/ Anime & Comics / Marvel : Grey Matter as Illegitimate son of Tony Stark

Marvel : Grey Matter as Illegitimate son of Tony Stark Original

Marvel : Grey Matter as Illegitimate son of Tony Stark

Anime & Comics 27 Kapitel 853.0K Ansichten

3.14 (18 Bewertungen)

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


One of many novel-reading guys traverses to Marvel world with the ability to transform into grey matter.

Yes, that frog alien from Ben 10 that can create any technology as long as they have knowledge.

Let’s see how our MC who is just a college boy with no technical knowledge, will create his business empire when he is just a weak chicken who just entered society and can create mistakes n mistakes because of inexperience how will he create a solid foundation for his business empire and how to save himself and his loved ones from unknown threats.
And what will happen after earth was destroyed by Tiamut or any other Celestial.

Inventions : Baymax, Cyberpunk 2067 luxury cars, Hydrogen engine, 3A games, Movies, Steel robots arena, etc.

Well, although my introductions are not cool, so next time try to write cool intro.

Well, I am only interfering with timeline, so these original timeline and characters are not mine creations. I am just making fanfic MCU by my setting.
Also book cover is not mine so pleeeaase no offense, if he wants to remove it, message me and prove it, okay.
Well intro is a bit long happy time, GUYS.

General Audiences
  1. Beginnerghost04
    Beginnerghost04 Beigetragen 121
  2. Swikong
    Swikong Beigetragen 43
    ABHISHEK_SINGH_6475 Beigetragen 21

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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The concept is great. The Dialogue bad. The Formatting and Grammer worse. The MC is not likeable at all, he comes across as a manipulative, abusive, opportunistic rat who uses people. Somehow that works in him landing Susan Storm as a girlfriend... the author explains thisnas her being an INFJ of all MBTI typings, whilst the portrayal shown of her is extraverted, and she keeps seeking him out when she should be calling the cops on him. The MC is apparently indian and pretty much acts like all the bad things about india packaged into a behavioural package. By chapter 5, he has an emo outburst again, after a very short subpar action scene that I only realised after the fact happened. I liked the initial concept of the story but its like an indian wuxia story in all the worst ways. Still, it can be an enjoyable read for people who are into this sort of thing. I rated it by wn standards, not my own like or dislike for the story, as the MCs personality and behaviour would have pretty much made a score in the positive impossible otherwise. The mc makes me want to call a pest exterminator on him.

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It is incredibly hard to read and understand neat concept needs alottttt of work tho keep it up practice makes perfect my friend :)

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1) Use Grammarly or something to fix errors and space out the dialogues. 2) The "Romance" with Susan is just cringe and irritating, he basically harassed her and stole from her, and she is still friendly with him, if it was any woman in US be it fiction or not, they would have called 911 a long time ago, and on the second day of meeting him they are basically already in 'close friends' relationship and on the third day the become a couple. 3) The premise is amazing, but the bad qualities outweigh the good ones so until you fix those, I doubt I will be reading more than 3 chapters. If the story gets better, please someone comment here to let me know so that I can start reading this again. EDIT (I have read till chapter 6 since THE AUTHOR said I should write the review after reading more than 3 chapters) 4) The Timeline is just messed up Susan Storm is the same age as MC which is 15 or so, the Chitari Invasion happened in which MC's mother died and then we are in Spider-Man Homecoming like what happened in the middle? 5) the MC is now just acting like child he meets Tony and Peter on the roof during Spider-Man Homecoming where Tony is about to take back the red and blue spider suit, he goes there on the rooftop, rants about being his son, about how Tony was the one who tricked his mother into having an intercourse, and when Tony is ready to take him in, he says to leave him alone, like what? why would the MC even want to be acknowledged as Tony's son if he doesn't even want a father nor his money? This is just stupid, instead of that how about he makes his own anti Iron man gear and targets Tony, somehow Tony figures out that the MC is his son and apologizes to him and then he takes him in sort or like a villain-turned-hero. MC just wants to hurt Tony for what his mother had to go through then when he discovers that it was the ploy of Obadiah Stain he forgives Tony.

2 Antworten anzeigen

The premise and idea are good, but the grammar needs improvement. Consider using an AI to enhance readability.

9 Antworten anzeigen

honestly, author, you have a good idea, but this story is a mess. You should rewrite it using this one a rough draft with readers pointing out problems to fix on the rewrite version

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I really like the dialogue in this novel and I got hooked right from the start. I hope this novel continues like this.

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interesting, I hope you continue to write a novel and keep the flow of one chapter a day, I wish you success and I will follow your journey as much as possible.

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The concept he was going for was great and the opening was satisfactory but it simply became the Chinese-type Indian FF. While I like some Chinese stories and FFs I hate how this story repeatedly emphasizes that they are Indian.

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fix the dialogue man cant read it without hurting my brain

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the premise of the story is interesting and so far the developments pretty good but for the grammar and spelling... I've read raws and mtls with better sentence structure

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I literally couldn't get pass half of ch 1, the grammar is horrendous and even worse than the Chinese novels I've tried reading. And I don't know why, but every time the Mc is Chinese or Indian they are some of the most hateful towards people of other races, and I'm getting that vibe from the comments I've been reading. Not just a no, but a hell no from me

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LV 4 Badge

I’m done with this the story was down right terrible the story is so bad it sometimes even feels so forced like how did the mc randomly end up at Susan’s apartment and in just 2 chapters they end up together with barely any loving moments together they end up together just cause the mc find her attractive that is it. And the mc is so dumb if I were in his situation and need money I would invest in companies who I know would succeed like you have the brain power of grey matter yet won’t use it to make money he could have gone to a junk yard and invent something that he could sell and make a shit ton of money and once I have enough money I would try and replicate tech form other fiction like comeon. Anyway if you want to read this go right ahead just know that this will kill off your brain cells like it has done to me.

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It’s an interesting Idea but it is very confusing due to the gramma and punctuation errors. This is especially a problem if you use the audio function cause the sentences do not make any sense at all. As said I like the idea of the story and it doesn’t seem to bad for now but I hope the author will work on his gramma.

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Asked Gemini/Bard to edit an excerpt, then gave it a quick personal pass: A thousand angry ants swarmed through my skull, feasting on my sanity. My head pounded in protest. Slowly, ragged gasps replaced panicked breaths. As my body settled, a chilling question arose: where in the world was I? The rancid stench assaulted me first, a thick, pungent clue of my surroundings. The squelching, crackling, cold and uneven surface beneath me. And then there was the rustling and squeaking, a ticklish dance against my skin that confirmed my worst fears – unwelcome companions shared this… accommodation. Peeking through a cracked eyelid, I caught a sliver of night sky. A groan escaped my lips. “Am I, in a dumpster?” Get OUT! Every fibre of my being screamed for me to move! With a strength born of desperation, I clambered out, collapsing to the ground, my back propped against the cold, unforgiving metal box that was, no, would have been my coffin. I drew a ragged breath, cleaner air filling my bruised lungs, my eyes taking in the meagre light of a streetlamp struggling to pierce the darkness. I just sat there. The distant sounds of the city – voices, traffic, impatient honking – should have been a comfort, a sign of normalcy. Yet, they fell on deaf ears. Something was terribly wrong, alien. "What a night," I rasped, my voice sandpaper dry. The words tumbled out, fractured and painful. "Just… how...?" The question hung heavy in the air as a tidal wave of memories crashed down. A split second that stretched into an eternity, drowning me in a stranger's life. Staring down at my unfamiliar hands, at this battered shell that housed me, a horrifying truth dawned. These memories, this body, this city, this very existence… they weren't mine.

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Will you continue writing?

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If you ask me this is really good story. Keep it up.

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the story is great mc background good it's more inline of what Tony would do but the writing quality is a bit skippi

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did not read I pass by and thought it said grey knight (from warhammer 40k) but it looks cools so 5 stars

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Neueste Veröffentlichung:
Chapter 27: New marvel fanfic 8 days ago

Volumen 1

  1. 1
    Ch. : 1 Past memories and New start 9 months ago
  2. 2
    Ch. : 2 Susan Storm and Library 9 months ago
  3. 3
    Ch. : 3 Junkyard, Cat-Dog fight and Mysterious man 9 months ago
  4. 4
    Ch. : 4 Busy Night, Morning breakfast and Namor 9 months ago
  5. 5
    Ch. : 5 Namor Leaving, Propose, and Spider-Man / Iron Man 9 months ago
  6. 6
    Ch. : 6 Tony Stark, Pepper Potts and Future Company 9 months ago
  7. 7
    Ch. : 7 Plans for Future, New Company and Cyberpunk Car 9 months ago
  8. 8
    Ch. : 8 Cyberpunk cars, The Company visit and Cyberpunk weapons 9 months ago
  9. 9
    Ch. : 9. Beating up and killing Vulture, beating up and capturing Spider-Man 7 months ago
  10. 10
    Ch. : 10. Showing Heinous crimes of Vulture, Aunt May and Susan-Pepper talk 7 months ago
  11. 11
    Ch. : 11. Trying to reconcile with Susan, and escape from Tony Stark 7 months ago
  12. 12
    Ch. : 12. Jaw dropping Tony Stark, Susan regret, and Armor Creating Part 1 7 months ago
  13. 13
    Ch. : 13. Armor Creation Completed, fighting Iron Man 7 months ago
  14. 14
    Ch. : 14. Beating down Tony Stark, Vision attacks, Killing Vision, Taking Mind Gem, and Angry Wanda 7 months ago
  15. 15
    Ch. : 15. Fighting previous owner of the body, Escaping from the Red holes, and New world 7 months ago
  16. 16
    Ch. : 16. Into the Spider-verse, Spider bit Wanda not Miles, and New friend 7 months ago
  17. 17
    Ch. : 17. Naming little Spider, Saving Spider-Man, and Wanda ran away 7 months ago
  18. 18
    Ch. : 18. Wanda as Spider, Wanda meeting Gwen, Strange things 7 months ago
  19. 19
    Ch. : 19 Tom and Jerry, Taking them with me, Ambush on the way back 7 months ago
  20. 20
    Ch. : 20. Meeting Spiders, Wanda and Gwen Attacks, Kidnapping Gwen and Wanda 7 months ago
  21. 21
    Ch. : 21. Anti-Spider Neck belt, Bio Nano Suit and Attacked by Four Turtles 7 months ago
  22. 22
    New beginning 1 months ago
  23. 23
    New fanfic teaser 1 months ago
  24. 24
    choices 28 days ago
  25. 25
    Tie and new choices 27 days ago
  26. 26
    Just talk 26 days ago
  27. 27
    New marvel fanfic 8 days ago