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37.5% DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan / Chapter 3: Chapter - 2

Kapitel 3: Chapter - 2



Chapter - 2: Evil Saiyan


Having dealt with the problem of accidentally killing my creator. I could only let out a small inner sigh as I felt that my emotions had returned to manageable levels and that the anger I had felt towards him had been successfully dealt with.

Ever since I had emerged from my containment capsule, I had accepted that my emotions were out of control. It was a really strange feeling, it was as if all my emotions were felt more intensely than when I was a normal human being, it wasn't just that: anger, hatred, amusement, rage, all my emotions had been greatly amplified.

This could only mean that my Evil Ki was greatly amplifying the negative emotions, not that I was really surprised by such a thing. This kind of Ki was one of the many reasons why the ancient Saiyans were so powerful that they could travel throughout the universe, feasting on the gods themselves and wiping out planets just to satisfy their basic needs, seeking food and challenges for the sole reason of their fun and battle madness.

Really, if it were not for "She," the Saiyan race would still be the strongest, instead of decaying as shown in the original series, even bowing to Frieza instead of fighting him to the death, knowing they had no hope against him...

Really, having those memories was like a new world opening up in my brain, I had realized that I knew every single secret of the Saiyan race, that I could freely use that experience to make my path easier.

In fact, with the knowledge I currently had, I could even manipulate my future transformations to ensure that I was stronger than my previous incarnations.

Memories were a bit vague, but I remember being one of the first Ancient Saiyans to acquire Evil Ki and using it to fight and conquer many wars against different races. But unfortunately, I never really delved into this energy and what exactly it could do, it was more of a purely self-taught understanding that I would fully delve into in this new life of mine.

Although I was curious to see if my energy was different from the past, even when I tried, I could only find a small flame of the sublime "Evil Ki" that my memories boasted could subdue even the strongest gods in the entire universe.

Because from my memories, both human and Saiyan, my evil ki was mainly corruptive, as Slider and Cumber showed in their battles, and not toxic like the Dark Energy used by the Demon Realm race in Dragon Ball Xenoverse.

So it was much easier for me to control that kind of ki when I tried to use it that way. To control various intelligent species in the universe and make them do my bidding.

After all, it was related to my mental state and the health of my body, especially because it was related to my previous incarnation, and it was a very different ki on an individual level among members of the same species.

"What separates an Ancient Saiyan from a Modern Saiyan is the ability to have a completely different mindset and physique, and when they joined together, they also allowed their own innate Ki to become something unique," I muttered the words verbatim from the moment I had learned from my past life.

After all, Slider's former subordinates had different characteristics in their evil ki, which then developed into real and unique abilities for them. Even he, as strong as he was, had a hard time being heard because they were so unpredictable and out of control, but eventually, after completely crushing them, he subdued them to his power. 

I was in a really difficult situation, I really didn't know how to solve this problem in a short amount of time. I would also have to suppress my Saiyan impulses a little longer. I will think of a long-term solution when I actually have the chance, although the best solution would be to control my Ikari form, but that would not be such an easy task.

Especially since I did not have so many options at this time, although I had to admit that my Evil Ki was not as strong as in my previous incarnation.

But it was still a very difficult force to control, and I could only hope that a little meditation and work on my mind would solve my problem. And considering how fragile most people on this planet were, I couldn't even use them to try to get my body to adapt to my Ki by fighting opponents of the same strength level as me.

Suddenly, I felt a presence slowly approaching me as I saw the orange-haired girl trying to establish a dialogue with me. But more than that, she was so insignificant that it took some effort to even notice her existence.

"I am Lilith and this battle maniac is my friend Rose, we are mercenaries and have been hired to take you somewhere. Would you be willing to come with us in peace?" the girl asked in a clear, friendly tone as she freed me from my inner turmoil.

'Have they been hired to pick me up?' Listening to her words, which sounded quite sincere, I couldn't help but think about it, as my instincts told me there was more to it than she was letting on.

Seeing that I was not responding to her words. Lilith seemed to be in obvious difficulty as to how to continue the dialogue with me, not knowing how to handle the clear situation before her after my show of strength.

Finally, after a small sigh to regain her composure, Lilith said in a convincing tone, "We have no intention of harming you! There is someone who wants to meet you and who will answer all your questions right now."

This situation was too convenient for the girls in front of me. I didn't want to seem too paranoid; after all, one Batman was enough in this world. But it was pretty obvious that they were not telling me everything, and it was also obvious that they were clinging to half-truths to keep me on their good side.

"And why didn't this 'person' come to see me directly instead of sending you two?", I couldn't help but say as a frown formed on my face and I felt the discomfort growing in me much faster than before.

At the same time, I felt every muscle in my body contract and the floor under my feet creak as if it were made of mere paper from the strong pressure I was releasing at that moment.

Hearing my words for the first time, Lilith could not help but wear a shocked expression on her face: She seemed unprepared for my words as she took a few steps back and kept some distance from me, preparing herself in case a fight broke out between us.

"I'm sorry, I understand your frustration and your questions, but I really can't answer them," Lilith said with some difficulty after looking at her friend, who was clearly telling her not to give me too much information.

From what I had seen, this lab was certainly not that guarded a place if two little girls were able to enter it and eliminate them all without too much trouble, as if everything had been arranged for their arrival and consequently for my release.

"How convenient for you girls..." I could only reply as my anger continued to rise and the entire building began to shake from the power of my Evil Ki, which was growing more and more intense, wanting to destroy everything that existed in the surrounding space without the slightest intention of leaving a single atom's trace.

I could see that the two girls were watching the surrounding space with obvious surprise at my display of power, but they seemed to be used to this display of power since they probably fought heroes on a daily basis.

But eventually, fortunately, my annoyance faded as I somehow understood that she was sincere in her words? Now, I couldn't help but wonder if I had also acquired an empathic power from Utimate (Doomsday). But it was more likely that only Evil Ki helped me in this regard, Slider had never paid attention to such details, as for him, an ally betraying him was just another enjoyment fight.

"Fuck all this trivial shit! Are you ready to come with us?" Rose shouted much more forcefully, this time with obvious frustration at the whole situation unfolding before her.

"No." I answered this time, looking directly at the two girls. At the end of the day, I didn't care if they were lying to me or had a plan to use me in some way.

My goal was very simple, to get out of this lab and be able to look at the world around me and then figure out what exactly I wanted to do with this new life of mine, instead of feeling like a rat in a trap and seriously deciding to blow up everything around me.

After all, I was in a world touched by heroes, and I really wanted to experience everything the world had to offer... This was a world that did not need saving, as it had heroes powerful enough to ensure that it would always survive.

And now that I was here on this planet, there was no longer any danger of imminent destruction, at least for the time being. Of course, the various cosmic beings were a problem, but only when they were arrogant and could not see their master and bowed their knees before me. 

At the same time, I had to admit that another annoying thing was that for some mysterious reason, my eyes could not tear themselves away from the figure of Lilith, I felt that there was much more to her, but I could not understand exactly what it was.

She exuded a presence that made me focus on her, as if we were somehow similar beings, but unfortunately I knew absolutely nothing about her to form even the slightest theory about her.

"What the hell does that mean exactly?" Rose asked sternly, because it seemed that my answer was not what she wanted to hear and seemed to say that I would resist or whatever she had in mind.

"Calm down Rose, he's been in a box his whole life, give him time to process everything that's going on in front of him," Lilith said with obvious disappointment at her friend's behavior towards me.

"Mhm," Rose just huffed contemptuously, "I don't give a damn! What do you think will happen if he starts walking around town looking like that, it will attract unnecessary attention."

Lilith gave me a sympathetic look, nodded as if she had discovered some hidden truth of the universe, and said without any shame on her face, "Of course, he would be a danger to all women in the world. Especially girls our age, with those muscles and that big dick of his dangling between his legs doesn't help much..."




"Ouch!" cried Lilith, holding her head with fake tears in her small eyes, "Rose, why did you hit me?"

"To remove some perverted images from your brain that were forming," Rose said with a tone of contempt that was crystal clear and impossible to miss, although with my enhanced vision I could notice a long look from her at a certain part of my body.

"You also took a long look at the muscles of his body, and especially at his big elephant cock-" Lilith stopped herself from continuing, noticing how ugly her friend's face had become.

A small smile couldn't help but leave my lips as I watched their interactions, which were honestly very funny to watch, but I certainly wasn't stupid enough not to understand what they were trying to do.

They were wisely trying to lighten the atmosphere created by the release of my Evil Ki, so I spontaneously decided to go with them. And I had to admit that it was a good idea, since they seemed to have decided not to use a more violent method, since it was obvious that they had no chance against me.

However, getting back to serious business, I couldn't help but think that Rose's words weren't entirely wrong. Honestly, it's not like I had a lot of options at the moment, given my delicate situation:

But still, with all the aliens running around this world, I didn't think I'd be treated so unfairly, at least until I started killing people and was branded a killer. An alien killer, no less. And I doubt the Justice League looked too kindly on them....

But I understood that with the various threats in the universe, if it came to war, the Justice League would not hesitate to slaughter enemies in an actual war. But outside of that, they don't hesitate to protect the people of this world when it comes to aliens.

So for now, my only choice was to try and get as much information as I could, and most importantly, to try and learn as much about myself as I could: "Have you ever heard of the term "Evil Ki"? I could only ask with a broad smile on my face.

It seemed that not only had they been well trained to sense danger from my simple words, but they also had the ability to sense Ki to some degree, as they kept a good distance between us to avoid any harmful action on my part.

Since Ki is related to a person's life force and spirit/will, a person's intentions can be sensed through their Ki, allowing others to get an idea of what someone might be like, or even their intentions, as in this case.

But unfortunately, my Evil Ki had already begun to leak out of my body as it began to be absorbed into Rose's body. "AHH!" She screamed in pain as her body tried to fight the foreign energy, but obviously with little success.

Finally, after a few seconds, Rose's screams stopped and I let her go, and she fell to the ground, panting and broken. "Who are you?" I asked, my eyes drifting to the human warrior kneeling before me.

"I am your humble servant, Master..." Rose replied as you could see her eyes had turned red. She looked up at me with a mixture of fear and devotion, her eyes now filled with unwavering loyalty.

"Mhm," I simply nodded as the tail behind me stepped forward to destroy several pieces of technological machinery that had been thrown at me, apparently with little result in trying to inflict some damage on me.

"What did you do to Rose?!" Lilith asked me in a clearly angry tone as she showed a clear increase in her abilities, clearly caused by the increase in her emotions.

"Don't worry, she will be back to normal in a few seconds," I replied, completely ignoring her fiery gaze; she was too weak and completely negligible, and also seemed unwilling to take any rash action for fear of hurting her friend.

"Now I want you to answer three simple questions, after which I will release my control over you," I said, sounding sorry that she could not remain my servant, but I did not care to be honest.

"Of course, master, I exist only to serve," Rose said promptly, in a submissive tone that I had to admit did not suit her at all, and I liked her much better before with her dirty mouth.

"Good girl..." It slipped out involuntarily, a habitual phrase from my past. Surprisingly, she answered with a carnal noise. "Now reveal to me who sent you, the exact objectives, and finally tell me if you played a role in my creation."

"Of course, Master," she said and continued, "it was my father who sent us on this mission, since he formed an alliance with that bitch who is practically the root cause of this whole project that led to his creation, Master."

Finally there seemed to be some useful information, "Bitch?" I asked, wanting to get the full picture of my situation and honestly understand what exactly was going on in this universe.

"Yes, Gilotina a former fury of that big piece of shit Darkseid," Rose said with obvious disgust, it seemed very clear that she did not have good feelings for him.

"Gilotina... New Gods... Darkseid" Hearing this, I couldn't help but look slightly surprised as I finally put all the pieces of the puzzle together and was able to understand most of the things that had happened during my creation.

The New Gods were beings who had evolved into beings of genetic stability and evolutionary perfection due to their proximity to The Source, a primordial energy believed to be one of the ultimate foundations of universal energy expression. Along with their superior technology, they existed in another dimension, each embodying some sort of divine concept that did not require worship.

As Darkseid (evil), he has a broader purpose than just oppression/tyranny, and would explain why the "lesser" new gods of Apokolips (Kalibak, DeSaad, Steppenwolf, etc.) are all subservient to him. Orion would be the god of the ray of light (of war), the god of light, or the High Father.

A New God can be killed, but he does not die because he is a living idea, as shown in Final Crisis, Multiversity, and I think there will be many other New 52 comics with them. Inferno, the New Gods of Earth Prime are the same New Gods throughout the multiverse, the most notable example being Darkseid and his myriad avatars.

Yes, the last DNA "suppressed" in my body was that of the New Gods. That was why I considered myself a true abomination, three of the most powerful races from different universes in one body, usually such a plot never ended well.

"You goddamn son of a bitch, how the hell dare you control my mind!" Yes, I had released my control over her as I could see her eyes return to an electric blue that I had to admit was much more pleasing to me.

Meanwhile, she tried to regain perfect control of her body as she said in a tone full of murderous intent, "You piece of shit! I no longer care about the order to bring you back! I just want to pierce you with my sword, and I have no problem with that!

I completely ignored Rose's complaints because I felt that her emotional state was not quite up to par. And I guess it was my fault since she was clearly afraid of me after controlling her so easily, not that I cared about her opinion. *Sound of sword breaking*




"May I apologize for her?" Lilith asked with obvious nervousness in her tone, clearly understanding how I would react to a murderous attack on me.

[Shadow Tail - Frost Demon]

My only response was a simple movement of my tail, enhanced with my dark energy, and it could be clearly seen as it took on a different appearance, it was much longer and also thicker, unlike before it looked like a real weapon to be used to kill one's enemies.


This causal swing of my tail sent both girls crashing into several walls of the building, which honestly felt very good, but of course, I had limited my power so as not to kill them.

The technique I used was an ability derived from Shadow Tail Growth, which allowed a Saiyan to regain the power lost by losing his tail, which I had to admit was very useful.

But this particular ki technique was created by Slider to ensure that the one weakness of the Saiyans would be turned into a strength. With the Frost Demons as his inspiration, it was only humiliating for him to have such a weakness, something he would never want to experience the pain and paralysis of having his tail touched.


To make it even clearer, after he became the king of his race. He only used this technique against people he thought were really weak and he could play them to death, after all, he had become too strong for something like this to really be a problem against one of his opponents.

I glanced at my tail, for during the attack, I had felt some resistance, as if there was an invisible wall preventing me from completing my attack. It seemed that the girl named Lilith had much more fighting potential than one would think, especially that she was much stronger than she looked, which I had to admit was very interesting to me.

I took one last look at the path of destruction I had created in the building and felt that the life energy of the two girls was still very strong, which only meant that they had no intention of confronting me for the time being after they realized the difference in our strength.

And with that, I made my way to the exit of the building. As the release of my Evil Ki and the damage it had caused began to be felt, the whole place began to fall apart.


When I came out of the lab, I could only look at my surroundings with a feeling of familiarity. But at the same time, it was such a distant feeling that for some reason it made my emotions fluctuate in a negative way, which really irritated my mood.

I couldn't help but think that it was the feeling of the memories of Ultimate (Doomsday) when he came to Earth and fought Superman to the death.

The funny thing was that I could remember the exact sensations of that fight, and I had to admit that I could feel my body yearning in a needy way for another such battle.

However, I soon realized that as I came out of the lab, I felt that with each passing second, I was getting more and more used to my body's new abilities. When I tried to use Ki Sense, I felt that my range could easily cover the entire city, before slowly trying to cover the entire planet.

It was the second time that I felt someone's life force, and I could honestly say that there were a hundred beings that could have defeated me at that moment.

Of course, they could only defeat me... But killing me was a completely different concept: not only would I become stronger, but I would also become resistant to the kind of method they used to kill me.

With this ability, that number decreased significantly, but there were still a handful who could do it, but they were all cosmic beings in their different dimensions hidden on this planet.

I stretched as I was with my Ki perception ability and found quite "powerful" people quickly approaching. Quite a large number of them, in fact, who were 

"Were those two girls waiting for friends?" I wondered, but shook my head when I saw that their actions made no sense if they had companions they could rely on.

I used my ki detection to try and pinpoint the exact location of this group, which seemed to be approaching my exact position. "I hope for their sake that they have good survival instincts."

Not that I was surprised by such a development, I wasn't exactly an individual who could go unnoticed. I was a naked man with a tail in the middle of a crumbling building.

Suddenly, my body couldn't help but worry as I finally noticed something I had never noticed before as I got used to using my Ki Sense, which I must admit was getting easier and easier, but considering my strength and talent, I wasn't surprised at all.

There were no other people on the streets around us and even the surrounding buildings were completely empty, and after directing my Ki Sense to the surroundings, I realized that they had evacuated the civilians given all the chaos I had caused.

A frown formed on my lips as I recognized the people approaching before me, and without a second thought, I stepped forward as my eyes darted between the various human/alien fighters facing me, confident in their abilities.

A young woman with skin of a grayish tone that gave her a unique charm, and hair somewhere between black and purple with red highlights at the ends. She wore a dark blue tunic over a black bodysuit with long pants and boots with red accents such as a gold and red belt around her waist and a buckle that held her cloak.

The coat itself is vaguely birdlike when seated, but actually quite impressive in flight. She is thin, with smaller breasts but unexpectedly wide hips. She does not have much muscle mass, but is quite tall for a human woman.

She had a reserved and even expression, from which I could not read her true thoughts and emotions. I could only admit that her control of her emotions was incredible:

She was trying to harmonize her feelings, as she had obviously been taught to do. But it seemed that beyond that, she had made the decision to crush them. She reduced them to control with an iron will. It was really a very interesting approach, one to be admired for such talent and determination.

At the same time, I could feel the traces of her emotions with my Evil Ki. Her fear was raw, a deep wound that had left a terrible scar in her psyche, and it was obvious even to me how difficult it was to heal such a thing without any help.

[Picture --> Raven/Rachel Roth]

Then there was a Tamarra with orange skin and fiery red hair. She wore very little, just enough to protect her modesty, but I had to admit she was quite a sight to behold.

Her name was. Koriand'r, if I remember correctly. The exile/rebel princess on the throne of Tamerea because she wouldn't marry anyone from her planet, and I think her sister turned against her or something. 

Starfire is tall, shorter than me, and has an hourglass figure that would make any model jealous. She has flawless orange skin, silky red hair, and green eyes that reveal a gentle soul.

She also has some muscle tone around her stomach and arms, usually a prominent feature, but in this group it was quite common, which I had to admit was a treat for my eyes.

[Picture --> Starfire/Koriand'r]

The only human in the group had obvious combat experience, I could easily tell by the way he moved efficiently and the way he watched me, as if he was analyzing me to find any possible weakness to knock me out if I was a threat. 

He wasn't wearing any kind of armor that could have helped him overcome his human weakness, which was very disappointing to me since a simple flick of my tail could have killed him.

But he wears only a spadex consisting of green tights with black ankle-high steel-toed boots, green elbow-high gloves, a green short-sleeved t-shirt under a red armored vest with a yellow letter "R" in a black circle above the left pectoral muscle, a yellow utility belt, and a black cape with a yellow interior.

He also wears a black and white domino mask with slicked back black hair. He had light skin and an athletic build, which made it easy to see that he had undergone hard training, given his high vitality for a normal human. 

It was obvious that he was the weaker member, feeling more like a wounded animal putting on a brave face to ward off predators, which frankly could only amuse me.

But at the same time, he seemed to be the leader of this group, which I had to admit confused me a bit, since he was really too weak to be heard when one of these girls decided to go her own way by ignoring orders.

[Picture --> Robin/Tim Drake]

I turned to see the last two women on the team, who looked quite strong. If my measure of innate strength was something I could rely on anyway, I trusted it, especially after acquiring the animal genes (monkey).

Saiyans are damn good at sensing when someone is strong....

One of the women looked barely 18 years old, but it might have been her small stature that worked against her. She was about 5'3" tall, with a modest upper body and an overall tight, perky body.

She seemed to exude optimism and energy. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, and her face was more pretty than beautiful, but I guess that's just beauty? Well, whatever it is, I'm in no mood to worry.

She was wearing casual clothes, really. A brown jacket with a matching brown skirt and a blue t-shirt. She was also wearing regular Converse sneakers. Honestly, if my instincts didn't tell me that she was a bit dangerous, I'd dismiss her as a normal person.

[Picture --> Cassandra Sandsmark]

But fortunately for me, I could recognize her quite easily, as she was one of the many Wonder Girls of the world, not that I was really worried about her being a threat to me.

However, it wasn't her I was worried about, it was the other woman who was much taller, about 6'1", with a much more athletic build, and looked like the long lost fifth member of the band 'KISS' She had chalk white skin, like someone who had been dipped in white paint.

She had red eyes and pitch black hair that contrasted sharply with her skin tone, and she was styled with a very punk looking haircut; wild and messy, basically, with one side of her head completely shaved and the rest combed (or rather, pushed) to the other side.

But the most striking part of her was, ironically, around her eyes. It looked like a mask of dominance and if it was a black tattoo on her skin. Was it a tattoo or a mole?

Matching her hairstyle, the punk rocker girl wore a black leather jacket with ripped sleeves and rivets on the shoulders, a white tank top underneath and black ripped jeans. She completed the look with steel-toed boots.

[Picture --> Crush]

Perfect Lobo's daughter... It seemed that my day was getting better, which I had to admit, to put it in less words, I had just realised that these girls are fucking hot. Like, really, really hot.

I guess that's pretty average for superheroines, I couldn't remember a bad one in my human memory. Hell, I couldn't help but notice that she had some killer thighs back there, but still, I wasn't going to let my instincts control me for so little.


A/N: I apologize for the delay in posting this chapter; my current schedule is quite hectic due to academic commitments, leaving me little time to devote to writing as I used to.

Considering my constraints, I'm contemplating conducting a survey for future stories directions. However, the decision on this matter will unfold in the upcoming days.

In this chapter, I've strived to provide clarity regarding the Evil Saiyans, a concept entirely of my own creation (Fanon), attempting to lay a foundation for potential AU elements in the story's future.

The protagonist's interactions with the two girls differ, emphasizing the significance of the memories he possesses. This approach aims to portray a sense of maturity in the main character, showcasing his logical thoughts and considerations about the world. It sets the stage for substantial character growth.

I explored the concept of Evil Ki early on because I thought it was a more important trait for an Ancient Saiyan to have. Using it strategically makes sense for the protagonist given the precarious situation he finds himself in. While I assure you it won't be overused throughout the story, it will serve to highlight moments when the protagonist takes a than villainous approach to achieving his goals.

The character descriptions in this chapter have been expanded to increase interest and connection with the characters introduced.

In response to reader feedback, I acknowledge concerns about the protagonist joining the Justice League. I agree that the character's Saiyan pride conflicts with the League's no-killing rule. 

However, I intend to explore alternative methods such as crippling, maiming, or using evil ki to achieve results without outright killing. This anti-hero approach will provide a more nuanced perspective, allowing the character to form his own opinions as the story unfolds.

The next chapter promises high-level battles that surpass previous encounters and showcase the protagonist's strength, control, and other defining characteristics. The perspective will shift to Raven, providing insight into her point of view.

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

See you soon <3


Demon_King22 Demon_King22

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