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1.53% A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI) / Chapter 1: Chapter 1- My Bloodline is perfect
A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI) A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI) original

A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI)

Autor: Fortunate_Soul

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Chapter 1- My Bloodline is perfect

Itachi Uchiha POV

It was on a winter evening on the eve of the Third Great Shinobi War that she met Ren Uchiha for the first time in her life.

And the first thing she noticed about him were his eyes. Crimson Iris, with one-tomoe circling his black pupils.

Of course, an Uchiha having a one-tomoe Sharingan was not any sort of great achievement. In fact, it was fairly common for the Genins and Chunins of Uchiha clan to have a one-tomoe Sharingan. With the Jounins having at least two if not all three tomoe. But what set him apart from others were not his eyes but his age.

After all, he was the same age as her. And she had never heard of a Uchiha clansman who awakened his or her Sharigan at the tender age of Four.

According to what her father had told her, the Chakra Pathways leading to the eyes that are required to support a Sharingan are just not strong enough at such a young age.

So even if you witness a tragedy and awaken your Sharingan eyes, you'll not be able to use those eyes until you're much older and your chakra pathways are able to support a steady stream of chakra to your eyes.

That made Ren quite an anomaly to her. And an unprecedented once-in-a-millennia genius in the eyes of the elders.

"Itachi, this is Ren-kun. Ren-kun, this is Itachi. I hope you two will get along well." Her mother said.

She stared at the boy with mild interest and a politeness that had been deeply ingrained into her since her birth. And the boy stared at her with a scowl that held a tinge of wariness to them. That scowl changed to a confused frown when he stared at her pink, flower-patterned kimono.

"Hello. I am Itachi Uchiha. I hope we get along well." She said with a polite bow.

The boy frowned at her once again before he copied her and returned an awkward bow. Remaining silent even as his crimson eyes bored into her.

She expected a response but when seconds ticked by and Ren didn't say anything, she broke eye contact and glanced at her mother who gave the boy a sad smile before giving her an explanation.

"Ren-kun doesn't speak." Her mother told her. And even at such a young age, she was sharp enough to notice the specific choice of words.

Not Ren 'couldn't' speak. But that he 'doesn't'.

'Why?' She was tempted to ask her mother. But decided to keep her questions to herself until they were behind closed doors.

"I see." She said instead and gave another bow to the boy who had gone back to scowling at her. "My apologies if my actions have insulted you in any way, Ren-san."

The boy looked even more uncomfortable now. Just as he did the last time she had bowed to him. Why was that, she wondered.

Apparently not knowing what to do in this situation, the boy gave another awkward bow to her, as if accepting her apology, before he turned to look at her mother with a deep scowl.

Her mother returned the boy's scowl with a beautiful smile and spoke up. "I think that's enough for an introduction. Now Itachi, why don't you show Ren-kun over to the room next to yours. I'll go and bring his luggage."

She nodded to her mother before she gestured at the boy to follow her inside her home.

After all, from what she had heard, Ren's mother had died at childbirth. And his father recently died in the war. So he had no one to take care of him.

She had eavesdropped on her father talking about how all the elders had fought tooth and nail in order to get Ren's custody, until her father had put his foot down and decided that he'll raise the boy himself.

"This is my room. And this one will be yours." She said before she slid open the door and revealed the bright, empty room to him. "I hope it's to your liking."

With that, she turned to Ren who had been standing behind her, and coincidently met his crimson eyes.

The next instant, the sound of the door sliding shut reached her ears and she blinked as she found herself standing outside her own room.

She felt momentary confusion about what just happened and how she suddenly appeared outside her room before understanding hit her and she blinked a few more times in comprehension.

'So that's what it feels like to be put under a Genjutsu.' She thought.

Suffice to say, being put under Genjutsu for the first time in her life definitely made for a memorable first meeting. And as the year go by and they grew older, there would be many other 'first time' that they would share with each other.

Though for now, the only impression she had of Ren was that he was an odd boy who seemed to dislike her for some reason.


She sparred with Ren.

It has been a month since he started living with them. And by this point the two of them have been sparring with each other on a daily basis under the guidance of her father.

Though, calling it a spar might give the illusion that the two of them were equal in any way. That couldn't be further from the truth.

After all, she has yet to win a single one of their spars.

No matter what new technique, or trick she tried, she always lost. She even tried to cheat during their spar, once, but it failed to make any difference. Her father's disapproving eyes assured that she'll not cheat again during their spars.

Ren was simply faster, stronger and much more skilled than her. And that's when he wasn't using his Sharingan eyes. Like he did when he trained with her father, or mother.

Losing again and again and again like this was honestly rather frustrating. And she would've long given up sparring with him if she was not as mature as she was.

As things stood, her father's decision to take her out of the village in order to show her the aftermath of a recent massacre had put things into perspective for her.

Having seen so much death with her own eyes, she was well aware of just how insignificant her own life, her own feelings and thoughts were in the grand scale of things. So she clamped down on her frustration of losing once more and persevered in their spars.

Though… she still wished that she would win at least one of their spars.


"He has never spoken once in his entire life." Her father told her one evening, when she asked him why Ren never speaks.

"Not even once?" She asked and her father shook his head.

"Is it because of his father's death?" She asked, having heard that the trauma of losing a loved one can do bad things to a person.

"No. The medic who assisted in his birth revealed that he didn't cry when he was born either, as most other babies tend to do. And has never cried since." Her father said. "That was the second strange thing about his birth, the first being his unusually large chakra reserves."

"How large?" She asked curiously and her father gave a contemplative look for a long moment, as if deliberating whether he should reveal this information to her before he finally spoke up.

"As large as an average Academy Student." Her father paused and then added. "That's about to graduate."

"I see." She said calmly, doing her best to keep the shock off her face. Though if that was the case then no wonder that he was able to activate his Sharingan at such a young age. "So… his vocal cords were damaged since birth?"

"No." Her father said. "If the medic who examined him is to be believed, then his vocal cords are as healthy as any other person."

"So then why doesn't he speak?" She asked.

"I do not know daughter." He said, gently putting his hand on her head in a comforting gesture.

"Maybe there's some problem in his head." She offered and her father chuckled at her words.

"Don't let him, or your mother hear you say such a thing. But perhaps."

She hummed at that and wondered once again about why Ren never speaks. If he even could. And what she'll have to do in order to make him, if he could.


She sat beneath the shade of a tree, practicing her hand signs and watched in the distance as her father taught the hand seals of Fireball Jutsu to Ren. One that Ren learned by only watching it once.

An hour later, Ren finally learned and used his first Fireball Jutsu. Once again breaking the record of the youngest person to ever cast that Jutsu in their clan's recorded history.

After his lessons were completed, Ren walked over and came to sit beside her.

"Are you jealous?" An oddly mature and gentle voice rang in her ears and her eyes widened a bit as she turned to look at Ren in surprise.

"…you spoke." She said, then paused and wondered if that had just been a figment of her imagination. After all, the voice sounded like it came from an adult instead of a 4 year old boy.

"Did I?" Ren asked, his lips unmoving even as a hint of mischief entered his eyes.

It took her only a moment to realise what was going on. Ren was using Sound-based-Genjutsu in order to talk. Something rather hard to do since the early stages of Sharingan only helped in Visual based Genjutsu.

It should have surprised her that Ren had learned how to use Sound-based-Genjutsu so quickly. And yet, it didn't.

Water was wet. Sun was warm. And Ren was a genius. Nothing new here.

But still… "That's impressive." She said quietly, wondering how long it'll take her to learn the same skills as him. Weeks? Months?

"If you say so." Ren said with a shrug, as if not even realising the significance of what he has done. Or just not caring for it. "But you didn't give a reply to my earlier question."

She squinted her eyes as she remembered his earlier question. "Jealous of what?" She asked.

"Me. The amount of time I'm spending with your parents. All the attention I'm getting. Or just me being better than you in Shinobi arts." Ren said. "Are you jealous of me for any or all of them?"

'I'm not jealous.' She instinctively, childishly, wanted to say. But paused and actually thought about it. Was she jealous of him.

Well… she did sometimes hoped that she'll be just as good as him. Learn things just as quickly as him. And that her parents would pay more attention to him instead of her.

…she was jealous of him, she realised. Though not to any substantial degree. But before she could say that, he spoke up once again.

"I can leave if you want." He said, his mature voice making it seem like she was talking with someone much older than her.

She raised an eyebrow in response. Asking many questions with that simple gesture.

Are you serious? Do you really think that my father will just allow you to leave? And where will you even go if you were allowed to leave?

Ren met her eyes with a measured and steady look and spoke up. "I… don't want to make you uncomfortable."

That surprised her, considering how rude, almost hostile he was to her in the first few days he was in their home.

Ren must have noticed something in her expression because he blushed and ducked his head in shame. "Yeah. I know I wasn't the most polite to you when we first met." He said as he rubbed his head in embarrassment. "I just… I just had these notions about what kind of person you were going to grow up to be and treated you differently because of it. Can you forgive me?"

She raised a delicate eyebrow at his words. Did he thought that she would be an arrogant brat just because she was the child of the patriarch of the clan. Or was it something else.

"There's nothing to forgive." She said, as she'd never took his rudeness for a slight. She didn't care enough for it. And he had indeed improved his behaviour toward her under the gaze of her mother. But still… "I would like to know what kind of person you thought I would grow up to be."

The question was asked half out of curiosity and half in jest.

She didn't expect the dark look that flashed in Ren's eyes for a single moment before he hid it behind a polite mask.

"I would rather not say." He said before he leaned back into the tree trunk and let out a chuckle, seeming many years older in that moment than he actually was. "Though… you are different than what I was expecting you to be. And that's a good thing, I believe."

Something about his words made her feel that this topic was far more important to him that he conveyed to her. But she decided not to probe deeply into it. Still, she was curious.

"How am I different than what your expectations?" She asked and Ren chuckled at her words before giving her a teasing look.

"Well… you're quite girlish boy for one." He said, his eyes glancing to her pink kimono as well as the butterfly hair clip that her mother had forced upon her.

Did he just… was this… what?

Did he think that she was a boy?

That idea seemed strange to her. Why would Ren assume that she was a boy, when all her clothes clearly indicated that she was a girl.

For someone as insightful as Ren to think that she was a boy made her realise that he wasn't as perfect as she thought him to be. And the infallible image of him that she'd built up in her mind cracked just a tiny bit.

It made her happy. Though the thought that he considered her a boy when she was clearly a girl… Well, it didn't anger her all that much but it certainly didn't make her happy.

"That's because I am a girl." She replied coolly and Ren blinked at her words before he chuckled. Not his Genjutsu chuckle but his usually silent chuckle.

"Very funny." He said and when she didn't reply to his words he paused and stared deeply at her. She met his look with a steady one of her own and took quite a bit of joy when his jaw fell and he paled.


"I'm a girl." She repeated and Ren looked away and stared into the distance, as if trying to comprehend the meaning of the universe.

That was rather rude of him. So she tattled to her parents about this during the dinner.

Her father seemed amused and almost cracked a smile despite the pressures of the ongoing war.

And her mother… her mother didn't stop teasing Ren about this single mistake of his. Ever.

Serves his right.


"I don't really want to be a shinobi." Ren confided in her one day as they were resting after a spar.

Her father had left the compound to deal with war related things. And her mother had gone out to do with her own things so it was just the two of them today. A rare occurrence.

And probably why Ren told her what he just did.

She glanced at him as she wiped the sweat from her brows. He, as always looked impeccable. Not a hair out of place despite their long sparring session. That annoyed her at first, though she has become used to it as of late. Still…

"What do you mean?" She asked, trying and failing to understand his words.

Well, not really. She did technically understand what he meant. But for Ren of all people, the once-in-a-millenia genius of their clan, to say that he doesn't want to be a shinobi…

"Just that. I would rather not kill people for a living." He said, his Genjutsu voice seeming small and uncertain for the first time since he started talking to her.

It was rather jarring, to see him look so vulnerable.

"There is more to being a shinobi than just killing people." She told him with a frown, a bit angry and hurt that he would deride the profession of her parents and all Uchiha who gave their blood and sweat in order to keep them safe.

"I know. Believe me, I do." He said, looking rather frustrated at her inability to understand his point of view. "I just… I would rather do something else."

"Like what?" She asked, trying and failing to be patient with him.

She felt a bit guilty about that. Especially since he confided such a big secret to her. But she still felt confused and just a bit angry about the entire thing.

Being a shinobi was everything to her. To her clan members. For someone to go ahead and say that they don't want to be one… she had no idea what to think about that. It almost felt like a betrayal.

To be fair, she had never even thought that someone could just 'not' want to be a shinobi. She wondered if that was because she was rather limited in her thinking. Or if because Ren was just that strange.

Ren had a thoughtful look in his eyes before he said. "An architect. Or a sculptor."

"What?" She asked, once again trying and failing to be patient and understanding.

'You would give away all your talent, all your training. Throw away all the hopes the clan has put on you. To be a sculptor.' She thought but decided not to voice these words.

She still didn't understand why his words angered her as much as they did, considering her usually calm and stoic personality.

Maybe because even right now, their clansmen, their village shinobi were out there, fighting in the war, bleeding and dying in order to keep them safe.

Ren's words felt like he was spitting in their sacrifice. As if saying that, 'thanks for protecting me and the villagers with your lives but I won't be doing the same for your children.'

Ren looked at her expression and chuckled. Not caring about her anger as he continued. "Or maybe I would be a writer. Or perhaps a singer." He rubbed his cheeks thoughtfully. "I suck at singing. But with my genjutsu abilities, I can do it. Hell, I can create an entire orchestra, once I've levelled up my Sound-based Genjutsu skills."

She didn't understand half of what he spoke just now. But she did understand one thing.

"The clan would never let you be anything other than a shinobi." She said.

"Prehaps." Ren said with a sad smile before he put his hand on the ground. And to her surprise, the ground in front of him started to shift and change.

The Earth rose up, a large mound at first but then it slowly started to transform, the mass shifting from one place to another in an almost hypnotic manner, until a minute later, a beautiful miniature castle stood in front of her eyes.

Ren… he hadn't made a single handseal in order to accomplish this.

…what? How?

She had so many questions in her mind but when she looked at Ren in order to ask those questions, the words died in her throat.

For it was the first time she such a genuine smile on his face, as he gazed upon his creation with a warm, proud gaze.

And she realised that maybe wanting to become an architect or a sculpture was not such a bad thing after all. Even as she understood that the clan would 'never' allow him to become anything else.

Especially if Ren's real abilities ever came to light.


"Where is Ren?" She asked, as she came out to perform their usual morning spars but found him missing.

"He's off with your father." Her mother said, an uncertain and worried look on her face. A look that she tried to hide behind a smile as she said. "Don't worry though. I'll be your sparring partner today. And as good as Ren is, I can assure you that I'm still better than him."

Her words were meant to be in jest. But she couldn't find any humour in them. Not when her mother had shown that worried look on her face just a moment before.

Considering how well composed her mother usually was, there must be something very important going on with Ren and her father for her to be that worried. Something that her mother was trying to hide from her.

The scene of countless bodies littered in a field filled with blood played in her mind and she froze.

Her father… he wouldn't, right? Not with Ren.

The thought of Ren going out of the village and witnessing what she had witnessed made her heart clench painfully.

"Where is father?" She asked, any thought of have a spar long gone from her mind.

"Itachi, you don't-"

"Where is he, mother?" She asked again, almost raising her voice to her mother for the first time in her life. "Has father taken him outside the village?"

Her mother froze at her words and a look of anger and helplessness flashed in face for a moment before she hid it behind a sad expression.

Her mother knelt in front of her and pulled her into a deep hug. Though the worry she felt for Ren made the hug anything but comforting.

"Oh, my child. My dear child." Her mother spoke up and then let out a deep sigh as she broke the hug and held her at arms' length. Her mother stared into her eyes and said. "Don't worry Itachi. I 'talked' with your father. He's not going to take Ren out on a battlefield."

She released the breath she didn't knew she had been holding. Then she took a deep breath, firmed up her resolve and asked. "Where is he then?"


"What is he, mother?" She asked and upon seeing that she wasn't going to budge on this, her mother sighed once again.

"Your father has taken him away to test his bloodline." Her mother revealed.

"Bloodline? The Sharingan?" Her brows scrunched up as she remember the one-tomoe Sharingan that he always kept open no matter what he was doing or where he went. "Is there something wrong with his eyes?"

"No." Her mother frowned and hesitated for a moment before she sighed and looked around to make sure that no one was listening in. Then she came closer and whispered. "What I'm about to tell you, you can never tell anyone else. Understood Itachi?"

She looked up at her mother's serious gaze and gave a nod. "I won't."

Her mother stared deeply into her eyes before she nodded in satisfaction and whispered. "Ren. He has another bloodline. One that he awakened at birth. Though very few people know about it. And no one truly understands just what exactly that bloodline does."

"Is it related to his eyes?" She asked, silently wondering if his bloodline was the reason why Ren was able to learn things so quickly. The reason he was able to manipulate Earth to his will without a single handsign.

She wondered if her mother even knew that Ren could do that. Or if he only ever shared that ability with her.

"No. Well… maybe. I'm not sure. That's why your father took him away to a secret place. To test what kind of things his bloodline can do."

"I see." She said and then asked. "So… it's a new bloodline?"

"From what little we know, yes. Nothing like this has ever been documented in the history of the Uchiha clan. Or any other clan for that matter."

She wondered what other abilities her mother was talking about. If it was just about the Earth Manipulating ability, then the 1st, 3rd and 4th Kazekage of Suna had those exact same abilities, with their Magnet Release.

But from the way her mother was speaking, it was clear that there was more to Ren's bloodline that just this one ability.

"Does this bloodline has a name?" She asked.

Her mother nodded. "Ren calls it Kanzen. And yes, it is one of the main reasons why he learns things at such a rapid pace. Though that's just one of the many advantages that his bloodline gives him."

Kanzen. Meaning Perfection.

Calling your own bloodline that. Well, let it not be said that Ren didn't have his own moments of arrogance.


It has been a few days since her father took Ren away for testing his bloodline.

Her morning spars with him had to be sacrificed in order to let Ren train with her father.

Whatever they were doing with his bloodline must have worked because now she could no longer harm Ren despite all her efforts.

No, she didn't mean that she was unable to hit him during their spars. What she meant was that even when he left himself open and allowed her to hit him as many times as she wants, she was unable to harm him.

Her fists left no bruises on his body. Hell, she even went as far as to punch his face a dozen times at his provocation. But that didn't do anything to him either.

After much deliberation, she finally decided to ask him about just what his bloodline did.

He revealed it to her without a second's pause.

"I am immune to a certain level of Physical damage. And Resistant to Physical damage above that level." He revealed.

"And… I assume that I fall below that level?" She asked and Ren made a so-so gesture.

"You can overcome it if you use a kunai or a weapon. As weapons act as a damage multiplier. But even then, I doubt you'll be able to do much harm." Then he paused and added. "Unless you hit my eyes. If that happened, then I'll go blind. Probably."

"Probably." She repeated dryly and he gave an uncaring shrug in return. She hummed and asked. "What else can you do?"

"Well… I can learn anything that can be considered a Skill at a fast pace. Like, making handsigns, hand-to-hand combat, genjutsu, throwing shrunken, chakra control, and stuff like that." He said. "Aside from that, I don't need to eat in order to survive. Nor do I 'need' to sleep either."

"Those seem like very useful abilities." She said, slowly contemplating the magnitude of his words.

Not needing any food or sleep. Large charka reserves. Learning things at a fast pace. And the ability to resist physical damage. No wonder he calls his bloodline Perfect.

"Yeah. It is." He said, though he didn't seem as happy about it as she thought he would be.

Probably because he didn't really want to become a shinobi. Because he didn't want to kill people.

And while being a shinobi didn't necessarily mean that you have to kill people. She could admit that it's very unlikely that a person can live as a shinobi without ever taking a single life.

"What else can you do?" She asked.

"Physical damage is not the only thing I'm resistant to. I can also gain resistance to fire, lightning, pressure, sound, poison, or basically any other kind of damage that you can think of." He said with a nonchalant shrug as if he hadn't just told her that he'll become nigh invincible once he takes advantage of these abilities.

And as if that was not enough, he continued to talk. "My physical abilities also improve at a faster pace with training, compared to other shinobi. I can recover from near deadly wound within an hour. And while we have not tested this particular ability, I believe that I can regrow my limbs with just six hours of sleep. Hmm… I guess that's about it. For now."

She stared at him.

"Um… are you alright Itachi. You look…" He trailed off uncomfortably.

She continued to stare.

"Umm… Aunt Mikoto… I think I broke Itachi… help?"

She continued to stare.

"hehehe." He smiled nervously.

She turned and left.

"um… Itachi? Itachi? Wait!"


It has been a month since Ren revealed his abilities to her.

Since he revealed that he was going to be an unparalleled monster once he grows up.

Someone who might very well reach the legendary power of the First Hokage and Madara Uchiha in their prime.

She… still wasn't used to it. To the thought of her one and only friend possessing what she assumed was the most powerful Bloodline in the world.

Though the fact that his bloodline gave him such an incredible advantage did make it easier for her to swallow all her losses against him.

A nudge from the side brought her out of her thoughts. She glanced at Ren who gestured for her to pay attention to her mother.

"Which one do you think is better, Itachi?" Her mother asked as she showed him a few different colours baby onesies.

Her mother has started to become fat recently. Ren told her that it meant her mother was pregnant and would give birth to a baby eventually.

She was… more excited about the thought of having a baby brother or baby sister than she thought she would be.

Though her mother told her that it'll take 6 more months before the baby is born.

"The pink one." She said confidently.

"What if the baby is a boy?" Ren asked from the side.

"What's wrong with a pink onesie?" She asked, and Ren shrugged.

"Pink is a girl's colour."

She frowned at that. But before she could give a reply, a loud voice caught her attention.

"Mikoto! It's been so long since I last saw you."

She looked to where the loud voice came from and saw a beautiful redhead woman the same age as her mother walking over to them with a large smile on her face.


"Kushina." Her mother said with a polite smile, though there was genuine warmth in that smile which surprised her a bit.

The two women embraced each other before the redhead lady named Kushina looked down at her mother's growing tummy.

"I see that you've been busy lately, Mikoto." Kushina said teasingly and her mother caressed her growing belly with a fond look on her face.

"I suppose." Her mother said before she glanced down at the two of them. "Oh, let me introduce you to my daughter and my ward. Itachi-chan and Ren-kun."

"Oh, don't the two of you look rather-" Kushina paused as she glanced at the single-tomoe Sharingan of Ren. And the rather intense look he was giving the redhead. Though that pause only lasted for a moment before the redhead started showering them with affection. By molesting her and Ren's cheeks.

"It is nice to meet you Kushina-san." She said with a bow once the chaotic redheaded woman let go of her and Ren. Though Ren remained silent for some reason.

"Oh, so well mannered. As expected of Mikoto's daughter. Though not need to be so polite with me. You can just call me Aunt Kushina, dattabane." Kushina-san said cheerfully and she gave a polite nod before she looked at her mother for instructions.

Her mother smiled at her. But before she could say something, Ren spoke up.

"Can I learn Fuinjutsu from you, Kushina-san?" Ren asked with his Genjutsu, sounding more serious than she ever remembered him being.

"Huh… what?" Kushina-san asked, sounding bewildered by the sudden request.

"Would you be willing to teach me Fuinjutsu?"

Kushina-san paused and stared at Ren's serious expression before she turned to look at her mother who simply shook her head.

"I didn't tell him anything about you." Her mother said before looking at Ren curiously. "Ren-kun, do you know who she is?"

Ren hesitated for a moment before he nodded.

"How?" Her mother asked. Kushina-san looked curious as well. And she felt the same way. After all, till now she had been under the impression that Ren has never left the Uchiha compound.

"I've seen her before." Ren replied, which wasn't much of an answer.

"Hm… I don't know where you've seen me. But how did you know that I was a Fuinjutsu Master?" Kushina-san asked. Her voice sounded curious, but there was an undercurrent to something there that she couldn't recognise.

"You have stains on your fingers. Stains that come from holding an ink brush for long hours."

"I could be a scribe." Kushina-san pointed out.

"I doubt it." Ren said, as he continued to stare at the redhead woman. "Your chakra reserves are enormous. About 20 times the size of Uncle Fugaku. And he has the largest chakra reserves in all of Uchiha clan, as far as I know. So I don't believe that you're a scribe."

Kushina-san raised an eyebrow at that, looking mildly interested. "I could still have calligraphy as a hobby."

"You could. But your unique and beautiful red hair fits the description of Uzumaki clan. A clan that was well known for its Fuinjutsu prowess." Ren said before he gazed down at her clothes. "Besides, I can see the faint chakra outlines of the various scrolls and brushes you've kept hidden in your clothes. I doubt a kunoichi would carry her calligraphy set with her everywhere. But I can definitely see a Fuinjutsu master doing just that."

"That's… huh. You're a smart cookie, aren't you, Ren-kun?" Kushina-san asked, looking mildly impressed and mildly weirded out by Ren's deduction skills.

She found herself a bit impressed as well. She had always known that Ren was smart. But knowing it and seeing him able to deduce the specialisation of a kunoichi with just a look were two different things.

"Thank you." Ren said with a polite bow of his head. "And congratulations."

"For what?" Kushina-san asked, tilting her head.

"For getting me as your student." Ren said with a faux arrogant look before his eyes softened. "And for being with a child."

There was a brief pause before Kushina-san blinked.

"Uh… what?"

"Hm… you're indeed pregnant Kushina." Her mother said. She looked at her mother and noticed her gazing intently at Kushina-san's belly with his three-tomoe Sharingan active. "It's small but I can definitely see the a new chakra system taking form in your womb."

Kushina-san seemed stunned for a moment before a bright smile took its place. "that's… Awesome, dattabane."

Later that evening, she would learn that Kushina-san had indeed taken Ren as her student in the art of Fuinjutsu.


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  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

Die Gesamtpunktzahl 0.0

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Stone -- Power-Stein
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