risks the pros outweigh the cons, I might get into a better class and maybe a better instructor when I graduate depending on my talent.'

As the instructor's gaze swept across the room, he started asking the question to all kids one by one.

The boy, with a shock of unruly hair and determined eyes, stood up. "My dream is to become the strongest ninja in the Hidden Leaf Village! I want to protect everyone and be a hero!"

*Applause* *Applause*

A ripple of applause and encouraging nods swept through the class. The instructor acknowledged the response with a nod, his eyes then fixing on a girl next. "And you, what's your dream?"

The girl, with a determined expression and a bandana wrapped around her forehead, stood up confidently. "I want to be a medic ninja and help those in need."

"That's pretty admirable, perhaps you can follow Lady Tsunade's footsteps." replied the instructor.

The instructor continued to call on classmates, each sharing their unique aspirations.

"Gin Ichimaru, what is your dream?" he asked, his eyes piercing into mine.

For a moment, I hesitated.

"Power…" I replied

"What do you mean?" asked the instructor

"I want Absolute power" As I said this I unconsciously released a little bit of Reiatsu

A smile slowly crept up my face as I knew I would make this a reality.

There was complete silence in the class unlike before there was no applause.


Quickly the instructor moved on to the next kid.

Aside from the dreams part the class itself is quite boring. These guys are pretty much brainwashing all these kids to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

'How come no one wants to talk to me I wonder, most of the kids look to be avoiding me. Oh well not like I wanted to talk to brats anyways'

Soon enough we were all dismissed for a lunch break.

'Well let's see if we can find any cannon characters while exploring the academy'


<Scene Break> 3rd POV

" ~hmmm.. ~hmmm" Lightly humming and with a jump in his step Gin started exploring the academy.

The older students noticed his presence, and a few exchanged curious glances.

One of the well known bullies around the academy approached Gin.

"Hey there, Kid. You lost?" he asked, a grin on his face.

Gin responded with a sly grin, his eyes glimmering with a mischievous light. "Not lost. Just looking for a bit of ~fun."

The older students exchanged glances, uncertainty clouding their expressions. But curiosity got the better of them.

"how about a little sparring session kid? Don't you wanna find out if you got what it takes to be a ninja?" they motioned for Gin to join their sparring circle.

Approaching the lively circle of older students, Gin's eyes gleamed with excitement and curiosity.

"Well ready or not here I come kid ahahah" The older kid lunged at Gin

The first exchange was swift, the older student attempted to finish him off quickly. Despite his tender age, Gin moved with surprising grace, dodging strikes and attempting parrying blows.

"Hahaha well what do you know…looks like the kid moves pretty well atleast" Laughter echoed as the sparring continued.

However, as the intensity increased, it became evident that Gin was outmatched. His smaller frame struggled to keep up with the more experienced ninjas. The older student did not let go of this opportunity.

*Pow* *Smack*

Yet, with each strike that found its mark, a subtle transformation occurred in Gin. The joy of the sparring session evolved into something darker, a sadistic pleasure that began to creep into Gin's movements.

*Pow* *Smack* "~Hehahaha….~Scaryyyyyy ~Scaryyyy…"

The older students, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, exchanged puzzled glances.

Each strike that landed on him seemed to fuel a malevolent pleasure. As the session drew to a close, Gin found himself on the receiving end of a decisive strike*Smack*.

He stumbled backward, landing on his back still grinning. "~Hehahaha"

"Hey Kaito…did you break this one already??" asked another older kid

"Nah….looks like this one came in broken…creepy bastard"

The older students dispersed, exchanging wary glances.

Gin lay on the ground, catching his breath while all bruised and battered, a mix of frustration etched on his young face.

Just as Gin was about to push himself up, a shadow fell over him. A figure with gravity-defying blond hair approached and was looking at him concerned.

'Well lookie here….Mr Canon is here….what a strange feeling of nostalgia..He also seems to be older than me.' thought Gin

Minato Namikaze

"Hey, are you alright?" Minato asked, his voice carrying a genuine tone of worry.

"I'm fine," Gin replied, his tone holding an eerie calmness.

Minato studied Gin for a moment, a hint of suspicion flickering in his eyes. He sensed there was more to the situation than a simple sparring session gone awry. As the other students dispersed, Minato chose to linger, observing Gin with a thoughtful gaze.

"You know those guys just wanted to bully you right? You did not need to spar them" Minato remarked.

"~Heeeeehhhh…Well I believe fights are the quickest way to learn" replied Gin observing Minato with a thoughtful gaze.

"Sparring is about learning, not just getting beat up," Minato remarked, offering a hand to help Gin up.

Gin accepted the hand, and as he rose "Hey, who are you?" Gin asked, his voice a mix curiosity.

Minato grinned in response. "I'm Minato Namikaze. Nice to meet you"

"I'm Gin Ichimaru. Nice to meet you!" Gin replied with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"So Minato how old are you?" Minato, with a good-natured smile, considered the question. "I'm seven. And you?"

'Hmmm 2 years older than me huh'

"I'm only 5 years old" replied Gin

As the two boys chatted, Gin's curiosity got the better of him. "So Minato are you better at spars than those older kids?"

Minato hesitated for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Well I'm not bad but I'm definitely better than them…though I'm not yet confident in facing all the Hyuga and Uchiha clan kids though"

"They just have a better foundation from their clan teaching and have a huge advantage over civilian ninjas. Also, me being an orphan I'm only at the mercy of the Academy teachers" explains Minato bitterly.

"Yeah, I guess I can relate coming from an orphanage and all," said Gin

As the bell rang, signalling the end of their break, Gin and Minato exchanged a final glance. "See you around, Gin," Minato called out.

"Definitely, ~Bye..~Bye ~Senpai" Gin replied with a mischievous wave, already looking forward to their next encounter.

Gin walked with a noticeable limp, his steps more hesitant than usual. His clothes, once neatly worn, now clung to his small frame with smudges of dirt

As he made his way back to his class, the other children couldn't help but murmur and exchange curious glances.

"Look at Gin! What happened to him?"

 "Is he okay? He looks all beaten up."

Inside the classroom, the teacher, sensing something amiss, looked up as Gin entered. The other children fell silent, their curious gazes now fixed on the silver-haired boy.

"Gin, what happened? Are you alright?" the teacher asked gently.

Gin smiled. "Just had a little accident, sensei. Nothing to worry about ~hehe."

With a subtle gesture, Gin was directed to his seat. As he settled into his desk, the whispers among the classmates resumed.

"I heard he tried to take on some older kids during sparring."

"Yeah, but they're saying he lost pretty bad."

"What an idiot. Probably thought he can beat the older students"

The news of Gin's recent encounter spread like wildfire. The children exchanged speculative glances, trying to piece together the puzzle of what had transpired. Meanwhile, Gin sat quietly, his gaze fixed on the desk, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.


<Scene Break> Gin's POV

Closing my eyes, I allowed the stillness of the room to envelop me. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the familiar transition occurred.

The figure materialized before Gin. The hood cast a shadow over its face, leaving its features concealed.

"Gin Ichimaru," the figure spoke, "your performance today was lacking. Your potential is undeniable, yet you squander it."

I bit back the retort that bubbled within me. "Well Hello to you as well" 'Bitch' I replied

"I don't need your lectures," I mumbled, "Let's just get to it".

The figure smirked and stopped teasing Gin

I completed all the physical exercises a lot easier today compared to yesterday, but I somehow had a bad feeling about this.

With a wave of the figures hand, the dreamscape transformed, revealing a dimly lit room.

"This is the Room of Shadows," the figure said. "Here, you shall face the trials of evasion and hone your reaction speeds"

*Click* *Click* *Click*

The room came to life, a symphony of mechanical clicks resonating through the space. Suddenly, lethal arrows materialized, poised to strike. My heart raced as the figure gestured towards the center.

"Dodge the arrows Gin. The Room of Shadows will test your reflexes and your ability to recover from evading."

"The arrows will strike randomly, and make no mistake you will take damage. The wounds will be temporary, healing in a mere three seconds, but the lessons will learnt one way or the other."

'What the FUCK…'

"Yo!!….Yo!!…my man hold up for a second. How did we go from physical training to good luck and try to survive"

"Hahahaha don't worry damage is superficial but for those 3 seconds, you're going to wish you were dead. Worry not you only need to survive for 5 minutes." replied the Figure while smirking.


"Of course, you can just opt-out to not do the training if you're scared and figure out your way outside of this dreamscape."

"Perhaps Danzo will notice you and let you worship his morning Wood release" *Chuckled* the Figure.

"...…Set them up Asshole….." This fucker the more I think about it the more he seems like me.


The arrow shot forward without any warning. I was caught completely unprepared as I tried to move out of its trajectory. The arrow grazed the right of my face and I could no longer see from my right eye.

"ARRRRGGGGGGg!!!!" As I screamed, I could feel blood just streaming down my face.


" FUCK FUCK FUCK" I noticed my right eye healed as the figure said in 3 seconds but I barely had any time to contemplate.

I managed to dodge the arrow targeting my right knee but completely missed the other as it lodged right into my head from behind.

*Thud* '…Happened'

*Huuumm* Before I knew it I was back in center as good as new shaking.


"FUCK!! FUCK!! more arrows come on man!! ARGhhhhhhh" I screamed as I managed to dodge one arrow but seconds one completely ripped off my arm from the shoulder.

*Thud* as I look at my arm falling off I am slowing falling not even noticing the 3rd Arrow already lodged in my head again.

'Asshole…what 3 seconds recover…if I die within 1 second.'


The rhythmic cycle of Injury, Death, Blood, and recovery painted the dreamscape with horrific pictures.

After what FELT LIKE an eternity the arrows finally stopped.

The figure watched in stoic silence as Gin was just standing there in the center. His eyes were covered by his silver bangs hollow of any emotion.

The figure stepped forward. "You have faced the challenge with resilience, young Gin Ichimaru…You were impaled 214 times…you dodged 23 times…..and you Died 63 times….Rest for now as if want to become strong you need to hone your skills beyond reason."

"We shall attempt this again if…you still have what it takes…" replied the Figure

With those words, the dreamscape shifted once more, the room fading into obscurity.


<Scene Break Orphanage> Gin's POV

I awoke in the orphanage, the sensation of Dodging|Death|Survival of lethal arrows still fresh in my mind. As I opened my eyes, a maniacal grin spread across my face, and a contagious laughter bubbled up from within me.


It was as if the dream had unleashed something primal within me, a reservoir of dark energy that seeped into the waking world.


The air itself seemed charged with an otherworldly presence as I staggered to my feet, bloodlust leaking out.

The other children roused from their slumber and stared wide-eyed at Gin, while all hair on the hand and back of the neck stood up.

The orphanage's caretaker was drawn by the disconcerting commotion. The bloodlust clung to the air, and as her eyes met mine, a shiver of unease passed through her frame.

"Gin, what happened?" the caretaker asked.

All the leaking bloodlust immediately disappeared like it was never there in the first place.

"Hehahahahahahah….Just a dream" I replied, the innocence of those words at odds with the ominous atmosphere scared the caretaker as she was just a civilian.


Thanks for Reading (Zeroskii)

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Zeroskii Zeroskii

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