Dumpy observed Leo and his movements closely once Leo succeeded in performing Full Counter.
Instead of the images in the spell manual, Dumpy felt Leo to be a much better role model to follow, as he committed all of Leo's movements to memory.
As Leo prepared to execute [Full Counter], his body moved with a fluid grace that Dumpy lacked.
By just watching him perform it once, Dumpy understood that the way he jump started the move abruptly was wrong, and the way Leo did it was more efficient.
'Lord Father…. His grace is unmatched' Dumpy thought, as he observed all of Leo's movements closely.
To execute [Full Counter], Leo positioned his right foot forward first, angling it slightly outward at around 30 degrees, while his left foot remained anchored behind him.
Then, He bent his knees just enough to lower his center of gravity, creating a firm, balanced stance which could withstand the physical force of any attack coming his way.
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