As snowflakes silently fell, swirling around the cobblestone streets of Stratford, Eleniey slowly made her way toward the town's public library.
She was draped in a heavy, hooded cloak that was made of animal fur, keeping her warm from the chilly weather. Leaving a trail of deep footprints behind her, she glanced at the residents walking around in a somber mood.
The night of the full moons was nearly upon them, causing the atmosphere in the town to turn depressing. This was a stark contrast from what they'd witnessed when they had arrived at the town three weeks ago.
Back then, the residents were happy and cheerful, having just recently survived the beast horde. They were grateful to be alive. Now, however, with only a little less than a week left to the next full moons, panic had begun to slowly but surely settle in.
Once again, the second chapter will be delayed. Apologies.