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19.71% Neo Soul King Yhwach / Chapter 27: Echoes of Sacrifice: Farewell, Yhwach

Kapitel 27: Echoes of Sacrifice: Farewell, Yhwach

Lee Pov:

After Clem told me what she heard, I immediately filled Kenny and Yhwach in on it. He, being Kenny, wanted to go confront them right then, But I convinced him to go with my plan instead.

When we came back into the house, Clem, AJ, and Sarah were all asleep by the fire. While Sam, Sat up staring at Arvo and Mike with his ears standing straight up. 

Arvo sat leaning against the stairs with his eyes closed and Mike sat a good distance away from him laying with his back to me on the floor. 

Jane was in the other room sleeping on the bench, and Bonnie decided to sleep somewhere else away from us.

Luke and Nick were sleeping in the next room with luke sleeping in the bed while nick is sleeping in the chair

Kenny walked over to an empty corner and sat down watching as I eased my way down next to Clem. We made eye contact once I was comfortable and he nodded to me signalling he was prepared. 

I nodded back and lay my head down staring up at the partially built ceiling for a second before I felt Clem turn around wrapping her arms around mine. 

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. About 30 minutes went by and nothing happened. I felt myself drifting off when suddenly I heard shuffling around. 

Arvo: They are sleeping? Yes?

I heard Arvo questioned in a hushed tone. 

Mike: Yeah... I think so.. I'll be back. 

Mike replied as I heard him moving to get up from the floor. It was silent for a little while before I heard them come back into the room. 

I was still on my back with my head turned towards the fire, I could feel the warm heat on my face. 

I felt and heard the floor creek as someone approached be. They stood over me for a second before they walked away. After a few seconds I heard Bonnie's Voice.

Bonnie: Alright, I think we're good. I'll go get the bags. You two get the truck started.

Bonnie said as she walked out of the room. 

Mike: Here, I'ma untie you.

Mike said as I listened to more rustling. After about a minute, I heard them get up and Arvo thanked him. Once I heard them leave the room. I opened my eyes and glanced around. 

I spotted Yhwach and Kenny slowly looking up and then they nodded to me. I took my gun out and motioned for Kenny to go get Bonnie first as I went out back to catch Mike and Arvo in the act. 

As I stepped out into the cold winter air, my eyes landed on Mike and Arvo with their backs to me.

Arvo was holding a gun at his side as he leaned into the front seat. I held my gun up and took a few steps closer before speaking. 

Lee: Drop your gun.

I said causing them to slowly turn around. Seeing my gun and no time to raise his in time, Arvo hesitantly dropped his gun and raised his hands in surrender. Mike sighed Putting his hands up and dropping his gun.

Lee: What the hell did you think you were gonna do? Just take the truck that Kenny and I got working, and take all the Supplies? Leave us here to die? Leave the baby here to freeze to death?

I questioned looking between them.

Mike: Lee, Listen. Man to Man, Kenny's losing it. He was wrong for beating Arvo like that. And he's been hard on him from the start.

Mike attempted to excuse what they were doing. 

Soon Kenny came out the back door with Bonnie in front of him. His gun at her back. 

Her eyes were wide as she walked with her hands up.

Bonnie: Kenny, You don't have to do this.

She pleaded in a whispered voice. 

Kenny: Shut your fuckin mouth! Fuckin traitor. For this fuckin' Russkie?

Kenny snapped pushing her forward. 

She stumbled over to Mike and Arvo with fear in her eyes. 

Mike: So what? Your gonna execute us now?

Mike chuckled. 

Kenny: That sounds like a great plan.

Kenny smirked causing me to shake my head. 

Lee: We should kill you for trying to leave us to die, But we aren't monsters. So we'll make you leave with nothing.

I said with a straight face. 

Mikes eyes grew. 

Mike: What?? You can't do that to us man.

Mike said finally feeling the fear. 

Kenny: Weren't you all just about to do the same thing to us?

Kenny raised his eyebrow. 

The sound of the door opening caught our attention. As Kenny turned his head, Arvo dropped down grabbing the gun. I pulled the trigger shooting him in the leg. 

He let out a loud scream as he dropped the gun and fell to the ground. 

Mike: What the fuck man!

Mike exclaimed. 

Lee: He isn't sorry. He was about to pick that gun up and shoot one of us. Leave or the next bullet goes through his head.

I growled feeling my anger building. 

Jane: Lee! Why would you shoot him?

Jane questioned as she ran to stand in front of me. 

Lee: We caught them trying to steal the truck and all the supplies. They were gonna leave us here to die.

I said glaring at them.

Lee: Leave.

I demanded again aiming my gun at them. Mike and Bonnie helped Arvo up and slowly backed away into the woods and out of sight. 

Clementine: Lee? What's going on? We heard gun shots and it scared AJ.

I heard Clem call from behind me. Kenny walked over to grab the guns they left behind as I turned around to see Clem with Sarah holding the baby, and Sam standing next to her. 

Yhwach Pov:

The gunshot echoed through the cold, silent night, slicing through the tension like a knife. Luke and Nick, who had been sleeping in the next room, jolted awake at the sudden sound.

Luke: (panicking) What the hell was that?!

Nick: (confused) Gunshot?

The urgency in their voices matched the heightened atmosphere, and without a word, we all rushed outside. The biting cold hit us like a wall, but the sight that greeted us was even more chilling.

As we stepped into the snowy clearing outside the house, we saw Lee standing with a stern expression, his gun still raised. In the distance, Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo were retreating into the woods, clearly caught in the act of betrayal.

Clementine, holding AJ, and the others emerged behind us, their eyes wide with shock and confusion.

Clementine: (worried) Lee, what happened?

Lee: (grimly) They were trying to steal the truck and supplies. I had to make sure they won't come back.

Clementine's gaze shifted to Arvo, who was now limping away with assistance from Mike and Bonnie. The gravity of the situation hung in the air, and I could sense the tension among the group.

Luke: (apprehensive) So, what now?

Lee lowered his gun, the echoes of the gunshot still ringing in the silent night.

Lee: (steadily) Now, we move on. We can't stay here. It's not safe.

Kenny, who had gathered the abandoned guns, joined the conversation.

Kenny: He's right. We got that truck working; we need to get out of here before more trouble comes our way.

Nick: (nervous) Trouble? What if there are more people like them out there?

The fear in Nick's voice was palpable, a reminder of the constant threat that lurked beyond every snow-covered tree.

Lee: (assertive) We can't let fear dictate our actions. We'll be careful, stick together, and find a safer place.

Clementine: (looking at Lee) What about them?

Clementine's eyes flickered toward the fading figures of Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo.

Lee: (resolute) They made their choice. We can't afford to be weighed down by those who'd abandon us.

Kenny: (nodding) Let's load up the truck. We're leaving.

The group, now shadowed by the events of betrayal, gathered around the truck. The glow of the fire from the half-built house cast long shadows in the snow, symbolizing the uncertain path ahead.

As we loaded the truck with the meager supplies we had, the collective silence spoke volumes. Each member of the group carried the weight of their experiences, the scars of betrayal and loss etched into their hardened expressions.

The baby's cries cut through the solemn air, a reminder that, amidst the chaos, a fragile life depended on our ability to navigate the harsh reality of the world.

Nick, though visibly shaken, contributed to loading the truck, their expressions reflecting a mix of determination and unease. Clementine, holding AJ close, watched the proceedings with a quiet intensity.

Lee: (looking at Clementine) Clem, grab whatever supplies you can find. We need to be prepared for the road.

Clementine nodded, a sense of responsibility etched on her young face. She turned and headed back into the house, leaving us to finalize our preparations.

The cold wind carried whispers of uncertainty, but the flickering flame of hope burned within us. The truck, now loaded with the essentials for survival, awaited its journey into the unknown.

As we gathered around the vehicle, the engine roaring to life

Lee Pov:

Clem, Sam, Sarah, Luke, Nick, Jane, and I piled into the back seat, with Kenny taking the driver's side and Yhwach in the passenger seat. Clem held the baby close to her as he started to whine Once everyone was inside Kenny started the truck up and drove quickly smashing through the few walkers that had blocked the path. 

Sarah: Why would they do that to us?

Sarah questioned looking up at me.

Lee: I don't know. Sometimes people do bad things... And you never know why.

I explained. Kenny drove swerving passed walkers until the path in front of us was only snow. 

Jane: Slow down.

Jane demanded as Kenny continued driving as if we were still running from walkers. 

Kenny: Shut up!

Kenny shot back continuing at the same speed. The baby started to cry again causing Jane to turn looking back.

Jane: He's hungry. We need to go back to Howe's. There's plenty of baby food and formula there. 

Jane said.

Kenny was silent ignoring Jane's statement. 

Luke: Jane just leave him alone okay, we will figure this out once we're safe.

Luke sighed shaking his head. 

Clementine: I still can't believe any of this.. Bonnie and Mike...

Clem trailed off looking down.

Kenny: Those sons of bitches. I mean, I expected it from the Russian, But Mike? I could tell they were workin' on somethin'.

Kenny said as he drove. 

Nick: I didn't think they'd go this far.

Nick mumbled with a sigh. 

Kenny: We never should've thrown in with trash like that in the first place.

Kenny replied shaking his head.

Clementine: Why would they betray us like that? For someone who almost got us all killed.

Clem shook her head looking down at the baby. 

Luke: I don't think they knew what they were doing.

Luke sighed. 

Lee: They knew exactly what they were doing. They planned on leaving us with nothing.

I said causing Luke to give me a look. 

Luke: People make mistakes.

he stated. 

Lee: Some more than others.

I scoffed shaking my head.

Jane: We should talk about where we're going. The path is clear.

Jane pushed again causing me to sigh. 

Kenny: We're headed north.

Kenny stated staring straight ahead. 

Jane: What, to find Wellington?

She questioned like it was a joke.

Kenny: You sure talk a lotta shit, but you got a better plan? 

Kenny snapped finally looking over at her. 

Jane: We head south, back to Howe's.

Jane stated simply.

Kenny: The fuck kinda plan is that?

Kenny questioned.

Jane: Bonnie said there was more formula back there. AND we actually know where it is.

Jane pointed out making a lot of sense. 

Lee: Jane's right, Kenny. It doesn't mean we still can't find Wellington, but we know where Howe's is, We don't know where Wellington is, who knows how long before we can get the baby some food. 

I explained. 

Kenny: Lee, come on man, your usually on my side with things, Yhwach say something man. 

Kenny sighed. 

The truck rumbled along the snowy path, the tension inside palpable. Yhwach glanced at the faces of those around me, each wearing the weight of recent events. Kenny's frustration was evident, and Jane's practicality clashed with his determination to head north.

Yhwach: (calmly) We need to prioritize the baby's well-being. If going back to Howe's ensures that, it might be the logical choice for now.

Yhwach spoke, attempting to bring a sense of reason to the conversation. Kenny shot me a frustrated look, clearly not pleased with the suggestion.

Kenny: (impatiently) Wellington was our goal, damn it. We can't just abandon that.

Yhwach: Kenny, I understand the importance of finding Wellington, but we also have an immediate concern. A hungry and crying baby won't wait for our plans.

Kenny went silent again causing Jane to sigh.

Jane: Whatever I give up.

She said sitting back.

Jane: Hey, girls. Let's play a game. I spy with my little eye, an asshole. Your turn.

She said childishly.

I groaned as Kenny told her to grow up.

Jane: Go to hell.

She rolled her eyes. 

Kenny: I'll pull this fuckin' car over. 

He argued. 

Jane: Go ahead.

Jane shrugged. 

Kenny: You wanna die out here?

Kenny questioned glaring at her. 

Jane: Better than waitin' to die next to you.

She shot back. 

Luke: Both of you need to stop bickering like kids. 

Luke sighed rubbing his forehead. 

Kenny: She's the one being childish.

He replied shaking his head.

Jane: I'd rather be childish than a fucking psychopath.

Jane chuckled. 

Kenny: Shut your fuckin mouth! I am done playing games with you, Jane.

Kenny snapped angrily. 

Jane: Fuck you. You don't know a damn thing about me 

Jane shot back.

They went back and forwards for a while more untill Kenny swerved the car causing it to spin on the slippery ice. I held my arm out keeping Clem in place while Sarah grabbed a hold of my shirt.

Kenny: Jesus!

Kenny shouted as the car finally stopped revealing why Kenny swerved the car. 

A clutter of cars sat blocking our path. Luke placed his hand on his forehead as he slightly leaned forward. 

Kenny: You okay??

Kenny asked looking Luke over. 

Luke: I'm fine.

Luke replied before he turned looking back at us. I nodded letting him know we were okay and he turned back around to the blockage in front of us. 

Jane: Kenny... Im-

Jane started but Kenny cut her off as he looked at the clutter of cars in front of us.

Jane suggested we go around but Kenny thought some of the cars could possibly have gas left in them. 

Nick: We shouldn't stop here. 

he sighed. 

Kenny: We're running on fumes. Got no choice. When I holler it's okay, drive up closer.

Kenny said as he got out of the car.

Lee: Want me to come with you?

I questioned sitting up. Kenny shook his head. 

Kenny: Nah, you stay here, Keep AJ and the girls safe. I'll take Yhwach with me, Anything happens, we'll try to meet you there. 

He replied before slamming the door and walking away.

Yhwach Pov:

Kenny's decision to leave Lee and me in charge of protecting the others highlighted the trust he still had in our abilities. As he gestured for me to join him, I nodded in acknowledgment. The air outside the truck was frigid, the snow crunching beneath our boots as we approached the clustered vehicles.

Kenny: (in a low voice) Yhwach, keep an eye out for anything suspicious. We're low on options here.

I nodded, understanding the gravity of our situation. The echoes of recent events lingered, and the collective sense of betrayal had intensified our wariness.

As we navigated through the maze of abandoned cars, the biting wind carried with it an eerie silence. The occasional moans of distant walkers served as a reminder of the ever-present threat. My senses were on high alert, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

Kenny: (checking a car) Damn it, it's empty.

He slammed the car door shut in frustration. The cold seemed to amplify our desperation as we moved from one vehicle to another, searching for the elusive fuel that would keep our journey alive.

Kenny: (gesturing to another car) Yhwach, check this one. I've got a bad feeling about this.

I approached the indicated car cautiously, my eyes scanning the interior for any signs of useful supplies. The tension in the air was palpable, a stark contrast to the cold stillness of the snow-covered landscape.

Yhwach: (quietly) Kenny, I don't like the look of this.

My gaze caught a glimpse of movement behind one of the cars. Instinctively, I tightened my grip on the hilt of my sword, ready for whatever threat might emerge.

Kenny: (tense) What is it?

Yhwach: (whispering) Behind that car, something's moving.

As we cautiously advanced, the shadows revealed a canister of gas and a bag with a bit of food tucked away. Relief washed over us, realizing we had found the resources we desperately needed.

Kenny: (relieved) Well, looks like luck's on our side for once

Lee Pov

Clementine: Can.. Can I drive?

Clem questioned looking up at me.

Nick: I'll hold him. Just in case he needs some.. extra support?

Nick said his eyes moving to my missing arm and quickly moving back to my face. 

Clem frowned side eyeing him.

Clementine: What's that supposed to mean?

She questioned. 

Lee: It's okay Clem. I'm fine. I can hold him just fine.

I said placing my hand on Clem's shoulder. She nodded and handed AJ to me before hopping in the front seat. 

Sarah: Are you really gonna drive?

Sarah questioned sitting up as she looked at Clem with admiration. 

Even though Clem was younger, I could tell Sarah really looked up to her. Sarah reminded me of a few students I'd come in contact with when I was a professor. I wasn't an expert, but she showed signs of being on the spectrum. 

Clementine: Yep, As soon as Yhwach and Kenny say it's okay.

Clem smiled looking back at her. Sarah grinned. 

Sarah: That's so cool. I hope I learn one day?

She giggled as Sam lay down next to me where Clem originally sat.

I looked down at AJ and he slept peacefully causing me to smile. 

Jane: I can't do this anymore. I'm serious Luke, I tried but I just can't.

Jane sighed. 

My smile faded and I shook my head. 

Lee: Jane you are more than welcome to leave, we won't stop you. But you aren't going to sit here and act like you don't push Kenny to act the way he does towards you.

I stated honestly tired of her complaining. 

Nick: Yeah, stop making him mad all the time.

Nick said

Sarah: Guys...

Sarah called out but Jane continued.

Jane: Everything makes him mad. How are you not seeing that? 

Jane questioned.

Clementine: Well all you're doing is making it worse. Stop pushing him all the time and expecting there not to be an outcome. 

Clem shot back rolling her eyes and facing forward.

Jane shook her head looking out the window.

Jane: You're just like him.

She mumbled. 

Lee: Just go! Goddammit! Anything Kenny has been mad about is justifiable. He's done nothing but try his hardest to protect the group and you've all been against him the whole time!

I snapped. 

Jane had no right passing any judgment when she wasn't innocent herself. AJ whined in my arms. I rocked him lightly apologizing for scaring him. 

The sound of a gunshot going off in the distance caught all our attention. Sam jumped up, his ears standing straight as he stared out the window slightly sniffing at the air.

Another gunshot rang out, and then another and then another. Suddenly walkers began to emerge from the snowy fog dragging their feets through the snow. 

Luke: It's snowing... Why are they moving??

Luke questioned as Sam growled lightly. 

Jane: They must not be cold enough yet. Fuck.

Jane replied quickly putting the keys in the ignition and starting the truck. 

Jane: See that pedal on the floor? Step on it!

She instructed. Clem did as told, the truck struggling to move on the ice before quickly moving forward.

We passed by a few walkers before the truck slammed into one and it came crashing through the windshield. Clem screamed swerving the truck as the walker thrashed around grabbing at them both. 

Luke: Clem!

Sarah: Clem! No!

Sarah cried as she watched on in fear. The car swerved to the side once more before we crashed into something causing the car to stop. 

Lee: Clem! Clem you okay?

I asked as the walker busied itself trying to get Jane. 

Clementine: Yes! I'm okay! There's snow blocking my side though.. I can't get out. 

She said pushing against the door. 

I turned handing AJ to Sarah who had calmed down from the knowledge that Clem was okay. Reaching into my pocket, I grabbed my knife and stabbed the walker in the head as Yhwach and Jane hopped out of the truck. 

I helped Clem up from her seat as Jane opened the back door where Sarah was.

Jane: Here, give me the baby.

She said taking AJ from Sarah as walkers approached. 

Luke: We gotta go! Get outta there!

Luke called. I helped Clem climb out of the car before getting out seeing the slight image of Jane and Sarah disappearing through the fog. 

Lee: Jane! Sarah! Wait!

I called out when suddenly a walker grabbed a hold of Clems foot causing her to fall to the ground screaming.

I took my gun out quickly, about to pull the trigger, when Sam lunged out of the car and landed on top of the walker. With one swift bite he sank his teeth into the walkers neck, biting and shaking it untill it detached and watching the walker fall limp. Clem hurried to her feet grabbing onto my arm. 

Sam growled down at the decapitated walker before moving towards Clem.

Nick: Jane has the baby and Sarah. We have to find them.

Nick said to her as we made our way through the thick, cold fog. 

Clem shivered as she held onto my arm. I reassured her that everything would be okay and I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

The snow crunched under our feet and the wind howled, blowing hard, stinging our faces, when I could kinda see a building in the distance. Walkers were roaming aimlessly through the fog so we managed to make our way past them. 

As we got closer, benches came into view then a playground as the building became clearer. 

Luke: Come on, Clem. There's a building.

Luke said squinting through the fog as I lead her to the front door. 

Sam ran ahead of us and waited at the door for me to open it. Opening the door I stepped inside with my gun ready and Clem holding on tightly to my arm. Sam went passed us sniffing around before looking at something I looked up and my eyes landed on Kenny and Yhwach looking out of one of the windows.

They turned once they heard us come in and sighed with relief. 

Kenny: Thank God, yall are okay. Where's AJ and Sarah?

He asked as the door closed behind us. 

Nick: Their with Jane somewhere. Walkers.

Nick replied.

The atmosphere inside the building was tense, a mixture of relief at finding shelter and concern for those still outside. As the door creaked shut, cutting off the howling wind and the distant moans of walkers, I took in the scene before me.

Kenny and Yhwach stood near the window, their expressions a blend of worry and anticipation. Clem, holding onto Lee's arm, looked visibly shaken by the recent events, while Nick filled in the details of what had transpired.

Nick: (frustrated) Damn it, Jane took the baby and Sarah. We got swarmed by walkers, and they disappeared in the fog.

Kenny's jaw tightened, the gravity of the situation weighing on him.

Kenny: (angry) Goddamn it! Where the hell did they go?

Yhwach stepped forward, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger. The building seemed empty, but the unknown always carried its own set of risks.

Yhwach: (calmly) We need to stay focused. Finding them is our priority. They can't be far.

Yhwach glanced at Lee, who nodded in agreement. The bond between the group was strained, but the shared goal of ensuring the safety of everyone, especially the youngest members, kept us united in purpose.

Luke: (looking at the window) We can't go out there blindly. The fog is too thick, and the walkers are unpredictable.

Kenny: (resolute) We don't have time to waste. Yhwach, Lee, let's get out there and find them.

Lee Pov:

I turned around looking the way we came when I saw Jane emerging from the fog slowly approaching the rest stop.

Lee: Kenny! She's over here!

I called out causing him to run back inside. She was alone. Where was Sarah?

Kenny: Oh, thank Christ.

He sighed running over to the door as Jane walked in empty handed and alone. 

Lee: Jane? Where's AJ and Sarah?

I asked side eyeing her. She was up to something and I knew she definitely didn't kill them. She had a hard time killing that guy even though he had a gun to us. She wouldn't hurt kids. 

Kenny: Jane! Where are they?!

Kenny snapped once she didn't answer me. She looked up before silently lowering her head again. 

Nick: What...what did you do? 

Nick said his voice quivering. 

Luke: No, Jane, Where are they?

Luke said

Lee: You looked like you were up to something in the truck when Kenny left. Where are the Kids??

I questioned growing angry.

Jane: Lee, I didn't do anything, I swear.

She sighed shaking her head.

Clementine: Then where are they??

Clem shouted. 

Jane once again looked away. Yhwach and Kenny sprinted out of the rest stop and disappeared through the fog. 

Jane looked at us with a apologetic look before speaking.

Jane: Look, no matter what happens, Just stay out of it. Okay? Just trust me.

She said her eyes wide. 

Lee: What the fuck are you talking about?

I asked glaring at her. 

She turned to check if Yhwach and Kenny were coming before turning back to us. 

Jane: Just trust me. You're gonna see what he really is.

She pleaded looking up at us. 

Lee: You're out of your fucking mind. Here you go again trying to push Kenny to his limits and saying that's the way he is! You can't poke the fuckin' bear and expect it not to tear you apart.

I argued pushing her away from me.

Luke: Jane what's going on?

Luke asked as Kenny came walking through the door with a glare on his face while Yhwach is nowhere to be seen. 

Lee: Kenny she's trying to push you. Don't give her what she wants. She didn't hurt the kids but she won't tell us where they are.

I explained grabbing his shoulder as his eyes stayed trained on Jane.

Kenny: Lee... Are you sure about this. What if she did hurt them?

He asked finally looking at me. 

Lee: I know she didn't. Let us go find them okay? If We come back without them, do as you please. She wants to make you look like a monster so bad, if We don't find them, I want you to bring that Monster out.

I said looking him in the eyes with a stern look.

Kenny glared passed me at Jane before slowly nodding. 

Kenny: If you don't come back with those kids, Jane's gonna wish she hadn't come back.

He replied. 

I nodded turning to Clem who Jane was still trying to convince. 

Lee: Clem, Nick, Stay with Kenny, Me and Luke are gonna go find AJ and Sarah. Don't trust anything she says. 

I told her. 

They nodded as her and Sam walked over to Kenny. I left the rest stop hoping I could find them before Kenny kills Jane. 

The wind was cold and I was hungry. We had left the supplies in the truck and there was no way we could go back with all this fog.

Even though We were tired and hungry, I pushed myself through the snow and fog for what felt like hours before I noticed a car coming into view and the sound of AJ crying cut through the loud wind. 

I sprinted while Luke is slowly behind me towards the car looking inside to see Sarah holding AJ trying to calm him but he wouldn't stop crying. She had tears streaming down her face.

I opened the car door calling her name. She looked up and quickly got out throwing herself against me. 

I held my arm around her as I kicked the car door closed and looked down at AJ.

Lee: It's okay, I'll take him

I said taking him. 

Sarah: Jane told me to stay there. She said she would find us once she found you guys. 

Sarah explained. 

Luke: It's okay. Don't worry about it. Come on.

Luke replied motioning for her to follow us. 

We followed our tracks for a while untill I heard Clem and Nick Screaming for Kenny to stop. As their voice got closer i could see the outline of someone tussling around on the ground. 

We moved closer realizing it is was Kenny and Jane.

 Lee: Kenny! Kenny look!!

I yelled rushing towards them with Luke, Sarah and AJ.

Kenny stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. His eyes softened as he let Jane go and stood up. 

Kenny: Christ, they're alright. Where were they?

He asked taking AJ from me. 

I looked over at Jane who struggled to catch her breath.

Luke: She left them in an abandoned car. 

Luke explained. 

Clem turned to look at her with a frown.

Clementine: Why would you do that?! 

She exclaimed.

Jane: I understand you're upset. They were never in any danger, I just thought if you saw Kenny like that, you'd know we had to leave him. He's crazy.

Jane replied sadly. 

Lee: So you wanted to piss him off until he lost it, just to make him look like a monster ? Something is seriously wrong with You Jane. We should leave YOU behind.

I shook my head in disappointment. 

Jane: I'm sorry okay? But you saw how he reacted, Clem. I had to show you what he was capable of.

She tried to make what she did seem less wrong. 

Nick: So you put AJ and Sarah in danger, and caused you and Kenny to almost kill each other, just to prove a point??

Nick snapped frowning up at Jane. 

Jane: It was stupid. I should have never lied, but I thought it was the only way you guys would see.

Jane said on the verge of tears.

Lee: See what? That if you push someone enough, they might blow up?? You didn't have to show us that. If someone did this to you, you would blow up to. But it's different right? Because it's you?

I shook my head. 

Kenny: I thought you killed AJ and Sarah! Because that's what you made it seem. You never wanted this baby and you made that pretty clear, that's why I was so fired up. That don't make me a monster, it makes me human.

Jane: I'm sorry, please forgive me. I just wanted us to be free.

Jane began to cry. 

Kenny: Leave her behind. We can find Wellington without her.

Kenny said looking at her in disgust. 

Lee: Kenny, we don't know where Wellington is. Let's go back to Howe's for now. Once we get the baby some food and get us some rest, we can go find Wellington. Clem and Sarah are tired Kenny.

I said. 

He looked at me for a second before finally giving in. 

Kenny: Fine. But we ain't stayin' there long. 3 days max.

Kenny sighed. 

Luke: Lee... I know she was wrong but... We can't leave someone else to die.

Luke said looking from Jane, up at me. 

Kenny shook his head.

Kenny: he's right... Even though we outta leave you here for being a piece of shit, you deserve a fair chance.

Kenny said grimacing at his own words. 

Yhwach Pov:

As the tense atmosphere lingered in the aftermath of Jane's revelation, I felt a surge of frustration and disappointment. Her misguided attempt to expose Kenny's potential for violence had jeopardized the safety of the group, particularly the children. However, Lee's insistence on giving her a chance reflected the core values that had kept our group together through thick and thin.

Yhwach: (calmly) Kenny, Lee's right. We should head back to Howe's, regroup, and then decide our next steps.

Kenny glared at Jane but ultimately nodded in agreement. The priority now was the well-being of the group, especially AJ and Sarah. With a heavy sigh, Kenny turned away from Jane, his eyes reflecting a mix of anger and disappointment.

Kenny: (gruffly) Let's get back to the truck. We need to make sure everyone's okay.

I nodded, understanding that the focus had shifted to practical matters. We needed to get the group to safety, and Howe's seemed like the logical destination for now.

As we approached the truck, the commotion from earlier seemed to have settled. Clem, Nick, and the others were standing by, waiting for the next move. Lee approached them, taking charge of the situation.

Lee: Alright, everyone, we're heading back to Howe's. Kenny, you drive. Yhwach, help me with AJ.

I nodded, walking over to Lee, who was holding AJ in his arms. The baby, now quieted but still visibly upset, looked up at me with curious eyes.

Lee: (smiling) Thanks, Yhwach. Let's get him settled in the truck.

Together, we made our way to the truck, where Kenny had already started the engine. The bitter cold air hit us as the doors opened, and the group climbed in. AJ was carefully secured in his seat, surrounded by bags of supplies we had found earlier.

Kenny: (looking at the group) Everyone in? We're heading back to Howe's.

The group responded with a mix of nods and murmurs. As the truck rumbled to life, I took a moment to reflect on the events that had unfolded. Our unity was strained, trust had been shattered, but the resilience of the group endured.

Lee Pov

It took us 9 days to make it back to Howe's. We did end up going back to the truck to get our supplies, so we were well prepared for anything. Dead walkers littered the parking lot we had escaped through.

No roaming walkers were seen, so we continued on inside with caution. We walked in through the opened slide up garage door.

Clem stepped over to where Carvers corpse lay rotting away. We closed the garage door after getting rid of all the dead bodies , and checked everything out, 

making sure there were no breaches around the store. We were up in the greenhouse when we started to hear voices coming from below, outside the store.

Lee: Clem, Sarah, Stay here with Luke and AJ, Yhwach, Kenny and I will go check it out. 

I said motioning for Kenny and Yhwach to follow me. 

We went down to the gate looking out at the people approaching. A man with red hair and red facial hair, stepped closer to the gate with a woman and a child behind him.

Man: This your place?

The man questioned glancing around. 

Kenny: Sure is? Why?

Kenny asked. 

Lady: We need help.

The lady sighed. 

Man: My boy... He ain't doin so good.

The man spoke up. 

Yhwach: Was he bit?

Yhwach questioned. 

The man quickly shook his head.

Man: No, he ain't bit, just very hungry. We've been walking for weeks, ran out of food a couple days back.

He explained. 

Lee: Yeah we went through something similar not long ago. But we barely got food right now, we have a baby and two kids to feed. Three other adults as well. We can give you some water and maybe a few cans of chilli, but that's the most we can do.

I sighed understanding what he was going through. 

Man: Where you guys been? 

He questioned.

Lee: All around. Been a none stop trip.

I shook my head. 

Man: Y'all been up north?

The man asked. I sighed and shook my head. 

Lee: Nah, Not yet. We were planning on going there if this place falls.

I replied.

Man: Well... The water and Chilli would be greatly appreciated.

He smiled. 

After giving the man some water and food, we sent him and his Family away. It was a good thing we were here. 

Clementine Pov 

A week later

The family Lee and Kenny, Yhwach helped yesterday, came back and tried to rob us, but Kenny chased them off after shooting the husband in the shoulder. 

After that Kenny was on edge. He kept ranting about how we should have went to find Wellington instead. Lee and Yhwach were able to convince him to wait a while and rest while we can because it would probably take too long to find Wellington.

Kenny reluctantly agree'd but continued to voice his opinion. We ended up staying longer than expected, but I think Kenny understood.

Jane and I sat in the back of Howe's with AJ and Sam while Nick and Luke checked the perimeter. 

Sarah found some books in that old store and decided she wanted to read alone in the greenhouse.

Jane gave me my first Tattoo. I stared down at the black letters inked onto my hand. 

Clementine: It kinda hurts.

I stated but continued to admire the Tattoo.

Jane: I'm sorry, I know it sucks. I haven't really been sleeping well lately.

She sighed standing up from her crouched position.

Clementine: I've noticed.

I stated watching her look out at the foggy parking lot as if deep in thought.

Jane: So many people died here. So many ghosts....Sometimes they're all I think about. Especially during the night.

She said continuing to look into the fog. 

Clementine: It definitely beats sleeping outside though. The ghost don't really scare me. They don't have teeth.. or guns.

I shrugged with a smirk looking back at her. 

She sighed. 

Jane: Yeah I guess.

I shook my head and looked down at AJ who was looking around curiously. 

Clementine: Hey, Look goofball. It's your name. Alvin Goofball Junior. Can you say goofball?

I smiled showing AJ my tattoo. 

He looked up at me with his adorable face causing me to chuckle. 

Jane: You know, he does need a middle name. His parents never got a chance.

Jane shrugged smiling. 

Clementine: Technically he's a Junior so he has Alvin's full name but we don't know what that is. So I'll just call him Alvin Goofball Junior.

I smiled. Down at him. 

Jane: I was just thinking Jamie was pretty cool. For a boy or a girl

Jane replied slightly trailing off at the end. 

Clementine: Jamie. That was your sister, right?

I asked causing her to nod. 

Jane: I use to think that if I was ever....picking out names....

She paused staring out into the fog before shaking her head and turning to me. 

Jane: Anyway, Let's get inside. See if Luke and Nick are done sweeping the perimeter. After that family came back and tried to rob us, I've been a little on edge.

She sighed. 

I nodded and we got up and went inside where we found them, just coming in.

Luke: Hey How're you girls doing? 

He smiled at me and Jane.

Clementine: Jane Gave me a tattoo. It's AJ

I smiled back showing him the tattoo. 

Nick: That looks nice, Clem. I bet it hurt.

He chuckled. 

We went inside and I handed AJ to Kenny and went off to find Sarah while Jane said she was going to take a nap. I made a mental reminder to go talk to her, she seemed like something was bothering her.

I found Sarah still in the greenhouse with a stack of books in front of her as she sat on the floor reading. 

She looked up once she heard me coming in and smiled. 

Sarah: Oh Hey Clem. Is it time to eat?

She questioned closing her book and sitting it down. 

Clementine: Not yet, I just came to check on you. How are you feeling?

I asked. Sarah smiled and shrugged. 

Sarah: I'm still sad... A little. But I feel a lot better. I miss my dad a lot... But you and Lee both said he's in a better place and I want him to be proud of me.

She smiled confidently. 

Clementine: Good. I'm proud of you Sarah. How about we go practice ? You still have to get your aim in tact but you're doing good.

I replied.

Sarah: Yeah, Ofcourse. Let me put my books up and I'll meet you in the yard. 

She smiled getting up and walking out. I followed her and we went our separate ways, her going to wherever she keeps her books, and me going out to the yard to set the bottles up. 

After about an hour helping Sarah with her shooting. She went back off to read and I went to find Jane.

As I approached the room she slept in, I noticed the door was slightly ajar.

Clementine: Jane?

I called out but got no answer. 

A strange sound was coming from inside like someone was scratching at wood or something at a super slow pace. I slowly placed my hand on the door and pushed it open. 

I gasped as I looked into the room slapping my hand over my mouth. Jane was hanging from the ceiling... She growled reaching her hands out at me as she was no longer human. 

Without expecting it, I let out a loud scream as I dropped to my knees. 

Clementine: Jane!! Why would you do this?!

I cried staring up at her. 

I looked down closing my eyes as the tears streamed down my face. Soon I heard everyone calling my name as they came running to where I was. 

I looked at the ground underneath where she was hanging, noticing something that was a faded shade of white and pink. I stood up walking over to it and picked it up.

It has a plus sign on it.


Luke Pov:

The scream tore through the air, sending shockwaves through every fiber of my being. We all rushed to the source of Clementine's distress, and my heart raced in anticipation of the unknown. As we entered the room, the sight before us was gut-wrenching—Jane, lifeless and hanging from the ceiling.

Clementine stood there, holding a pregnancy test, her tear-stained face revealing a depth of pain that words couldn't capture. The air grew heavy with sorrow and disbelief, and I felt a lump form in my throat as the weight of the situation settled over us.

Clementine: (voice breaking) Luke, she... she was pregnant.

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. Jane, the woman I cared for, carried my child, and her tragic end left me grappling with a mix of emotions I couldn't comprehend. The complexity of the situation amplified the grief, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from her lifeless form.

Nick stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, sensing the weight of the revelation.

Nick: (softly) Luke, man... I'm sorry.

Kenny, who had followed us, stood in silence, his usual gruff demeanor softened by the gravity of the moment. Clementine's eyes met mine, reflecting shared pain and the realization of an unexpected connection between us.

Clementine: (whispering) I'm so sorry, Luke.

The room felt like a vacuum, sucking the air out as we grappled with the harsh reality. The unborn child, a symbol of hope in a desolate world, now a poignant reminder of loss.

Lee, standing in the background, his eyes somber, understood the weight of the situation. Sarah, who had followed us, gasped, her eyes wide with shock. The revelation seemed to touch a nerve in her, stirring memories of her own loss and the fragility of life in this new world.

Luke: (softly) Clem, I... I had no idea.

Clementine: (teary-eyed) None of us did.

Nick: (comforting) Luke, man, we're here for you. Whatever you need.

The room felt small, suffocating, as the reality of Jane's fate and the unborn child she carried sank in. Each member of the group grappled with their emotions, a collective sorrow that transcended the boundaries of our tumultuous past.

Kenny: (gruffly) We need to... we need to give them some space.

Kenny's words broke the silence, and the group retreated, leaving Clementine and me alone with the painful truth.

After Kenny....took care of Jane, we packed up everything useful and left to find Wellington.

9 days later 

Clementine Pov:

We had been walking forever, when suddenly noticed smoke in the distance at the top of the hill. I turned and looked back at Sarah as she followed Sam towards me.

Kenny held AJ as he, Yhwach and Lee walked behind Sarah and Sam with Luke and Nick still behind. 

Clementine: It's just a little further. We're almost there.

I said to them as we continued up the hill. 

Once we were at the top of the hill, we all stopped and stared in amazement.

Kenny: We did it Lee Yhwach ... That's gotta be it. 

Kenny said staring at the huge wall in front of us.

Lee: It's about damn time. Let's go.

Lee smiled and we walked towards the wall. A gun shot aimed at us caused us to freeze as a voice rang out to us.

Lady: That's far enough. Drop your weapons.

A lady's voice demanded. 

Lee pulled out his gun and dropped it in the snow Nick and Luke Dropping their rifles so Sarah and I did the same. Once she was satisfied she told us to come to the gate. 

We got closer and a lady appeared in an opening on the wall.

Edith: Hi, I'm Edith.

She smiled down at us. 

Kenny: I'm Kenny, This is Lee, Yhwach, Luke, Nick, Clementine, and Sarah.

Kenny answered pointing out each of us. 

Edith: Awe and you've got a baby. What a handsome boy. What's his name?

She questioned. 

Nick: His name is AJ. Can you let us in, we're really tired.

Nick sighed. 

Edith: We have a limited amount of space available. While we'd like to accommodate everyone, unfortunately, there's only room for a few. We may be able to take in everyone, but it's essential that one person leaves. I'm sorry.

She said before dropping a bag down.

Edith: That's some supplies.. food, water, some medicine a first aid kit... If you stay nearby things may change in a month or so.

She explained. 

Clementine: What?? No! Lee, we aren't going in there without you.

I said glaring up at Lee as he bent down in front of me. 

Lee: Listen Sweet Pea. You're the most important person in my life. And I don't want anything to happen to you, or Sarah and AJ. Please... I won't be far, I promise I'll make it back to you.

He replied as tears streamed down my face. 

Clementine: Lee... Please don't leave me.

I begged. Lee placed his lips to my forehead before pulling back with tears in his eyes. 

Lee: I'll make it back to you, Clem. Take care of AJ and Sarah. I just want you to be safe. I want all of you to be safe

He sighed. 

Yhwach Pov:

The weight of the situation pressed down on us as Edith's words hung in the cold air. Lee, the pillar of our group, was faced with the impossible choice of leaving one of us behind. Clementine's tear-streaked face mirrored the anguish in my own heart.

Clementine: Lee, we aren't going in there without you.

Her voice wavered with a mix of determination and desperation. I couldn't stand by and watch Lee make this sacrifice, especially when I knew there was another way.

Yhwach: Edith, this isn't right. We stick together; we've been through too much to be torn apart now.

I spoke up, my eyes shifting between Edith and the others. Lee, Kenny, and even Nick, shared a silent understanding of the gravity of the situation.

Edith: I understand, but we have limited resources. One person needs to leave for the rest to find safety within these walls.

I stepped forward, facing the group, determination etched on my face.

Yhwach: I'll go. Let everyone else in.

Clementine: No! Yhwach, we can't leave you behind!

My suggestion hung heavy in the air, met with protests from Clementine and disbelief from the rest of the group.

Kenny: Hell no. We ain't leaving anyone behind, especially not you, Yhwach.

Kenny's gruff voice resonated with the sentiment shared by all. Lee's eyes bore into mine, understanding the sacrifice I was willing to make.

Luke: Yhwach, there has to be another way.

I shook my head, trying to convey the inevitability of the situation.

Yhwach: No, this is the only way. We can't risk leaving Clementine, AJ, and Sarah out here. I'll find another place, but you all need to go inside.

Edith: Time is running out. Someone needs to decide.

I turned to face Edith, determination masking the pain within.

Yhwach: Let them in. I'll go.

The group erupted in protests, but my decision was final. I walked towards Edith, accepting the supplies she offered.

Clementine: Yhwach, please...

Her plea tugged at my heartstrings, and I crouched down to meet her eyes.

Yhwach: Take care of them, Clem. Lee, Kenny, look after her.

I stood up, facing the gate.

Nick: This ain't right, man.

Nick's words echoed the sentiment in the air, but I couldn't let our group be torn apart.

Yhwach: I'll find you all. Just stay safe.

With one last look at Clementine, I walked away, leaving behind the only family I had known in this desolate world. The gate closed behind me, and the bitter wind whispered the weight of sacrifice as I trudged into the unknown, my heart heavy with the pain of separation.

Yhwach: I'll find you all. Just stay safe.

With one last look at Clementine, I walked away, leaving behind the only family I had known in this desolate world. The gate closed behind me, and the bitter wind whispered the weight of sacrifice as I trudged into the unknown. Yet, before disappearing, I looked back at Clementine, tears streaming down her face.

Yhwach, with a faint smile: Farewell... Clementine.

As everyone stood shocked and surprised, I opened a portal, stepping through and leaving behind the ones I had come to care for, promising silently that our paths would cross again.

Clementine Pov:

The weight of Yhwach's sacrifice settled on us like a heavy shroud, and I couldn't bear the thought of leaving him behind. As he walked toward the gate, accepting the supplies offered by Edith, desperation and sorrow painted every line on his face. I couldn't let him go without saying something, without letting him know how much he meant to all of us.

Clementine: Yhwach, please...

My voice cracked with the weight of emotions, and I rushed forward, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. His presence had been a pillar of strength, an unexpected source of support in this world turned upside down.

Yhwach: Take care of them, Clementine. Lee, Kenny, look after her.

His words were a solemn plea, and I felt his strong arms gently squeeze me before he pulled away. The farewell was heavy with unspoken words, with the understanding that this might be the last time we saw each other.

As Yhwach walked towards the closing gate, my eyes stung with unshed tears. I wanted to protest, to scream that this wasn't right, but his sacrifice had already been made. The bitter wind carried away his figure into the unknown, leaving us behind with aching hearts.

Nick: This ain't right, man.

Nick's words echoed what we all felt. The air was thick with grief, with the harsh reality that one of our own was now navigating the dangers alone. Lee, Kenny, and I exchanged glances, our collective pain mirrored in each other's eyes.

As everyone stood shocked and surprised, Yhwach opened a portal, stepping through and leaving behind the ones He had come to care for, promising silently that our paths would cross again.

Nick couldn't believe what had just transpired. He kicked the snow in frustration, muttering under his breath. Kenny, true to his nature, was clenching his fists, ready to take action. Lee wore a somber expression, his eyes reflecting the weight of the sacrifice Yhwach had made.

Kenny: Dammit, Yhwach! You crazy son of a gun.

Lee placed a reassuring hand on Clementine's shoulder, his own grief etched across his face. Clementine wiped away her tears, a mix of sadness and determination in her eyes.

Clementine: We have to go. Yhwach wouldn't want us lingering out here.

Luke nodded, his gaze fixed on the closed gate.

Luke: He's right. We need to find safety. Yhwach would want us to keep going.

With heavy hearts, the group turned away, leaving behind the wall and the one who had sacrificed himself for them. The wind carried Yhwach's farewell into the desolate landscape as they ventured into the unknown, a silent promise echoing in their hearts.

Thank you for Reading

Author Note:

Yhwach's journey is far from its conclusion—actually, it's just the beginning.

if this fanfiction receives a considerable amount of likes and support, prompting requests for further continuation.

I will extend this series with an alternative ending and carry on from this point until the conclusion of Season 4.

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