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34.61% Tensura: Reincarnated As A Larva / Chapter 3: My Name is...

Kapitel 3: My Name is...

[Day 3] {Continuation}

p.S. I'm mixing my writing style (1st and 3rd POV) and the writing style of the actual tensura novel (which I think is mostly 1st PPOV). Please help me lol I have ideas but don't know how to write them (༎ຶŎ༎ຶ )


[Granting Gift: Unique skill 『Oviparous』]

 "...Fck..." I paled.

My body froze up.

I wasn't freezing up because I was appalled at being able to lay eggs. I even expected as much ever since I had a hunch that I had become some insect...

I froze up, exactly because I was curious!

I was looking forward to trying it, how it would feel, how the process would go, and I hate that 'I don't hate the idea' of laying eggs at all!

"I have always been fond of animals, naturally insects being a part of my interests too..." she said, her words lingering...

I used to be a beautiful young adult woman at the ripe age of 20 years old!~

Although I may have been unkempt, liked to dress in baggy clothes, was introverted, an insomniac, was awkward, drowned myself in anime and novels, rarely went out of the house, had social anxiety, depression-


-Actually, you know what? nevermind about me at all... that is all in the past, that "me" has figuratively and literally died~

Let's not be reminded of the trash I was...


Anyway~ enough about past me. It's quite boring just lying down on this small tree's trunk. Let's check out this Golden Finger of ours~

"System!" I spoke, expecting it would respond...


Oh... nothing came up... does it need specific commands...? how about- 'Status!'



Name: {Unnamed} (Vita Manalmon) 

Race: 『Void Beast {Class: Insect}』(Larval stage)

Title: 『First Reincarnator』 『First Born Of The Void』

Magic: None 


Abilities: Unique Skill: 『Devour』 Unique Skill: 『Ageless』 Unique Skill: 『Oviparous』 


Larva Natural Skill: 『Universal Thread』 『Herculean Strength』 『Thick Skin』 『Chitinous Armor』 『Self Regeneration』 『Molting』


Resistances: 『Void Corruption』 『Pain Nullification』 『Cold Resistance』

Physical Attack Resistance: None



'Eh...?' I stared at my status panel.

It was like Déjà vu. I have read the manga and novels of my favorite series 'That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime' a while back. I am no expert here due to my sleep deprivation, which resulted in me having the memory retention of a goldfish, but I'm pretty sure this is very much like the workings of Tensura!


Now that I thought about it, I do recall some voices before falling asleep in that alley... which in this case, rather than falling asleep, I died... 


Welp~ sucks to suck, I guess...

Tch... It seems I didn't qualify for gaining 『Great Sage』...


Bah! just kidding~ I don't really care much hehe~

'Although future evolutions of 『Great Sage』 are useful, I've always been uncomfortable with the idea of having an extra pair of invisible eyes and a voice that rings in my head in every waking moment, observing.' I thought, shaking off the shivers I was feeling from the mere thought.

I lifted my arms. The exoskeleton now hardened. I stretched them wide, using them to pluck a few handfuls of leaves, which, mind you- isn't much since my limbs were adorned with sharp hooked ends rather than fleshy fingers.

"Hmm... it was easier to use than I had initially thought. Could it be on instincts?" I pondered, snacking on the leaves...

"Being reborn in this form is strange...yet familiar at the same time..." I kept on mumbling as I snacked... 


I stretched my arms once more, intending to pluck more leaves while still in a mumbling daze- only to realize it felt warm, the sun's rays grazing my big plump bum. It had become bright!

I looked up at the previously lush canopy- only to be met with the bright blue sky. Clouds moving slowly at a steady pace...


Eh-... EHHH?!! 

[Ding! Nourishment detected through Unique Skill 『Devour』. Would you like to turn it into {Biomass} or {Magicules}? ]


...So 『Devour』 is like a passive? But then again, I'm not a slime that can absorb anything in any part of its body, so eating something with my mouth- maw? is the only route for devouring... It directly processes the leaves, which can then be stored to either biomass or magicules...

...I haven't learned any magic yet... my only offensive capabilities are my intrinsic skills, which are more or less physical-based enhancements... as for the 『Universal Thread』 one, I'm pretty sure I don't need magic to spin my silk threads...

'Yosh, turn it into {Biomass}!'


[Ding! +75 Biomass]

[Ding! Devoured {Normal Leaves}...]

[Notice! Gained Extra Skill 『Photosynthesis』. Success]


'Hmm... 『Devour』 seems to be slightly similar to Rimuru's {Predator} skill. It can analyze and absorb its properties...'


I feel so full after gaining that biomass. I feel so bloated like I'm about to explode...





Suddenly, I felt relieved of the stuffy feeling. Like unbuttoning tight pants after a whole day's worth of eating...


Ahh... that feels nice~ 

Unconsciously, I wriggled my body to a little dance...

*wriggle* *wriggle*

Ah~ for some reason that felt so satisfying! 


I shifted my gaze to somewhere behind me, I sharpened my eyes for anything suspicious...


...There was none...

Only a scrunched-up ball of something, it looked kind of like a rolled crumpled piece of paper.

I hovered closer, taking a look.


It looked kind of like- me?

Did I molt...?


[Ding! Obtained Extra Skill 『Identify』...]

Oohh~ nice! 'Use it on this ball!'

[Moulted Skin: It's yours...]


'I don't know why, but am offended...'

Whatever, this just confirms that it's the byproduct of my intrinsic skill 『Molting』.

Ugh... 『Great Sage』 would be so convenient in explaining my skills right about now, but I think it's okay now; with the help of 『{EX} Identify』 I should be able to figure things out without having to sacrifice my privacy to a sentient skill...

Now... let's take a look at my skills and titles. "Most of my intrinsic skills are pretty self-explanatory so I don't really care about those... as for the title 『First Reincarnator』 it basically explains itself..." I muttered as I stared at my Status panel for a while, deciding on which to look at first.

Wait, if I'm the first reincarnator, doesn't it mean that I'm on the early timeline of tensura-verse?... sh!t I barely remember any history before Rimuru's descent, only the basic stuff...

'I wonder how early on though...' 

Bah! Whatever, I guess that's a question for another time~ we'll get there when we get there.

"For now... Identify my other title!" 


『First Born Of The Void

 -A being born from The Void: a plane of nothingness, the space between universes, and an immaterial plane where material beings cannot exist; until you. This {Title} is granted to the being borne from nothing, a material borne from an immaterial abyss. Grants the {Virtue: |Hope| } 』

Ooh!~ I see... this larva has its inner chuuni satisfied!

So I'm not an ordinary insect larva in a forest... this info is so edgy- I like it!~

Okay, so to summarize this, I am a type of void beast?

"...but why is there a category for {Insect} type void beasts if I'm the firstborn...?" 

Out of nowhere, a voice echoed in my ears. Comforting and commanding, yet eerily lifeless; {The Voice Of The World}.

[[Notice! The void is not as empty as it seems. A plane of the immaterial where material beings cannot exist... yet "some" beings, weak and strong, will slip to the void, some by accident, while some enter the void to reach other universes, only to become- {Corrupted}...]]

"I see..." 


"Hold on, why are you even here talking...? Arent you like only supposed to come out when something significant happens...?" I questioned.

[[... Gathering data... observing whether such a being like you will be a threat to the {Will}'s goal...]]

"... Stalker..."

If I remember correctly, wasn't Veldanava like the manifestation or the {Will} itself?

"... and what is their goal exactly?" I asked, prodding.


it's not speaking... yeah, maybe I pushed too hard...


[[To relieve boredom and experience- life...]]

...It spoke!

...-eh? Was that all?

"I see... Well, thank you for the info, I guess? ...I don't really care about your so-called duty, you do you, and I'll do me," I spoke frankly.


Oh no... did I come off too blunt...?

[[Hmm... Affirmative. Being in question doesn't seem to be violent in nature, albeit a bit rude...]]

... Did I just get insulted...?

"Soo... since you practically stalked me, can I ask a question...? is Veldanava still alive...?"

[[... I haven't acquiesced to the question yet, but very well; I do not know how you came to know or why you ask of my Creator, but yes... He is simply... traveling and spreading seeds of life to put it into simple words]]


"He's sleeping around...?" I asked in horror and disgust, as I imagined a dragon bedding various beasts and monsters...

'Ugh... I want to puke.'

[[No... He is simply creating new life... no such thing as coitus is needed...]]

Eh? He travels and creates life... seems like I'm early into the game...

"Okay, last question, are there Humans already...?"


[[... How peculiar... Other than being borne from the accursed {Void}, it seems you know plenty of things. Curious. Curious.]]

Suddenly, I felt like something was staring at my very being. It felt gross, disgusting; like something was prodding over me, looking at my contents.

[[How curious~ your soul doesn't seem to have manifested any skills from {Akashic Records}, nor have you manifested any skills related to foresight~ Are all reincarnators like this? How curious~ Let's look further-]]


[[『Ageless』...? a skill that makes you immortal- in terms of aging at least... Hmm, but this one seems- different... but how?]]

Out of nowhere, I could hear various notifications, as if multiple panel sheets of information were being looked over simultaneously...

[[It is indeed different... Your 『Ageless』 similarly can give you eternal life of youthful vitality- but also make you stronger as you grow older...]]

"Are you fcking done invading my privacy?"

[[Ah-...]] The feeling of being stared at receded.

[[My apologies. I have gone out of line, I shall compensate you...]]

"Can it be anything...?"

[[... Only those within my power and authority...]]


"Give me a {Name}..."

Somehow, I felt like it was grinning, an eery wide grin, and a blank, dead stare...

I felt shivers...

[[It seems you also know the concept of {Naming} monsters~]] The voice said, seeming... amused?

[[Very well, {Naming} doesn't violate any of my intended purposes as I am considered {The Voice Of The World}, a natural phenomenon. Invoke your chosen name and I shall take over the rest...]]

I pondered for a bit, my mind somehow drifting off to the so-called first woman in some holy texts in my previous world.

"My name is..."




JuicyGrape JuicyGrape

Sorry, I wasn't able to upload yesterday. I'm still sick and it was Christmas Eve. Soo~ here's a slightly longer chapter. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!~

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