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50% The Gym teacher's Harem / Chapter 2: Monday School Gym 1st period

Kapitel 2: Monday School Gym 1st period

Naruto and Samui are watching the teams play a game called MAT BALL! And right now, a girl by the name of Neo had kicked the ball and was making her way toward the 3rd mat, as she hit the back wall without hitting the ground first then Neo headed to the home mat as she got a home run. As Sasuke who is pitching growls as Naruto's team is doing better.

Naruto whispers to Samui "did we do that to him?" with Samui saying "no, rumor has it that a volleyball mysterious appeared out of nowhere and would hit him right in the balls, he just got out of the hospital this morning"

Naruto says "Oh I don't know what happened but if he takes his anger out on a student he will be getting detention" as he sees Sasuke having a hard time moving.

Naruto says "then again" with Samui trying her best to hold her laughing, Naruto is trying not to laugh as well.

After that, they resume the game, after that they see Sasuke walking very funny, Naruto is thinking that he shouldn't let Sasuke play at all, as the class leaves someone comes in and Naruto turns to see Sakura Haruno.

"Miss Haruno right? So what can I help you with?" Naruto asks, Sakura says "Oh there is something. Like becoming mine." Naruto blinks as he says "come again?" She moves in closer and says "You can become my husband." Then Samui gets in the way "I am sorry but did I hear you are making a move on my man." as Sakura says "yes and you're not getting in the way of our love"

Samui then pulls the girl's hair as she says "well, it seems you had signed your death warrant pinky" Sakura is screaming, and then she shouts "You bitch I was destined to be Lady Uzumaki no one else not even a fake breasted bimbo like yourself!"

Naruto watching this as he thinking 'damn, that girl ain't right in the head' Samui drags her out of the gym the drop kicks Sakura making her fly into a wall and the students are looking at this like what the fuck.

Samui askes one of the students to get someone. One student runs to get that person, with Sakura saying "Y-You b-bitch I will get my man from your claws I am the right woman for him." with the other students "she's crazy!"

The student returns with who Samui wanted as it Layla, she marches up and grabs Sakura "Sakura this is the fifth time this month. I am sorry but I am going to have to call your mother." Layla drags her away with her shouting that this is unfair and other things. Samui goes back into the gym and she heads to her office as Naruto is dealing with the class by himself.

Two periods later

They have a lunch Period and Naruto is rubbing Samui's shoulders as he asks "you alright?" Samui sighs "I am now. But something was wrong with her." with Naruto says "let it go"

Samui sighs then turns around and pulls Naruto's head between her breasts as she says "But I have one person that she doesn't and that is you." with Naruto confused about that, Samui smirks as she pushes her breasts around his head more.

Then there's a knock on the door. Samui lets Naruto go and says "Enter." as they see a girl with white hair as she keeps in a bum, with light blue eyes as she wearing the school uniform, Naruto asks "Can we help you miss Schnee"

Miss Schnee or Winter Schnee says "yes, I do Sensei, more so with Uzumaki sensei," Naruto says "Miss Schnee it is our lunchtime and what you have to say to me can be said in front of my girlfriend"

Winter says "I rather have it be between the two of us," Samui says "Say it now Miss Schnee unless you want to say it in detention" Winter blushing "sigh fine, I want to ask if you know how to fight"

Samui giggles "Indeed he does as he is the MMA champion. But keep that a secret." Winter asks "MMA? What is even the-nevermind I'm asking cause well, we kinda needed one and the principal won't allow one unless if we have one of the gym teachers agreed to teach"

Naruto says "I believe everyone should be allowed to defend themselves," while Winter says "thank you sensei!" Naruto nods.

A day later

Naruto is watching the third period play dodgeball and sees that someone gets hit in the balls by mistake and Naruto blows the whistle, "alright, stop!" said Naruto. They go to check on the one who got hit and help him to take a seat.

Naruto askes one of the students to get the nurse, they do it and the Nurse comes with him with an ice pack as Naruto is thinking that they need a break from this game for a day or two. The person who throws it said they were so sorry and the boy said that it was ok as it was not on purpose with Naruto telling them to remain sitting and don't join back in the game. They both nod as the others get back to playing.

Meanwhile, Samui is setting up things for the self-defense class, She knows Naruto will teach them well, meanwhile, she sees someone walks in, she has long dark hair with red eyes and she is busty along with a curvy figure for her age. This is Tifa Lockhart and she is Naruto's first fighting student.

Samui says "can I help you?" she sees who it then says "Well I'll be it has been a while Tifa how are you?" asked Samui, Tifa said "hi Samui!" as she hugs Samui.

Samui says "what brings you here? And I didn't know you were a student here" Tifa says "Naruto-sensei called me to help with the class." Samui says "that makes sense as you were his first student when you were 6." Tifa sticks out her tongue "Yup and I am proud to be his student."

Samui giggles, "You were always motivated to learn the styles he knows but there's one style he can't teach you as it is his family's style." Tifa says "oh I know, you don't need to tell me"

Samui nods at that, as they talk to catch up a bit.

Then they hear the bell ring, which means time to go to their next class, Samui then walks with Tifa to see Naruto, Tifa says "Naruto!" goes to hug him, Naruto smiles and hugs him Tifa as well.

Naruto says "while we are talking on the phone but seeing you in person it seems you are doing fine" Tifa sticks her tongue out cutely with them laughing, Naruto then pokes her nose.

Samui says "get a room you two" in a jokey tone, Naruto then smirks and says "Oh Samui jealousy is very unbecoming of you." Samui says "maybe"

Naruto and Tifa look at each other than smirk then they grab Samui and take her to his office and soon enough they're laughing. As they are catching up.

Samui who wipes off the tears from her eyes as she was laughing too much, as Tifa just told a story of why she gave an opponent an atomic wedgie with Naruto says "odd, I don't remember teaching you that"

Tifa says "I learned how to do it before I met you." Naruto tries to found an answer to that but he doesn't, "I guess fair enough" said Naruto, Tifa laughs and they have lunch together.

After that, Naruto has to get ready for the next class when his phone rings as he answers as he says "hello?"

"Hello Naruto, it is Hana." Naruto hears as he says "Well I'll be damn, Hana, it's been a long time" Hana laughs "Yeah it has and I got complaints from my brother about his hard-ass gym teachers."

Naruto says "wait you have a brother? I thought your hot mom had enough of getting kids after you?" Hana sighs hearing that Hana was an older sister but her little brat brother was never around when Naruto visited.

"It's because you would be at my house when my brat of a brother would go with my dad before he moved somewhere far away," said Hana, and Naruto asks "What is he complaining about?"

Hana explains how her brother, Kiba, says about how is a Naruto hardass jerk and Naruto says "Hana you know me better than the brat. I am doing this for their health." Hana says "yeah I know that's why I called, just let you know in case you are called in….sigh and mom says hi by the way"

Naruto laughs "Oh yeah it has been a while since I have seen my wonderful surrogate Auntie Tsume. Tell her I said hello back, can you do that, Hana." with Hana says "your fucking lucky that we have a sexual history together"

Naruto says "Yeah true and we might make up again with you my lovely Inu-hime." as in high school Hana was fucked by both Naruto and Samui, though they're talking on the phone, Naruto could tell that Hana is blushing as she says "yup and while I'm at it, you almost sleep with my mom"

Naruto says "Blame your mother on that one." he remembered how Tsume came on to him and they would have done it if it wasn't for Kushina picking up Naruko. Hana sighs at that one and says "True."

Naruto says "how is she by the way?" with Hana says "well since you had left for whatever you and Samui went off to, Mom put herself into work and pretty much her sexual desire to be railed by you is gone"

Naruto says "It might come back if she sees me.", with Hana says "oh please I'm sure it's not going to happen, it's not like you gotten a bit more buffer and have a bigger cock"

Naruto says "Hana you might regret saying those words when we meet again." Hana says "I bet 100," Naruto says "I bet a night with me. So If I am right you will be mine."

Hana thinks on it as she says "fine, it's a bet." she says bye then hangs up, Naruto smirks and the class walks in, and low and behold Kiba is in this class period as Naruto says "oh Mr. Inuzuka" Kiba looks at Naruto and growls and Naruto says "You know it is not nice to lie to your older sister who is a friend of mine."

As he wraps his arm onto Kiba's shoulder, "and she just told me about how you feel toward me" Naruto's eyes change to red and he says "trust me kid you are getting off very lightly as I can be much worse." Kiba sweats badly.

In a few minutes, as everyone sees Kiba is being made to run laps with a tire tied to him, Naruto says "This is what I did to train, kid. You try and pull that bullshit of me being too hard on my class again then you will be doing this for the rest of the year with five tires or maybe more."

Kiba is whining as he can't believe that this is happening, Naruto then has a kickball "Ok guys you are going to be playing mat ball." with them cheering while Kiba is still running laps.

After school

Naruto texts Hana to meet him at his house and he sends the address, and in no more than 20 minutes, there's a knock on the door. Naruto goes and opens the door to see how much Hana has changed.

Back then she used to have short brown hair, but now she has a long ponytail, her breasts were from Double Ds to triple Hs, a bit taller and wide hips, Naruto says "Hello Hana it has been a while." Hana is blushing badly, why?

Naruto had gotten out of the shower and wearing only his workout pants and a towel around his neck, Hana is surprised at how much Naruto has changed.

Hana says "o-oh my kami, y-your m-more ripped t-then I remember Naruto" as she is blushing up a storm, Naruto says "This is what training to be an MMA fighter makes you become." with a smirk at Hana's blush.

Naruto says "It looks like I won the bet." Hana says "it's a bet about my mom remember!" Naruto says "I recall saying that If I win then you will be in bed with me but I think that lust will return, take a picture and then text me tomorrow also don't let her know where I live."

Hana does so as she says "I won't count on it Naruto" as the light of her phone flashes as she says "I will see you later"

Later that night

Naruto gets a text from Hana as their full bold "RUN!" Naruto says "what?" as he sees more texts from Hana "she saw the photo of you! Then she kicked me, grabbed my phone, and got your address from it!"

Naruto says "Oh boy." Then texts with Tsume's "TSUME STOP!" but he remembers that there's no way she would answer him while driving, as he wakes up Samui, "We have Tsume coming here and I hope you're ready to tie her up."

Samui blinks as she says "Just fuck her alright" as she goes back to sleep, as she mutters "it's about fucking time too" as she falls back to sleep with Naruto sighs as he gets up and gets ready for setting up a trap.

Time skip, one catching Tsume/a very horny milf later

Naruto is patting as his clothes are a bit torn, as he finally tied up Tsume as well have her swallow some sleeping pills but boy it was something, the woman just come at him by bursting through the door which Naruto will need to get a new lock and door, Hana arrives to take her mom home and to get her phone back as she says "I'm so so sorry Naruto! I will make sure to place a-"

"You lost the bet I will be seeing you tomorrow." said Naruto as he looked at Tsume and if he didn't know any better, Tsume had gotten hotter than last time, "I guess bring her along as well" Hana sighs and nods.

With that, the night ends and in the morning at the school, Samui is watching the kids play a game of volleyball and in the office.

Naruto is talking with Neo, which is about Neo's shirt, her gym shirt as it had torn, Naruto nods "Well Neo go put on your normal shirt and I will have to get you a new one or repair it." Neo nods as Naruto is thinking 'That girl's breasts are huge, almost as big as Samui's.' as an image of Neo's shirt split open from doing warm-up.

Neo says "sensei" Naruto looks at Neo "Yes?" Neo smirks as she shows her breasts toward Naruto as she says "Your imaging about these aren't you?" Naruto says "what are you applying for?" as he was thinking 'oh I know what she's trying to do but I want to hear it.'

Neo giggles and closes her shirt and says "You will find out." as she walks out with a sway in her hips with Naruto is thinking 'huh if I didn't know any better, I'm starting to think the girls here really have a thing for older guys'

Naruto is in his twenties and he is famous to a lot of people but he is getting women right left and center, as Samui walks in, and notices Naruto is in deep thought, "you ok?"

"Oh yes I am, I think Neo is planning something. Now about last night Samui." said Naruto who narrows his eyes at her with Samui says "to be fair! You wake me up! And I was sleeping so peacefully!"

Naruto pulls her to him with his hands on her ass and she moans "Then I guess tonight Hana is coming over and you are going to watch." says Naruto with Samui says "b-but"

Naruto smirked evilly "you see I won a bet last night and Hana is now going to remember why she couldn't find another lover." Samui blushes and keeps sputtering "h-how can you b-be so m-mean"

Naruto then kisses her nose and then asks "Who says that I am not joking?" with him smiling, Samui pouts with puffing out her cheeks "Oh you jerk!"

Later into the night

Naruto is sitting on the couch looking at Hana as she blushing badly as she says "my mom is here, so what are you planning?"

Naruto says "Just to talk." when Hana says "ok" she goes get her mother. They come back in and sit down, Naruto looks at Tsume. Soon enough they begin talking.

Naruto speaks to Tsume about how she should move on and other things, Tsume understands but she hugs Naruto welcoming him back as she walks out and heads home.

Leaving only both of them to themselves. Naruto then turns to Hana with an evil smirk with Hana whispers "p-please be gentle"

Half an hour later

Samui is outside of the bedroom as she hears Hana's voice through the door.

In the bedroom

Naruto is fucking Hana's pussy while playing with her breasts as she shouts "Oh my fucking kami!" Naruto smirks as he is fucking her pussy like a breeding bull as he has one of his hands holding onto her breasts as he fucking her more as the door opens up and it's Samui.

Naruto says "Get in here Samui!" and Samui does so, Naruto is fucking Hana in doggy style with Samui saying "wow you're giving it to her" as she blushing badly, Naruto smirks "Just reminding her who she belongs to."

Hana screams as she feels more of Naruto's cock as it thrusts in her as she shouts of how much bigger he is now, Naruto smirks "Remember Hana I am the one who ruined you forever!"

Hana screams louder while Samui is rubbing her legs together, Naruto keeps fucking Hana's pussy with her screaming by thrusting her more. Naruto smirks at Samui who is still rubbing her legs together more.

Naruto smirks as he sees what Samui is doing, "You will watch Samui' as he fucks Hana more.

An hour later, Hana and Naruto are in a different position, Naruto is fucking her in full nelson with Hana has a fuck happy smile on her as she shouting out with her eyes rolling upward "Yes keep fucking me! I missed this so much! Please, I need this so much!" Naruto smirks as he thrusts more in Hana's pussy.

Naruto says "Oh yes and I wonder if we should record this!" Hana screams louder as she doesn't answer as he thrusts more in her, Naruto keeps fucking Hana with her breasts bouncing like crazy.

Naruto then turns her to face the mirror on the wall and he gets an idea.

Half an hour later

Naruto is carrying Hana as he fucking her in front of the mirror, Hana is losing it with her shouting out "Yes fuck me more please I want to be owned by you more!" Naruto says "Oh you are already owned by me, Hana." Hana screams louder.

Samui wants to finger herself but can't as every time she tries, Naruto would glare at her and she stops, Samui whines.

A couple of hours later

Hana is out of it with cum leaking from her ass along with her pussy and Samui is allowed to suck his cock as he says "this is all your going to be doing Samui for all night" Samui sucking Naruto's cock, Samui is looking at Naruto with puppy dog eyes with Naruto says "no can do Samui"

Samui whines but just accepts her punishment as she sucks more of Naruto's cock, Naruto rubs her head as they went on the rest of the night like this.

The next day, after school

Naruto had gotten a letter from Neo as he met her up at the school pool. Naruto heads to the pool as he arrives there and there's no one else as he sees Neo, as she is wearing a school swimsuit which is fitting her way too tight because of her giant size breasts and thick thighs, and wide hips.

Naruto asks "So what is up Neo?" Neo says "Oh I have some plans and I want you like mine!" She raises her hand and points at Naruto with her breasts bouncing. Naruto asks "Ok and how are you going to steal me from my girlfriend?"

Neo says "I'm going to steal her too!" Naruto is thinking 'not bright, is she?' Naruto says "Good luck with that as you might not survive a night with me." Neo says "we will see about that!"

10 minutes later

Lemon start

Both Naruto and Neo are in 69 positions, Neo is trying to take all of Naruto's cock but Naruto's tongue is so deep in her pussy as Neo saying in between licks "it's so big, I need to coat it with my drool" Naruto is squeezing her fat ass making her moan as he licks Neo's pussy more.

Naruto is thinking 'she is trying but in the end, will fail' as he feels Neo trying to take all of Naruto's cock in her mouth. Naruto smirks and smacks Neo's ass making her moan as her ass jiggles as she tries to take more of Naruto's cock as Naruto is thinking 'there's no she- hold on now?' he feels more of his cock entering Neo's mouth.

Naruto knows that she is getting better but she is not a pro, as he thinks 'she will learn' as he licks deeper in Neo's pussy. Neo is moaning on Naruto's cock.

They keep doing this for 30 minutes long until, Naruto cums into her mouth, and to her surprised, Naruto is cumming a lot, as his cock is letting out much sperm, she can't drink all of it, so much, that she had to take Naruto's cock out of her mouth and gets hit by the rest of Naruto's cum.

Neo is panting then she is on her back with Naruto's cock between her breasts of her triple I cup with Naruto thinking 'These breasts are pretty big and early bloomer' as he now wants a titjob from her. Neo is surprised as her breasts can't cover his whole cock as she could with sex toys she has then again, none of them don't compare to the size of Naruto's cock.

Naruto smirks, "bigger than what you're used to?" with Neo says "y-yes, your so much bigger than all of my sex toys sensei"

Naruto says "Well I have ruined many girls with my cock" Neo gulps as she starts moving her breasts as she says "like this sensei?"

"That is it Neo keeps it up," said Naruto as Neo keeps it up more, with Naruto enjoying this, so much so, he starts thrusting his cock between them. Naruto smirks with Neo moaning out "Sensei your cock is big and hot"

"All the better to fuck my lovers with," said Naruto while he thrusts his cock more in between them, Neo moans more as she moving her breasts more Naruto is enjoying her soft giant size breasts.

This went on until Naruto cums and his cum is covering Neo's face with her saying "your cumming so much sensei" with Naruto smirking as he knows that she's going to be in for it now.

Naruto says "I hope you are ready as you are going as your pussy is next" while Neo says "o-ok sensei." Within a few minutes, Neo is above Naruto, standing on top of his cock and she starts lowering herself down. Naruto smirks as his cock has a condom.

Neo gasps as she feels her sensei's cock against her pussy, as it is so massive as she readies herself as she gets Naruto's cock to enter her pussy then when it does she moans loudly as her pussy is being stretched as well blood leaking out, Naruto says "Oh it seems I was your first and only man"

With Neo moaning loudly as she feels more of Naruto in her as there are tears on her as she says "You're so massive!" Naruto says "Yeah that is true but your tight as fuck. You said you practiced." with Neo shouts "only on smaller sizes! Y-your so much bigger!"

Naruto smirks and then grabs her breast, by doing so, Neo's pussy gets tighter onto Naruto's cock, Naruto smirks "It seems that you ruined Neo." as he gropes Neo's breasts more with her going crazy and Naruto hasn't even moved his cock yet, Neo is losing her mind.

Naruto lets go of her breasts and grabs a hold of her hips and followed by him thrusting his cock in her, Neo moans with her eyes crossing as she shouts "Oh shit! You're destroying my pussy!" with her sensei thrusts more in her pussy while Naruto says "damn right I am! Cause there's no way you would live without me and my cock!"

Naruto is fucking her pussy with so much behind his thrusts.

Meanwhile with Samui at the house

Samui is naked, home alone with only her panties and right now she has a dildo in between her breasts as she licking it as she saying "I'm so fucking horny right now! Damn you Naruto, I love you but you can be so mean!"

Samui wants Naruto to fuck her so bad, and for now, she resorts to masturbate which means almost nothing to her due to what Naruto had done to her over the years.

Even though the dildo is the size of Naruto's cock, well the old size from senior year. Samui is cursing Naruto in her head. Then she hears "c-can I join you S-Samui-sensei?" as Samui turns to see Momo who is naked and coming up to Samui.

Samui then grabs Momo "Get to licking!"

Back with Naruto and Neo

Naruto is fucking Neo in doggy style with Neo screaming her heart out with her shouting out "Your a beast I-I can't think right!" with Naruto thrusts more in her, Naruto keeps fucking her pussy more with them moving his hips faster.

"This is your new place in life as my woman!" said Naruto as he thrusts more in Neo's pussy with her screams more, Naruto then smacks her plump fat ass making her louder.

Neo shouts "Oh fuck you're splitting me in two!" with her eyes rolling upward with hearts in them as she drooling like crazy as well sweating so much, Naruto keeps fucking her as he thinking 'she will need more training in sex'

Naruto keeps fucking her pussy and he stand up with his cock still in her pussy and his cock is holding her perfectly with her saying "Oh fuck me sensei!" with Naruto says "that's the whole point Neo"

Naruto keeps fucking Neo as she is his now as she shouts "fuck fuck fuck fuck!" as she feels more of Naruto's cock thrust in her, Naruto even smacks her ass more with Neo's mind pretty much gone.

As they went on more, Naruto hears "w-what's going on here!" Naruto turns to see Blake Belladonna, a girl with long back hair with golden eyes with a nice figure, and breasts of J, and she's 17. But she also has an ass that turns heads and is the dream of many boys.

Naruto is thinking 'fuck' Naruto then gets an idea while Neo is panting as she feels naruto's cock still in her.

Half an hour later

Neo is out of it as Blake is sucking Naruto's cock as it turns out, Blake has a thing for older guys as well a big muscle like Naruto is, Naruto is fucking her mouth "That is it Blake keep sucking my cock." Blake has hearts in her eyes as she does what Naruto tells her to do.

Naruto is enjoying Blake sucking his cock as Blake is thinking 'Yes sensei, please claim me as yours please destroy my pussy and ass for your use only.' she bobbed her more while shaking her ass a bit.

Naruto smirks knowing he is going to be fucking the ass of many boy's dreams as he will make it his own.

Meanwhile Samui

Samui is rubbing her pussy against Momo's pussy as they both moan loudly while Momo moans out "S-Sensei more please!" Samui says "as you wish Momo!" as she keeps it up, they keep moaning as they keep it more, that until.

Samui gets on top of Momo and kisses her deeply. Momo moans into the kiss with Samui rubbing her tits against Momo's breasts. Momo is enjoying having Samui-sensei do this. As they kissed each other more.

An hour later, Naruto

Blake is shaking her ass "Come on sensei fuck my big wonderful fat ass make it all yours!" Naruto smirks as he says "be careful what you say"

Naruto then smacks her ass making her moan then Naruto thrusts his cock deep inside of Blake's ass as he says "cause it will come back to bite!" Blake is screaming with hearts in her eyes as she shouts "Sensei you're destroying my ass!" with Naruto smirks.

Naruto keeps fucking her ass by thrusting in her ass wildly, Blake is screaming wildly as she loving it so much, Naruto even smacks her ass as he keeps fucking it.

With Naruto thinking 'Oh I wonder where she got this ass from' as he fucks her ass more, Blake is enjoying this so much as she is happy to be her sensei's woman as Naruto fucking her ass more and more.

Two hours later

Naruto returned home with him carrying both Blake and Neo as they passed out, Naruto walks in and sees Samui sitting on Momo who is on all fours with Naruto says "so what's going on here?"

Samui says "You left me hanging mister I need a way to remove the stress and Momo was here for that. Though she should be at home as it is a school night." Naruto says "because I had sent her"

Samui blinks "Y-You did?" with Momo nods to that with Naruto explains why and so on as Samui says "oh Naruto"

Naruto then kisses her nose with her smile as he says "now then, I'm sure the girls would like to play with you" with Samui blinking "huh?" as momo, Neo and Blake are circling her. Samui says "N-Naruto p-please have mercy!"

Naruto says "have fun" as all three girls jump onto Samui and they start having their way with her.

Lemon over

The weekend finally arrives and it is Naruto and Samui's anniversary. And right now, Samui is a bit cross with Naruto for what should happen, sure she will enjoy it but still, Naruto is taking her for a picnic and she has her gift ready for him and it would be a good one.

Naruto says "are you still mad at me?" Samui answers "kinda but I will get over it" Naruto kisses her cheek as they walk over to their picnic spot.

Naruto sets the picnic basket down and lays down the cloth as Samui lays down, Naruto then sits down and gets the food out and they enjoy their picnic.

After a while, Naruto says as he reaches over to get something. "Samui we have known each other for a long time and I think it is time to make a new chapter of our lives but this time as Husband and wife. Samui Arashi, will you marry me?" asks Naruto as he gets on one knee showing the ring he bought for her and the gem is her birthstone, a Garnet.

Samui has her hand on her mouth. Then she shouts "Yes I will marry you." Then she hugs and kisses him and he kisses her back.

After that, they went home, and soon enough.

Samui has her ring on with Momo, Neo and Blake are gushing over the ring, Naruto then sets up a video call to his mother and she appears on the screen "Hello Naruto." said Kushina, and Pyrrha waves smiling.

Naruto says "Well I think I have some wonderful news with Samui for you both." with all of them wondering what it is?

Samui comes on screen and shows the engagement ring on her finger. "We're engaged." said Samui with them shouting "finally!" Samui smiles and hugs Naruto's head "Yeah sorry for the long wait I just did not want to screw up and lose Samui." said Naruto with Samui saying "oh how? Cause if anything, there nothing you could do to lose me"

Naruto says "At times I fumble my words dear." with Samui pinches Naruto's cheek, Naruto turns chibi waving his arms saying "Samui that hurts!" Samui says "Oh no I turned my fiance into a chibi. But this is punishment." Naruto is waving his arms then says "Then I guess you don't want to sleep in the same bed tonight!"

Samui lets go "oh ok" Naruto is rubbing his cheek and pokes Samui's side making her giggle while Kushina says "They are perfect for each other. Well I am glad you're now engaged" with Naruto nodding to that.

"Yeah, so am I. Soon Samui will be let in on some information but only when the time is right," said Naruto with Kushina nodding to that as Samui is talking with Pyrrha.

"Yes as she wants to know soon." said Kushina then adds "But she will be the next Lady Uzumaki." with Naruto says "that's right..well when you decided to retired that is"

Kushina chuckles "Actually as the rules state when the head of the family passes the eldest takes control so yeah I could retire but I am the head of the family. I will be teaching Samui what she has to do as Lady Uzumaki along with the traditions. She can still do what she does as really it is not much for Lady Uzumaki to do." Naruto asks "which is?"

"One is to produce an heir to carry the family name. Two make sure things are running well. Three show up at the reunion even though it is always at the ancestral compound along with a few other things." said Kushina with Naruto nodding to that.

After a while of talking, Naruto and Samui said their goodbyes to them and went on with the rest of their weekend.

Monday at school

Samui is having her ring gushed over by the girls as they talk about how beautiful it is, and Samui says "I am a lucky woman to have my wonderful man." with her smiling as the girls are so happy for Samui.

Then one asks "So who is the lucky man?" Samui says "oh just Naruto-sensei" the girls and guys are surprised that their gym teachers are together all this time.

Meanwhile, Naruto is getting glares from the male students, Naruto says "Guys I have known her from high school and I can always convince OUR gym teacher to return and put you through the wringer or I can turn up the level tenfold." with them sigh.

Naruto shakes his head at this as he thinks 'boys be boys I guess' Naruto then walks over to the girls "Oh girls I think it is time to play a game or we can have you all run around the gym." They head to play the game and it is volleyball as Samui has her head on his shoulder.


During the fourth period

Naruto and Samui are in the teacher's lounge and many female teachers are gushing at Samui's engagement ring as Naruto is enjoying a cake.

Then he gets a call and checks to see who is calling and it is his aunt Mito and he goes pale and doesn't want to answer, as he forgot to tell her that he was engaged don't get him wrong he loves his aunt Mito but she can be scary as his mother. Though some of the family would say he is scarier.

Naruto says "everyone get ready." and Samui knows what he is talking about as it is his aunt Mito with the others "what do you me-" he gets cut off with Naruto answering the phone and they all hear "ABOUT FUCKING TIME YOU PICKED UP THE PHONE MISTER! YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE NOT TELLING ME YOU WERE ENGAGED UNTIL MY DAUGHTER PYRRHA TOLD ME!" yelled his Aunt Mito Uzumaki as everyone in the room could hear her, while Naruto was away from the phone.

"Sorry aunt Mito I wanted to celebrate with Samui and I forgot." said Naruto after he put the phone to his ear again, he could hearts his aunt growls a bit as she says "if you think I'm this angry, then you have another thing coming if you forget to tell me when your wife to be has a baby"

Naruto says "I said I was sorry auntie and no I won't forget I promise." Aunt Mito says "you let me talk with my future niece in law" Naruto hands the phone to Samui and Naruto goes back to his cake and starts eating it.

Samui hears "Hello Samui, finally, that Nephew of mine proposed to you."

After school

Naruto is making dinner at home as Samui is hanging with Neo who comes by more often than the others, Naruto is grumbling about his aunt until he hears "sensei, is there anything I can help you to relieve you?"

Naruto says "Not really, it is just my aunt is a little intense when angry." Neo says "well my offer still stands though," Naruto says "Food first. I am not burning the house down." with Neo nodding to that. With Samus "then again, you do love your ramen though"

Naruto says "It runs in the family but there is one thing I love more than ramen." Samui says "That is true and that thing is me!" and Naruto chuckles if it is true then "Also you know I got you addicted to Ramen Samui. But at least I don't eat as much as I did as a kid."

Neo says "So you don't like me?" As she has tears, Samui pulls her into a hug and says "You do belong to us Neo but I am the headwoman….putting that aside, did your breasts get bigger or is it just me?" as she gropes Neo's breasts a bit, Neo moans out "N-No t-they d-didn't" while Samui keeps it up as she says "are you sure? Because they look bigger to me."

Naruto standing there as he thinks 'damn that's hot' Naruto goes back to making dinner while he hears Neo moaning more while Samui keeps groping her breasts.

Thirty minutes later

"Dinner is ready," said Naruto as both Samui and Neo sit with Naruto being the last as they get their own share of the food and start eating. Samui moans as Naruto is a good chef. With Neo eating as she couldn't get enough.

Naruto is enjoying the meal as well.

And a bit after dinner.


Naruto is playing with Neo's breasts as Samui is eating her out as Naruto says "Oh yes we are going to be fucking you all night" with Neo moaning louder with her feeling her breasts being groped by Naruto and her pussy being licked by Samui.

Naruto then nibbles on her neck while Neo moans loudly as Samui removes herself from Neo's pussy and starts sucking on one of Neo's nipples. Naruto then gets an idea and whispers into Samui's ear a plan and Samui likes the sound of it. Samui then removes Neo's nipple and heads into the master bedroom.

Neo is thrown on the bed, Neo looks and sees Samui with a strapon and it is the size of Naruto's cock, with Naruto saying "Let's have some fun." with Neo thinking that it's just her and Samui but.

Samui smirks and then thrusts the strap-on into Neo's pussy making Neo moan and then is lifted and Naruto thrusts his cock into her ass with Neo screams out "Oh shit your both fucking me together!" as she is surprised by this as Naruto says "Oh you are going to be double fucked.

Neo shouts as she feels both of them being thrust in her pussy and ass "Oh fuck me! you're both breaking me even more!" Naruto smirks as he thrusts more while Samui feels her breasts against Neo's as they bounce against each other, as Samui thrusts her strapon more in Neo's pussy.

Naruto is smirking as both of them are enjoying fucking Neo with her screaming with her eyes rolling upward as she losing her mind badly, Naruto and Samui are enjoying this so much.

A few minutes later

Neo is screaming as she is being fucked hard as she's in between her two senseis as they standing with them thrust more in her, Neo's toes are curling as she is being fucked like a bitch in heat with Samui licking Neo's neck more while Naruto says to Neo's ear "This is your place in life as our lover/slut and you will enjoy it so much" with Neo shouts "yes I will I promise sensei!"

Naruto smirks, "Good girl." Samui kisses Neo deeply and Neo moans into the kiss, with Naruto smirking as he thrusts more in Neo's ass. Naruto then squeezes Neo's thick legs as he thinks 'this girl is just something else isn't she?'

Samui is enjoying fucking Neo's pussy more as their kissing each other more, Naruto and Samui keep fucking Neo and her holes more while their thinking 'she is so going to stay as our bitch as she is fun to have sex with!'

Half an hour later as Samui is watching Naruto fucking Neo's ass like crazy as they in doggy style with Neo shouting "yes Sensei keep fucking me please I want you to shape my ass and pussy to your cock!" with Naruto thrusting more and more in Neo's ass deeply with him saying "Oh I will you fat plump ass bitch!" Neo screams louder.

Naruto is enjoying fucking Neo more and more with his cock thrust deeper inside of neo's ass. Then Naruto cums into her ass making her stomach inflate with Neo screaming as she shouts "Yes Sensei keep going please fill me with your cum!" with her eyes rolling upward.

After a bit, Naruto tags Samui in while Neo is laying on her back as she has her pussy display for Samui, Samui smirks and starts fucking Neos pussy hard with Neo moaning out "yes Samui-Sensei fuck me more!"

Samui says "you're pretty much hopelessly in love with us ain't you?" as she thrusts more in Neo's pussy with Neo moaning out "Yes with both you fucking me as you own me!" Neo has hearts in her eyes.

Naruto and Samui smirk at her answer as Samui fucks Neo more and more. Samui then smacks Neo's breasts as they bouncing sexy like with Samui says "Oh yes I think we will be keeping you Neo for life"

Neo shouts "you two pretty much ruined me! I don't mind!" Samui keeps fucking her with Naruto nods as it true, Naruto is enjoying watching this as both Samui and Neo go at it more and more. Neo is now in Doggystyle again with Samui smacking Neo's ass with Neo moaning loudly as she says "yes fuck me more! Fuck me until I-" she couldn't finish as Naruto thrusts his cock in her mouth.

Neo is being spit-roasted by them both with her mind now blank as Naruto says "How about I shut up our bitch." Samui says "oh that wasn't hard Naruto" as she thrusts more in Neo's ass.

Naruto smirks and says "That is true but she belongs to us." as he thrusts more into Neo's mouth as she moans on it, Naruto then kisses Samui on the lips as they thrust more into Neo's holes.

Couple hours later

Neo is now laying on the bed with a fuck silly face on her as she can't go on any further, but Naruto is fucking Samui in full nelson with her shouting out "s-she reminds me of me during our first of many our sex sessions!"

"Oh yes she does with you begging me to fuck you stupid where we were," said Naruto as he keeps fucking Samui more as Samui screams louder with her breasts bouncing more, Naruto then kisses her cheek as he thrusts more in Samui's pussy.

Samui moans as her tongue is hanging out of her mouth with her toes curling.

Later into the morning like 2 in the morning

Samui says as she laying next to Neo "I haven't been like this for a while~~ y-you really went all out didn't you Naruto?" as Naruto is ready to take a shower as he says "Oh I did as it has been a while, my dear Fiance. Also, the Family reunion is soon and I know my family will want you there."

Samui says "ok but for now...just let me sleep" she just passes out as she is next to Neo. Naruto smiles and heads into the shower.

As Naruto is showering himself, he soon hears "S-Sensei." he moves the shower curtains and sees Neo standing there as she says "can I join in with you?"

"Get your plump ass in here." says Naruto as Neo gets in the shower as she stands back against naruto as she says "please sensei fuck me more." and Naruto starts fucking her ass with her starts screaming as she shouts "I love you, I love you" over and over again.

Naruto then grabs her breasts and keeps fucking her more with Neo screaming more as she knows for sure that there's no way she could live without her senseis now, Naruto smirks as he keeps fucking her ass with Naruto says "That is it you ass is taking my cock like a pro and you are enjoying this so much." as he thrusts more in her while holding onto her breasts, "Yes sensei I belong to both of you please keep it up! I can't live without you!" as Naruto keeps it up more and more.

An hour later as Naruto now hammering his cock deeply in Neo's ass as their doing it on the kitchen table and Neo is screaming as she shouts "Yes sensei fuck me more!" as her eyes have hearts in her eyes along with popping out of her head as they shake the table roughly with Naruto slams in her more.

Naruto says "That's it you teacher's sex pet!" as he thrusts more into Neo's ass, Neo is screaming and screams "Yes I am my teacher's sex pet!" as Naruto thrusts more and more until.

He lets out a massive load of cum in Neo's ass and Neo screams with her eyes rolling up with an Ahoge face with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

A bit later as Naruto is now sleeping with Neo on him with his cock still in her ass as they tried out, lucky for them Naruto carried them to his bed before he passed out.

Lemon over

Later into the morning

Naruto's phone is ringing with Naruto waking up to the sound as he checks and sees that it's Layla and he answers "Yes Aunt Layla?" as he hears "I take it that you and Samui are taking a 'sick' day? Since it's almost the first period and I haven't seen you two around."

"Yeah sorry about that. But I will be there soon." said Naruto as he about to get up but he hears "Oh don't worry cause right now I having the gym to be clean at the moment, turns out the Rats from the science room and well, break out and turns out one of them is pregnant, so it's going to take the whole day to get them out"

Naruto sighs "very well plus I need to figure out what to wear for a special event that the Uzumaki clan is having" he hears nothing "auntie? Are you ok?"

"Huh oh yeah I am ok." said Layla and Naruto says "Auntie don't bullshit me as you were never able to with only one able to." he hears Layla sighs as she says "sorry, is that your father invited me to go along with him and your mother, this was little before you were born and well..let's say it was….something for me, oh god, that reunion, there's so much food, I couldn't."

Naruto sweet drops at that as he hears "g-gotta go Naruto, just remembering it's making me, oh god" said Layla, then she hangs up and Naruto sighs and gets up and gets into the shower as he needs to see his aunt. But he saw that Neo rolled off him in the middle of the night.

Naruto is still feeling a bit tired either way, he gets ready and heads out and gets himself a cup of coffee on his way. Naruto then gets in the car after he left a note as he knows Neo will be going home and he needs to see his aunt and see what's up with her.

Later at the school

Naruto walks up to the entrance and he heads to his aunt's office, which is the principal's as he gets there, and see that she's not in it, so he looks elsewhere until he finds her outside, as she looks a bit out of it as she feels her stomach growling not in a good way.

Naruto says "Auntie please tell me you're not starving yourself." as Auntie Layla says "no, just remember all their food that I was made to eat, there was so much"

Naruto says "Let me guess, that is how you got your figure." with Layla shakes her head "no, it just a pure nightmare for my cause, I couldn't move, I couldn't even go to the restroom for a couple of days"

Naruto sighs and says "Explain auntie."

Layla says that since Uzumakis are good at whatever they set their minds to, there's one who wanted to be a chief and had a habit of making way too much food and would jumbo size them.

"That has changed Auntie as they have learned to pull back. They still make good food. But that won't happen again. Plus we don't expect you to eat everything." said Naruto, Layla says "that would've been great but the damage is done."

Naruto says "You know mom would want you there Aunt Layla and If I have to I will drag your ass to the compound." and Layla shivers as Kushina would have him do that as Layla says "you know...sometimes I think your mom has a thing for me," Naruto says "in what way?"

"Like she likes to be the bane of my existence," said Layla Naruto chuckles. "Well, she is your sister-in-law and worries about you." As Layla has an image of Kushina with devil horns on her, Layla then shivers and then Naruto pokes Layla's cheek.

Layla pouts as he pokes her cheek, Layla says "stop it." and Naruto chuckles as he says "well, I'm going head home" Layla asks "What are you planning to do?"

Naruto says "Maybe relax by the pool with Samui and hope you can join us later." with Layla says "no, I have plans of my own"

Naruto says "Auntie. You do know I want to spend some time with my aunt and that would be a good day today. Even If I have to tie you up and take you to my house." Layla says "if I didn't know any better, it sounds like you have sexual intention toward me"

Naruto says "Auntie let me ask you how long has it been since we have spent time together being a family?" as he pretty much dodges that question, Layla sighs as it is true they have not spent time together since Minato passed away.

Layla says "fine, I will go" Naruto smiles "Thank you, auntie. Please know I will be cooking some wonderful steak tonight." Layla nods.

Later that night

Samui is wearing her bikini relaxing by the pool with Layla as Naruto is grilling. Samui is wearing a silver sling bikini that looks sexy on her. Layla is wearing a purple Bikini as Samui is thinking 'we should have wake up Neo..then again from what Naruto told me, she's very much out of it'

Samui did take her home earlier today but Naruto keeps grilling. As Naruto is thinking 'Well I am glad Aunt Layla could make it.'

"So Samui when my nephew proposed, was he romantic when he did it?" asked Layla with Samui says "oh it's just a simple picnic kind of deal" as she thinking then have hot, sweaty, passionate sex with Neo joining in' as she had a mental drool as she remembers all the things they did.

Layla giggles "Just like his father." as Naruto is grilling burgers with hot dogs then he sees looks glass sliding door of the back as he sees Kushina walk into the house as she makes way toward the back, Naruto smirks as he says "oh auntie"

Layla asks "Yes Naruto?" then she is hugged from behind by Kushina who has Mito with her as Layla slowly turns to see Kushina as Kushina says "hi blonda~"

Layla shouts "Naruto you little jerk!" and Naruto says "I did not call them or invite them at all. Aunt Mito is still angered at me." Naruto smirks with Layla's teary eyes, Kushina giggles and nuzzles Layla's cheek as Mito sits down and talks to Samui.

After a bit, Naruto calls everyone to eat as he placing them along with drinks, Kushina is holding Layla and dragging her over to the table and boldly place Layla on her lap while Naruto is thinking 'Oh boy I know what might happen and seeing that Auntie might be right' while Layla says while blushing "t-this something in-laws shouldn't be doing Kushina."

Kushina giggles as she is not answering Layla, as she lightly rubs her hand onto Layla's leg, Layla says "Kushina stop it!" but gets a finger placed on her lips with Kushina smirks.

Samui sees this with Mito as she says "I think we should give them some personally" Mito sighs "That is just Kushina right now and I would like to spend time with my family without you acting like this Kushina." as she takes a bite of the hot dog with Naruto not seeing this since he needs to keep his eyes on the food on the grill or else.

Mito then flicks Kushina's head making her whine as she says "ok fine" she gets Layla off of her lap with Layla thinking 'oh kami above, I thought she going to do something more this time around'

Mito says "Keep yourself in check Kushina, we are here to spend time with family." Kushina says "ok I will" while thinking 'soon Layla soon.'

Kushina is then hit with a towel as she hears Naruto speak "knock it off mom." with Kushina humphs at that.

Later into the night

Kushina is driving Layla to her house with Layla could feel her heart beating as she feels like something is going to happen as she thinking 'she keeps giving me of there hungry-looking eyes of her eyes at every few secs'

Kushina then pulls up to the compound, as she stops and parks the car as she turns to Layla as she unbuckles herself and gets very close to Layla as she says "Oh Layla~" as she has her hand rubbing lightly against Layla's cheek.

Layla blushing badly as she moves away but it is short-lived as she is against the car door as she says "K-Kushina s-stop t-this!" as she sees Kushina getting closer as Kushina says in a sexy voice "Oh Layla you are so sexy and beautiful, I just can't keep it in anymore. So what do you do?"

Layla blushing badly as her eyes shine with the moonlight as she says "I-I-I"

Later in Kushina's bedroom

Kushina and Layla are kissing like Animals as they hold each other closely like groping parts of each other's parts of their bodies like Layla's hands in Kushina's hair while Kushina is groping Layla's ass as if they are kissing each other.

As they start ripping each other's clothes, with them making way toward the bed, Kushina then breaks the kiss and says "Finally I get you" as she on top of Layla with Layla says "are you sure? C-cause we in-laws and all"

Kushina says "remember My husband is no longer with us and he would want us to be happy, so there's no need to hold on" as she rubs her breasts against Layla's breasts, Layla is not sure but she says "v very well.." she kisses Kushina deeply.

A few minutes later, Layla is moaning like crazy with Kushina licking the blonde woman's pussy deeply while Layla moans out "K-Kushina!" as she holds onto the sheet as she moans loud with Kushina licking Layla more.

Layla is losing herself badly with Kushina thinking as she loves the taste of Layla's juices 'she tastes so good, I just want more!' she licks more of Layla's pussy with Layla moaning loudly as she moans out "K-Kushina!"

With Kushina keeps it up and more until, Layla cums as she lets out a spray of juices on Kushina's face, Kushina is enjoying this so much as she removes herself from Layla's pussy as she licks her lips as she says "Oh you taste so good" with Layla panting as she shaking after cumming.

Kushina then tackles Layla and kisses her deeply, in a few minutes later, Kushina is sitting on Layla's face with her pussy against Layla's face as Kushina says as she blushing "go ahead Layla~ lick me to your heart's content"

Layla starts and for the rest of the night, Kushina is enjoying having Layla as her lover as the two went on the whole night and more to the point that no one had seen them for a week. Or two.

Couple weeks later

Naruto heads into the gym and Naruto is wondering if his aunt is alright but for now, he has a class to be ready, Naruto is seeing the Gym is clean and whistles.

Naruto blinks in surprise as Samui walks in next as she says "alright lets…" she sees this too, "They did a damn good job didn't they?" asked Naruto, Samui says "who is the question"

Naruto says "The rats got loose and Aunt Layla had the gym cleaned," Samui says "oh right, I kinda forget about them" she laughs a little, Naruto shakes his head smiling.

Then it hits Samui, "we haven't heard from both your mother and aunt for a while now, I wonder why?"


Layla is being made to bounce on a strap-on as it is worn by Kushina as they go at it like rabbits in heat.

Back with Naruto and Samui

Naruto says "I am not even going there." Samui "why not?" ask, "Giving how mom was acting two weeks ago at our house. Need I say more?" said Naruto with a deadpan face.

Samui is about to say something but stops as she is just nodding, Naruto nods and then heads to his office as he places his things there and begins setting up the gym.

Samui sighs and gets to work as well.

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