Once people on trending topics, it was easier for them to get back and that's exactly what happened to Katrina.
The Pentagon announced the lineup for female guests as collaborator on public performance and Katrina Shin immediately attracted attention. Public was questioning her qualification as the guest and the program team got harsh criticism for the invitation.
— Did Katrina Shin even sing?
— Forget about singing, can she dance??? That group is full of performance. Jay is all rounder, the independent trainees used to win dance competitions and Timmy and He Jun are undoubtedly good!
— What if she dragged them down? What should we do?
— This is crazy!
— #KatrinaShin_ResignFromThePentagon #KatrinaShin_is_not_worthy
Jang Soyeon was a highschooler, she scrolled the internet many times a day. The moment she saw the malicious hashtag trending she scrolled her fangirling database and found an old
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