Well, I was expecting too much obviously because I didn't see any other good deals in the market.
That's not to say that everything else is overpriced but the profit margins were too low for me to consider taking them.
The other reason why I wasn't taking them was also because some of them would only be profitable if I were to trade them in Theeve. That area is off limits for us right now in case the people after Mara were searching there.
Unfortunately, the knowledge of the market is quite limited at the moment since we have not visited a lot of stations yet so I don't know a lot of the market prices for stuff.
Even Mara doesn't have the most up to date prices though she did offer to help me find out through her contacts. I ended up rejecting her offer since I didn't think it was worth her using a favour over, especially when it's not like we're in desperate need of Credits at the moment anyway.
Captain's Log:
They're aren't here to rape me... Are they?