"Where do you think you're going?", I ask Tousen who I have impaled on my sword. Surprise and blood run down his face. I have made sure not to hit his heart as I want him to be interrogated but ... it looks like things have just changed now. I will have to change my plans then. Oh well.
"Shoot to kill, Shinso", I hear Ichimaru Gin say.
I dodge a blade that shoots towards me from afar. That should be his Shikai. In its Shikai, Shinso's blade glows white and extends at high speed to impale his opponents from a distance. As I can feel, the blade also carries tremendous force when extending. It's not enough to move me but I still let it happen. Since the situation has changed, I need to adjust my plans now and arrive at the most favourable outcome. Some things are meant to happen. We'll see.
Aizen Sosuke is very sure of himself but that won't help him. Let's see whether I can't teach him some fear. Act weak when you're strong, and strong when you're weak.
I turn around and swing Zenmanzakura in an arch towards seemingly nothing. But I can feel him standing there. My blade misses and I act as if I am surprised. I trust my instincts and also my Kenbunshoku Haki to dodge the next attacks and then use my speed to slice at the air.
"Ugh!", I hear him say as I manage to cut off his arm. I hear a thud as his arm falls to the ground. He was quick there. I was aiming for his entire body. I don't care about his plans and not if the story can continue. If he can't survive this, then that's on him. If he plays such a dangerous game, he must also be ready for failure. And tonight, he will meet his first failure. I guess, I could up my speed a little bit to make it more interesting.
I attack again but am interrupted by a desperate Tousen. He tries to use his Zanpakuto again. I feel hundreds of blades incoming. I slash through all of them and then move towards Aizen. He points his fingers at me and prepares a Hado. But instead of waiting for him to succeed, I punch Tousen again, for good measure and then look at Ichimaru Gin. I look him in the eyes and the pressure makes his heart stop beating. Monstrous amounts of sweat begin to fall down his face and body and I can see the fear in his eyes, which are now fully open. I start to walk towards him. My presence is slightly unleashed to the smallest degree and I can feel his muscles give out and then ... he falls to the ground unconscious.
I turn around and look at Aizen who is visible again. He is holding his left shoulder where his arm used to be. I can feel the people I felt before finally arriving. Multiple Shunpo mark the arrival of the Onmitsukidō who surround me. I can feel that Urahara Kisuke has already left with the Visards. It looks like this will be on me.
"Captain Kuchiki, you are to stand down immediately. You are under arrest for the attempted murder of various Captains of the Gotei 13.", one of them says and I sheathe my Zanpakuto. This was bound to happen, so it is good. I allow them to handcuff me and take away my Zanpakuto. I need to stop Senmanzakura from killing the one holding the blade with his intent alone. The stronger we get, the sharper its intent becomes and the more dangerous it is for anyone but me to touch it.
I am led to a cell where I am to wait for the time the Central 46 call me and give me a 'trial'. Trial in Soul Society is mostly imprisonment or execution. There are so many things that will get you killed. If you are believed to be a danger, you are imprisoned before you do something. That's the marvellous legal system in Soul Society. But the law everyone follows in this world still counts and that law is 'might makes right'. If you are powerful enough, you can do whatever you wish. And if you're smart and powerful and have a cheat that allows you to put everyone into an absolute illusion, you are good to do whatever you want.
I use my Kenbunshoku to feel around the Seireitei and understand the situation. Aizen is not in the Seireitei. He is probably dealing with his lost arm situation. He will surely get himself another one soon. The Hogyoku should heal him, but that will take a while to happen. So what will he do until then? I use my Kenbunshoku to listen to what is happening within Central 46.
Tessai and Kisuke are brought to the Central 46 compound. Both of them are handcuffed and standing before all of the 46 members of the Central 46.
"What is the meaning of this?", Kisuke asks. He asks that but he already knows. Kisuke is smarter than most people give him credit for at this point.
"I don't recall giving you permission to speak. You have been summoned here for an inquest. You are not to speak other than in response to a question. Is that understood, Captain of Squad 12?", a member of the Central 46 asks arrogantly.
'Inquest? Am I being suspected of something?'
"I apologise."
"Where were you last night shortly after midnight?", a member asks.
"In the forest of District 6 in West Fugai district.", Kisuke answers.
"Were you there conducting Hollowfication experiments?", another member asks.
This startles Kisuke and he turns to the member who said that.
"Just a minute! Who told you such a thing?"
However, he is not given an answer.
"You tested Hollowfication, the results of your evil research, on the Captain of Squad 5, as well as seven other Captain class members in the Fugai district.", someone else said.
Kisuke was not prepared for this. He suspects how this came to their attention, but how it was possible to make them all believe it ...
"So it is true?"
Kisuke remembers what Aizen told him. He understands what happened.
"Who was it?", Kisuke asks again.
"You do not have the right to ask questions.", someone says.
"Was it Lieutenant Aizen?", Kisuke asks them.
"That makes twice, Captain of Squad 12. The next time, we will add to the charges.", a pompous prick states.
"That was all his doing! We went there to rescue Hirako and the others!"
"When your lies go that far, they become comical. The Lieutenant of Squad 5 never left the Seireitei last night.", another member tells Kisuke.
"We have the statements of 124 squad members and one Captain. Although another one refuses to confirm this, he is also brought here as we speak. That leaves no room for any doubt.", the member says.
"Who was the one that refused to confirm this?", Kisuke wants to know.
"This is now the third time, Captain of Squad 12. Your sentence will be adjusted accordingly."
"That can't be true.", Kisuke says.
I find it embarrassing on Kisuke's part, that he was captured even with my intervention. Luckily, there is someone who will help him out here, but that is still stupid. In that moment a messenger comes in and tells everyone the news.
"I have information to report!"
This calms the room down somewhat.
"Numerous traces of Hollowfication experiments were found in the research wing of Squad 12's barracks!"
"That settles it.", a member says.
Three knocks are heard.
"I will pass the sentence! Kido Commander Tessai Tsukabishi! For the crime of using a forbidden technique, you are sentenced to imprisonment in Underground Prison 3: Shugo!
Captain of Squad 12, Kisuke Urahara! For the crime of conducting research on and applying taboo phenomena to deceive and cause serious injury to your fellow squad members, you are sentenced to eternal banishment to the World of the Living after you have been stripped of all Spiritual Power!
Furthermore, the pitiful captain of Squad 5 along with the other seven Captain-class members, who became the victims of your heinous experiments will be dealt with severely as Hollows!", the chief judge or something declares.
Before he can get to further punishment, Kisuke interrupts him.
"But that's ... Just wait a minute!"
The door is slammed open and a person stands at the entrance. The figure has hidden his or her features and looks like a ninja or a member of Onmitsukidō. Who might this be?
"Who are you?! Who gave you permission to enter the conference room while proceedings are in progress?! Leave this place immediately, lowly oaf!"
The figure flashes to the middle and stands next to Kisuke and Tessai. Two guards try to attack the person but are immediately knocked out.
The person then breaks the cuffs and frees them.
"C-Capture them! Intruder!"
"Isn't anyone there?!"
All the guards are knocked out and lying on the ground. I watch everything happen and wait for the chaos to die down. The Central 46 will be busy with this and will most likely not have much time to deal with all of this. But my plans worked as well and now, I am interested to see what Aizen will do when he realises that not all of his plans worked as intended.
Dealing with the fleeing Captains, I am eventually brought before Central 46. They are as arrogant as they always were and I believe that it is time for them to understand their position in this world. My Kenbunshoku Haki is powerful enough to sense their emotions. Their pride was wounded and they will want to blame someone for their incompetence. And that person is me.
"Captain Kuchiki you have been summoned here for an inquest. You are not to speak other than in response to a question. Is that understood, Captain of Squad 11?" one of them tells me.
I have my usual look on and don't respond to them.
"Captain Kuchiki, earlier this evening, we got a report that you were found viciously attacking two fellow members of the Gotei 13. Kaname Tousen from Squad 9 and Ichimaru Gin from Squad 5. What have you got to say for yourself?"
"I was not the one to initiate the attack. Everything that happened tonight was an orchestrated event, set up by someone who holds considerable wit and power. The Captains of the Squads 3, 5, 7 and 9 were sent out to deal with this problem that I have pointed out a long time ago in the Rukongai. Whoever is behind this, was smart enough to hide himself and then make it seem, like the Captains were somehow involved. I am unsure how this person managed to manipulate or use Kaname Tousen or Ichimaru Gin for their nefarious schemes, but it happened and they attacked me. Therefore, I retaliated in the only way I know how and the only way we Shinigami are taught."
My words hit a nerve there. They thought that I didn't know about Kisuke Urahara and that what I said was just based on what I saw. I knew this as well and therefore played right into their hands. Their arrogance will be their undoing sooner or later. I won't even bother with them, I will let Sosuke Aizen deal with them for me.
"We understand. As it happened, there was indeed someone amongst our ranks who orchestrated this entire event and laid out a trap for you and your fellow Captains. Tell us, how it happened that you managed to evade Hollowification, when the others couldn't?"
I noticed the hidden meaning and accusation in his words.
"Simple. I am more powerful."
"Very well. But there will be consequences for your actions. As a punishment for attacking your fellow Shinigami-"
A ginormous pressure fell onto every member of the Central 46 at that moment.
"W-what .. is this?"
"You are right it will have consequences. It's Newton's third law ... every action has an equal reaction."
The pressure increased, making all the members be pressed on the ground and their chairs obliterated.
"I wonder how much will each of you manage to take before your organs pop like balloons and we have ourselves a blood feast."
Groans were heard from all around as I increased the pressure slightly every second.
Suddenly, I stopped. All the pressure ceased and the Central 46 members could breathe again. My plan wasn't to kill them, that would go to Aizen. My plan was to scare them. To scare them so much, that they will think twice or thrice before angering or accusing me of anything anymore.
"T-this will-"
"Yeah yeah, consequences and whatnot. You members of the Central 46 have gotten arrogant over the years. You believe that you hold power because it has been like this for generations. But in truth, you were handed this power to appease the four noble families. Nothing you do here is for the betterment of Soul Society. Nothing will change. But forgot that in Soul Society, before the Gotei 13 were formed, the rule that stood above all was that power decides everything.
I hold great power and can kill you all in a blink of an eye. But I am also a noble from the Kuchiki clan. I warn you all. If you again accuse me falsely, I will return here and there is nothing that will stop me from cutting you all down."
After saying this, I walked out of the hall. Leaving them all to think about my words and the massive threat.
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