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30.76% Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI) / Chapter 8: [8] Gallagher Shenanigans

Kapitel 8: [8] Gallagher Shenanigans

Savannah was typing away on her phone while laying on the bed, I raised a brow but her but didn't say anything while finding the sight of her in the poofy white bathrobe with her green hair slightly damp and mussed up probably one of the most beautiful sights I'd ever seen, even with the cell phone kinda ruining the moment.

But we both had business to take care of and a lot of her business was coordinated through her phone so it wasn't anything that I couldn't accept.

(Knock knock)

"That's my brother's…they brought me some stuff and a change of clothes." Savannah said to me as I'd pointed the AR at the door since we didn't order room service.

"Next time…give me a heads up, I wouldn't want to accidentally shoot one of your brothers." I said with a smirk as Savannah rolled her eyes and was about to go answer the door but I did it for her.

Opening the door seeing Adam and Zach there both with looks that said they wanted to beat me up and welcome me to the family which was a little jarring.

"Here." Adam said while handing me a leather overnight bag.

"If you hurt her…" Zack started to say but then shut up when Savannah was standing next to me.

"If he hurt me I'm sure he'd beat himself up over it more than you could, now get lost." Savannah said, slamming the door in the faces of her brother's and then turning around to look at me with a blush on her face.

I crossed my arms over my chest while looking at her seriously.

"I think you know me a little too well…what's the deal?" I asked Savannah who looked down at her feet and looked a little nervous.

"Okay…so maybe I've had a crush on you for years…but you were always so cold and closed off to anyone but your family and always got good grades and it made me feel…I don't know it just made me feel bad about myself." Savannah replied to me and I hugged her to comfort her.

"Sorry…it was never you, you're great…the truth is I have problems connecting with people." I told her while petting her hair.

"Anything to do with what I heard and saw the other night?" Savannah asked me, leaning out of the hug and looking up at me with an earnest caring expression on her face.

"Maybe…" I replied to her while trailing off.

'Yeah, so not letting this girl go…though I'm gonna miss the idea of having a harem in another world.' I thought to myself while tilting my head downwards to kiss her.

"So is everything alright, I heard you say something about a Frank-up earlier?" Savannah asked while raising an eyebrow at me.

"Well you see Frank had this brilliant idea while coked out to bury his sister in the backyard after she overdosed, and has been collecting Disability checks for the dead woman for the last twelve years and now the state is looking to meet with her because of discrepancies, hence we have to come up with something to get out of his geniusly retarted scheme." I told Savannah, before walking over to my jacket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes and had the will and testament I wrote for Aunt Ginger fall to the floor.

"Shit, I forgot to give this to Lip to get it Notarized." I cursed before flopping down into the comfortable look lounger.

"I'll take care of this for you." Savannah said while she sat on my lap and lit my cig for me with a lighter she took out of her bag that her brother dropped off for her.

"Besides, if anyone looks into it, it shouldn't be a Ghallager who brings it in to be filled, connections with people in the Clerk's office or not." Savannah said to me as she plucked the cigarette from my lips and took a drag off of it.

'Damn this girl is reliable.' I thought to myself as I wrapped my one arm around her middle and she wrapped one of her's around the back of my neck and we cuddled in the chair.

"Thanks…Princess." I whispered as I noticed she'd closed her eyes and nuzzled against my chest.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

'She's a sleeper.' I thought to myself as this was like the seventh time while cuddling that Savannah had fallen asleep as I finished her's and my own hot fudge Sundae we ordered through room service.

I couldn't help but shake my head while looking at her sleeping there looking so cute and innocent.

"She didn't need to ask her brothers to bring her this stuff; she could have just added it to the bill." I muttered softly looking at the tampons, pads and midol that her brother's brought her while ignoring the Glock 43, rape whistle and pepper spray as I inspected the blade of the combat knife they'd thrown in the bag.

"You know most girls would be pretty offended about you going through their things." Savannah said from the bed.

"Most girls wouldn't dump the contents of their bag on the table and leave them there either…I finished your sundae and sent your clothes out to be laundered." I told her while watching as she sat up and had the robe slide off her one shoulder revealing her smooth white skin and her right beautiful breast, and fucked out of the way of the pillow that was launched towards my head.

"Jerk, I was saving that for when I woke up." Savannah pouted before smiling.

"Hmm, guess I'll have to make it up to you." I replied while my eyes were glued to her pale nipple.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"So how long do you watch someone before…you know…end them?" Savannah asked me while running her finger across her throat to get the message across.

"Depends really, if it's someone easy without security usually after a day or two, but somebody like Compose…is going to need a bit of recon probably two to three weeks worth so I can get guard shifts down, along with his routines and other things…it'd go faster if I had more eyes but working on my own is better, besides not being a team player I don't have to worry about getting compromised by somebody's loose lips or greed." I replied to Savannah as I marked down the third guard rotation I'd seen in the last few hours.

"And you're not worried that I'll…compromise you?" Savannah asked while making air quotes.

"No…distract me maybe, while I'm trying to do this…but I feel pretty confident I can put my life in your hands and not come to regret it." I replied to Savannah while shooting her a confident smirk.

'It also helps that I have a healing factor and probably won't even die after getting beheaded since Logan survives as a head in a box for like fifty years.' I thought to myself before I was hit by a pillow.

I looked back at Savannah to see her glowing while looking at me mischievously, a pillow held in each hand.

"Princess you're about to start something you have no chance of winning." I stated in a serious tone as I got up from the chair I was sitting in.

"Ohh, I think I can win." Savannah replied to me while wiggling her eyebrows provocatively.

"I guess we'll find out." I replied and caught the next pillow she threw at me out of the air and struck, starting a pillow fight soon the entire room was covered in down feathers and pillow stuffing as Savannah laid on the floor together giggling like kids.

"Best pillow fight ever." Savannah said in a gasping voice.

"Ehh, it wasn't bad but I've seen better." I replied to her jokingly which made her mount my hips.

"Is that a challenge?" Savannah asked while crossing her arms across her chest and arching an eyebrow.

"It wasn't but it is now." I replied to her while flipping us over putting Savannah on her back threading our fingers together as I pressed myself against her and initiated a kiss.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Savannah and I found ourselves making soft slow love inside of the bathtub after having sex on the floor of our room.

"I'm going to have to leave…I have a business to run and you have other things to do than spend all your time with me." Savannah said as she got out of the tub and wrapped herself in a towel covering that ass I love so much up.

"Yeah." I sighed reluctantly agreeing with her on that.

Exiting the bathroom I saw that yesterday had ended and the sun of today was already rising as Savannah slowly got dressed in front of me.

"Want me to take you home?" I asked Savannah, trying not to sound like I was desperate to milk every last second with her out of the day that I could.

"No, my brothers are waiting downstairs in a car for me. We have a job to do." Savannah replied to me as she slipped my acdc shirt on, over her head and then came over and kissed me.

"I'll text you later." Savannah replied and like that she was gone and remembered to take the Will with her.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Looking at the mess we made in the room I called room service and then went to the fitness center while thinking up an idea for a business venture that could either be very profitable or a complete and total bust.

While I clicked on M's speed dial.

[Is everything alright Izzy?] M asked me in a worried tone.

"Yeah, everything's good M." I replied cheerfully while wearing a slightly dumb smile on my face.

"I'm calling because I have a business idea and was wondering if you could help me set it up." I continued speaking, finding that M didn't say anything.

[Of course I'll do everything I can to help you Izzy.] M replied with a slightly too eager exclamation.

"Okay so here's my idea." I laid out my entire plan and that was to make a company called Pillow Fights. Which is a big padded stadium obstacle course type thing like paintball except with pillows and people can just go ham and pillow fight with each other, while there would also be areas to make pillow forts and the like.

[Izzy, I think the idea is very cute…but I don't think as a business it will work out.] M replied to me gently.

"Okay, okay I know it's dumb but think 9f it this way, I could use it as a laundering business as well by making a pillow company and shit and establishing a bunch of chain stores around the world." I started spitting out my full idea into the phone.

[O-okay I'll get on it.] M replied sounding overwhelmed and I smirked victoriously as I thought about using Pillow Fights as a way to become an influencer that surpasses Mr.Beast and all them in my past life.

Suddenly my phone dinged and I saw that it was a message from Savannah.

[Turn on the news now…it's bad.]

Clicking the remote to turn on the tv I read the hotline.

"Alexandra Russo, Kidnapped after a home invasion." The news anchor said.

[Who is this Alexandra Russo?] I text back to Savannah.

[Really? It's Rico Vargas' daughter…you know the guy who controls all of Chicago's drug trade.]

[Ohh shit.] I messaged her, and at the same time noticed three black SUV's pulling up in front of Compose's building. Someone grabbed a girl around my age kicking and screaming out of the middle suv.

[Yes, oh shit.] Savannah replied.

[Hey, if you don't hear from me for a while…I really enjoyed our time together.] I sent to Savannah before throwing my phone on the bed and gearing up hearing my phone blowing up but ignoring it.

'I'm not going to let that piece of shit torture another person.' I thought to myself the fact that Alexandra Russo looked like Selena Gomez was the last thing on my mind.

I moved to the elevator inside the hotel scaring multiple people as I was wearing the armored mask.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Savannah was watching the news on her phone as her brother drove out of Chicago.

[Breaking news armed gunmen in masks attack the Barilla building owned by Compose Barilla, a man with supposed connections to the Braga Cartel and the stolen car ring here in Chicago.]

Savannah's heart was in her throat as she saw Issac moving across the street shooting his assault rifle at guards firing at him with submachine guns.

While another angle showed a slight figure that definitely belonged to a woman who was wearing a bacav and black tactical gear who was using pistols using the distraction Issac was making to attack the other entrance.

Automatic gun fire was drowning out the live feed at the building as black SUV's and low riders pulled up in front of the building followed by cops and swat.

[The streets of Chicago look like a warzone, everywhere gangs are rising up to grab power.]

M was watching the same broadcast while grabbing the arms of her chair before taking a deep breath and working on getting Izzy's business started for him.

"He'll be fine, he's made for this." She reassured herself.

[The man in the skull mask has breached the building with explosives.]

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Throwing away my AR as I ran out of ammo grabbing the shotgun from the holster on my back, when suddenly a slight feminine figure threw a kick at my head which I blocked with my shotgun.

"Who are you Braga didn't say anything about support?" the masked figure asked me with a pistol leveled at my eye slit.

"Private contractor." I replied and she nodded but her finger was about to squeeze the trigger when a few guys came out of hiding both behind us and in front of us.

"Temporary truce?" I asked as I pressed her into a small alcove created by concrete columns.

"Very temporary." She replied back and her voice sounded so sexy.

"On three." She said and I smirked before saying three.

It was like we were made to kill together. Each of our movements were in perfect synchronization.

We moved in and out of each other passing off guns and magazines. We ended up standing chest to chest my gun along her side while her gun were over each shoulder.

"You missed one." I said teasingly as I shot a guy through a decoration.

"So did you." She replied back with a smile in her voice as she shot a guy that was above us making him fall to the floor a few feet away from us.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"FUCK FUCK FUCK, THIS WAS NOT HOW IT WAS SUPPOED TO HAPPEN.". A man of Hispanic origin raged and cursed in Spanish while a girl around sixteen laughed.

"I told you my daddy would send an army for me." she said in Spanish.

"It's not an army, it's two people." the Hispanic man's second in command said while looking at the girl lustfully.

before receiving a bullet in his head while the door was kicked in.

"YOU ! ! !" The man in the skull mask bellowed before ripping it off revealing a good looking young man that left both Alexandra and Gisele more than a little shocked.

"Hahaha, she said we'd see each other again, Screamer, did you miss me? huh tell me you missed me Screamer?" Compose asked while a sick malicious smile twisted his face.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"Look, I heard about you from my contractor…I know you don't leave witnesses, but right now that sick fuck has another girl up there he's going to rape and torture." I said to the woman who took off her bacav revealing the face of a twenty year old Gal Gadot.

"What are you a merc with a heart of gold or something?" She asked me while rolling her eyes and reloading her guns.

"Far from it, but I know what it's like to be powerless…let me get the girl out of here." I said to her and was surprised by the little smirk on her lips that look ohh so sexy.

"Fine, you owe me, and if this ruins my rep you're going to owe me even more, got it?" She replied to me while extending her hand to me.

"Deal." I replied back to her as she put her mask back on and I reloaded my infinity 1911.

Gisele and I arrived at Compose's floor.

"He's through that door." Gisele said and I felt a little sad there was no one to kill in the hallway.

"Figured, it's the only door on this floor besides the elevator." I jokingly replied and I felt her roll her eyes at me.

"On three this time." Gisele said to me though I could tell she was smirking underneath her mask.

"Sure on three." I replied holding up my and counting to three before kicking open the door as soon as the door was bursting apart Gisele put a bullet in the man standing next to the hostage.

But as soon as I saw Compose, I knew exactly who he was as he was the only one who ever took his mask off. He was the leader of the guys who tortured me and in a flash of rage I ripped off my mask and roared at him, as everything went red.

I barely registered the fact that he recognized me even though his were more aged and my looks were different.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"Remember how me and my friends cut you up, shot you and left you to die in the cold empty warehouse?" Compose asked evilly while chuckling.

"Ahh, I loved forcing your own dick down your throat as Mike hammered your balls to the chair, I cun so hard every time I play your screams in my head when I'm fucking one of these worthless cunts. Their screams just don't compare to your first." He continued to taunt and Gisele was about to shoot him in the head when suddenly the young man next to her let out a sound that sounded like it should have come from an animal as he lunged forward.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

The sounds of a person retching could be heard as the image of a man being ripped literally ripped apart by a man who seemed more beast than man could be seen.

Arms and legs thrown off into a corner as fingers dug into soft flesh and pulled exposing the rib cage and organs protected within all while the man being torn apart stayed conscious through it all laughing and screaming in equal measure.

Finally it was over and the young man completely covered in blood and guts stood up, looking like a mindless beast that would charge at anything that moved or it perceived as a threat, as he growled and grunted like an animal.

Gisele slowly set her guns down on the ground.

"Remember when you said you wanted to save the girl." Gisele said in a soothing voice as she looked at the young man she'd fought beside and had seen take bullets for her that would have killed her if they'd hit her.

"RAHH." The young man growled and charged but Gisele sidestepped the charge and put him into a submission hold from behind.

"Jeez kid snap out of it, I don't like hurting kids." Gisele muttered as she strained her entire body to keep Issac on the floor until he stopped flailing around, and growling.

My world started returning to a normal color spectrum and I felt my face being pressed into a polished cement floor while my arms were locked behind my head while a knee was being pushed into my ass and foot was pressing downwards on my head.

"Umm, I know we have a lot of chemistry…but I'm not into bondage." I said to the woman on top of me who scoffed and made it sound incredibly sexy.

"I take it you're back to normal now?" she asked while sounding both exhausted and reluctant to let go.

"As much as I'll ever be." I replied and felt Gisele release me from her suppression hold, and got off of my back.

"Hey it's me the target has been taken out I need extraction ... What do you mean there's no extraction plan? Fuck you!" I heard Gisele say into a phone and I tapped her leg."

"Come on." I said to her as I picked up my mask and then cut the girl who was tied to the chair free and slung her over my shoulder and put the mask back on.

I saw that Gisele seemed to be going through an existential crisis so I walked over and shook her when she didn't react. I picked her up and slung her over my other shoulder.

Getting into the elevator hitting the button that would take me to the sub basement where I could then use the tunnel that ran between the buildings in this area to get into the parking of the hotel garage where my Porsche is waiting.

"Put me down, I can walk." Gisele said as she patted my back and grabbed my gun.

"Put my gun back please, it has sentimental value." I said as shrugged her off of my shoulder.

"Sorry, about back there…thanks for stopping me from doing anything I'd regret." I said to her though she didn't answer and let go of my hand as soon as we entered the parking garage.

She started off in the direction of the entrance.

"You've been cut loose right? Come with me I'll set you up with something." I told her but she pulled her mask down and glared at me.

"It's not charity, call it paying back a favor." I told her and her glare lessened before she nodded.

I didn't say anything else but got in the elevator and went up to my room loving the Gallagher plot armor as there weren't cops at the door to my suite or inside as I entered, setting the girl down in a chair.

Going into the bathroom removing my gear, getting into the shower letting the hot water wash away the blood and viscera.

Scrubbing up quickly before getting out of the shower and putting in the bathrobe leaving the shit on the floor only grabbing my Infinity 1911 and its holster.

When I exited the bathroom Alexandra was awake in her chair trembling like a frightened kitten while Gisele leaned against the suite's door.

"Hey, everything is going to be alright now, I'm going to get you home in a few." I said as I kneeled down in front of her realizing that she was terrified of me, as I scratched my temple awkwardly.

"Do you want to get washed up…you have some vomit on you." I said softly with a gentle voice which made the girl settle down slightly and nod.

Going over to the safe in the closet if the room typing in the four digit code pulling it open revealing 50k in neat bank stacks I took them out and tossed three to Gisele, and she tossed me my phone.

"Your girlfriends are worried about you." Gisele said I wasn't too surprised about her going through my phone well looking over the missed calls.

"Technically I'm single…" I replied to her as I saw over a dozen missed calls from Savannah and 123-4 texts while M had also called half a dozen times and sent four text messages.

Savannah's started out as violent threats of pain and punishment if I got hurt, and went very gently and just wanted me to come back safely.

M was letting me know that the business on paper was started and a location was purchased.

"Hey Alex are you done? We should get going." I hollered softly and the girl came out of the bathroom in a lot calmer shape and I tossed her my shirt to wear while I shucked off my robe and put my jeans on while bagging up Savannah's laundered clothes, her supplies and put the 20k in the bag.

"Come on let's get out of here." I said as I slipped on my leather jacket leaving it unzipped noticing the appreciative glances of both Gisele and Alex.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Twenty minutes later I was dropping Alex off at her father's estate and then drove off once she was inside the inner gate driving a few miles away making sure I wasn't being tailed before stopping the car.

"The car is yours…it was nice meeting you Gisele." I said as I got out of the Porsche and disappeared into the crowd, stopping at a coffee shop backing up my phone factory, resetting it and then handing it to a panhandler.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Going into the apple store overnight bag held in hand, walking up to the open cashier.

"Hello Sir, how can I help you?" The middle aged woman asked as she stared at my bare chest framed by my leather jacket.

"I'll take the new iPhone in space gray with the highest amount of storage please." I replied to her while reaching into the bag only pulling out enough bills to pay for the phone.

"Of course, I'll be right back." She replied.

Five minutes later I was the new owner of an iPhone 5, and ten minutes after that I was putting a new sim card into my phone.

It rang and already displayed M's contact, something that unnerved me slightly as I hadn't even opened the contacts yet.

"You know sometimes you're scary." I only slightly joked into the phone.

"I'm so relieved you're okay." M said while completely ignoring my comment.

"Thanks M, the room needs to be cleaned." I told her while leaning against a wall and pulling a pack of smokes from my jacket pocket, and sparking up.

"It's already been taken care of…good job Izzy…there's now four priority alpha targets in the world." M said before the line went dead and I felt like the wind was knocked out of me.

'Yup, sometimes she's scary.' I thought to myself as I let out a tired sigh and called Savannah.

"You better have a good reason for sending me a text like that, ignoring me and doing what I think you did." Savannah said to me through the phone without even letting me greet her and knowing it was me.

"Well I couldn't see another report like the ones that have been on the news lately…and if something had happened to a certain girl I doubt Chicago would survive, how bad is it on your block?" I replied to her and I heard her sigh.

"You have a hero complex don't you…" Savannah pointed out.

"Yeah…maybe more of an anti-hero complex like the Punisher or Deadpool." I replied to her.

"I know who Deadpool is…but who is the Punisher?" Savannah asked me and sounded completely genuine in not knowing who the Punisher is.

Looking through my memories I also saw there wasn't anything about the punisher, no barely bearable movies and passable TV shows or comics.

"Never mind, it's a bad reference…the motel room is no longer available, I gotta go home and help out but…would you like to meet up later?" I replied to Savannah and asked.

"I'd love to meet up later, but I'm not in Chicago…once mom found out about Alexandra she told us to get out of the city for the day…could you go check on her we lost contact when I heard her yell suck grenades you little dicked fucks." Savannah replied to me sounding worried.

"Yeah, I'll go there now…but if your mom comes on to me I might not be able to resist." I replied to Savannah and I could hear her roll her eyes.

"There's a hot piece of ass here too that's been giving me the signal…maybe we'll both have some fun." Savannah replied and I could hear my phone creaking as my grip on it tightened.

Closing my eyes and breathing in a deep breath.

"That is our deal…good luck I'll let you know about your mom." I replied in a clipped tone and hung up before she could reply or before I said something stupid.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Savannah's face and stomach twisted as he said that is our deal.

'What was I thinking when I came up with that…I want him all to myself.' Savannah thought to herself and punched the backseat she was riding in.

"So…who is this hot piece of ass sis?" Adam joked and I struggled not to punch him.

Zach mercifully stayed quiet.

"You should have learned from my experience sis, you don't set up a deal like that with a person you love." Zach said softly and I turned to look out the window and felt my eyes sting.

"It seemed like the right thing to do at the time." Savannah replied before leaning her head against the glass.

"For what it's worth…I think he's just as in love with you as you are with him." Adam chipped in.

"Thanks, doesn't mean he won't let his dick lead him where it wants to go….and we all know how mom is." Savannah replied to her brother before putting in some earbuds.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Quickly sending a group text to Fi and Lip letting them know about my new number so they can let everyone else know I took a cab and paid extra so they would take me to Wright turf.

Seeing Savannah house half destroyed and on fire I didn't even wait for the cab to stop as I was already running towards it seeing a guy with an AK wearing purple heading towards it as well I pulled out my Infinity and put a round in the back of his head.

"Nice shot stud." I heard from above me and saw Savannah's mom holding an M16 and wearing military level combat gear.

"You see him ladies, he's my future son in law and baby daddy." Elizabeth said as multiple other women stood up holding various different military grade weapons and wearing combat gear.

"It's good to see you're alright Liz, Savannah sounded pretty worried about you on the phone…" I ignored her comment and shortened her name before hollering up at her and I could have sworn her blue eyes glew as a wolfish smile made it's way onto her lips.

"Hannah is such a mommy's girl." One of the women commented, making them all laugh which made me feel a little awkward and out of place.

"Right, well it looks like y'all have things well under control…I'm going to go check on my family now." I said and waved to them only to have duck and roll for cover as a gang of Vatos pulled up.

"THE FUCKING LUCK OF A GHALLAGER NEVER CEASES TO FUCK ME OVER ! ! !" I yelled as i was out of bullets and the cab driver was sitting there listening to Indian music just jamming out with the windows up as bullets just seemed to whiz around his cab and I realized he looked a lot like Mohinder from the Deadpool movies.

'Wait, Savannah had a gun in her bag…which I didn't see…Gisele, kinda surprised she didn't shoot me with it earlier.' I thought to myself as I grabbed out the pepper spray only to have the Vatos that got close to me misted by a 50.caliber round.

"There's a gun sweetie." I heard from the roof which made me roll my eyes as I grabbed the Mac 10 and started spraying while I made a dash for the deceased Ballers Ak.

Hearing the women on the roof commenting about me not being half bad and kinda cute for a Ghallager, while my self proclaimed mother in law and baby moma talked me up.

Every time someone got a little too close to me a 50 cal round took them out if I didn't react fast enough.

By the time the sun set I'd killed 1 Baller and 23 Vatos, while the sniper killed 12.

I quickly called Savannah.

"Yeah, your mom is good…great actually, so is the girl power Malita, your house not so much…call your mom and let her know you're alright." I left Savannah a voicemail as she was probably busy with whoever was sending her signals.

Elizabeth came down off the roof and threw herself at me.

"Mmm, you looked so sexy and worried about me when you rushed out of that moving car." Elizabeth said as she rubbed herself up against which lost most of it's effect since she was wearing body armor and grey cammo fatigues.

"Thanks, I really have to get going I'm worried about my siblings, plus the cabbies meter has been running for hours." I replied to Elizabeth and found she was nearly impossible to slip.

"I could send a squad too check on them and you could stay here to keep me safe...and satisfied." Elizabeth whispered in my ear huskily as before gently nibbling on my ear lobe.

"I'd love to really, but I think you have a lot of stuff to handle here...and there's a bit of a power vacuum now thanks to whoever took out Compose." I replied and Elizabeth pulled back her eyes partially turned to calculating slits before she leaned in and whispered in my ear this time lacking the husky whisper.

"Thank you for that, no Savannah didn't tell me you just showed your cards with your own words and skills earlier." Elizabeth said to me before pulling back and placing a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Thats a down payment hun." Elizabeth whispered before turning around and order a group of women in combat gear to do things.

I found myself looking at the woman's back a little stunned before the cabbie beeped the horn.

"Sorry Mr...but I'm five hours late to return my cab please get in." The cabbie said very politely

"Sure thing Mohinder." I replied and his mouth dropped open while I slid into the backseat and gave him my address and proceeded to hand him a two grand tip on top of his eighty dollar fair.

"Th-thank you sir but this is too much." Mohinder replied while trying to shove the money back to me through the cut out in the bullet resistant glass.

"Use it to buy Dita something nice Mohinder." I told him and the man instantly became depressed.

"Dita picked my third cousin after I kidnapped the other one and sent him back to India." Mohinder replied and I rolled my eyes.

"Do some grand display of affection." I told him and got out of the cab as soon as he hit my block thanking my lucky stars I didn't give him the exact address.

I felt myself growing tired on the short trip to the front door while my hands trembled and my legs started feeling like jello.

Entering the house I was immediately bugged by Debbie who gushed about some doll and birthday cake, I was completely clueless about but patted her head and rolled with it.

Once I got her off of me I tried to get to my room but then Fiona intercepted me and gave me a hug as well and apologized for being bitchy and then tried to dump her shit on me about fucking Tony, and I just patted her head before picking her up and physically moving her out of my way.

Feeling like I was going to flip out if one more person got in my way when Ian came over and took the key from my shaking hand and unlocked the locks for me.

Which made me shoot him a look filled with gratitude as I went downstairs kicked my clothes off and collapsed on the bed.

"Are you hungry?" Ian asked me and I grunted tiredly before falling asleep.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

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