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81.25% DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan / Chapter 10: Chapter - 6

Kapitel 10: Chapter - 6


Chapter - 6: Justice League


PowerGirl Pov

[The Hall of Justice, Justice League headquarters]

The conference room at the Justice League headquarters was quite crowded for a Thursday afternoon. Not due to a sad piece of news or a global crisis, thankfully. No, the conference room was instead enveloped in a silence that spoke volumes about the current situation.

Meanwhile, I observed the League gathered in force tonight, with its most illustrious members—Wonder Woman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, and Flash—present. However, they were not there to confront an imminent apocalypse or a galactic conqueror intent on making Earth his new domain.

No, today the League faced a new and entirely unique problem, a novelty in itself that brought with it a new issue...

Indeed, what was on the holographic screen was not an incoming alien army or some otherworldly horror from someone's nightmares, but the image of a young man overwhelmingly defeating a team of young superheroes; the video in question had been recorded by the League's personal satellite, which alerts them to any actions taken by meta-humans.

Not even a day had passed since I had brought Big Guy back to the Justice League base. It was much easier than expected; it seemed that our little confrontation had not only calmed him but had also made him sufficiently satisfied to avoid provoking another fight with me.

I must admit, that little battle had been quite enjoyable for me. I hadn't exerted myself in such a way for a long time, as there really hadn't been any enemy powerful enough to make me feel truly alive.

I was too powerful, and with all the experience accumulated over the years, even Kryptonite was no longer a problem that couldn't be resolved with a bit of imagination. I had faced many who relied on that weakness, but over time, I had learned to overcome it, making the playing field more balanced.

The last tough battle I faced was in my dimension, against one of Darkseid's many Avatars. Even then, the real challenge was not so much his strength but his Omega Beams, capable of striking with surgical precision and disintegrating the chosen target.

But in the end, after much difficulty, I had managed to win. However, my dimension had not been as fortunate. Even now, here in this world, I didn't know whether to consider it lucky to have survived only to find myself here.

It was as if every previous victory had no concrete meaning and brought with it only a larger burden, a sense of responsibility that made me question the purpose of everything I was doing for the world.

I had always believed that hardships tempered the soul, that overcoming each obstacle made us stronger. But now, the price of past victories seemed excessive. Loneliness and uncertainty had become constant companions. Even the concept of "home" had become a distant memory, a faded idea that was painful to even evoke.

Yet despite everything, a small spark of hope continued to burn within me. Maybe it was just an illusion, but I clung to it with all my strength. Because, in the end, it was the only thing that kept me alive.

The hope that one day, even in this new world, I would find a way to rediscover myself, to make sense of everything I had lost, was a childish feeling, I knew, but it was all I had left.

In my dimension, the Justice League was renowned for being the shining beacon of hope for the world, with members capable of feats that would astonish any ordinary person.

Given their reputation and their extraordinary ability to defeat any danger they faced, it was not surprising that some genuinely believed they were blessed by God, or gods, to be precise.

Well, I can't say their thoughts were entirely wrong. But, as usual, humans liked to exaggerate things. I too had long stopped praying to my gods of Krypton, considering how much time I had spent on Earth and how it had changed my perspective.

It was rather amusing how my younger counterpart in this dimension did not agree with my way of seeing things; she basically is though, she's quite faithful to the gods of Krypton.

The last time I remember speaking with my extradimensional twin was when we were discussing our planet. But I hadn't seen "SuperGirl," or as she prefers to be called, Kara, for a while.

For this reason, instead of continuing with the typical heroic activities of our family, I decided to take a step back. I'm using my unlocked psionic potential to assist other heroes as a consultant, hoping that all the experience I've accumulated can be of help.

This complicated situation was indeed a bit of a shame for me. I quite liked my "twin." After all, we were the same person. During the time we both worked for the Justice League, we had become very similar, as much as dimensionally identical copies can be.

I still remember the first time we met. It was a surreal experience to see myself standing in front of me, but somehow different. It was like looking into a mirror that reflected not only the image but also the thoughts, emotions, and experiences I still needed to face in order to grow.

Despite everything, the connection was immediate and profound. We shared not only physical appearance but also thought processes and moral principles, at least to a certain extent.

Working together in the Justice League had been a mix of challenge and collaboration. Each mission brought us closer, allowing us to discover our affinities and differences.

She had a more direct and impulsive approach, given that she was still a teenager at heart despite the time spent in the Phantom Zone, while I tended to contemplate situations with more calm and strategy. However, these differences made us a perfect team, complementing each other.

But I was also happy that Kara was striving to establish her own identity, without being overshadowed by our cousin or even by me. I completely agreed with her way of thinking and would have been more than happy to help her if she ever needed my assistance.

And since I knew very well how innocent and naive Kara could be when it came to things of a human nature, or even sexual, since we Kryptonians had never had to practice certain arts to create in our race.

This belief was something that should not have been possible. I knew that Mom and Dad Kent had explained to Kara how sexual activity worked, because the same thing had happened to me.

Still, I was pretty sure that was what Kara thought. When it came to intimacy and sex, Kara was practically a saint, since I was exactly her age.

Frankly, it was obvious that Kara was using her apparent purity to hide some sexual desire. Maybe even from herself. No one is that pure. All she knew for sure was that Kara deserved a chance to please someone, since I had achieved that very late in my life.

I did not want her to end up like me, but I understood her situation perfectly. The truth was that there was no man her age who could really charm her, considering the stark difference in strength and their immature behavior, which was clear as day.

These brats, with their lack of experience and limited outlook on life, were unable to offer her anything meaningful or stimulating, which was really disappointing.

However, I didn't worry too much about her. With me by her side, I would make sure that my younger self had a much richer and more fulfilling life. I would guarantee her an existence full of fun and rewarding experiences, far from the monotony and limitations of our religion that she had known so far.

Returning to the important matters in the conference room, no one spoke—not the Big Blue, nor the Amazon, nor the Martian Manhunter—all content to wait for the Dark Knight to emerge from his silent repose at the head of the table where he was intently focused on the laptop in front of him.

All except the Crimson Speedster...

"So, this is the guy who's made us do so much extra work today?" The fastest man in the world relaxed in his chair, his legs propped up on the table, blatantly ignoring Wonder Woman's stern look.

"Yes, it's him," Batman replied in his usual monotone, which was unmistakable.

"So he's the one who gave our 'emergency' team a good spanking?" He asked with an amused tone, really not sure if he thought his jokes were funny or if he truly lacked in wisdom.

Batman's cheek twitched slightly in irritation. "If you'd be quiet for a moment, you'd have your answer," he responded with a tone that brooked no argument.

Flash raised his hands in a fake surrender. After an appropriate pause filled with the sound of the Dark Knight working at his computer, several images appeared in front of us.

"Uh, I only see an overly grown teenager here," Flash said, raising his hand to ask. "Can I please know what he's done, because I seem to be the only one who doesn't."

"He almost killed Wonder Girl and Crush in self-defense, but fortunately, neither of them is in danger of dying and they are both fine," Batman replied, completely ignoring the fact that their warrior pride had "been shattered to pieces."

Flash remained silent, finally realizing he had overdone his antics, which was really a sign that the big guy was bringing me some luck.

For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about him, not that I was in love or anything like that, even though I could honestly admit he was my type, especially with all those muscles that could easily captivate a woman.

But this feeling was much deeper. I had no doubt he had some Kryptonian DNA inside him, but certainly, it wasn't enough to explain the constant sense of danger I felt emanating from him.

"We understand, Batman, please continue. There will be no more interruptions," the Martian Manhunter said firmly.

"Thank you, J'onn." Batman said.

"So continuing the discussion. Self-defense?" asked the King of the Seas, it was truly amazing how every time he chose to speak, he stated the most obvious things.

"Yes," Batman responded, advancing the hologram to a certain scene. "It seems the fight started because Crush instigated a conflict that could have been easily avoided, but in the end, the situation deteriorated in the worst possible way."

The announcement elicited many head shakes and murmurs of disapproval from the members present. Flash remained unfazed: "It sounds like something Lobo's little daughter would do, but it still doesn't seem like—"

"After flattening Robin's team and attacking PowerGirl, and starting a fight with her above the city, which fortunately seemed to have enough control not to cause too much damage and no civilians were injured," Batman added, cutting off his friend before he could finish speaking.

Flash slowly returned to his seat, but with the golden lightning on his mask and the bright red he wore, he did a poor job of becoming invisible to the many eyes that were watching him, "Oh..."

"So," Superman finally spoke, his voice demanding the room's attention. "I believe I speak for everyone when I say that we need better context to start a discussion on this new development," he asked his friend, who as usual had the habit of not saying things exactly as they were.

Batman gave a simple grunt of acknowledgment, "Certainly." He pressed a button and the screen lit up, showing the projection of a research center. "In a Cadmus research center, which was camouflaged and is now destroyed, there had been a security breach, along with several reports of explosions with many of its associates found dead a few days later."

"This happened while all the most important League members were engaged in various high-priority missions and were unable to participate in the mission. So, an 'emergency' team was assembled with available members..."

"All of this seems to have a truly too-perfect timing to be a simple coincidence that we can ignore so blatantly," Wonder Woman commented.

I had to admit that I received a lot of clear interest from the men, but she was on another level; it wasn't surprising to believe since she was probably the erotic dream of every teenage boy in the entire world.

Cerulean blue eyes and raven-black hair, the former in stark contrast with the latter and with her olive skin. Enchanting, beautiful, breathtaking, captivating—none of these were the right words to describe her.

None of them could describe her.

I don't believe any word, except perfection, could do justice to what she was. None of her facial features were out of place. Neither her high cheekbones, nor her full lips, nor her strong yet feminine jaw.

She was exactly a princess turned heroine, straight out of a fairy tale, and if I didn't know she preferred men, I would have really tried to make a move on her.

Wonder Woman, the heroine from Themyscira, wore her iconic outfit, a form-fitting red and blue dress with a prominent golden W in the center. Hanging at her side was a rope emitting a low golden hum, the Lasso of Truth.

[Picture: Wonder Woman]

"Something is probably happening that we're not aware of, and it doesn't bode well," she said with a frown. Not that I could blame her, as it was always the case: if you gave villains time, something bad would inevitably happen.

"Yes, but I think there's someone better than me to continue this conversation," Batman asserted, throwing me a glance that I immediately acknowledged with a nod, and I stepped forward, ignoring the obvious stares directed at a certain part of my upper body, as I was already accustomed to such treatment.

You couldn't be a heroine if you didn't ignore all the obscene things about yourself, as it had become a trend to sexualize everything you could never obtain with your own hands.

However, it was amusing to see all the obscene art of me, most of which depicted me with a kryptonite collar around my neck while I sucked and adored a large cock. I had to admit it was exciting, but honestly, I preferred a man who could achieve such a thing with his own strength.

"I received the emergency signal from Robin's team, and since I was the closest League member, after dealing with a certain villain in Metropolis," I began speaking, noticing that finally, all the attention was not on my breasts but on my words.

"Metallo?" my 'cousin' asked with furrowed brows. When I nodded to his question, he couldn't help but sigh, his face showing clear exhaustion.

"It's the third time this month. I don't even understand where he gets all that Kryptonite to be able to devise his plans against me," my cousin said with evident exasperation, showing a wry smile.

"Probably Luthor, who's cooking up something big given how he's been silent off the League's radar lately, which is very strange for someone like him who wants to show off," Batman said.

"It's a possibility we can't exclude, but this…" I glanced at my cousin, who responded with a simple smile and a nod to encourage me to continue my report.

I took a small breath and said, "Anyway, I arrived when Robin's team was annihilated, and at the same time, I was attacked by some sort of highly concentrated energy sphere. I redirected it into space, as it had enough power to destroy the entire city with extreme ease."

The video in front of me continued to play, showing that my words were neither exaggerated nor a joke. Until our confrontation and his wild reaction to my actions.

"He displayed meta-human abilities that are by no means inferior to those of a Kryptonian, including, but not limited to, energy manipulation powers, combined with super strength and durability."

"So we have another Superman clone. How original," Green Arrow said sarcastically, which honestly was quite annoying since he didn't understand how stressful such a thing could be.

I could clearly see my cousin's lips twitching with irritation, and knowing that this was a sensitive issue for him, I decided to intervene to avoid further discussion.

"No," I could only respond to his question, and when I saw that I had everyone's attention, I continued, "He was much weaker than a fully mature Kryptonian, but during our fight, with every passing second, I assure you he was getting stronger."

"Probably they fused Kryptonian DNA with something else; it wouldn't be the first time they've done that," Flash replied, shrugging with indifference.

But it seemed that the other League members didn't share his view. As an eerie silence enveloped the room, everyone was lost in their own thoughts. I couldn't blame them: a clone was always something not to be taken lightly, as the situation could escalate quickly.

Especially considering that the video continued to play, showing my battle with the big guy, which became increasingly destructive every second, until the sky itself changed color to demonstrate the gravity of what was happening.

In the end, the silence was broken by Batman, demonstrating a leadership not unfounded in his interactions, "Do you have anything else you can tell us, since you were the one who had the most prolonged contact with him?"

I shrugged in response. "He seemed, in a way, very unstable, as if it wasn't really him who was fighting but someone else," I said, trying to convey my perspective.

"Elaborate," he pressed, staring at me with an intense gaze that suggested how crucial it was for him to understand every detail.

It was clear to me at a glance that something was influencing him to attack me," I began, trying to articulate my thoughts more clearly. "He didn't seem driven by his own will. There was a sort of confusion in his eyes, as if he was fighting not just against me but also against himself."

"Go on," Batman said, not losing track of any of my words.

"However, once he realized that our battle could endanger thousands of innocents, he calmed down," I continued. "It was like a flash of clarity—he started to reason. At that moment, we managed to have a peaceful conversation."

"Mind control or perhaps some kind of magic," Batman mused aloud, while the other members of the team nodded to his words. "It's not the first time we've dealt with situations like this. We must consider all possibilities."

I remained silent for a few seconds, reflecting on his words, before shaking my head slightly, "No, it was something very different... As if he was consumed by hatred and anger that didn't belong to him," I tried to describe it to the best of my abilities.

Everyone remained momentarily silent at my words, but I could—

"This makes the situation even more complicated," Wonder Woman said, intervening in the discussion. "If he's really under the influence of a force within him, we need to find a way to neutralize it as soon as possible."

"I agree," Aquaman said gravely. "We can't allow him to remain free under these conditions. We need to meet with him to assess him and act quickly, finding a solution if he can't control himself."

The video cut off as the satellite zoomed in, highlighting the face of the big guy, particularly his red eyes, filled with uncontrollable rage, which seemed to express a desire to destroy all the life he had in front of him.

"Superman, what do you think?" Diana asked clearly, trying to get my cousin's opinion. However, noticing his confused expression as he was distracted by the video in front of him, she added his real name: "Clark!"

Hearing his name called, my cousin snapped out of his thoughts and saw all the members of the Justice League looking at him with evident concern. He took a deep breath and focused.

"Sorry, I was distracted," Superman said, trying to collect his thoughts. He shook his head quickly with a determined look. "I just realized that this guy gives me the impression that I've met him somewhere before. There's something familiar about him, but I can't quite pinpoint why."

I nodded to Superman's words, sharing his unease. "I've had the same effect. For some reason, he seems familiar to me. There might be a connection we haven't identified yet."

The other members of the Justice League looked at us with questioning and puzzled expressions, trying to understand the relevance of that revelation. The only one who seemed particularly annoyed by the situation was Batman.

This was no surprise, given his well-known aversion to any surprises that might compromise his meticulous plans. After all, he had dealt with the Joker too many times.

"Then I think it's time to meet him," Batman declared, trying to take charge of the situation. "We'd better hear his story directly from him. Only then can we get the answers we're looking for."


New Story:

Osmosian Sorcerer?: 3 advanced chapters:

Chapter - 5: Ice King

Chapter - 6: Hunt for Satiation

Chapter - 7: Sorcerer's Journey.

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.

Demon_King22 Demon_King22

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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