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33.33% I'm The Wizard, Harry / Chapter 7: Meeting

Kapitel 7: Meeting

(Word Count: 3,262)

The next few days, Harry could only rely on Ted and Madam Bones to do what they needed to do. Ted was kind enough to keep him updated on the progress. Madam Bones had issued Veritaserum to Pettigrew and got the truth out of him. Meanwhile, Sirius was moved from the maximum security level of Azkaban to a holding cell in the ministry until he got his trial. Unfortunately, visitors weren't allowed.

In the meantime, now that he had a wand, he used the Skill Point he had saved to get the first level in Legilimency.

[Legilimency: Level 1/5

The magically mental discipline of entering and interpreting the minds of others. 

Level 1: Legilimency is twice as effective at reading the mind and bypassing the target's occlumency.]

Legilimency was the opposite of Occlumency. There were three basic ways to probe into someone's mind. The first way was passively picking up they're surface thoughts. Less invasive, and a good way to tell if someone's lying. The other two were far more invasive as you were actively entering their mind. One way is to search through it manually, getting random flashes of their memories until you find what you were looking for. Reading someone's mind wasn't like reading through a book, or strolling through a store after all. The other was to try to incite them to thinking specifically about something. It was like saying "don't think of an elephant" and now they're thinking of an elephant. You try to make them remember about a specific memory instead of searching for it yourself. Of course, while you're doing this, you'll have to fight against their occlumency.

 Aside from learning about Legilimency, Harry was diligently practicing the charms that he could use from his first year book. He still couldn't cast all of the spells, but it was therapeutic to feel the magic flowing through him, especially when he was channeling as much as he could at once. To have this constant channeling, He was using Scourgify, and walked the spell up and down the entire house until everything was shining.

It was stress relief, and it let him vent some of his fears. Logically, Harry knew that Sirius's trial would be a mere formality, as he was innocent. Yet he was scared that something might go wrong. Lucius Malfoy did have a lot of political power and a vested interest to keep Sirius locked up. His son would inherit the Black fortune if Sirius died after all. There were also the ramifications of it. Dumbledore likely knows he's not residing at the Dursley's anymore. Canon had been completely derailed as well. What's going to happen now? What if he can't beet Voldemort like OG Harry did? Did he do the right thing?

Harry tried to stop that line of thought, but self doubt was a hard thing to get rid of when you didn't have anybody to talk to about this. His only reassurance was that Sirius was innocent and did not deserve to suffer in Azkaban. Harry felt guilty enough as it is, waiting the two years before he went to Diagon Alley. He would have to apologize for that, and hope the man wouldn't hate him.

That was another fear. What if Sirius didn't like him? Sure, in the books he liked Harry well enough, but Harry was just a kid in those! Now, well… he was an adult in a kid's body. He certainly didn't act like a kid.

It was nearly two weeks since he first spoke with Noggrap, when Harry heard sharp tappings on the sliding doors to the veranda. A Gringotts owl was sitting on the outdoor perch specifically for incoming owls. He opened the door and accepted the letters.

They informed him of the contractor's quote for the rebuilding and repair costs for his properties. To clear the land and rebuild Potter Manor to its former glory will cost 835,500 Galleons. To ward and enchant everything on the grounds would cost 200,030 Galleons.

The Godric's Hollow house was far simpler as only a portion of the upper floors were wrecked. Though there was extensive water damage from the weather. To repair everything would only cost around 7,000 Galleons. But to strip the wards the ministry had placed on the property and re-ward it properly would cost 25,000 Galleons. Though Noggrap would want to meet in person to talk about specifics.

He also received a letter from Ted that the trial date was set for 5 days from now, and that he could come as a potential witness if it was needed and he was only allowed to bring a single plus one. Wizangamot wanted to keep this from being too crowded. Harry shrugged, as he only really had Tripsy, and Sirius only really had Remus left.

Harry gasped. Remus! How could he forget the remaining marauder?

Immediately, Harry ran to his desk and penned a letter to him.

Dear Remus Lupin.

My name is Harry Potter. I know that this may seem impossible to you as to how I know all of this, as young as I am, but it's true. You were friends with my parents. I know about the Marauders and have read of many of your pranks during your years at Hogwarts. Mum kept a series of journals. (Thank Merlin, because Dad wrote so little)

I don't know how much you know of my situation, but I was placed with my aunt Petunia. (Though "aunt" is too good a word to describe her.) They've tried everything they could to keep me away from the wizarding world. From magic. But I remember everything. I remember that cursed halloween night Remus. Pettigrew was the keeper. Sirius is innocent. I talked with a lawyer named Ted Tonks as well as Madam Bones from the DMLE and they were able to get a trial for both of them. Their trials are in 5 days, this Wednesday, June 8th. Please come.

I would like to meet you as well, and hear some more stories of my father. I found Tripsy, but she doesn't really know many stories of Dad's time at Hogwarts, only those he told at home. I know why you've stayed away until now, I don't blame you. I don't care about your monthlies either. I want to see my Uncle Moony again. Can we meet at the Leaky Cauldron in 3 days for lunch?


Harry Potter


He rushed upstairs to the roof, where the owlery was kept, and sent it off using one of the 4 owls.

With the letter sent off, Harry suddenly felt nervous again. He was worried about Sirius before, but what about Remus? He had only met the man three times before his parents died. First two times, Moony was too scared to do anything with him. Third time, he played with toddler Harry, earning the title "Uncle Moony". 

To be honest, past life Harry wasn't a fan of how Remus acted during the war. Granted, he had a lot of personal fears due to his lycanthropy, but at the end of the day he left his pregnant wife with a war going on. You just don't do that.

Harry sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. Then again, Remus hadn't done that yet, and he did remember seeing him so scared to accidentally hurt him, it was pretty endearing. He would love to see his Uncle Moony again. He was a gentle person so it was likely that he didn't have to worry that Remus wouldn't like him.

What he did have to worry about was the very real possibility of Dumbledore showing up at the meeting with Remus. Once Remus gets word of Sirius's trial, he would likely turn to Dumbledore for answers or advice, especially with his letter. Dumbledore will definitely want to tag along to get answers from him as well.

If Harry had pegged Dumbledore's character correctly, then he would have likely talked to Moody and Shacklebolt already, perhaps even gone to check the Dursley's house to see if he was there. Mrs. Figgs probably caved to tell him about their trip to Diagon Alley.

'Bollocks!' Harry cursed in his mind. He had told Mrs Figgs of having a "magical vision" and how he knows everything. He ran a hand through his hair anxiously. Before tossing his fear aside. Whatever, he wasn't obligated to tell the man anything.

He wasn't too worried about Dumbledore, even if he would try to get him to return to the Dursley's. Harry would just have to explain the blood wards had dropped already and that he had his mother's protection on him personally.

The next few days passed without a letter in response, so Harry figured he would show up to see if they showed up. He hated when plans to meet up went unconfirmed. Tripsy popped them over to the apparition point in the Leaky.

Looking around, it didn't seem like Remus or Dumbledore were here already. He went over to the counter with Tom.

"Good morning, sir." He greeted.

"Bless my soul, it's Harry Potter! How can I help you?" Tom replied somewhat awestruck. Harry wasn't trying to hide his scar anymore, so Tom recognized him this time. The entire bar stilled, the patrons all turned to look at him, craning their necks to get a look.

Harry gave a wry grin. "I'm having a lunch meeting here with my uncle, and perhaps Dumbledore, but they don't seem to be here yet. Could I get a private room for lunch?"

"Why of course!" Tom stepped around the counter to lead him. "A meeting with Dumbledore you say? Good man he is!"

"Yes, he's a family friend. Though I don't know if he's coming or not. It may just be my uncle, a man named Remus Lupin. Once he comes could you send him up? In the meantime, if I could get a cup of coffee to drink, that would be lovely."

Tom laughed. "Well, aren't you a well spoken lad. Alright, one coffee coming up." He left him alone in the private room.

Harry didn't have to wait too long. Only 30 minutes later, as Harry was sipping at his second cup reading through "Living with Legilimency", the door opened and Remus Lupin stepped into the room, followed by Dumbledore.

Remus stopped upon seeing him, apparently taking in the sight of him. Harry did the same. The man wore threadbare clothing, and was covered in scars. But he had a gentle demeanor about him and looked at Harry with wonder. Remus gave a tentative smile, not really knowing what to say. This was James's son! But he seems to have taken more after his mother. It was just like her to be reading as she waited. And he has her eyes.

Harry, once taking in the sight of him, smiled widely at him and quickly bookmarked the page and stood up. On seeing a familiar face, he wanted to rush over to hug him, but he couldn't help but be a little nervous. He couldn't help it. His 7 years at the Dursley's made him far too distrusting. So he stayed by the table. "Uncle Moony! You look a lot thinner than last I saw you. Are you okay?"

Moony gave a small chuckle. "I've been better these last couple of days." He walked over but stopped an arms lengths away, too unsure of himself to go for a hug. So Harry took the initiative and hugged him. Remus hugged him back. "How have you been, Harry?"

Harry buried his face in the man's robes, choking back emotion. Remus did care for him. "I've missed you, Moony."

Moony choked back a sob and said "I've missed you too, Harry."

They pulled apart, and Harry turned to Dumbledore. 'Be chill about this, Harry!' "Hello, sir. My name's Harry Potter. You wouldn't happen to be Albus Dumbledore would you?"

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled, amused. "Why yes of course, my boy, I happen to be Albus Dumbledore."

"I don't want to sound rude, but why are you here?" Harry asked.

Dumbledore walked over to the table, "Well, there was something that I found most curious. Why don't we all take a seat to relax? I'm sure Tom will be up here soon with the lunch of the day." Both Harry and Remus were rather introverted people, so they naturally followed his lead and sat down at the table with him.

That was when Dumbledore noticed the book he was reading. Surprised, he asked "Living with Legilimency? That deals with a rather advanced topic to be reading so young."

"I've always been mature for my age, and I like to read about many things. This caught my eye when I was browsing for books on magical living. So you had some questions for me?" Harry asked. 

"Well, I was wondering how you knew of Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black, even managing to locate and capture Pettigrew by yourself."

"That's easy, I knew about them because I remember everything until a few months old. I remember that night my parents were killed, how Dad tried to hold off Voldemort, how Mum begged for him to spare me, how Voldemort killed her with a sadistic gleam in his eyes. He laughed. Then he turned his wand to me, wanting to kill me as well. He casted the same killing curse on me, but the spell rebounded, leaving a scar on my forehead and a wraith that flew away. Pettigrew came in, and took Voldemort's wand and scampered off. Then Sirius came. I also remember a giant man, who Sirius called Hagrid, and I fell asleep as we were flying. As for how I found and captured Pettigrew, I asked my house elf Tripsy to do it."

As Harry spoke, both of their faces grew pale. Remus was shaking a bit and looked like he was going to be sick. "You remember that?" He asked in a shaky voice. 

"I remember almost everything up until now. My earliest memory is actually Mum handing me off to you when I was a few months old." 'I can't really say that whatever memory syncing the system did made me remember literally everything since birth in both lifetimes.'

Dumbledore had some concerns. "Harry, where are you staying now? I had the most interesting conversation with your relatives, and they said you left with a house elf."

"I'm staying at a Potter Family property that survived the war. In the meantime, I'm looking into getting the Potter Manor and the Church Street house in Godric's Hollow repaired."

"But who are you staying with? You are very mature for your age, but you're still young. You must have a guardian."

Harry didn't know how to answer that. Because as humiliating as it is, Dumbledore was right. Legally, he needed a guardian. "I'm staying with Tripsy. She's old enough to look after me."

Dumbledore sighed. "Harry, I'm sure she looks after you wonderfully, but legally speaking a house elf can't be your guardian. I'm afraid I must insist you return to the Dursley's. It's for your own safety."

"For my own safety?" Harry spat out suddenly full of anger. "Do you know how many scars I have on my back from them? How many black eyes and bruised ribs they've given me? How many days and nights I've spent locked up in a cupboard without food? 'My own safety'!" Harry's voice got louder as he spoke, until he was full on yelling. 

Dumbledore stammered. "G-good Lord. They did that? Their own family?" 

Remus snarled angrily. "I'll bloody kill them!"

Dumbledore inwardly cursed himself, but he gathered himself again. "Harry, you don't understand, your mother's death enabled me to power some very powerful blood wards. They'll keep you safe from any enemy so long as you live with someone of Lily's blood. I'll speak to the Dursley's. They won't touch you again, I promise you."

"I don't care, you'll have to imperio me if you want me to go back there! Besides, those wards failed the moment I left the house. I felt them fall. So I would be safer if I continue living at the warded property of the Potter family."

Dumbledore was horrified. "The blood wards fell? Do you have any idea what you've done? That was your mother's protection!"

"Don't misunderstand, Dumbledore. It wasn't my mother's protection that fell, but the blood wards you casted. I still feel my mother's love and protection in my blood and on my skin. She still protects me even now. It is because of this protection that I'm even alive right now. So there's no point in insisting I go back there."

Dumbledore seemed to sag in his chair, aging several years. "Very well, we'll have to arrange some accommodations for you until we find a more permanent guardian for you."

"That's easy, I can stay with Remus! Or he can come live at my house! That'll be perfect!"

Remus shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Erm, Harry… I won't be able to watch over you. You know I'm a werewolf, don't you?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Moony, I've already told you in the letter I don't care about that!"

"Unfortunately, being a werewolf makes him ineligible to be your legal guardian," Dumbledore said.

"How about I stay with Moony and to everyone else in the wizarding world, I'm still living with the Dursley's? That way you know I'm safe because I'm with my uncle, and I don't have to go back there, or live with some stranger. And soon, Sirius will be proven innocent and he can take over legal custody when he's healthy again. It's a win-win for everyone!"

Dumbledore seemed to think it over. A legal custody battle over Harry Potter could end up being disastrous. "Yes, I suppose that may be for the best. Remus? Would you be willing to watch over Harry for us?"

Remus was unsure. How long would Harry live with him? If the full moon comes, he didn't want Harry to see him like that. And would he even be able to take care of him? But as he looked into Harry's eyes, and remembering the horrible things he's been through, he couldn't refuse. "It would be my pleasure."

Harry beamed at him. "Great!"

There was a knock on the door, and Tom came in with Lunch. It was a lunch-of-the-day type of place, so there wasn't a set menu to the Leaky, except for drinks. He set the platter of fish and chips for each of them on the table, and left.

As they ate, Dumbledore turned the conversion to something Harry knew was coming. "Harry, my boy, as I was asking about your disappearance, I talked with Mrs. Figgs and she said that you had some sort of magical vision about her and me. Does this vision also have anything to do with how you seem to know so much?"

Harry sighed, "Not really. I basically saw some of my school years at Hogwarts, in which it was revealed Mrs. Figgs was helping to watch over me in case evil wizards attack. But as I said before, I knew Sirius was innocent because of my memories, not a vision." Which was technically the truth. Dumbledore probably knew I wasn't revealing everything, but if he did, he let it slide.

We sat there in silence until Remus spoke up, "Did you really have to refer to my werewolf transformation as my 'Monthlies'?"

OgreSon OgreSon

We have the meeting with Lupin and Dumbledore! Dialogue and keeping character consistency is pretty hard for me so this chapter was really painful.

I tried showing that Harry, even though he is reincarnated, was indeed affected by the 6 years of abuse he's suffered through. So yeah, the initial interaction between him and Lupin was intentionally awkward.

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