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19.23% Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC / Chapter 5: chapter 5

Kapitel 5: chapter 5

Chapter 5 – Apologies and Dinner

"-and this is our storage room, where our general supplies and equipment are stored. Your personal things, of course, will be stored in your own room." Astraea says.

And like that, my tour of the Stardust Garden, the home of the Astraea Familia and therefore myself as well, came to a close.

During the tour, Astraea also told me the cover story she used.

It was a very good one, as it loosely followed the truth, allowing me to explain my situation to other Gods if need be without being caught lying but also not telling the entire story.

Anyway, the mansion is absolutely beautiful, with greenery coating the outer walls, but in a pretty way that feels in tune with nature rather than an abandoned building lost to the elements.

It felt very out of place in such a dense city, but I couldn't be happier about the uniqueness.

The interior, meanwhile, was not unnecessarily large and focused more on quality rather than quantity, at least from what I could tell.

Thinking about it, quality over quantity may be a trait of the entire Familia itself, as it had only eleven members, all being level 4 save for two level 3s, all of which being fairly young and brimming with potential.

And, thinking about it now, I realize something very obvious.

I was very weak compared to the others.

Experience, strength, skill… no matter which angle you looked at it, I was absolutely the weakest member of the Familia.

How depressing.

But… I guess that means I just have to get stronger.

So now I have another reason to grow stronger other than being able to survive against the Black Dragon and any other threats in this world.

To stand proud beside my Familia, and quickly at that.

"You need not worry about your current power, Sirius. Getting strong properly is a gradual and arduous process, and from your progress in training today, you are already on the right track." Astraea suddenly says.

What the hell?

Did she read my expression?

It seems that my Goddess is also skilled in stuff like this, huh…


"Thanks, Astraea. I know logically not to rush things, but being in this environment… with all those strong and pretty girls… I just feel a bit pathetic being this weak."

It was vexing, and a small part of me dared to even call it unfair.

I was so far behind, and I didn't even have the chance to start at the same time, so now I was just playing catch up.

I had to get better.

"My~ it seems that you've already fallen victim to my girls' charms. Well, although words can only do so much, do not fret. It will take time to stand with them equally, but be proud to know you are not holding them back. Now… how about we update your status after dinner and check on that growth skill of yours?" Astraea says.

Though I was still a bit upset, her words did brighten my mood.

Right… while I was way behind, I did have a cool skill to help me reach their level.

"Yeah… that'd be great, Astraea."

As we continue walking towards the dining hall, we are stopped by a frowning Alise and Ryuu.

Looking at both of them in confusion, Ryuu turns her head to the side as soon as our eyes meet, with a slight blush spreading across her cheeks.

How cute.

But… what was up with that reaction?

And what was with the upset faces?

Alise then steps forward while raising her finger to point at me.

"Listen here, Sirius! Don't you dare demean yourself! You are now a member of my Familia, and I won't allow any of my comrades to be belittled, especially by themselves."

Alise's eyes soften as she continues with her words.

"You saved us all, Sirius, with no combat experience or training to speak of. So don't degrade yourself and believe in your potential, like the rest of us do."

Alise's lips then spread into a wide, gentle smile.

One that reminded me of Astraea.

It seems this captain of mine had learned more than only justice from her Goddess.

With Ryuu nodding along to affirm Alise's words, I can't help but smile myself.

"Thank you, Alise. I know that I will become strong, no… I'll make it so. But that doesn't mean I'm content when I'm still so far behind you all… I want the strength to protect you all again, or at least help in protecting each other." I respond.

Perhaps it was childish, to be disregarding my logical side in a time like this, sulking about not being at their level.

But even if it was childish, it didn't stop me from feeling this way.

And from how the two gave me a look of understanding, it seems they somewhat understood my struggle, perhaps even having the same experience themselves.

"I'll hold you to those words, Sirius… Anyway, before dinner, Ryuu and I… we wanted to thank you for saving us, especially after hearing about our, uhh, future, or lack thereof, without your intervention. So, thank you."

Alise ends her words with a bow, with Ryuu joining her.

They really were good people, huh?

"Jeez, we're a Familia now, doesn't that mean we're family? Of course, I would save my family from such a cruel fate." I say with a smile.

It seems to have the intended effect, as they both brighten at my words.

But… what was with those flushed faces?

Were they that unused to men?

Their dazed states are broken by a cough coming from Astraea.

Still looking at the two in confusion, they both turn their heads away for a moment, before looking at me again.

Though they were still averting their eyes.

"Ahem! We both also wanted to apologize for our shortsighted magic attack… the one that you had to block. It could have put you in a terrible situation, and as veteran adventurers, we should have been more careful, so… sorry." Alise says.

They are both wearing slight frowns of regret, mixed with frustration and other unpleasant emotions.

For some reason, even though such feelings are natural, I really hate seeing those faces on these girls.

"Don't be silly. It was an earnest mistake you couldn't have foreseen. I mean, who would expect a monster to not only defend any magic but also reflect it back? And… some of the blame lies with me for not telling you about it. Anyways, apology unneeded, but still accepted, so let's just… move on. Does that sound good?" I say.

The two's frowns turn into bright smiles once more, as the four of us make our way to the dining hall.

Now, while I said hall, that was a bit much.

It was a nicely decorated room, with a giant rectangular wooden table in the middle.

Though… there were more chairs than I expected.

Probably for guests, no?

Once everyone was seated, they began introducing themselves to me in between bites of the mashed potatoes and meat that tasted like chicken.

It was tasty, that's for sure.

I just had to ignore the fact that the meat was tinted blue.

Anyway, here I was able to learn about the other members of the Astraea Familia.

The ones not explained in detail in the story.

There was Neze, a 19-year-old Werewolf who uses a spear and has a serious personality.

Though that seriousness seemed to disappear when there was a slab of meat in front of her… but I'll just ignore that.

Next was Iska, an 18-year-old Amazoness who wields a greatsword and has a bubbly personality, similar to Alise.

Then Maryuu, a 17-year-old Human healing magician who uses a mace in combat and has a caring and somewhat familial nature in a way that reminds me of Astraea.

And then Noin, an 18-year-old Human archer who has an analytical but fun personality much like Lyra.

Next was Asta, a 20-year-old Dwarf who uses a shield and acts as a tank, she has a serious but soft temperament.

Then Ryana, an 18-year-old Human fire magician with a similar personality to Kaguya.

Finally, there was Celty, a 15-year-old Elven mage who had a shy demeanour and held great intelligence, at least from what I could pick up.

Overall, they are all wonderful people.

As expected to be members of the Familia of Justice, even the worst criminals would be turned into saints in such a loving and upright environment.

One thing I noticed, though, is that all of the other girls took parts of their temperament and personalities from Astraea, Alise, Kaguya, and Lyra.

I wonder if that's just a product of living under those four leader figures, or if it's these types of people Astraea looks for.

I guess I'll find out in time.

Dinner came to a close shortly after everyone had finished introducing themselves, and myself and Asta offered to clean up.

I was initially worried about the number of dishes that would need to be washed, at least until Asta showed me the 'dish cleaning box', which was a magic tool that, well, as one might expect, cleaned dishes.

Basically a dishwasher, but faster, and… better.

I couldn't really understand, but magic stones, which were dropped by monsters, could power these magic tools that perform various phenomena.

A battery, but instead of electricity, it was magic, which with the right engineering, could do almost anything one desired.

I think I finally understood the value of magic stones, and in turn, the value of Orario and the adventuring profession.

As Asta and I begin putting away the now-clean dishes, I ask the question I've had since dinner but never found the time to bring it up.

"Hey Asta, what are the chores around here? And is there a schedule or something?" I ask.

Taking a moment to think, she then gives me an answer.

"Hmm… kind of. A lot of household chores are done by magic tools, such as cleaning and washing clothes, but the magic tools need to be replenished with magic stones, so that's one of the main ones. The others I can think of are tending to the garden and cooking. But then again, Mother's main activity is caring for the garden, and cooking is done by a select few, or we just go to a restaurant. Ah! That's another one, groceries and supplies! But since that's just whenever we need them, there isn't really a schedule." She says.

"I see…"

Well, that's good, I guess.

Not having to do a lot of chores means I get more time for training, right?

"Yeah, not much, really. There are a lot of things to do in preparation for an expedition, though. So usually, everyone is assigned a job or two a few days before we start." Asta continues.

After getting my answer, we continue cleaning up in silence, and before I know it, I'm sitting on the bed I woke up in this morning.

I guess this is my room now, huh?

Man… and just yesterday, at least for me, I was getting home from a shitty day at university.

How quickly things change.

Looking around, during my time training, they had brought in a desk along with a chair and a large chest at the foot of the bed, probably meant to store equipment.

Walking over to the desk, I notice a small bag placed on it.

Looking in, I see a toothbrush, a straight razor, and a small brick of soap.

Actually, since they had liquid soap in the bathroom, maybe this was deodorant?

I should probably ask someone.

I then hear a knock at the door.

Opening it, I am greeted by Astraea.

"Good evening, Sirius. I promised to update your status tonight, didn't I?" She says.

"Oh, yeah. Please, come in." I say in response.

Walking over to the edge of the bed, I got in the same kneeling position as before as I waited for Astraea to start.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you, Sirius. The information about the Juggernaut is not to leave the Familia, by order of the guild." Astraea says.

Oh yeah, there was that, wasn't there.

The Juggernaut… if the information about it got into the wrong hands, it could lead to disastrous consequences.

"I understand. Though… I think the guild should warn adventurers to not harm the dungeon unnecessarily, saying that it leads to less quality drops or something." I say.

"A smart idea. I'll relay something of the sort to Ouranos when I meet him next. Also, after your morning lessons with Rose, the guild advisor, we will be shopping for your clothes, basic utilities and equipment, and stationery for your studies and personal leisure." Astraea says.

"Cool. Will I be going with anyone? I don't exactly have a great understanding of the city, both in layout or customs." I respond.

"Of course you will. Alise and Lyra will be joining you. Lyra will be able to find the best prices and quality, so be sure to listen to her words. And… it's done. Oh? Oh… Very impressive growth, Sirius, if I do say so myself. And not even one monster slain."

I take the status sheet handed to me as Astraea heads toward my door.

"Be sure to keep that. It's good to understand your progress by keeping records of it, and Kaguya will likely want to see your growth tomorrow. Goodnight, Sirius, and… sorry" She says


Why was she saying sorry?

"It's nothing, my child. Just… have a good rest. You deserve it."

"Okay? Umm, goodnight, M-Mother Astraea." I say, feeling my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

Calling a beautiful woman who doesn't look a day past 25 mother… how did it become like this?

She laughs lightly at my words.

"Don't push yourself, Sirius. Anyway, be sure you are ready for the material tomorrow from Rose."

With that, she closed my door behind her, leaving me alone with my updated status sheet.


Name: Sirius

Level: 1

Strength: I0 --> I7

Endurance: I0 --> I32

Dexterity: I0 --> I6

Agility: I0 --> I18

Magic: I0 --> I5


Heroic Will


Celestial Ascent


That is… quite the jump in endurance.

I guess that's what Astraea was sorry about?

Well, either way, this was some fairly good growth, especially since it was only training.

Though… I'm still unsure whether to view such a large jump in endurance with pride or sorrow.

But there was something odd.

Why did my magic stat grow?

I don't remember doing anything like that, I was mainly running around, trying not to get pummeled.

I could only think of two reasons.

Either simply having magic allows you to increase your magic stat growth, even without using it, or I was unconsciously using Celestial Ascent during my training.

It is a no-chant magic after all, and as it supposedly enhances me, it makes sense if there was no visual indication.

Or maybe it was a combination of both.

Either way, as I felt my body become increasingly lethargic, I took off my shirt before entering the bed.

The mattress and pillow were surprisingly comfy for a world that was meant to have a medieval setting, and the soft, silk-like blanket was great too.

Turning off the lamp beside me, I close my eyes as the gentle breeze from the open door and the quiet sounds of the city slowly lull me to sleep.

My mind drifting off, I begin to wonder what adventures await me in the future of this exciting world.

The world of Danmachi… one where the Astraea Familia lives… how would it deviate from the original?

Only time will tell, huh?

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