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100% My Despairful Academia. / Chapter 1: Nothing Is Going to Be Okay. Why? Because I Am Here!
My Despairful Academia. My Despairful Academia. original

My Despairful Academia.

Autor: TheHeroCure

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Nothing Is Going to Be Okay. Why? Because I Am Here!








Junko Enoshima, known as the Ultimate Fashionista by most, Ultimate Analyst by almost no one, and just an hour ago, the Ultimate Despair by the entire world.

The absolute figure of the organization that plunged the world into a dystopia…

Was about to die.


A slamming sound was heard in a poorly illuminated room full of school desks every few seconds. The source of it was the result of what resembled a trash compactor at the end of the room. Hitting the ground again and again with so much force that it was a guarantee that whatever or whoever stood underneath it, will meet a crushing end.

Her crushing end.


Seated on the simplest of chairs, a battered Junko was hugging the plushie of a monochrome bear, and as if to mock her own situation, atop her head rested a royal crown. What once was a perfectly slender figure capable of entrancing people with just a simple gaze on it, was now full of scratches, bruises, and burns that not even her hair dyed in a strawberry blonde got spared of it. Besides, she was sure that one, or two…or a whole fucking lot of her bones weren't in the best of shapes, neither where they should belong.

That's what's expected to happen when you get attacked by a barrage of hundreds of baseball balls, being electrocuted while riding a bike in a cage of death, burning while a goddamn firetruck falls on you, an excavator pummels your head with no mercy, and having being launched into space before abruptly crashing back on earth.

You know, pretty normal―Who the fuck believes that crap!? Hell, not even she knew how she survived half that shit!

…Anyhow, where was she?


Ah, right! She was about to taste the most delicious type of despair one could experience!

The despair you can only feel once in your life!

The despair that once you have it, there's no going back!

The despair of death!

That's right…I am about to die~

Just thinking about it was enough to make her droll.

Feeling the adrenaline pumping in her veins as her demise was getting closer and closer, the dreading anticipation of experiencing the very moment in which she will become one with the void that was the absolute unknown.

How long had she waited for that moment?

To experience the despair that no other despair could compare to.

Not the one from when she ruined the school her friends cherished, not the one she felt when she killed her childhood friend with her own hands, nor when her classmates died one by one, either by their own hands or through the executions she personally designed while ordering that mechanic simp to make them a reality.

Sure as hell the end of the world wasn't a close contender either.

For fucks sake, not even the death of my goddamn SISTER, my own flesh and blood, compares to this!


If that wasn't enough, the faces her classmates 'Those still alive, of course.', were making as she relished in her own misery was the cherry on top of the cake.

Hobo Bonehead was looking at her as if he didn't truly believed she was going with this through the very end, thinking that she will jump out of the chair at the last moment to save herself.

It's just a shame I won't get to see his face when some of my remains fly into his mouth…Ha! Let's see if that works as proof enough of how serious I am about this for that dense dumbass!

Donut Slut seemed horrified at first glance, but Junko could see the dark truth behind it, the spite and satisfaction burning in her eyes as the strawberry blonde's demise was about to be.

Who knew she had it in her to be so resentful, huh? Well, the entire world now sure as hell does after the fourth class-trial fiasco.

The fact that she will live with the death of her best friend, along with the guilt of misinterpreting her last wishes, and almost killing her remaining friends always lingering on her mind makes it worth it that she has made it so far.

As for Bloody Tongue Twister? She wasn't giving two shits about Junko, being more busy drooling at the sight of the Heir of Jack Shit.

Ugh, if she wasn't miserable enough, the despair of that guy being the best she will ever aspire to is the punchline of that joke she calls life.

Speaking of him.

The bastard was having the gall of looking all high and mighty as if he actually brought any contribution towards her defeat.

For someone so prideful, he sure as hell played to my tune like a bitch chasing a bone for quite a while. I can't complain about him making it to the last confrontation seeing how much help he was to make the class trials more entertaining.

Following that loser, there was the person who truly carried this conglomeration of deadweight.

Crispy Hands.

Junko always knew her classmates were the dumbest group you could ever find 'Well, save for those losers of the 77th class. Those guys truly take the crown as gullible suckers of the year!', but HOLY SHIT these past weeks only reaffirmed their stupidity!

She did not doubted that if any of the blackeneds had actually used their brains for a moment, choosing to take out of the competition the only person who showed signals of having any brain cells, the Killing Game wouldn't have lasted past the first class trial.

I mean, it's good that it lasted. Killing everyone in one sweep move would've been less entertaining. I wouldn't have minded seeing Miss Daddy Issues kick the bucket, though.

Right now, the silver-haired girl was close to him, with a face whose emotions were so well covered that even Junko, loathed as she was to admit it, had a hard time getting a read of them.

Heh, I bet that once she recovers her remaining memories, she's gonna be soooo glad that psycho idol and my loser of a sis are outta the competition for the unluckster, lame prize as that is.

Flickering her gaze towards the last survivor of her Killing School Life, Junko caught sight of the chumpest of chumps.

Makoto Naegi.

Similar to Miss Daddy Issues, he was also a pain in the ass.

Only a hundred times worse.

Sure, the not-so-amnesiac detective was the one who solved the mysteries surrounding the killing game and set the path towards the last trial, but it was the Ultimate Unluckster who punched where it hurt the most.

With his pathetic optimism, always maintaining the morale high among the group.

His bullshit luck, saving his life no matter what you threw at him.

His filthy hope, coming victorious against the onslaught of her despair.

His disgusting eyes full of concern towards me even after everything I have done to him.

No matter how much underneath he was to her, in the end, it was him, the most average, unimpressive, loser on earth who put an end to her reign of terror.

For Junko, that was…

…That just was…

…Just was…


It wasn't the Detective!

It wasn't the organization of morons who were creating even more despair in their attempts to fight her despair!

Neither that other Luckster who didn't know anything else other than preach about hope!

Not even the fucking lab rat turned into an artificial god with all those talents!

The person who will put an end to her life is a simple guy you could find any-fucking-where!

How much more despairful than this could ya get!?


Upupupu…I am about to find out~


C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! C


Only three more slams!


With her giddiness reaching its peak, Junko couldn't help a cheshire grin as she waved a peace sign, rejoicing in how perturbed her classmates looked while doing so.


Come to me, sweet despairful release of death!


That's weird, she could've sworn―


And so, the sound of bones and flesh turning to a pulp while blood spread in all directions signaled the death of Junko Enoshima. The seed of despair that tormented the world, finally met her end…

…In this world at the very least.




…? ? ?

…What…what is this?

Why she was still breathing?

Why she was alive?

…Was she alive?

The fact that she could smell, feel, hear, and despair, told her that yes, she regretfully was very much alive. Or, hey, who knows? Maybe this was how the afterlife felt. Maybe it could be that she went to heaven and―PFFFFT! Hahahahahahaha! As if!

If this wasn't a parade towards the most despairful and deepest pits of hell, she ain't interested in that shit!


...But seriously, tho, where was she?

With her curiosity perking up, Junko allowed one eye open, and saw…

A blue sky.

Wait, wut?

Oi! Where's that beautiful toxic red sky that killed thousands on a daily basis!? Where did it go!?

Actually…why the fuck was she outside?

Deciding that being slumped on the ground wasn't going to tell her jack shit, Junko stood up to get a better view of her surroundings. Once she was on her feet, Junko began a scan of the perimeter.

Buildings. An ocean of them.

Everywhere she flickered her gaze towards, a different edification was erected. They came in all colors and sizes, with a few skyscrapers in the distance, and now that she had a better look at her more immediate area, she could see that she was on a rooftop. Most important of all, though, was the fact that…not a single one showed so much as a spec of damage.

No signals of a bomb being detonated in the vicinity.

No building was torn to shreds because a giant monochrome robot tore it apart.

No debris painted with dried-up blood.

No screams of despair.

No anything out of the ordinary.

It was almost as if you could ask someone here if they knew about The Tragedy and they would say something among the lines of The Tragedy? What's that? Can you eat it? And then begin to call the nearest asylum to lock you up for the rest of your life, having the solitude deteriorate your brain until you no longer know what's real or not.

She would know, all those weeks of zero face-to-face interaction with other people during the Killing Game screwed a few bolts in her head.




...She would know, all those weeks of zero face-to-face interaction with other people during the Killing Game screwed with the already messed up bolts in her head.

While confirming that her Monokuma pins were still there, her gaze went to herself, to her boots, her skirt, her black cardigan, then to her unblemished skin. No matter where she appreciated, everything was in perfect state, as if The Ultimate Punishment was nothing but a dream. Placid and beautiful, but a dream nonetheless.


I see I see…

So that's how it is.

She can only come to two conclusions about what the shit was all this about.

Possibility one: She traveled back in time.

Possibility two: She's fulfilling those virgin weeb's fantasy and she was sent to another world…well, an alternate reality was also a possibility, but that's basically the same shit.

Did all of this relate to the compactor? If it were, then she sure as hell contracted some weird company for it.

Was her death a trigger for it to happen? If that span of a second where she felt her entire being getting crushed was any indication, then, yeah.

How that makes any sense? That's probably the best part.

It fucking didn't!

There wasn't a goddamn logical explanation you could give to this phenomenon! For all she knew, she's inside one of those shitty stories Yamada 'May his soul rest in despair!' loved.


Where was she?

It's in Japan, or a version of it, that much she could see from all those advertisements and the language they were written, but that didn't told her much beyond that.


…Welp, might as well do some exploration!


Fortunately, just beside her, there was a stair leading down to a nearby alley.

Seriously, how freaking convenient was that?

When she was done descending, Junko couldn't prevent reveling for a moment in the disgusting smell of trash and dead critters surrounding her.

What a despairful way to begin this adventure~.

Nevertheless, that didn't stop Junko for more than a pair of seconds before strolling towards the main street. As Junko did so, she began rummaging through the endless possibilities that were beginning to form in her head.

If she was honest, the traveling back on time was having the lead on what possibility sounded the most alluring.

Depending on how much she went back, perhaps she's could do things differently. Like, making Muku sis survive the Spears of Gungnir and see where that leads? Nah, that sounds like a shitty plot device. What about...Oh! Maybe she could join the 77th class this time? Using them for the killing game instead and seeing how that goes? See how well her previous classmates fare as Remnants of Despair?

Wait, another version of her existed here? If that were to be the case…


Maybe she should get rid of her? After all, this world is too small for two Junko Enoshimas.

Ah~, Killing myself with my own hands, that doesn't sound bad~.

Or could it be that she traveled just before The Tragedy began? Being too late to do anything, as the Junko from this timeline forces the original her to live through the real experience first-hand? There's also the chance that this was a future where people were just recently recovering from her despair, attempting to leave behind the damage she had done…Only for her to come back and crash down on their party!

God! Just thinking of all these despairful scenarios is gonna make me have an accident!

Although, who knows? Yeah, time travel sounds good and all, but…depending on the circumstances, this place being another world could present a greater opportunity.

Anyhow, she's about to know.

Taking one last step outside the alley, she was greeted by what appeared to be a regular shopping district. Both unsurprisingly and disappointing, nobody was wearing Monokuma's masks or tearing each other's limbs while chanting either to despair or her name. It was just people looking around the different establishments, brats nudging their parent's shirts because they weren't buying whatever crap they wanted, and boring students strolling around after a boring day of school.

A pretty normal sight.

Except it wasn't.

Even with all the bullshit Junko has seen in her life, she can admit that much.

After all, how could you call this normal when one of the randoms gazing at a shop had the face of a fucking lion? Or when the kid throwing a fit had a pair of small storm clouds just above him? There was also the trio of teenagers, where one of them had freaking water for hair, another a pair of extra limbs, and…well, the last loser didn't have any notorious change at first sight, but then he sneezed and his skin color changed to a green one.

Her surroundings were full of similar people, varying between people who no longer seemed human, those who had an alteration or two, and others who looked like normal individuals at first sight, though no doubt they had a particularity of their own.

…So, a different world was it, then?

By the looks of it, this was an alternate reality in which an idiot who fell into a nuclear waste didn't die or became invalid for life, instead, he got a power, it became a trend with everyone being like Hey, that's so cool! Let me try! Then it propagated like wildfire until their society became one full of actually useful mutations.

Sounds about right.

Although I wonder…

What if they have already developed a supremacist ideology in which those with powers are the superior race against those who don't have one. Do they have a method to verify if someone counts as one of them? What happens then? Will…Hehehehe…will they begin to hunt her if they found out she isn't like them…perhaps even a public execution to reassure their lack of tolerance for powerless people!?

What a despairful end would that be~

While walking and fantasying about even more despairful outcomes, she instinctively stopped herself mid-step. Almost robotically, her head snapped at the building beside her.

It was a comic store.

The shop had a stand behind a glass wall where it highlighted all kinds of merchandise. Ranging between a muscular guy surrounded in flames, a man in his twenties with a yellow tinted visor and red wings, and a fucking orca in a white suit, among others.

There was also a bulky blonde guy labeled as 'All Might' whose unwavering grin was irking her.

Either way, it wasn't like she was interested in any of this stuff in particular, but…

Something at the back of her head was telling her to give a more scrutizing look, as if it were important to her current situation…which now that it falls into her that this is basically the X-Men's wet dream, with mutants and superpowers being a reality and a common thing, this means that this merchandise isn't for some fictional characters, is it? The shirts, the action figures, all this junk are depicting actual people.


Huh, so morons like that are a thing here? If that's the case, then there's no way that there aren't any―

The deafening sound of an explosion put her attention elsewhere.

Swirling to her left, Junko became a witness to a sight that made her grin ear to ear.

In the distance, some kind of mucus-made abomination crashed into a building, then, as if throwing a fit, it began to trash around into anything in its vicinity, vehicles among them, which in turn reacted to the impacts by setting explosions of their own, and if it weren't enough, those same detonations led to a chain reaction in which the surroundings of that thing made of slimy waste were beginning to set on flames.


"No way!?"

"A v-villain!?"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, was it?

The once peaceful shopping district, turned into a warzone in the blink of an eye as the sludge thing continued to do as he pleased.

Setting stores on fire.

Making infants cry for their mothers and fathers.

The adults themselves screaming for their lives.

All of that was like music to Junko's ears.

Yet, none of that compared to another interesting detail about that 'Sludge Villain' or whatever the fuck was called.

It wasn't alone.

Glued to him in a vicious, gross, and slimy grip, was an ashen-blonde teenager screaming profanities left and right as he tried and failed to get free. All the while, he was releasing even more explosions from his hands.

He can release them just like that? Is there an actual logic behind it? Perhaps a substance within his body, like sweat, can turn into a chemical, nitroglycerin being the most likely candidate, and the palms of his hands have the ability to ignite the substance, which in turn allows him to generate explosions. That sounds about right, but whatever the case is, kudos to him for making an even bigger mess of this situation!

Leaving that train of thought aside, his eyes were bloodshot while erratically moving in all directions, as if looking for someone. He's wary…the sludge thing that is. Something or someone was chasing him. He must've found that hopeless fool by luck in his escape and is using him as a hostage…no, not exactly a hostage, the way his tendrils are trying to get into that loser's mouth means the sludge creepo has another objective.

Ah! He's trying to get inside that boy!

It's possible that like a parasite, that thing can control its host once inside of it, maybe even getting control of its power? Though judging by the sheer volume of that thing…there's no way that boy is gonna survive for long if that were to occur.

Something that thick and long…Upupupupu, like a high school girl in one of those sick and pervert animations, that slimy creature is gonna make a mess of his internal organs!

Junko didn't expect her welcome to this new world was going to be like this…but she sure as hell isn't gonna say no to it!

Entranced like a bug to a lamp, Junko attempted to get a better view of this spectacle. Getting closer and closer.

Until she had to sidestep to the left, just in time to avoid a web of wood launched from just behind her.

Then she did so to the right, narrowly dodging another bunch of branches.

Without looking back, Junko continued this dance for a few more times before staying still and sighing in exasperation.

Despairful as it would be, exposing myself this early would make things too boring…

Junko didn't even make the effort to do a fake scream as she was yanked by that same wood tendrils from before, towards the rest of the crowd.

"What are you doing, lady!? Can't you see you were in the middle of a villain attack!?" Once she was 'safe', the owner of that magic wood, which was a guy made of even more wood with a dark-blue bodysuit fumed in her direction.

Not like she was impressed "Ah! Whoopsies~, I was too busy checking some sick pictures for my modeling agency that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings!" That was a big fucking lie; she doesn't even have a phone with her!

Woodman launched her a glare while rolling his eyes, but besides that, he left her be and focused on the giant snail reject. As he did so, a bulky buy rushed towards the sludge thing and tried to punch it, only for its liquid form making it immune to it. Not so long after, a giant blonde could be seen running towards the incident...only for the dumb bitch to stop dead in her tracks when she noticed that the street where the chaos was happening was too thin for her body to fit in, and finally, there was super Pinocchio once again, who thanks to the fire spreading more and more because of the ashen-blonde boy keeping the explosions going, couldn't do shit.

And so, they kept themselves doing nothing but dumbly staring at the villain with panicked and frustrated expressions on their faces

Well, at least this works as further proof that powers or not, most people here are gonna be nothing but schmucks.

As minutes tickled in, more people in ridiculous costumes came to the scene, but before any of them could do anything…

It happened.

It seems slime-boy became bored with the destruction and was ready to get things to the next level, because his next course of action was to finally pour his disgusting self into the boy's mouth.

Could anyone ask for a more despairful first kiss?

Just like she had already inferred, that worked to create a host-parasite connection where the sludge thing became capable of using the boy's power, which the villain used to make even bigger explosions and with free reign over how to use them.

"Huehuehue―HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nothing can stop me now! NOTHING! You hear!?"

Basically, the heroes were fuuuuuucked!

"H-Hey, isn't that, like, a super dangerous villain?" Random crowd member number one said.

"Uh, now that I remember, All Might was chasing him this morning, so, maybe?" Random crowd member number two shrugged.

"All Might!?"

The immediate change in the atmosphere when this 'All Might' was mentioned didn't go unnoticed by Junko.

"All Might, here!?"

"Oh! Then everything is going to be okay soon, right?"

"All Might is going to come any second now and do something about that villain!"


Although she couldn't prevent frowning at the cheers they were giving to whomever that guy was, Junko opted to instead relish on the bizarreness of the situation. That is to say, the fact that a boy was getting eaten from inside out by a viscous monstrosity in front of their very eyes and while the so-called 'Heroes' were being next to useless, the crowd was acting all happy and dandy to such sight, almost as if celebrating such a gruesome soon to happen death. A society corrupted by their own powers, so far gone that they find pleasure in the senseless violence the dynamic of heroes and villains provide, no matter who gets in the crossfire of it.

That's a nice way to think about it.

That, combined with their self-imposed inability to do anything as a teenager was dying in front of them sure as heck was bringing first quality despair to her heart!

Content with that train of thought, Junko opted to watch with satisfaction the growing despair in the eyes of Bomberman as his struggles to get free were becoming more and more useless, while also knowing that no one was going to put their hands on the fire for him, both figuratively and literally speaking.

And the cherry on top of the cake.

With this All Might out of the picture, no hero was going to come and save―


Junko quickly turned in the direction of the sharp cry.

On the other end of the crowd, a boy with a black gakuran uniform similar to Bomberman's, sprang like a maniac in the direction of the sludge mutant.


Besides that fluffy-green hair that was casting shadows in some areas of it, Junko could only use a single word to describe him: Plain.

Plain height, plain freckles, plain physics, plain looks, plain everything. Everywhere you looked about him, it was the same. Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain PlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlainPlain―

"Hey! Get away from the villain! Can't you see it's not safe!?" Ignoring the calls to back down, Broccoli Boy continued to rush toward the sludge mutant.

There was a flash of recognition in both that thing and the blonde's eyes when they caught sight of him, and judging by their glares, neither of them was a fan of his presence.

"You again!? W-Wait, does that mean he's nearby!? I should…no, it doesn't matter as long as I have this brat's quirk! Let's see if you like this explosion!"

Quirk? So that's what they call them?

Be that as it may, in a desperate attempt to counter the sludge abomination attack, the freckled boy threw his bag. That in itself didn't do shit as it fell in the villain's solid-proof body...although the same couldn't be said about that notebook that conveniently fell on his right eye, which, surprise! Surprise! It DIDN'T share the same freaking immunity, and if that wasn't enough, it made him flinch enough to release his tendrils from the ashen-blonde guy's mouth. A stupid stroke of luck that had one of her eyes twitching.

Uwah, how could you become so pathetic from one moment to another?

The silver lining, though, was that as Mop Hair tried and failed miserably to release Eternal Glare, who was cursing his name as if it was him who put him in that situation, the sludge mutant recovered.

"Y-You bastard…DON'T GET IN MY WAY!" The sludge thing snarled, and with the control, he still had on the ashen-blonde, threw a hand on Mop Hair.

Junko's frown from that previous pitiful display was about to turn once again into a grin.

That stopped in the middle of it when a flash of something went past her. It was so fast that not even her analytical eye could catch a detailed picture of it, the only details she managed to acquire were that it was big, bulky, and with blonde hair.

What the…?

Her attention went back towards the sludge thing when his explosive attack finally met a target, though Junko didn't hold any illusion that it actually hurt mop hair. Not because she thought he managed to dodge the attack at the last moment, but because…

…When the smoke from the explosion cleared out, a tall and just as muscular man stood between the sludge mutant and the green-haired boy, holding an arm up that saved said boy from turning into the second coming of Kirigiri's hands.

So, this is All Might, huh?

Judging by the body language, the now known as All Might and Mop Hair were having a conversation of sorts, though thanks to the surrounding sounds and their angles, Junko couldn't either hear them or do lip reading.

"A PRO MUST ALWAYS PUT HIS LIFE ON THE LINE!" Whatever they said to each other, quickly come to an end, because the next thing All Might did was to hold both Mop Hair and Bomberman's arms with a single hand and ready a punch with the other as his voice boomed for everyone to hear, "DETROOOIT SMAAAAAAAASH!"

Before the sludge mutant could react to that, All Might's unnaturally fast punch made contact…

And pulverized the villain.

The sludge mutant and the fire that was spreading, both disappeared out of sight as if absorbed by a vacuum.

Thought that wasn't the end of the attack.

All Might's punch packed so much force behind it, that the wind blasts generated as aftermaths of his attack joined until forming a whirlwind so big that Junko and no doubt people in a few miles' radius could feel it.

When the man-made tornado finally disappeared, absolute silence was the only thing that followed. No one dared to say a word, with most faces frozen in astonishment.

Then Junko felt something wet hit her head.

Looking up with a blank face, she observed as the sky began to darken with dense clouds.

That single drop of water turned into a million.

"E-Eh? It's raining?"

One punch.

One punch from this All Might could generate enough wind pressure to launch the remains of the sludge mutant out of the atmosphere and alter the weather.


"That's All Might for you!" Such a fact brought the crowd out of their stupor.

"All Might! Your awesome!"

"The best hero in the world!"

"As expected of The Symbol of Peace!"

"Our Symbol of Hope!"

! ! !




Half an hour after the sludge mutant's defeat, police came just in time to do their jobs as garbage collectors and pick its still-alive remains. Along with them, came a pair of ambulances that were totally unnecessary thanks to no one getting seriously hurt.

So lame…

Meanwhile, reporters lunged like rabid dogs at any hero they could find, almost kneeling and licking their shoes in exchange for any answer that could allow them to maintain their miserable jobs. It was obvious they were looking for Superman on steroids, but the guy left as soon as he was done with the villain.

For those heroes who weren't distracted by the media, they were busy scolding Mop Hair for risking his life to save someone while praising Bomberman for making their own jobs a bigger pain in the ass with all those explosions.

Not that Junko was paying much attention to that.

Instead, seeing that everyone was too distracted to pay her any consideration, Junko took that as her opportunity to get closer to where the fight, if that one-sided massacre could be called that, happened. Humming a calm melody as she strolled and avoided bumping into someone. When she reached her destination, Junko stopped her pace to look at the concrete under her. Most of it has already been washed by the rain, but there was enough for that to be noticeable.

A speck of blood.

Junko witnessed the incident from beginning to end…which is why she knows that the only people who set foot where this little stain is, were the sludge loser, Mop Hair, Bomberman, and All Might.

Besides some bruises, Bomberman didn't presented any injuries that could bleed.

Mop Hair was only grabbed for a moment by the villain, but nothing more than that.

Sludge-man couldn't even bleed.

And All Might…

"…" It was for only a second, almost unnoticeable, but after defeating the villain and turning to the crowd to do a victory pose, Junko saw it.

The big guy wavered.

Not only that but as if bread out of a toaster, he was also releasing smoke. There would be nothing out of the ordinary, by this world's standards, with that if it was from just the arm that launched the punch…but it came from his entire body when the droplets of water fell on him and evaporated.

Like an overworked computer about to blow up…


Looking to the sides, making sure people still weren't paying her any mind, Junko trolled towards the most nearby alley. After finding what she was looking for, stepping in, and being confident that there weren't any prying eyes, Junko leaned against a wall, not giving two shits about how dirty it could be or the smell.





A Symbol of peace, they say?

Their Symbol of Hope…?







Don't worry! I got the message crystal clear, whatever the fuck brought me here!

What else it could mean!?

It's the sequel everyone has been waiting for! It's Junko Enoshima Time 2.0: There are fucking superpowers this time!

Where there's a Symbol of Peace, an antithesis for it is a must, doesn't it?

After all, where there's Hope

There's always Despair.

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